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MMORPG .com says SW:ToR is Great


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Most of the reviews (by critics, not users) main points are basically "if you are tired of Azeroth, this game is a refreshing change of pace".


It's not a bad game though, I don't believe anyone that says otherwise. There ARE many gamebreaking issues and hundreds of bugs that need to be addressed to ensure it's success, however.


I got an infraction on my account for talking about reality :/ .... Still this link is not going to work in these forums lol.... you will get responses like people create like 5 accounts to downgrade this game..... I mean really I would only do it if I was getting paid like mad amount of money for it(which I am not). I don't have the time to do it nor will I gain anything from it, but hey that's just me.

Edited by Volksworgen
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This REEKS of EA/Bioware saying, "give us some love or we taking our advertising dolloars elsewhere" to me.


I bet all big reviewers kind of have a silent "agreement" with EA and other big publishers that as long as they give generally positive review they will get promotional deals on new games. Like getting new games to test earlier then others, "exclusive" interviews and beta keys they can give away to readers. The list goes on. The game publishers don't need to threaten the reviewers as the reviewers already know whats on the line if they give a crap review.


Best reviews imo are from real people/players on a private youtube review.

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Best reviews imo are from real people/players on a private youtube review.

Professional reviewers and employees of mainstream sites are "real people". I don't know if you were aware of that or not.


If you think Joe Average at home is somehow free from bias, you've got a rude awakening coming.


Learn to read reviews critically. Draw from them the information you need. No numerical score is ever going to be "official". Appreciation of art and media is highly subjective. You'd think people old enough to read and play video games would have figured that out a long, long time ago.

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I find it odd that the people that really like this game are here on the forums spewing fanbois reviews and not playing. Yet when a player who really dislikes the game posts on the forum, they are asked "why are you here?" Double standard way of thinking proving how fake most of you are.


I have breaks at work. On those breaks, I lurk these forums.


The narrow mind never ceases to amaze me.

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I bet all big reviewers kind of have a silent "agreement" with EA and other big publishers that as long as they give generally positive review they will get promotional deals on new games. Like getting new games to test earlier then others, "exclusive" interviews and beta keys they can give away to readers. The list goes on. The game publishers don't need to threaten the reviewers as the reviewers already know whats on the line if they give a crap review.


Best reviews imo are from real people/players on a private youtube review.


youtube is definitely where I get all my credible information. :eek:

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I bet all big reviewers kind of have a silent "agreement" with EA and other big publishers that as long as they give generally positive review they will get promotional deals on new games. Like getting new games to test earlier then others, "exclusive" interviews and beta keys they can give away to readers. The list goes on. The game publishers don't need to threaten the reviewers as the reviewers already know whats on the line if they give a crap review.


Best reviews imo are from real people/players on a private youtube review.


Not sure if serious...


They say SWTOR is great, because it is.

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So, let me get this straight. If a site gives a bad review, then it's a trash site and they are hacks? If a site gives a good review, then they are great writers and really know about games?



BTW, http://www.mmorpg.com? LOL..


This is the same site that gave:

AoC a 7.8

Warrhammer 8.01

AION 7.66

RIFT 8.14


Yeah, their track record is stunning ain't it?

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Someone judging the game for what it's worth, and not comparing it to a an MMORPG with seven years of post launch development behind it?! Blasphemy!


The general consensus from reviews is that TOR is a fantastic launch game with launch problems, and has a huge upside to it. I think a lot of people here need to rethink their standards for launch MMOs.

Edited by Merex
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Wait, what did they innovate to deserve an 8 for that? That sounds like an amazing amount of innovation.


Id have said the innovation was that the game doesnt start at maximum level and that there is a POINT to leveling, and leveling more than one character.


It works for me so far....

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Aesthetics: 9/10


Gameplay: 9/10


Innovation 8/10


Polish 9.5/10


Longevity 8/10


Value 10/10


Social 7.5/10




Every couple of years we get an MMO whose level of hype and expectations are greater than the game could ever aspire to be and the same remains true for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Even so, the game is simply exceptional. If you’re a Star Wars fan, a fan of BioWare RPGs, and you don’t mind a themepark styled MMO, you will undoubtedly have a great time in the world BioWare has created with Star Wars: The Old Republic. BioWare has successfully fused the foundation of a solid MMO with their industry-leading story telling capabilities to create a final product that convincingly makes the case that as great as many MMOs have been, we’ve definitely been missing a significant piece of the puzzle for all these years.


Final Score








- Crafting is fun and accessible

- Full voice-overs and cinematics

- Incredible story features

- Visceral Star Wars combat



- Customer service experience is hit-or-miss

- Guild features are anemic at best

- UI is inflexible


I'm sure they played the game to level 50... lol, I would rate the 1-20 experience of this game as a 8.7 too. But now that I'm 50, I'd give it a 4.

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the sad point about these reviews are that these reviewers ONLY


review the 1%-10% of the game and leave 99% out of the review.


If i spend 10 days to reach 50 on a 365 year that leave me only roughly 3% of game play and quit because i am already done with the game at 50.


Now if i spend 20 day reach 50 x2 on both side that mean i only played 6% of the year in this game and i am already ready to quit.


The review is only valid for 6% of the year since i practically finished everything beside grinding valor 100 and repeat those nightmare flashpoint x100 times.

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These magazines never trash a product.


You see what you want to see.


Thats utter rubbish.


No, seriously, its complete rubbish.


Go to the website - look at the games list and you will find 15 games with above 8 scores.


They regularly give bad scores - there are lots of sub 6s on that website.


Ive never been to it before, ive never read their reviews before, but even a cursory glance will tell you that they regularly give out bad reviews. (assuming that like most game magasines anything below a 7 is a bad score).

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The biggest innovation for me was that i'm actually enjoying an MMO for a change.


HAHa - well yea, that was where I was going with it.


Im enjoying this as much as I did EVE at the begining, before it became a second job, rather than fun.

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a poorly overused excuse that has no claim to reality.


FYI, this is earth, we are human, what are you?


I am a Miraluka Jedi Knight on the planet Belsavis (currently).


Also, I agree with you, though. The "pay off" conspiracy is ridiculous. Anyone who knows the industry (not just what they read on some blog) realizes that most reputable reviewers (and definitely those listed) will refuse anything they perceive as graft or incentive. Otherwise, they wont be reputable reviewers for long.


8.7 sounds right to me. Great game with room for improvement.

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