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Everything posted by Deyjarl

  1. It was one example. #facepalm. You just love to throw things around to make yourself seem so much more, but really just a scared small person trying to make yourself seem big.
  2. No it isn't reasonable. Your words thousands and thousands. You have not one shred of evidence to support that. Quit trying to claim your opinion as fact. It is ridiculous and childish.
  3. Guess Singapore isn't the real world. Some of the Lowest rates in the world. Harsh punishment.
  4. Because no one posted about it on the forums... oh wait, several threads about it in the month prior. Rumors like this are just ridiculous.
  5. Banning cheaters like yourself won't close it either.
  6. Not even a close comparison. The amount of wriggling you are going through to try to minimize their (likely your) participation is amusing.
  7. They won't change a thing as long as it doesn't affect their pocket book.
  8. Why would they do that? :: http://www.engadget.com/2014/11/24/the-soapbox-six-reasons-mmos-should-abandon-raiding-part-1/
  9. OP could you add text he transferred to the first post for the people who don't bother to actually read the links?
  10. Why would he need to find another job when he still has one, at BW Montreal working on Mass Effect?
  11. #facepalm They aren't going to ban just because of the shared IP. I didn't say that. But it does give them places to look and investigate transactions.
  12. Based on what? Your say so? That sort of separation has happened in other IPs. It isn't that unusual.
  13. Yeah I'm sure they have their own metrics to look at with regards to the cost vs use.
  14. If you read his reddit post, he had already got his temp ban notice prior to the suspension warning.
  15. Because the game isn't doing anything about rampant exploiting. I'd leave if they weren't doing anything. I don't want to need to cheat to be able to buy anything from the inflation it causes.
  16. The exploiters were sending funds and items out to random people to try to hide their activities. I got the impression that they are only going to take that money away, if the person actually took it rather than reporting.
  17. IPs, regular stronghold use, billing information (if the person is that dumb).
  18. Where did they say that specifically. Sounds like they are only targeting those who participated actively, or assisted actively. You don't fit either of those. The person who bought your stuff loses out, not you.
  19. Wonder what happened to some of the posters vehemently denying this exploit existed. How many of them were participating.
  20. What about guilds that were actively participating, and using it to up their conquest rankings. You could see large numbers of members of ranked guilds standing around the vendor for hours. If a guild leader and significant number of officers and members were participating, that guild should be stripped and dissolved, and the leadership banned.
  21. That was someone already caught just getting a temp ban for all that.
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