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1/2 Hate This Game for One Reason, 1/2 For Another


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1/2 don't like this game for it's newness. In particular, they hate the story. They say that adding a story element to an MMO was a mistake and should never have been done. Apparently having a story is not what an MMO is about. However, this is something that Bioware said from Day #1 that this game would be about.


The other thing that both groups have in common? They represent 1-5% of the playerbase of the game (number pulled out of the sky). From which nobody should really care about those opinions anyways.


Agreed. They are forgetting the core element of this MMO, and that's the RPG part. And typically, we have a "story" in a Role Playing Game. And the story here is far more engaging and entertaining than any other MMORPG. If they find the story pointless or boring, then I think they meant to purchase Battlefield and not Star Wars.

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I hate all the black and white, love it or leave it attitudes.


Personally, I'm enjoying the game, but, I'm also aware it's got a LOT of bugs, and a lot of basic things that need improvement.


Doesn't mean I don't have fun, or that I'm leaving, or that I want it to be like something else.


But my eyes aren't closed either. It's a massive game and new. Of course it's gonna be bugged, and imbalanced, and need a lot of work. Which MMO hasn't?


Wholeheartedly agree with this guy, just because I'm enjoying the game doesn't mean I have to be blind and mute to it's flaws.


And honestly the bugs don't bother me that much, it's expected when the game is so new (though getting locked inside my own ship and having to relog my char on a full server at peak hours is insanely annoying).


I just have two big problems with this game: biggest one is the ability delay, it makes combat feel insanely clunky, this could actually be a game breaker for me.


A lesser annoyance of mine is no support for addons or macros, the UI is hideous and badly organized, and no matter the improvements that BW introduces they'll never get the UI to look just like I want it or give me the information I need, where I need it, addons are just a great convinience and greatly improve QoL issues for me. I hope they actually end up including this somewhere along the line.


Agreed. They are forgetting the core element of this MMO, and that's the RPG part. And typically, we have a "story" in a Role Playing Game. And the story here is far more engaging and entertaining than any other MMORPG. If they find the story pointless or boring, then I think they meant to purchase Battlefield and not Star Wars.


The story isn't pointless or boring, I agree with you, it is very entertaining and engaging. But story can't be the only or, I'd dare say, the most important element in an MMORPG, even with the acronym RPG in there.


The story eventually ends, so then what, reroll another class for their story. Sounds more like a single player than an MMO to me.

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1/2 don't like this game for it's newness. In particular, they hate the story. They say that adding a story element to an MMO was a mistake and should never have been done. Apparently having a story is not what an MMO is about. However, this is something that Bioware said from Day #1 that this game would be about.


Which MMORPG didn't have a "story"?

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I don't like this game because it's just another unfinished product or a buggy mess and i don't like paying for being a beta tester.


In the end, i think it's not the game i dislike but the bunch of peole behind this game, there's no communication between them and the user base and it often means the death of a game. They're not correcting bugs nor communicating on them either, customer service is god awful, looks like they just wants players money and that's it, hopefully keeping that pace, it won't be long before this game fails.


This is the least buggy MMO launch (and beta for that matter) that I've ever been a part of, save maybe Aion as it had been released in another country for a while prior to the US launch. They Tweet, they post in the forums, I've gotten email replies to my in-game tickets, and they post about some issues on Facebook. I haven't seen any other developer communicate that much with the player base as a whole. Assuming the game fails because you have a problem with it is ignorant. The game is not going to fail, at worst it'll become another background MMO like Aion or Rift which still get enough subscriptions to more than cover their costs.


uhhhh, 1/2 hates it for this, 1/2 hates it for that. That equals 100%. So you are claiming that 100% of the people playing this game hate it. Hmmmmmmmm. And all this time I thought I was having fun.


You obviously can't read, each time he said it 1/2 referred to 1/2 of the players that dislike the game. At the end he clearly stated that by his estimate (however he came about it) that 1-5% of the player base were the ones he was making a statement about.


Which MMORPG didn't have a "story"?


You're right, they all have a "story". However this game has a story. The story matters and it's actually important and enjoyable. You don't have to read text to know what's going on, the full voice over from both NPCs and your character allows you to immerse yourself in the story if you choose to do so.


I have a 50, a 29, a 15, and several level 10s and any and all bugs I've encountered were minor bugs. The most annoying ones I've found are the delay that happens when using abilities and the problems with the cover taking a while to deploy and your snipe and ambush skills taking a while to cast after the bar has already finished ticking down. In today's patch notes I've noticed that there are some fixes to the cover problems and hopefully that will resolve those issues.


With any MMO launch bugs happen, impossible to prevent them. Give it time and believe it or not they will get resolved. Despite what some people think just because you know they are there and know they need to be fixed doesn't mean that you can fix them in a blink of an eye. Sometimes it's just not that easy.


Be patient or don't, it matters very little to me personally. However if you're enjoying the game but making a huge deal out of these inherent problems that every MMO, and other genres of games have, then try to suck it up. Be confident that eventually they won't be a problem any longer and you can enjoy this game to the full extend of what it has to offer. I've found it to meet and exceed my expectations when looked at perspectively as to what you should expect from a game at launch.

Edited by fireflyking
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Actually I wouldn't use the word hate, I would use the word "dislike at the current moment" and mine falls not under either of those 2 categories. I love the story telling and I also love how it's similar to WoW in many ways.


On the other hand, ability delay and character response time is absolutely horrendous and forces me to objectively analyze whether or not I should continue playing this game in it's current state.

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I noticed this about those that say they don't like this game. Each have their own reasons, one or another, but the split is mutually funny.



1/2 don't like this game for it's newness. In particular, they hate the story. They say that adding a story element to an MMO was a mistake and should never have been done. Apparently having a story is not what an MMO is about. However, this is something that Bioware said from Day #1 that this game would be about.


This same group wants fast leveling content, speed through quests, and tons of raid content in which they can play the game exactly like other games (biggest reference point being WoW). They don't care about anything in the game except what they want their way.


--There must be PvP designed their way: there cannot be CC's except for their class.

--There has to be 2-3 raids with 6 or 7 bosses each, no point to the bosses other than to kill them for their loots.

--Duel specing is a must, because their character's definition and development doesn't matter ("nobody cares about character story").

--The Galactic Trade Network must be a copy-n'-paste from WoW's Auction House (even though it's not an auction house at all).

--Where's the flying mounts? There must be flying mounts!!!!

--Who forgot to add arenas? Oh, that's fail if you don't have arenas.

--Must have UI add-ons. They need their super specific, number crunching UI that allows them to only look at numbers and ability icons. Who needs to look at the character?



The other 1/2 don't like this game for it being too similar to WoW. They say that there's not enough differences and unique features. Their argument stands that why play this when you can play WoW and it'd be the same thing.


--This game has an ability bar with keys 1-0? WoW copy!

--There's mounts? WoW copy!

--There are healer, DPS, and tank classes? WoW copy!

--Levels 1-50? It copies WoW!


I'll stop there, there's honestly too many comparisons there as those are really standardized features from the UO and EQ1 era that are across most MMORPG's.



So, both groups have something in common, what is it? It's that they don't like or completely neglect the story and it's significance in the game. The one group saying it gets in their way of playing the game, the other group ignoring it's importance or play of the story in the game.



The other thing that both groups have in common? They represent 1-5% of the playerbase of the game (number pulled out of the sky). From which nobody should really care about those opinions anyways.


Bud, I think your right on the money. People need to remember, this is definately NOT W.O.W. nor should it be compared to it. This game brings its own uniqueness to the MMO field which puts SWTOR above all the rest. If you want fast leveling and raids, I suggest you stick to WOW or download a free korean-made MMO which are all similar to WOW. Quit complaining and enjoy the story.

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Curious...where are you getting your stats from? I'd suggest that the vast majority of players are PLAYING the game and what you see here are largely trolls and troll posts.


I'll bet you whatever you like that almost every person complaining will be here 31 days after release.


Edit...reading more of your OP, I think you're right :)

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Bud, I think your right on the money. People need to remember, this is definately NOT W.O.W. nor should it be compared to it. This game brings its own uniqueness to the MMO field which puts SWTOR above all the rest. If you want fast leveling and raids, I suggest you stick to WOW or download a free korean-made MMO which are all similar to WOW. Quit complaining and enjoy the story.


So let me get this straight, an MMORPG that pretty much follows the basic MMO formula to the letter shouldn't be compared to the biggest game in it's genre because, what, it has a dialogue wheel and consequence-less "morality" system. Please, the "uniqueness" SWTOR brings isn't nearly enough to make it a genre changer or put it beyond comparison to the rest of the MMOs on the market today.

Edited by leondore
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1/2 hate this game for one reason, 1/2 for another, and the other 1/2 love this game. Oh, wait, the math doesn't work does it?


Everyone I've seen on my server at least likes, if not loves, this game. I am one of them. Everyone needs to stop QQ'ing and play the game or unsubscribe.

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I've kinda given up with the fourms now, hopefully some months down the line they will all be gone and I can browse the fourms without seeing a "SWTOR F2P END OF YEAR!"


Will probably happen at the end of the year when SWTOR goes F2P.

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Am I allowed to think they should fix certain things and that there's a lot of promise that isn't yet fully realized?


Or am I only allowed to either hate the game or love it unconditionally?


Serious question, because it seems like I either have to hate the game entirely or love it without question. Please tell me you guys don't think it's impossible to have a more nuanced opinion than that.

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What I want is more flexibility in classes. I want to be able to respec from dps to tank to heals, or whatever, so that groups can be more tailored to encounters.


What you want is Rift. Rift has the most flexible class choices in any game around. However, if you want that in SW:TOR, you're going to have to level up a DPS, a Tank, and a Heal all each separately (at least the stories are different) and have one of each to be able to log in and out of.


"Like it, or leave it.", that's my motto.

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Weird how I didn't see most of those complaints about the game on the forums... The only complaints I have seen and that I have is the lack of end game content like PvP, linear design, poor graphics and lack of in game community.
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I noticed this about those that say they don't like this game. Each have their own reasons, one or another, but the split is mutually funny.



1/2 don't like this game for it's newness. In particular, they hate the story. They say that adding a story element to an MMO was a mistake and should never have been done. Apparently having a story is not what an MMO is about. However, this is something that Bioware said from Day #1 that this game would be about.


This same group wants fast leveling content, speed through quests, and tons of raid content in which they can play the game exactly like other games (biggest reference point being WoW). They don't care about anything in the game except what they want their way.


--There must be PvP designed their way: there cannot be CC's except for their class.

--There has to be 2-3 raids with 6 or 7 bosses each, no point to the bosses other than to kill them for their loots.

--Duel specing is a must, because their character's definition and development doesn't matter ("nobody cares about character story").

--The Galactic Trade Network must be a copy-n'-paste from WoW's Auction House (even though it's not an auction house at all).

--Where's the flying mounts? There must be flying mounts!!!!

--Who forgot to add arenas? Oh, that's fail if you don't have arenas.

--Must have UI add-ons. They need their super specific, number crunching UI that allows them to only look at numbers and ability icons. Who needs to look at the character?



The other 1/2 don't like this game for it being too similar to WoW. They say that there's not enough differences and unique features. Their argument stands that why play this when you can play WoW and it'd be the same thing.


--This game has an ability bar with keys 1-0? WoW copy!

--There's mounts? WoW copy!

--There are healer, DPS, and tank classes? WoW copy!

--Levels 1-50? It copies WoW!


I'll stop there, there's honestly too many comparisons there as those are really standardized features from the UO and EQ1 era that are across most MMORPG's.



So, both groups have something in common, what is it? It's that they don't like or completely neglect the story and it's significance in the game. The one group saying it gets in their way of playing the game, the other group ignoring it's importance or play of the story in the game.



The other thing that both groups have in common? They represent 1-5% of the playerbase of the game (number pulled out of the sky). From which nobody should really care about those opinions anyways.



What about us who like the game, could care less about addons but would like for them to make a cusomizable UI like Rift can do, and most importantly to fix the major bugs that were reported in beta that they won't even talk to us about!!!!!

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hopefully keeping that pace, it won't be long before this game fails.


And this is where your maturity shines.


We get you don't like the game, so why do you wish it to fail? Please explain how SWTOR's success will affect your life?

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