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  1. There's no reason to go for the "over powered" class, as it will eventually be nerfed. I always go for the supposed "weakest" classes because they always get improved dramatically. That aside, I've been playing as sniper and it's a freaking blast. Damage output is ridiculous.
  2. The majority of those complaining don't really understand how game development works. BW can't magically fix everything people complain about instantly. And if they did, they would have to have a development team working 24/7 (which I certainly hope they do not).
  3. Why do you spend your time lurking a forum for a game you don't play anymore?
  4. LucasArts/George Lucas over sees any use of the Star Wars IP. Good luck with that.
  5. I cancelled my Netflix account before it was cool
  6. Do you pick up and sell loot? You can make a good 20-25k in a couple hours of playtime.
  7. This. I think this is the best solution. A resuable medpac with charges and without the required skill seems like a really great solution and allows for other crafting skills to exist. I love the fact that the medpac has infinite use, but nerfing the reusables to allow for everyone to use them seems like the best option.
  8. Because, it completely destroys the games economy.
  9. The market is completely destroyed because of this. I've been doing biochem since day one, but in the past week it's become impossible to sell anything. Absolutely ridiculous.
  10. Normally I hate lists like this but you mentioned everything I dont like about the game. Other than chat bubbles...ew.
  11. I understand where both sides are coming from. The general chat spam is obnoxious, but games like WoW feel like there's zero socializing involved and really ruins the overall MMO experience. I think a good solution would be to introduce an LFG Chat for each planet. As it stands the amount of people LFG isn't overwhelming in General but it would definitely clear up unnecessary spam.
  12. I imagine this time in SWTOR must be the most ridiculous time for moderators. Sorry for making your internet lives hell.
  13. Unfortunately I don't have an infinite amount of time to play the game, so the amount of time I've put in recently is a lot for my schedule. I don't feel like I'm more deserving of server changes than anyone else, this question is just a general "will players be able to change their characters server?"
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