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  1. This is no different from how a basic melee type class (warrior) works in World of Warcraft or Rift or many many other MMOs. I've never had a problem with rage really at all, I near always manage to keep my range plentiful during combat both PvP and PvE. The Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent both have a huge early burst advantage over the Warrior I would assume because they do have a pool to start with. However if they blow everything they have this quickly they are stuck at low energy levels which also means low energy regeneration. The warrior has infinite sustain with no need to have to try to keep your resource level above half so it won't regenerate so slowly. It isn't difficult to maintain rage levels especially with Battering Assault as a Marauder which only has a 15 seconds CD. The Warrior resource system is fine. However I can see possibly making the Inquisitor system work more similarly to mana in other games so they actually have to pay attention to it and make sure they don't run out. I don't have any experience using it really especially at high levels but I've seen others comment that at the moment Inquisitors essentially have infinite resources to spam abilities.
  2. I believe that marauders get the lightsaber throw ability instead of the force push. On my Juggernaut I believe I got force push around the same level that my Marauder got the lightsaber throw ability and I don't recall getting that ability on my Juggernaut though that was some time ago and I might be mistake. In regards to the gear, is it just me or do they seem backwards? Juggernauts were supposed to be the heavy plate armor wearing ones, with armor that covered their entire bodies. That makes sense because they wear heavy armor and can tank. But when looking at some level 50 gear the other day I noticed that the Marauder set was like heavy plate while the Juggernaut was a robe.
  3. As I stated on page 14; I used a lot of addons in WoW. Everything from improved raid frames to UI customization to an addon as simple as a single button to sell every gray quality item in my bags. I enjoyed the convenience they provide. As far as their being no logical argument against addons, I don't think that's true. If addons were in this game I would use them. I would definitely prefer to have my UI customized how I like it and have my power auras tell me when my effects proc and have my mik's scrolling battle text conveniently place my combat numbers around me in an easy to see and read way. However I still don't feel that implementing user made addons is the best or right move by Bioware. I play with the same friends as well, some from real life, some I met in vanilla WoW, and a few in each expansion since then. We all migrate from game to game together (LotRO, Aion, Rift, LoL, TOR) always sticking together. (I'm not sure how that applied to anything I said however or if that part was even directed at me.) Even with those friends and guild mates there are times I play alone, instance alone, or even on occasion pug a raid alone. It's nice to see who's doing good DPS and who isn't, though when most people look at this all they see are numbers. They don't take into account that the highest DPS may not even be as good a player as the guy six places down because that guy six places down is taking time to place debuffs to increase the damage for his party members, use CC, or even cleanse buffs from friendly party members where as that top DPSer may be neglecting those duties. Too many people look at these things in black and white, all addons provide an easier way to do things than without them. They also provide a crutch for those things that are still possible without them. Deadly Boss Mods gives you every detail of a fight as it's happening rather than paying attention and knowing/learning the fight for yourself. Getting a raid warning to get out of the AoE boss ability you're standing in rather than not having tunnel vision and getting out of it on your own is a good example. Addons allow more casual less skilled players to do things that they couldn't normally do on their own or couldn't normally do without more practice. They provide shortcuts that make life in-game easier all around, this is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. I hope that they do not allow addons in the way World of Warcraft does. However I think it would be a good idea for them to, over time (as this isn't a pressing matter by any means), implement at least the most basic less game play altering addons as regular functions in the game. UI customization for example, a single button for selling all gray items, possibly even a threat or DPS meter type function I could understand. Whatever they add in I hope that it applies to everyone and isn't something the players have to download externally from the game and install or set up themselves. This way all players have them and are on an even playing field no matter what.
  4. After reading 28 pages of posts I've realized this has become entirely off topic with most people just wanting to argue for the sake of arguing. No one is open minded, no one considers the opposing opinions views or stand point. They just want to argue and complain and discuss WoW.
  5. Does no one know how to read? Try reading the original post through, instead of only the subject. You may also want to read through all the people that posted before you as someone already said near exactly the same thing you did and was quickly corrected.
  6. I don't feel that "addons are stupid" as I used a plethora of them in WoW. If you didn't use them in WoW then it was more difficult to keep up with the other healers. It's very difficult to heal on par with someone using mouse over macros if you aren't as well as they have a distinct advantage. That being said, I do agree that they should not implement addons in this game. I'm not saying that I wouldn't use them if they were there, because I would. However if they are there then you're giving a disadvantage to anyone who doesn't use them. This includes people who don't like them, or people who are in no way tech savvy and don't know how to download or set them up. Therefore those people who don't want to use them are being forced to either use them or be sub-par of those who do choose to use them. How many of you support steroid use in sports such as baseball? Do you think that if a player wants to use steroids they should be allowed to do so? I'm going to guess that most people are going to answer no to that question on the same principle of what I just said about addons. If players were allowed to use steroids then anyone not using them would be at a disadvantage and would feel obligated to use them anyway even if they don't want to. I'm aware that addons aren't the same thing as steroids and I'm not saying that it's exactly the same situation. I'm just using it as an example because it does have distinct similarities. Hopefully some of you at least will see that this makes sense and understand why "don't like them don't use them" is not a valid argument and why some of us feel that addons should not be implemented. I cringe every time I see someone use that followed by "nuff said" as their argument.
  7. This is the least buggy MMO launch (and beta for that matter) that I've ever been a part of, save maybe Aion as it had been released in another country for a while prior to the US launch. They Tweet, they post in the forums, I've gotten email replies to my in-game tickets, and they post about some issues on Facebook. I haven't seen any other developer communicate that much with the player base as a whole. Assuming the game fails because you have a problem with it is ignorant. The game is not going to fail, at worst it'll become another background MMO like Aion or Rift which still get enough subscriptions to more than cover their costs. You obviously can't read, each time he said it 1/2 referred to 1/2 of the players that dislike the game. At the end he clearly stated that by his estimate (however he came about it) that 1-5% of the player base were the ones he was making a statement about. You're right, they all have a "story". However this game has a story. The story matters and it's actually important and enjoyable. You don't have to read text to know what's going on, the full voice over from both NPCs and your character allows you to immerse yourself in the story if you choose to do so. I have a 50, a 29, a 15, and several level 10s and any and all bugs I've encountered were minor bugs. The most annoying ones I've found are the delay that happens when using abilities and the problems with the cover taking a while to deploy and your snipe and ambush skills taking a while to cast after the bar has already finished ticking down. In today's patch notes I've noticed that there are some fixes to the cover problems and hopefully that will resolve those issues. With any MMO launch bugs happen, impossible to prevent them. Give it time and believe it or not they will get resolved. Despite what some people think just because you know they are there and know they need to be fixed doesn't mean that you can fix them in a blink of an eye. Sometimes it's just not that easy. Be patient or don't, it matters very little to me personally. However if you're enjoying the game but making a huge deal out of these inherent problems that every MMO, and other genres of games have, then try to suck it up. Be confident that eventually they won't be a problem any longer and you can enjoy this game to the full extend of what it has to offer. I've found it to meet and exceed my expectations when looked at perspectively as to what you should expect from a game at launch.
  8. No international characters were allowed in beta at least for the US version. Hopefully that will persist and prevent these workarounds.
  9. Food? Who is going to have time to eat when there is SWTOR to play.
  10. This is false. You can access the VIP lounge for 1 million credits, the vendor is only available to CE owners though.
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