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Everything posted by Rycelow

  1. It appears the Auto Config system caught a ride to 1.3 on a short yellow bus. It's seems to think my HD7970 needs to have everything set to low.
  2. DAoC hands down. The community that RvR generated was unmatched by any other game I've played since. Every1 would get involved to protect their realm. The battles could last an entire weekend, and guilds would coordinate to work in shifts to defend our keeps or press the attack. Even people that weren't 50 would help out by ferrying siege equipment from our guild vaults out to the front lines.
  3. I hear they are planing to bring the SWTOR saga to the big screen. It's gonna be called Dr Strangepatch: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bugs.
  4. What's the problem? I'm Republic, we're out numbered 3 to 1 and still Roflstomping the hell outa the Imps. Ilum is great fun now. Kinda laggy atm, but I'm sure that'll be fixed soon. Sounds to me like some ppl just suck at oPvP. Being good in a WF don't mean jack in oPvP... It's an entirely different beast.
  5. I just knew all my preparations for the Zombie Apocalypse would pay off one day... And people said I was mad.
  6. Man up... Grow a pair... Then kick some butt. Being the underdog is fun. It makes the wins far sweeter.
  7. It will be debited tomorrow, when they send you the code.
  8. Oct to mid Nov should be quick. Late Nov was the next big surge in pre orders.
  9. If you're going to start a thread about peoples education and their apparent laziness, you should probably make sure your post doesn't contain grammatical errors and a severe lack of punctuation. Not being a forum Nazi... Just saying...
  10. To hell with a bonus wave. They need to hit the NoDoze, man up and keep the waves rolling till everyone is in. This French work ethic has to go.
  11. The official theme tune for the SW:TOR EAP launch.....
  12. Hence the reason they implemented zone instancing. This argument is moot.
  13. WTH do you think is going to happen on the 20th when those 1 million pre-orders log in AS-WELL AS the 1 million + launch day people try to log in at the same time?
  14. "I felt a great disturbance in the Force... as if millions of PO'ed pre-order coustomers suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."
  15. BW seem to have missed the actual purpose as to why MMOs tend to have early access. It's so you get the server issues out of the way before the official launch. Come the 20th the unregulated masses will descend on servers like a plague of devouring locusts and cause the very issue they think they're avoiding by staggering the access during the early access period. When it all kicks off on the 20th they will no longer be able to use the "EAP was a gift and we owe you nothing" excuse. Regardless of what anyone says, EAPs always have been and always will be, STRESS TESTS!
  16. Doesn't Bioware know that if we can't all play SW:ToR right NOW, the Terrorists win? Who's got the number for DHS?
  17. No more emails today. Only Bioware staff were in the first wave, and thy're to busy playing to send any more.
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