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Favorite Romance Relationship in SWTOR?


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I'd have to say DS Sith Inquisitor and Andronikos because I think they make an incredibly cute couple, and he has to be my favorite companion.


Also, maybe my Smuggler and Theron Shan but that has yet to have an real sparks fly. I'm going to dive into that more when I decided to do KOTFE and KOTET.

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I can really tell yet. Tho i have not played all classes yet but i find the romance in the game for the most part pretty fun and my favorite so far is Sith Inquisitor male with Ashara Zavros. Just like the species i guess :p
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I have a few favorites:

Torian Cadera: He is great for my female BH and I loved the romance and story that went along with it. I didn't even stray to romance anyone in KOFTE and patiently waited to be reunited with him again.


Imperial Agent - male with Kailyo. I know many people hate Kaliyo but I really liked her 'bad girl' attitude. My agent was dark side so it went perfectly with her. He just didn't mesh well with Raina's sweet personality. Although I really like Raina and her voice actress, I think it suits better for the neutral or light side agent. A friend said he hated Kailyo because she cheats on his character. Well the Agent is running around sleeping and flirting with every woman he can get. Even Kailyo points that out saying she didn't think they were a serious thing. Can't really blame her for that...


Malavi Quinn and female Sith Warrior. Again, I know a lot of people hate Quinn. Bioware just made this NPC too handsome and the voice actor just adds to the charm and looks of Quinn. I really liked the romance with Quinn. It is actually my favorite even with the betrayal aspect. He was a heart breaker that's for sure.


Theron Shan: I love the interactions with Theron. I just wish we could have more conversations with the new romance-able companions so we can really build that relationship. My Jedi shadow did not romance Ilresso so Theron is her guy. It would be nice to have that triangle over his head with chat options like our original companions. I would have to say the same for Lana as well.

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I have not played every class yet. Thus far I've finished Jedi Knight, Sith Inquisitor, and Imperial Agent. I'm finishing up the Smuggler story now.


Hands down, Vector Hyllus is my favorite. He's intelligent, kind, poetic, has a quirky sense of humor, and is completely fascinating. My agent couldn't resist him, didn't even try. The romance scenes are adorable and swoonworthy. Vector and Inari have built quite the happy little life together in my head. They have a daughter and a lovely sky palace.


I actually enjoyed the Doc romance. He's such a cheesy ladies man at first, but as the romance progresses that falls away and you realize that there's more to him than that.


Corso, ah, poor, sweet Corso! My Smuggler is literally the Pub version of my Imp Agent. Same face, same name, same attitude. I really only created her to have a ranged main on Pub side. I've been playing out the romance, but don't plan to accept the marriage proposal. One day Vector will come back post Kotet and when that happens my smuggler will pick him up and ignore all others. Doesn't matter if she can romance him. I got the romance on the agent and in my head their the same character.


I didn't like Andronikos at all. Part of the problem was that his voice grated on me. The other issue was that I couldn't find a single appearance for him that I liked. My SI is actually meant to be the daughter of my agent and Vector. I just couldn't make Andronikos fit in that headcanon. He does have his sweet moments though.


I have an alt knight I plan to romance Theron with. I like Theron, he's kind of the town bike, everybody wants a ride, but I figure I may as well sample the goods, lol.


Still, I can't see Vector ever being replaced. He's been my favorite companion universally for four years now. To date, my imp agent still has not run through kotfe or kotet because I'm completely unwilling to sacrifice my bugboy in the name of new content. When he comes back and I've made sure there aren't any choices that would cause that relationship to end, I MIGHT take Inari through. It's more likely I'll just run the smuggler version through so that I can have Vector for her too. So yes, in closing, Vector, always Vector.

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See while Vector is definitely my favorite I can't see him with anyone but an agent. I also love Aric! Kira is also great but nobody is giving Vette/warrior any love. I love it as my favour male character romance because its not just about getting her into bed.
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Of the romances I've done so far, I really like Risha and Mako. Ashara just really didn't mesh with my Inquisitor, and Raina turned out to be boring and not as compatible with my Agent as I thought she'd be. There are several romanceable characters who I like and just haven't had a chance to try that path with for various reasons (Kira's awesome, but the teacher-student thing weirded me out and didn't really make sense for my JK, I also really like Vette, but my Warrior's female).
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See while Vector is definitely my favorite I can't see him with anyone but an agent. I also love Aric! Kira is also great but nobody is giving Vette/warrior any love. I love it as my favour male character romance because its not just about getting her into bed.


Oh me either, but my smuggler is just the Pub version of my agent so in my head it's the same character under cover as a smuggler, lol.

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I have a few favorites:

Malavi Quinn and female Sith Warrior. Again, I know a lot of people hate Quinn. Bioware just made this NPC too handsome and the voice actor just adds to the charm and looks of Quinn. I really liked the romance with Quinn. It is actually my favorite even with the betrayal aspect. He was a heart breaker that's for sure.


Theron Shan: I love the interactions with Theron. I just wish we could have more conversations with the new romance-able companions so we can really build that relationship. My Jedi shadow did not romance Ilresso so Theron is her guy. It would be nice to have that triangle over his head with chat options like our original companions. I would have to say the same for Lana as well.


Even though he doesn't have separate conversations that the player initiates, I think Theron has the most romance content out of anybody, particularly tied in with the story. This is even more so now after what we've seen with the first part of Iokath (especially if you go Empire side).


It might sound cliche, but Theron has taken it for me as being my favorite romance. I saw in another thread that he was called the "Cullen of SWTOR," and yeah...I totally see it, haha. In particular, his romance with a Sith Inquisitor is just amazing. It's not so so different from the Sith Warrior, but there are some subtle differences and It's the one that called to me the most. I've even popped my "fan-fic cherry" with writing about it, haha.


Another romance that I fell in love with, and it took me totally by surprise was Vector and the female Imperial Agent. I was totally looking forward to running my agent through FE and ET for Theron...and then I saw Vector's letter. And I was like...dayum.


I also do like Quinn's romance...but the way I rolled my Warrior was going through the betrayal and using Pierce out of anger...and then finding peace with Theron. The whole Iokath thing was "wow" with how they wrote in Theron's little jealous comment if you choose that first flirt with Quinn. Totally made me LOL.

Edited by Dracofish
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Elara and trooper, Aric and Trooper (I like both of their romances)

Torian and Bounty Hunter (Torian is so sweet, and good looking too :D)

Andronikos and Sith Inquisitor

Kira and Jedi Knight

I also like Lana and Theron's romances :)

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done all beside female agant comp and elana dorn


liked corso best so far,he is just so damn cute!


vecter was...interresting


One thing I loved about Corso's romance is that he's the only one to get down on one knee and propose <3 Also Elara is pretty darn adorkable but I hate how they reintroduced her on Iokath-so randomly hostile and barely any screen time.

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done all beside female agant comp and elana dorn


liked corso best so far,he is just so damn cute!


vecter was...interresting

He is really adorable if you want the space cowboy romance, which I do. :)

Should I create a Corso thread? What do you think? We have a Vector and Quinn thread , so why not a Corso one?

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Andronikos and Therom


Hopefully they bring Nikos back this year.


I'm looking forward to having my Republic hating male BH and Theron get together. I'm going to skip a few of the first flirts, make it more gradual as the truce between Lana and Theron does. I've already done the Imperial agent/Theron romance, so this should be a nice change up.:D

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Female SW and Lana Beniko. I love the way the Lana relationship development in general is staggered out through several expansions; there's a lot of indecision (that scene in the cantina in Forged Alliances where they hesitate, the whole Ziost thing, etc.) and they don't traditionally romance each other - it seems to come from a friendship with mutual respect, mutual fondness and a strong shared bond that develops over time.


I generally hate romance stuff with the force of a thousand suns - and I love what they did with Lana and hope that they will let the player have some sort of marriage ceremony with her at some point. Sana-Rae can look up some ancient Force bonding ritual and officiate. :)


Second, Theron's romance is really well done too IMHO.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Theron, Quinn, Torian, Vector, and Corso (with customization 2), as the only ones that I found attractive. The other romances were completed as a matter of course.


But Quinn was the only one I rushed to make a character for in the early days. Theron was the only one who got me to finish the consular's story.

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My favorite is probably jaesa, at one point she sends you a letter describing a dream/fantasy she has in which she is a young Padawan, you approach and kill her master then demand she kneel. Girl obviously has some issues but still, definitely interesting.
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