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Community Blog Post Discussion: New Year’s PvP Update


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Some really awesome changes coming! =D


On another note. . I see all these people complaining about faction imbalance. .

But you know what? GET OVER IT! I'm from a WoW server horde 10 vs 1 alliance and you know what else? We alliance are top on raids AND PVP! SO BUCK UP! .. rofl *rant over* =^-^=


Cool story mate, except in WoW, it's not really an issue, given any world PvP, Wintergrasp, TB is restricted by numbers. Also, faction imbalance has nothing to do with skill, good and bad players on either side.


Take a moment and read what people are saying. On some servers the faction imbalance is incredibly one sided, e.g. Ahto City you usually have packs of 20-30 Empire rolling around Ilum to every couple of republic visible there.


Also, to the person who asked about PvP versus PvE dailies, there are plenty of PvE dailies and a weekly for instances as well, you just need to be L50.

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I like that they are trying to do something about open world pvp but I agree with the others that just a simple kill the opposite faction quest isn't enough. I would love to see a reason for doing open world pvp. The faction that holds an objective should gain some kind of reward that benefits the entire faction, maybe different rewards for different objectives - increased EXP, Faster Craft Times etc - Maybe a big bonus for holding all the objectives like a 5% damage increase or something. Something that benefits everyone basically...


anyway <3 Glad to see Devs listening to the community about things we hate

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Honestly, I think what's going to end up happening is that people will find out that PvP at 10-49 is a lot more fun than PvP at 50s only, especially when you remove the 50s out from the equation. The PvP in this game is too much like Warhammer Online to not think that high level PvP isn't going to suffer from the same problems from there.


Too bad they aren't addressing the fact that the PvP in this game just plays poor from a design standpoint. This letter makes it sound like they think that SWTOR is a legitimate PvP title and that all that it is missing are a few little things. Sigh...

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Limiting companions from illum is a bad idea. Companions gets removed from the equation when you form a group anyway so removing them from the planet is a very bad idea when companions is one of the unique things with this game. Making them useless at lvl 50 pretty much as you only have operation and PVP content and operations means no companions as you are grouped in a raid.


Instead think creatively. use companions as a faction balance factor on illum. The faction with less people gets to have their companions out, even when grouped, whilst the dominating faction dont.


I also agree with a previous poster that we need consequenses for illum thats global. Like a faction exp bonus, hostile PVE spawns for loosing faction all over the galaxy due to the shift in the balance of war, battlefronts that shift on illum and so on.


Daily quests in a stagnant rvr area is a sandbox idea and that will never work. The only people who will get to do RvR pvp is the people who formed their PVP community before launch and picked a server together with guilds at both sides. Illum without global consequenses wont invite new people to RvR.


Illum needs to feel critical to hold for your faction, it needs to impact everything your faction does on all levels in all forms of gameplay. This needs to be evident to the player from level 10 onwards. Only then will you see people taking real interest in Illum because it has REAL meaning as it has a real impact on the galaxy.


Think outside the box. Because the box itself is a recipy for long term disaster.

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Instead think creatively. use companions as a faction balance factor on illum. The faction with less people gets to have their companions out, even when grouped, whilst the dominating faction dont.


I kind of like that idea and that would be an easy way to get some extra bodies out there (especially ones who won't care they're outnumbered :)).


They could do some buffs similar to what LOTRO does. If you're outnumbered you get a buff, and if you control the keeps in the PvP zone it gives a small bonus to everyone in the rest of the world on your side. But please, don't take much from LOTRO because their PvP is treated like the unwanted step-child. :o


EDIT: It's great to hear what's on the way and I can't wait! Even if some of the stuff takes a long time to get done, it's just nice to actually get some communication from the devs and not be kept in the dark.

Edited by Amp_
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Indeed, this might be resubbing material, but we will have to wait and see :)


Still many many flaws to be shed light upon, but very very happy that they made the announcement, it was direly needed.


Im sorry but I can only view the fact that you already unsubed as sad and somewhat pathetic. It tipifies this "I want it and Iwant it NOW" attitude so many people in the mmo comunity seem to have these days. How many others spat their dummies out at the 1st sign things were not exactly as they "WANTED" things to be??

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it's good update for PvP but dont enough.

Answer plz one question : after this update on Ilume what should do newcommers 50 lvl's vs who today got full Battlemaster set doing nothing PvP on Ilum by exploit's? Just run like live meat for free valor? Very "interesting" PvP... :D

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Sadly, being on a PVP server, and can't play PvP because of the lag. I am also not surprised the Empire is winning these battles mostly, due to 1) over use of CC, and 2) spaming lightining like it was going out of fashion. 3) Republic is out numbered in this game in warzones and pretty much every where.


Shouldn't matches be of a roundabout equal balance to it ? even number of players from each faction AND level ? I am glad to read that lvl 50's will be getting their own area's for warzones etc however.

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would be nice if bioware would show the population difference of the servers at the serverlist me and my guild would have joined republic instead of imp. if we would have known the large difference and i think alot of pvplers whould have done the same.

A way to handle the population a little bit could be to make a free fractionchange available for imperials a limited time. Im pretty sure it would help a lot, and yes bioware u would lose a lot of money if u make it for free. But u would make lots of pvp-players happy. And pls dont say "this is hard to do cause of rpg/class/quest/etc. issues"



I read it alot but maybe it helps to mention it again

Fix lag in warzones pls. :(

Edited by SercAg
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Great news indeed!

I love pvp allready, and dont have any issues with it what so ever (exept that I'd like to have the option to choose NOT to have Huttball in my rotation, but thats just personal taste).


Keep em coming Bioware, and thanx for keeping a close eye on things! This game is all I hoped it would be, and more!

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And what about faction imbalance in Ilum?


How are you supposed to kill the other faction, if they're outnumbering you by 2 to 1.


Man up... Grow a pair... Then kick some butt.


Being the underdog is fun. It makes the wins far sweeter.

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Loving the sound of this update, it's all excellent progress, but we still NEED a reason to hold on to objectives. As it stands factions are amicably taking turns holding objectives in order to complete quests etc. There's now some sort of tacit agreement in how Ilum control works, and that needs to addressed asap.


Valor buffs are nice, but not enough. Look to the greatest open world PVP games. Lineage had castles guilds could own, through battling for them in open world PVP, which allowed them to set tax rates on surrounding lands.


Give us the valor buff. Give us a constant income from each objective held. Give all players an exp boost for each objective held to help those still leveling. Give us access to exclusive Flashpoints with unique PVE gear for as long as we hold the MOST objectives on Ilum.


We don't need it implemented right this minute. But we need to know it's coming if we're going to stick with this game. Your feedback has been amazing so far, so I'm hoping you talk about these issues and how you plan to address them in the month ahead.

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I would be happy to see a que ops option added soon. Currently my guild is having to split into groups some nights and we end up running with a bunch of guys who aren't coordinated with us at all. The worst part is that we usually end up with one of the variants of Ruin since their are like 2000+ of them at this point. Could you possibly put in a way to restrict running into them soon? I also hope to see a class rebalance soon to even out the pvp odds too.
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And what about faction imbalance in Ilum?


How are you supposed to kill the other faction, if they're outnumbering you by 2 to 1.




+ That you just said that Imperials already steamroll us in every Warzone there is.

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I would be happy to see a que ops option added soon. Currently my guild is having to split into groups some nights and we end up running with a bunch of guys who aren't coordinated with us at all. The worst part is that we usually end up with one of the variants of Ruin since their are like 2000+ of them at this point. Could you possibly put in a way to restrict running into them soon? I also hope to see a class rebalance soon to even out the pvp odds too.
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They mention everything but the absurd way of obtaining gear at level 50.


I'm not here to play a lottery. I'm not here to open 25 bags, get 2 pieces of gear, and hardly enough commendations for a weapon.


Meanwhile somebody else opens 10 bags, gets 5 pieces of gear (including their weapon) and hit level 50 a week after I did.


I'm simply not here for that. That's a joke, everybody knows it.


Stop rewarding people for being lucky and start rewarding players that put time in and commit to PvP. Thanks.

Edited by Donoso
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