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Everything posted by WhosTher

  1. Haha Been there The funny part is most of the time they are arguing about the fact that he does not make any sence... But when they do they don't make any sence 90% of the time And i'm on an EU server
  2. Wauw some of these are so detailed. I dont even know where to begin
  3. True props and respect for they who help us get the most out of this game. Thank you verry much kind sir.
  4. Lst time i did a flaspoint i had a full team with the most awsome guys. Got to say most my experiences online in this game have been positive with the other players, with the occasional meat head. This group was fun, helpfull and overall fun to play with for someone (me) who haddend played in a long time. I think this makes this game so much better. And im glad ive returned to play again.
  5. Maybe its just me but i love playing empire. Just the pure evil of most of the choises you can make that you would probably never think of doing in real life is just really satisfying to me. Maybe i just have a screw loose
  6. Depends on your goals. Do you want to be ****** in clearing the battlefield in PVP of in a hard mode PVE Flashpoint then its worth the grind. My opinion: Its always worth getting the endgame gear. Just out of experience with other mmo's and just for the fun of playing the game i always try to get the endgame gear.
  7. Definitly a good tip. i use this on my account and can get mats pretty fast when i need to.
  8. I can really tell yet. Tho i have not played all classes yet but i find the romance in the game for the most part pretty fun and my favorite so far is Sith Inquisitor male with Ashara Zavros. Just like the species i guess
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