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    Columbus, GA
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  1. If your a tank, you should concentrate on sheild and absorbtion ratings. Defense is good and all, however the percent chance that it actually happens is so small that having a whole bunch is worthless. I would prefer to be able to block 30% of damage 40% of the time, rather than completely dodge the attack for 10% of the time.
  2. Ill be happy that more people will consider guardian tanks for PvE. Thats for sure.
  3. Thats the problem. This isnt WoW. As much as people say they are not comparing it to WoW, they always seem to refer back to it a whole lot. As for macros, lets all become less lazy. I understand it would improve gameplay, but I like the fact that the game can get as intense as a console game, much more challenging:)
  4. Heres my pre 1.3 build. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500RrGzudMdfzZcMRZ0M.1
  5. I understand that, but it was a nice thing to be able to tank as good as a vanguard, and hit half as good as a shadow!
  6. I would like to just say goodbye to the Guardian Tank before 1.3 . We lose nearly 10-12% of total damage output for abilities I could have lived without. Goodbye 200k damage in PVP and goodbye to being a semi-good damage/tank hybrid!
  7. If everyone one knew how to play huttball, then you wouldnt need communication to win. You need to maintain situational awareness instead of watching the screen and hoping someone gets in front of you to pass.
  8. I believe that we should have to opportunity to transfer our character between servers. I keep finding out the more of my RL friends are playing and there is nothing I can do without starting a new character. I want to be able to use a character I already leveled somewhat and play with my friends in other servers! Whos with me?
  9. Bud, I think your right on the money. People need to remember, this is definately NOT W.O.W. nor should it be compared to it. This game brings its own uniqueness to the MMO field which puts SWTOR above all the rest. If you want fast leveling and raids, I suggest you stick to WOW or download a free korean-made MMO which are all similar to WOW. Quit complaining and enjoy the story.
  10. Pylos

    PVP vs PVE leveling

    Thats why PVP leveling is good, so you can get those abilities.
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