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The game isn't the problem


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Remember, easy mode means the following:


1.) Having to bind tons of keys on your keyboard because modifiers make the game overly simple.

2.) Any macro system at all will mean you can one button the entire game because, hey, macros are in WoW and that's totally what I do with my SV hunter. Yeah, totally. I 1 button macro a class spec built on a priority system combined with a resource system that is dependent on my gear and the amount of haste on said gear. I totally do this.

3.) Addons make the game easy mode because I can post my cut gems in WoW without having to wade through a filter system to scan pages upon pages of unrelated items to see what others have them for sale for.

4.) Also, addons are easy mode because I can accurately assess my threat, my fellow dpsers threat, and the tank's threat and either adjust my own dps accordingly or pop Misdirection and help the tank build some additional threat and breathing room.


Totally easy mode, guys.

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I really hate chiming in on these threads. They are so repetitive, as-in I've seen this thread in every MMO launch I've been a part of (which has been all the semi-major ones and up) over the past 5 years. It gets tiring.


Fact of the matter is this game will never, ever fail for not having meters or even add-on support. No MMO will. They fail because the gameplay sucks, or it has an enormous amount of problems at launch that make the game unplayable. Last I checked, this game is very playable. Very enjoyable actually.


I've been playing MMO's for ages now and I have never, ever used a single add-on. Most people in my guild, many of whom have been around for many years, haven't either. Wow, we must really suck. How about just learning how to play the game the way it is delivered to you? It is a really simple concept really.


I will admit that having a combat log would have been nice namely because it is something you usually see at launch in an MMO. Moving windows around, definitely! But damage meters, threat meters (really? seriously?), add-on support for the UI? No MMO launches with that stuff, nor should they. I would actually prefer it if they didn't support them, ever.

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It's your fault for being stupid and accepting being mediocre at best for no reason.


Currently, in SWTOR end game, it's a guessing game. Just guess, use stuff randomly and hope it works out. Luckily, fights are very easy and doesn't require alot from the players so it works.


It's not really guessing.. use your common sense.

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You should note WoW launched with AddOn API so they effectively had people write addons to improve their game, free of charge. Smart business decision. If you can't be bothered to do it, let others - who actually care - do it for you, free of charge.


BUT.. BUT... addonz iz a bot.. u go to sleep n addon playz for youz... so eazy.. go back to wow noob!!

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It's your fault for being stupid and accepting being mediocre at best for no reason.


Currently, in SWTOR end game, it's a guessing game. Just guess, use stuff randomly and hope it works out. Luckily, fights are very easy and doesn't require alot from the players so it works.


If I am stupid and mediocre, why is it that, like I said in the post you quoted, said that I could still play better than all the people using those add-ons as well as people using other easy-mode add-ons? It is not even a guessing game at all, it's called paying attention and doing what is needed when you see that it is needed.

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And how exactly are you using your own intelligence without threat and damagemeters? You're adding upp all the numbers you see above the mob every second, add them together and come up with your dps?


this is what i do right now and I'm not complaining. If this game is design for human intelligence with no adds-on support, well I really hope they keep it that way.


I don't think we are guessing right now. Human Intelligence make hypothesis and try to solve problems. Best part, it's working.

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You need a threat meter to know how much threat you and others are at, or would you rather just use your abilities randomly and hope for the best? Makes no sense. How are you supposed to know how the tank is doing if you have no threatmeter, if you take aggro, is it because you have alot of threat or because the tank have none? Just guess, hehe.


You obviously didn't play WoW during the vanilla days. I remember doing Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair without a threat meter. After a few raids, we knew who was able to pull aggro and our tanks knew when to use their taunts.


You need a dps meter to see how you and others are performing. If you hit enrage timer on a boss for example, you check your damagemeter and you see that the other dps is doing barely half of yours, there you go that's the problem. Right now there is no way of knowing how you or others are performing, you just have to guess, which again, makes no sense.


I'm a big advocate of the damage meter, but it is not needed like most of you think it is. We are still in the early stages of a video game. Relax. Give it time. You will have your DPS Meter.


You think you have refined your rotation, most likely there are 10 others that are much better, yet again, you just guess and hope for the best. Could it be better? Yes. Does it need to be? If you want to succeed at anything, I has to be.


I've carried many players in my MMO career. Your elite players are always going to bang out ridiculous numbers. Average players will hit a plateau. It's just how it works. There is always someone better. #1 progression guilds rarely saw their members hitting #1 or #2 DPS parses in WoW. Why? Because the mechanics in a fight (staying out of fire, etc.) are more important than any rotation imaginable.


Your comment about macros just proves how clueless you are.


I don't need macros to succeed. I didn't require macros in WoW and had a USA first kill, and had multiple top 25 world kills. As a Warlock, I really didn't need it.


Currently the UI is very stupid with limited and few buttons.


I disagree. I like it.


I have four abilities that have no GCD that I use together, this requires two to three seconds to activate because I am having to press 4 different binds aswell as game no having the best response time. With a macro I could put these into one button, making it easier and more effective aswell as saving 3 buttons where I could put other abilities to smoothen the gameplay.


Macros are used to have two abilities on one key, using modifiers, very good and useful, say I want to use the same bind for different abilities? Just use macro modifier.


Sorry, but if you require macros that do 3 abilities in one button push to be successful, then you are the problem with today's MMOs. What's that famous line everyone uses again? Oh ya ... "learn to play."


You arguments are stupid and you proves how clueless you are. Guessing seems to be your soloution to everything.


Hypocrisy is seldom seen by those committing said atrocities.

Edited by Alkiii
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Seeing as that is how I played WoW up until SWTOR came out and still managed to somehow play better than people using those add-ons, as well as plenty other easy-mode ones, I am happy playing what you call "the guessing game".


I played this way too back when I played. that boss mod addon was broken due to a patch and everyone just looked like they were running in circles on bosses. We never were able to down one. It was frustrating.



what's really bad is the players that use all the easymode and still die or can't heal worth a crap.

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If I am stupid and mediocre, why is it that, like I said in the post you quoted, said that I could still play better than all the people using those add-ons as well as people using other easy-mode add-ons? It is not even a guessing game at all, it's called paying attention and doing what is needed when you see that it is needed.


Yes, because you think people had an edge over you just because they had a damage meter and chose to move around their bars and target frames around.

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this is what i do right now and I'm not complaining. If this game is design for human intelligence with no adds-on support, well I really hope they keep it that way.


I don't think we are guessing right now. Human Intelligence make hypothesis and try to solve problems. Best part, it's working.


Yes I am sure that is what you do.


We all should just watch the numbers and quickly on the spot come up with our average dps, every second.

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Yes, because you think people had an edge over you just because they had a damage meter and chose to move around their bars and target frames around.


Those aren't the add-ons we are talking about here. Either quit trolling or just leave the thread.


EDIT: Well, the Damage Meter is one of them. That doesn't give them an edge so much as it makes them stare at the meter so they can try and top it rather than actually paying attention to the fight mechanics.

Edited by Kemosobe
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Those are such MINOR things. Macros are not needed, nor is target of target. Threat and DPS meters are 3rd party mods for all other games, so why do you think the BW developers are to blame?


All we need is a way to move, resize and re-colour the current UI. Not to be able to run some bloated 3rd party mods, that break every patch, spam chat and are full of bugs. Just to make the game more trivial so that bad players don't have to think for themselves.


Not being able to move, resize, and recolor the current UI is such a MINOR thing. UI configuration is not needed. Other games have 3rd party UI mods, so why do you think BW developers are to blame?



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If I am stupid and mediocre, why is it that, like I said in the post you quoted, said that I could still play better than all the people using those add-ons as well as people using other easy-mode add-ons? It is not even a guessing game at all, it's called paying attention and doing what is needed when you see that it is needed.


Listen mate, if your MMO skill level is mediocre you will never succeed in life. Girls have no interest in men unless their druid is at least level 40, most employers wont look at your CV unless you at least have T3 epics. And just try and get a lone from the bank if your K/D ratio is negative.


It may be ok for you to drift through life as a nobody but we hardcore MMO players demand more. If you think computer games are about having fun you disgust me.

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Those aren't the add-ons we are talking about here. Either quit trolling or just leave the thread.


EDIT: Well, the Damage Meter is one of them. That doesn't give them an edge so much as it makes them stare at the meter so they can try and top it rather than actually paying attention to the fight mechanics.


You look at meters after a fight, fyi.

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Not being able to move, resize, and recolor the current UI is such a MINOR thing. UI configuration is not needed. Other games have 3rd party UI mods, so why do you think BW developers are to blame?




So we don't need mods at all then? (by the logic of the 1st sentence, 2nd makes no sense).

Edited by NasherUK
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Listen mate, if your MMO skill level is mediocre you will never succeed in life. Girls have no interest in men unless their druid is at least level 40, most employers wont look at your CV unless you at least have T3 epics. And just try and get a lone from the bank if your K/D ratio is negative.


It may be ok for you to drift through life as a nobody but we hardcore MMO players demand more. If you think computer games are about having fun you disgust me.


I honestly do not know whether I am supposed to be laughing at this or take it that you actually mean it. While reading it though, I laughed my ars off.


You look at meters after a fight, fyi.


Ya, if you are intelligent. But then again, if you have a brain at all you do not need to know how much damage you did.

Edited by Kemosobe
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I played this way too back when I played. that boss mod addon was broken due to a patch and everyone just looked like they were running in circles on bosses. We never were able to down one. It was frustrating.



what's really bad is the players that use all the easymode and still die or can't heal worth a crap.


The ONLY Boss I had to use a boss mod on was Heroic Lich King. It was pretty rough. We still ended up with a world top 25, but man, what a rough fight back then.


Other than that, I never used a boss mod for any encounter in the game. We killed everything up to Heroic Ragnaros in the current game except KT back in Vanilla Naxx. We simply ran out of time right before BC launched.


They're not needed. I applaud you for not requiring them to do everything for you.

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And how exactly are you using your own intelligence without threat and damagemeters? You're adding upp all the numbers you see above the mob every second, add them together and come up with your dps?


If you can't answer your own question then maybe you really do need the meters. ;)

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Listen mate, if your MMO skill level is mediocre you will never succeed in life. Girls have no interest in men unless their druid is at least level 40, most employers wont look at your CV unless you at least have T3 epics. And just try and get a lone from the bank if your K/D ratio is negative.


It may be ok for you to drift through life as a nobody but we hardcore MMO players demand more. If you think computer games are about having fun you disgust me.

Hmm...My humor meter indicates this post is approaching Chuckle level.


Unfortunately my macros are down so I'm limited to a 1 character response.



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You look at meters after a fight, fyi.

No kidding. In WoW I use a one window Skada meter. I have it setup to display DPS, threat, and crowd control breakers. Always and forever, when it combat, I have it set to display threat.

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