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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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I like Rift PvP.


Once you overcome their "Prestige" ranks and actually fight in a balanced Warfront, the PvP is very intense. Good players can make or break a fight, not based on class imbalance but purely on skill.


The controls are fluid, there are counters for almost everything, if you spec your character right, everyone has a defined role and if played well can wreak havoc on the enemy.


Also adds variety to the mix, in some maps I play a ranged class, in others a stealth class, in still others I play a support healer. This forces you to learn the game from many different angles and gives you insight into the play style and requirements of each.


Being locked into one character with one set of commands, now seems a bit dull and tame by comparison. So this is my role...from now until forever, or until I can be bothered to reroll another character and level that character up.


It just doesn't offer the same involvement.

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I would have to say Warhammer Online.


Such potential, its a shame really.


Too young to have played DAoC then? Clearly the best PVP ever.


WAR had potential, true. But it also had dev team after dev team full of idiots. The one thing we have to hope is that Mythic have learned being killed by someone where you have no chance to retaliate - WAR stealth class (I forget the name of it) until it was nerfed - or where you spend large parts of a fight not in control of your character or are unable to do anything - either through incessant CC or very poor combat mechanics - does not lend itself to a profitable business model.


Still, there can't be much Mythic influence in SWTOR, otherwise companions would be bugged to hell and be completely useless. Still, I kinda miss my white lion... ;)

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As someone else said, Asherons Call hands down. FFA open world pvp everywhere. Death penalty is you drop your most expensive gear, so you have to run around with really expensive enchanted robes so you dont lose any of your gear on death. At the very least, its a huge monetary loss, at most you lost your good gear, forever ><.


FFA allows for completely awesome dynamic player politics and constantly shifting territory. That along with the classless system and no CC to allow for a humongous skill cap made for the best PvP I have ever had. If they didn't take the servers down I would still be playing it.


The servers are not down, game is still going strong infact they still do monthly updates.


This game has done a monthly update every single month for 12 years.

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I would have said warhammer if it were not for the whole aoe bombing lag fest it was for a good amount of it's life. During the times where none aoe spamming style gameplay was possible it was the best, in fact right now the combat is great and the fact that it is one of the only games that has large groups of people whos only purpose is to run around open world and kill other large groups of people makes it the best pvp game on the market for me, despite what people like to say about it. I hope that swtor open pvp efforts manage something even remotely similar. Edited by Jargonaut
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Making this thread to find out what the player base thinks is the best MMO PvP they have played and why.



Shadowbane, PERIOD.

The most hardcore, ruthless pvp mmo that ive ever found...


Sandbox world, City building, 48 classes, 16 species (Minos, birdmen, centaurs, etc) global FFA pvp model, no one and nothing was safe. Enemies? Dead, Allies? Killable? Clan? Ninja looters? Group members? All attackable and killable at any time, ALWAYS. Oh... and inventory looting...

When was the last time you played a "Theif" that could ACTUALLY STEAL EQUIPMENT FROM OTHER PLAYERS? Never, except for Shadowbane. Actual sieges where you MUST BUILD SIEGE ENGINES DAYS IN ADVANCE. God i miss that game...

Edited by TotalOverkill
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SWG PvP was fun.


But Shadowbane was intense. There was no "hang on, time-out". I need to sit out for a few mins and take a break.


In Shadowbane, your bind point could get camped! You were always flagged for PvP and you better have some friends, preferably a large guild or life was going to suck.


Thats why it was fun.

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all you people saying WoW, make me sad at the state of gamers and games today...


I played DAoC for 3+ years, it was my first MMO and blew me away and nothing has even come close since...I played GW and WoW after that, GW was good for small teamed matches but ultimately had no long term appeal for me, I played it for over a year.


WoW I played for a total of 8 months (starting at release), after 3 months I was bored with the gameplay, way too easy on the PvE side of things and the PvP was a non-existent meaningless joke, after 5 months PvP out in the world had picked up slightly (but was still a joke, it was more just something to distract from questing, held no meaning and was more often frustrating because the only implication it had was delaying questing) and they made promises of improving PvP so I stuck around. 3 months later I cancelled forever (gave the account to my sister and her hubby). The instanced PvP they implemented was a horrid clusterfruck...did the developers not play GW, how did they not improve on that system and make a worse system that was basically the same? You people who loved WoW arenas must have never played GW either, and those who even mention WoW open world PvP need to play some DAoC...just go play it.


then...DOMINUS...will hopefully be better than DAoC.

Edited by drealmer
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Star Trek Online (space, not lol ground)


Now don't get me wrong, Cryptic is definitely the worst MMO company ever. They've been ruining PvP balance in their games by going towards pay-2-win, and they're only focused on doing the least amount of work possible while squeezing their customers wallets as hard as they can.


But the core gameplay in STO is so much better for PvP than anything before it. The third dimension adds a need for spatial awareness and positioning that is not present in any other MMO. Healing from a top tier team can be quite powerful, which requires immaculate timing between CC and burst damage dealers to break through. There is far more variety in spec, gear, and class than in many other games. It's almost entirely arena based as well.


As much as Cryptic gets things wrong, they got the core mechanics for PvP right. I just wish I could get the same gameplay from a better developer like Bioware.

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The servers are not down, game is still going strong infact they still do monthly updates.


This game has done a monthly update every single month for 12 years.


***.... seriously, ***, how did I not know about this? I just assumed it after the fiasco that was AC2 as I cancelled AC sub when AC2 launched. I swear there was some big server close event but I must be confusing them for that. I have wasted that 6 years of my gaming life. Goodbye swtor.

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1. Ultima Online!

I most of the time played on a Roleplaying Server. But it was so much fun. For example robbing out people, taking people hostage or ****** them in the woods :(



2. Star Wars Galaxies!

This was great too! But only at the beginning. Still remember when i ran around with my Master Bountyhunter in the cities, and hunting for rebels. Or taking my AT-ST pet out and attacking rebel outposts :( :( :(

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