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Everyone I know has quit already :(


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Not to point out the obvious, BUT HOW THE HELL does someone follow this game since 2008 and not know if they will like it or not?


It honestly is not hard to get info on this before you join. Are people just this obsessed with seeing something like WoW or f2p trash games win that bad they attack every p2p game on the market?


People are either trolling or just being dopes expecting something the game was NEVER going to provide.


It was pretty easy to see what this game would become (KOTOR w/ other players) WAY WAY back when. How people didn't understand that by now......is beyond me.

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Final friend left tonight and none of them left from bugs or anything like that, just boredom. I have to say I'm on my last legs with this game too, it just plays like every single MMO out there and Bioware really haven't done anything new. The whole Story thing soon becomes apparent that it's just boring kill 10 rats and fetch quests linked up via convo wheel cutscenes. I've tried to be interested in the story but I realised that isn't what I want from an MMO, instead I just wish'd they made KOTOR 3. Tbh the story isn't as good as KOTOR and the whole MMO part doesn't even feel well done, I mostly feel alone in the game to how instanced and dead all the planets are.


Just seems like you're going through a linear path throughout the game and even rolling an ALT of the other side proved boring as it felt like the exact same experience. All you do is go to one planet on a lead, do a load of kill quests that they try to disguise with a bit of story all the way through a linear questing path on the planet. Then you do the same thing on each planet through to the end of the game. I have to say I dunno where the world PVP is because I never seem to see any one and the planets aren't even shared as they're instanced via faction.


Just seems like end game is running the same boring battlegrounds over and over because Ilum sucks and not bothering with the flashpoints because after the first one they've all sucked. The funny thing is they feel so mirrored on each faction so they feel so old by the time you make an ALT. I don't like raiding so I wont even bother with that.......


Just nothing to do :\ It's like DCUO all over again, only that had some good world PVP.



Now all my friends have left because they feel the same way, the game is boring and so will I, there is nothing to stay playing for. Tbh in every other MMO you have to wait till an expansion before you get enough content to make an actual change to what you'll be doing in an MMO. So it just feels sad that I wont even make it beyond the first month from boredom and will likely not return until an expansion....



Oh well bye guys, been following this game from day one and such a shame they played it so safe and didn't do anything new but voice overs which EQ2 did years ago anyways.


I don't think they quit.


I think they re-rolled on a different server and didn't tell you about it.


Just a hunch.

Edited by VorpalK
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No, but it is their jobs to extinguish flame wars, which conveniently break out EVERY time one of these pointless threads come up. These threads have no purpose except to start wars over nothing and everyone is tired of seeing it. Don't believe me? Go to EVERY thread like this and just watch.


Or the MODS could at least consolidate all of these like topic threads into one. Folks may want to blame the search feature being disabled, but people are creating the same threads over and over. The QQ threads far outweigh the constructive feedback. It is depressing when every thread on the front page is "I quit because..." Or "This is why this game will fail" or "WoW v TOR"


People want to give their point of view and that is fine. But there is no reason to make a new thread when there are already threads on the same topic going.

Edited by Baizak
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People are either trolling or just being dopes expecting something the game was NEVER going to provide.


It was pretty easy to see what this game would become (KOTOR w/ other players) WAY WAY back when. How people didn't understand that by now......is beyond me.


and WoW right now is not Warcraft 3 with other players? I get heavily confused how people hold WoW up as this beacon of what a mmo is.


I seriously want some of the drugs these people are on.

Edited by Puremallace
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Yea, hope all of you "mature people" end up on one server because this game reeks of exactly what happened to DCUO, except that game was more fun for me. As it is in its current state this game WILL FAIL.


How many successful, million plus selling games have you designed?


I mean what is the basis of expertise from which you make your magical prediction?


Ding, fries are done, get back to work.

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I'm not liking the gathering quests either, though I do appreciate their attempt to mask it. The worst part is that the vast majority of the quests seem to be either collect this or kill this many of that. I remember back in KOTOR where we played arbitrator in a legal dispute on dantooine, and then again on manaan. I miss those quests.


Also, I would appreciate the story more if I could actually read the text on the screen. Everything is so small.

Edited by TeddyBearSniper
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Do me a favor, build a time machine. Go back in time. Sign up for WoW in its first month, and play it.


After you drive a mustang, are you gonna feel good driving a beat up Saturn?


Dumb suggestion. We know better than we did 7 years ago.

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My guess is that it'll be the most impressive, engrossing online experience that exists - With a fluid UI, Amazing PVP, and outstanding End Game content.


What about this game currently indicates that any of the above will take place?

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and WoW right now is not Warcraft 3 with other players? I get heavily confused how people hold WoW up as this beacon of what a mmo is.


I seriously want some of the drugs these people are on.


Warcraft 3 is a RTS game.. So yeah, WoW isn't anything like Warcraft 3.

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and WoW right now is not Warcraft 3 with other players? I get heavily confused how people hold WoW up as this beacon of what a mmo is.


I seriously want some of the drugs these people are on.


If you don't at least recognise the parts of the mmo experience that is being debated then you don't need drugs, you just aren't ready for the debate.

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I am concerned to about reaching 50. Right now I am enjoying the game, but the normal things I do at end game (crafting, PvP) are lacking greatly in this game. I am hoping some improvements will be made in those areas. They could add some RP stuff to keep me around, like the music system LOTRO has, or guild command ships that I can outfit. -shrugs- as it stands now I'm really apprehensive.
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Final friend left tonight and none of them left from bugs or anything like that, just boredom. I have to say I'm on my last legs with this game too, it just plays like every single MMO out there and Bioware really haven't done anything new. The whole Story thing soon becomes apparent that it's just boring kill 10 rats and fetch quests linked up via convo wheel cutscenes. I've tried to be interested in the story but I realised that isn't what I want from an MMO, instead I just wish'd they made KOTOR 3. Tbh the story isn't as good as KOTOR and the whole MMO part doesn't even feel well done, I mostly feel alone in the game to how instanced and dead all the planets are.


Just seems like you're going through a linear path throughout the game and even rolling an ALT of the other side proved boring as it felt like the exact same experience. All you do is go to one planet on a lead, do a load of kill quests that they try to disguise with a bit of story all the way through a linear questing path on the planet. Then you do the same thing on each planet through to the end of the game. I have to say I dunno where the world PVP is because I never seem to see any one and the planets aren't even shared as they're instanced via faction.


Just seems like end game is running the same boring battlegrounds over and over because Ilum sucks and not bothering with the flashpoints because after the first one they've all sucked. The funny thing is they feel so mirrored on each faction so they feel so old by the time you make an ALT. I don't like raiding so I wont even bother with that.......


Just nothing to do :\ It's like DCUO all over again, only that had some good world PVP.



Now all my friends have left because they feel the same way, the game is boring and so will I, there is nothing to stay playing for. Tbh in every other MMO you have to wait till an expansion before you get enough content to make an actual change to what you'll be doing in an MMO. So it just feels sad that I wont even make it beyond the first month from boredom and will likely not return until an expansion....



Oh well bye guys, been following this game from day one and such a shame they played it so safe and didn't do anything new but voice overs which EQ2 did years ago anyways.


Yup, I just cancelled my recurring subscription. Too boring....story doesn't make up for the grind and fetch monotony.

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I do think they could have put more effort into making the questing a bit less repetitive. That's something Blizzard has gotten better with recently, I think BW should have copied some of the more interesting quest mechanics they've come up with. Overall, they game is less grindy than any other MMO I've played, but the vast majority of the side quests do get rather dull after the third planet or so.
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You don't have to be here for this part. Come back later, maybe when we get some awesome space combat that rivals STO.


You didn't just.........no......never do that.....Would rather say, Maybe when we get some awsome space combat that rivals.....Battle Front 2? Think something very important for space thats missing is....we are running around in a large ship, when most ppl want to be in a starfighter. Hell give us the option for both, but give us control of where we want to go.


As for ground...the only things I'm kinda upset with revolves around the lightsabers, most importantly for me. The shade of Green...don't know who made the call to lets make the green saber have yellowish core...but this is probably the first ever bad call from bioware on lightsaber shading. If you look at the "Designing of the Light Side" trailer, you'll notice how PERFECT that green was compared to what we have in game. Course it might be in game and no one has discovered it yet, but I'm just sayin. I like my green bioware don't scare me. Other than that, I guess I just don't like some of the saber sounds, but I found a saber I love and I could use that for a long....long time.

Edited by JediMasterRevan
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The internet is a harsh place filled with nothing but ****.

Go to WoW forums, same ****.

Go to rift forums, same ****.

Go to 4chan, worst ****.

go to steam forums, same ****.

Go to guild wars forums, same ****.

Go to league of legends forums, same ****.

Go to starcraft 2 forums, same ****.

Go to dota forums, same ****.


Admit it, the internet is a glorrified hate machine that will never stop. This is naked human nature. We HATE the living **** out of each other. And since where all anonymous, we have no shame in doing so.

Your going to have to learn to deal with it.


what the heck is 4chan

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I do think they could have put more effort into making the questing a bit less repetitive. That's something Blizzard has gotten better with recently, I think BW should have copied some of the more interesting quest mechanics they've come up with. Overall, they game is less grindy than any other MMO I've played, but the vast majority of the side quests do get rather dull after the third planet or so.


You can tell, especially with the talents and the current quests in the game, that Bioware was copying WoW, and most of the stuff they copied was pre Cata era and Bioware never bothered to make adjustments after WoW switched to more interesting talents and quests in Cata.


Talents that are boring like adding to hit chance only. And then the quests... ouch. Quests are actually stuck in the BC era or earlier. When you're on your starting planet, you will complete every single type of quest type available in this game. It's bad.


People are saying things like the game will come along with patching. Yes, some of it will. But so much of the stuff Bioware has done is not reversible, not at least for the near future.


I'll actually argue that talents are worse than they EVER were in WoW, because each class only has 2 unique trees with 1 shared one. Lazy.

Edited by BrambLed
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Well I just finished my Sith Warriors class quest line and I think it was amazing. I'm not planing on quiteing anytime soon, besides we have pvp, pve and 7 more classes to play. It's true some of the side quests are rather boring but whatever, we still got the class story and you don't have to roll every single class in the game.
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