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SWTOR total sales passed 2 million copies!


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It is bizarre that you hear some people talking about bugs and that they are going to quit playing because of them! All the critics are unanimous that swtor is the best polished MMO ever released. Of course for a huge game like swtor you are going to see some bugs as you play. And they have been working on them as we see they already released few patches! At least be fair and don't forget the common sense when you criticize!


Also amazing poeple expect a polished and well thought out end game in a newly released mmo.

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You mean the bugs that me and others reported in closed beta? Wow, great job, bioware


Why do people think just because a bug was reported that means it can instantly be fixed. So you reported it big deal. That doesnt mean they can flip a switch and fix it.

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You mean the bugs that me and others reported in closed beta? Wow, great job, bioware


Oh boo hoo. Quit your whining. Maybe it's because I'm a game tester as a job (yes I look for bugs in games). But when I find a bug I report it and then I figure out how to work around it until it is fixed. I don't come to the forums and whine like a little boy because it's not perfect.


And you know what, to date I have yet to hit a bug that stopped me from progressing.


Do I think that nothing is wrong with the game? No, but I still have fun and at the end of the day that's what games are for.

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Only 2 million copies? ***? would have been more if Mr T helped push it...oh wait. Or maybe Chuck Noriss could do some commercials....oh wait.


The numbers don't have to beat World of Whiners, this isn't higlander, there can be more than one.


This is a great game that will only get better.

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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!




Thanks for the news, thats really great for bioware and really the swtor community.


Looks like this game is likely to have a bright future.


I really don't think the sales numbers are anywhere near finished, there will be a lot of converts with word of mouth spreading. I had 3 of my RL friends away until just a few days ago for the holidays. They are back and now they all bought SWTOR, so thats 3 more sales right there. Noobs are level 12 only =P

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I thought vgchartz had star wars at like 1million pre-orders in the US alone? like 2 weeks before release. At least I remember a lot of people making threads and hyping 1 million retail pre-orders in the US alone. Edited by crimsonhart
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No one is capable of posting logically these days, it resorts to someone liking one company and the other hating it, fanboyism at its finest. :rolleyes:


A person preferring one company over another and posting about it does not necessarily mean that post will be illogical.


Therefore, we can say that your example does not go to show your claim is true.

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lol @ people dissing Pandaren. They will be a great addition to a great game that,you know,actually has DIFFERENT looking races to pick from.


This is actually kind of funny. I remember before WOTLK AND Cataclysm came out the entire fanbase was begging for pandaren as a playable race. In fact I think they were high up on every single poll. It is kind of weird seeing them used as some way to bash it now.


And to be honest, I think the vanity pet fighting mini-game is an awesome idea.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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Theyre upset SWTOR didnt launch with pokemon games or pandas questing with bamboo sticks on turtle shell islands.


I know like 10 of my friends that were talking smack about Cataclysm, but guess what? They are all playing that game and I am not. It's like saying COD: MW3 is going to suck..... then when it comes out those people are usually the first one to get it. Ironic huh?

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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!




All this means is that 2 million more players gonna realize that this game is still beta and there will be 2 million more angry people.

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This is actually kind of funny. I remember before WOTLK AND Cataclysm came out the entire fanbase was begging for pandaren as a playable race. In fact I think they were high up on every single poll. It is kind of weird seeing them used as some way to bash it now.


And to be honest, I think the vanity pet fighting mini-game is an awesome idea.


Yep,they are good ideas. I don't know about you but some days I just don't feel like using LFG or LFR,so its good to have something to pick from!


People who deny WoW's impact or continued success are just bitter people. The same people who choose to play only one video game system ect...


Eh,just let him be mad...I guess..

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I used to like both WoW and SWTOR. Not so sure about WoW anymore. I tried playing again using my gf's account (mine is not subscribed anymore and her's only is because of a nice person who broke into her account, paid for a month's playtime and then was unable to access it anymore because we changed her login, password, and added an authenticator), I had to roll a new toon obviously and I guess I never realized how dumbed down that game has become. They have a flight path from Goldshire to Stormwind....THATS A 30 SECOND RUN and people are too lazy to make the trip on foot >.<)


Anywho, on topic I am very very glad to see the game is selling well because despite any bugs that may exist currently I love this game and hope it succeeds.


U are free to run if u want, but i guess u dident because its a nice feature that u can fly and save some time.

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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!




And yet there was only 98 people at the Republic fleet and 32 on Alderaan 20 minutes ago...so I cry fowl...or do you actually think they are going to need to sell 20 million copies for there to be a few 100 on each planet?

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Bugs? What forums are you reading? People are crying about not having a dungeon finder option or not having enough non-human races, or not having enough content to do at 50, or not being able to customize the UI. Those are not bugs my friend. I don't see one post on the 1st page of the general forums about bugs.


Logical fallacy much?


Umm--how about the first sticky about Ability Delay? Must have missed the vendor/mail/stack issue as well. So there have been plenty of bug posts on the 1st page.



One other question--how do WoW and Catalysm place in the top, but Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King don't? To play Catalysm you would have first needed to purchase the other two...

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All this means is that 2 million more players gonna realize that this game is still beta and there will be 2 million more angry people.


Still in beta? so you should be totally out of your mind buying this game and paying the monthly fee for a game you feel that is still in beta!! it is obvious a game cannot keep everybody happy! a group of people dont have the ability to recognize and appreciate a good work!

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Bugs? What forums are you reading? People are crying about not having a dungeon finder option or not having enough non-human races, or not having enough content to do at 50, or not being able to customize the UI. Those are not bugs my friend. I don't see one post on the 1st page of the general forums about bugs.


Logical fallacy much?


If you didn't noticed this:




you are either a fanboy, or you don't know what they are talking about. And you might not call it a bug, but to me the small bugs are not important at all, while the smoothness of playing is.


Or is it... logical fallacy much?



By the way: SWTOR is a great game and the single player is extremely enjoyable. I Didn't regreat the purchase!

Edited by Baudrillard
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Why do people think just because a bug was reported that means it can instantly be fixed. So you reported it big deal. That doesnt mean they can flip a switch and fix it.


Don't let Blackwater bother you. He almost never has anything positive to say about the game. That is why most folks have him on ignore. I do:)

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All this means is that 2 million more players gonna realize that this game is still beta and there will be 2 million more angry people.


Hahahahahahahahaha oh you misguided small minded goose.


there aren't even 1000 people posting on these forums who are actually playing this game. The whiny forum junkies are very rarely players and do not in any way signify the majority.

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if this game makes you angry or mad, the solution is simple, stop playing. why wasting your time and money playing a game that makes you angry and wasting more time coming to this forum to whine over and over. I undestand though that some people suffer from sadism! it just so sad!!
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