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The reasons this game is doing so well and better than expected.


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Thank you for posting this. I agree with you and it's nice to see this after all the whiners who can't get over the fact this is not just like WoW.:ph_cheers:


Whats really odd and I have yet to understand it, is that in the game the attitude is extremly positive, with people raving about how great this game is. You come out to the Forum and you wonder if these people are even talking about the same game. Of course WoW's Forums are not any different -- full of vitriol and doomsayers. And WoW is hugely successful -- go figure. It goes to show if you give the .01% of society (the complainer) a platform to be heard, they will scream. A gaming Forum gives the .01% the platform.


The fact is SWTOR has already won numerous Game of the Year Awards and has shattered pre-order sales records. The reviews are in and they are outstanding in all the respectable gaming mediums.


The success of SWTOR is obvious.

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Whats really odd and I have yet to understand it, is that in the game the attitude is extremly positive, with people raving about how great this game is. You come out to the Forum and you wonder if these people are even talking about the same game. Of course WoW's Forums are not any different -- full of vitriol and doomsayers. And WoW is hugely successful -- go figure. It goes to show if you give the .01% of society (the complainer) a platform to be heard, they will scream. A gaming Forum gives the .01% the platform.


The fact is SWTOR has already won numerous Game of the Year Awards and has shattered pre-order sales records. The reviews are in and they are outstanding in all the respectable gaming mediums.


The success of SWTOR is obvious.




Just forget about all of the glaring bugs.


And the terrible customer service.


And the lag.

Edited by Jauris
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Thank you for posting this. I agree with you and it's nice to see this after all the whiners who can't get over the fact this is not just like WoW.:ph_cheers:



Ya... just not not like WoW let's see...


-Talent system just like pre cata WoW's

-BG's the exact same as WoW (Huttball being a twist with only 1 flag, but theres Strand of the ancients w/o vehicles, and battle of gilneas)

-Extremely linear gameplay, just like WoW

-Abilities and talents with the same name as WoW abilities and talents

-Grindy game, just like WoW, where you must grind gear up until and at 50 to be competitive.


Sure, this game is nothing like WoW... if you are blind. If you haven't noticed, this game is WoW with Star Wars painted over it. There is a lot of potential they missed.

Edited by TheJmoney
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Sure, this game is nothing like WoW... if you are blind. If you haven't noticed, this game is WoW with Star Wars painted over it. There is a lot of potential they missed.


What you are looking for is over there >>> [Panda]

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Not sure which game you're playing OP or whether you are even level 50, but there is absolutely no way around grinding to upgrade your gear. Whether it be for PvE or PvP gear. Both are extremely tedious.
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Sure, this game is nothing like WoW... if you are blind. If you haven't noticed, this game is WoW with Star Wars painted over it. There is a lot of potential they missed.


You and I are not playing the same game.


- Voice Acted quest (including side Quests) ... Not in WoW.

- Epic Storylines ... Not in WoW.

- Decision trees in conversations that affect your toons development ... Not in WoW.

- The "Real Game" starts at level 1 ... Not in WoW.

- Companions that actually do things for you ... Not in WoW.

- Balanced PvP ... Not in WoW.

- PvP with decent rewards ... Not in WoW.

- Immersive Gameplay ... Not in WoW.

- Cool Space Combat mini-game ... Not in WoW.


Thats just a few things, I could add more but I think you get the point. This game is so UNLIKE WoW, that it would be safe to call it the "Anti-WoW" MMO.

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You and I are not playing the same game.


- Voice Acted quest (including side Quests) ... Not in WoW.

- Epic Storylines ... Not in WoW.

- Decision trees in conversations that affect your toons development ... Not in WoW.

- The "Real Game" starts at level 1 ... Not in WoW.

- Companions that actually do things for you ... Not in WoW.

- Balanced PvP ... Not in WoW.

- PvP with decent rewards ... Not in WoW.

- Immersive Gameplay ... Not in WoW.

- Cool Space Combat mini-game ... Not in WoW.


Thats just a few things, I could add more but I think you get the point. This game is so UNLIKE WoW, that it would be safe to call it the "Anti-WoW" MMO.


From what I see that things that SWTOR has that WOW doesn't are the VOs/cutscenes and companions. The other stuff there I don't agree with you when you say they aren't in WOW (minus space missions which are lacking big time). Doesn't mean SWTOR isn't a good game. It is. But let's be honest.


P.S. MANY people aren't going to agree about this game having balanced PVP btw

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You and I are not playing the same game.


- Voice Acted quest (including side Quests) ... Not in WoW.

- Epic Storylines ... Not in WoW.

- Decision trees in conversations that affect your toons development ... Not in WoW.

- The "Real Game" starts at level 1 ... Not in WoW.

- Companions that actually do things for you ... Not in WoW.

- Balanced PvP ... Not in WoW.

- PvP with decent rewards ... Not in WoW.

- Immersive Gameplay ... Not in WoW.

- Cool Space Combat mini-game ... Not in WoW.


Thats just a few things, I could add more but I think you get the point. This game is so UNLIKE WoW, that it would be safe to call it the "Anti-WoW" MMO.


1. True

2. Until Cata there were epic class questlines. Paladin ones being one of the best sets of quests in any MMO.

3. True

4. Define the "real" game? WoW has it's first class quest at 2 and I recall you start at level 1. The story also starts at level 1. Really there is no difference.

5. True is so much as they craft. Otherwise pets were the same.

6. No and no and omg no. Inquis > BH > IA > Warrior. There is no balance with ranged vs melee.

7. The rewards in WoW pvp wise are as good or better, your statement here is nonsensical.

8. WoW has a far higher immersion factor for combat. There is no comparison.

9. True (not that it is fun just that it exists).


Anyway to the original post


SWTOR by all accounts (actual subscription numbers EA has released) is preforming below expectations.


They have yet to announce a subscription milestone of even 1.5 million. Considering how many people expected 2+ million at launch "over a million" is a far cry.

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SWTOR by all accounts (actual subscription numbers EA has released) is preforming below expectations.


SWTOR has broken all MMO sales records for a launch and has won numerous Game of the Year Awards. All reviews, from reputable sources, have been stellar. The only numbers I have seen released is that Star Wars sales reached over 2 Million copies.


Can you point me in the direction where Bioware released actual subscription numbers? Most MMO developers wont release that data to non-investors so I am curious. Im not saying they haven't released them, I'm just curious where you saw the numbers.

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- Story Driven MMO. Yes, biggest selling point in the game.


- Character Development. Not really. You begin development of your single player, role player character at level 1. End game PVP, Flashpoints and Operations dont get nothing from the 1-49 experience.


- In SWTOR "The Real Game" starts at level 1. Most MMO's the real game doesnt start until end-cap. Agreed, the game enfolds you right from the start.


- Immersive game play and environments. Agree, except the environments are too big for the number of people in them (as in, players),


- SWTOR killed "the Grind" that plagues so many MMO's. NOT true. The grind in SW:TOR is huge, and very 2004 WoW. Its just very cleverly disguised by cutscenes and story.


- Fluid Combat with clashing Lightsabers! - LOL NO! Not at all. This is actually the biggest internal enemy TOR has right now, along with the pre-historic UI.


- In SWTOR the leveling process is FUN and not a chore. Yes, but due to cutscenes and story. Not due to the gameplay or the actual quest design.


- Voice-Acted questing. Incredibly well done. Agreed, top notch.


- Smooth Launch! Fairly unusual in this business but BW pulled it off. Agreed., great launch all things considered.


- If its this good at launch, imagine SWTOR in a year! AMAZING! - Help us BioWare, you are our only hope.



EDIT: To the people talking about PVP: PVP - WZs - is far more played than any instance or raid in any MMO that even has a shadow of PVP. Make no mistake dudes: PVP is the group activity that takes the majority of playing time, from a majority of players - especially with no dungeon/raid finder in the game. In SWTOR, and since they like to pump out those stats, you will see once most of us touch 50, the WZ stats will get even bigger that they were since BW's latest information.


You may choose to ignore it and give PVP a terciary spot. But thats putting the majority of players in a terciary position, which is not a good sales strat :)

Edited by Soulaufein
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This game is worth the initial box price, no more no less. It is not something that will hold many MMO players for many months. Right now the general forum is basically unusable because of the sheer volume of posts and no search function. After the 30 day time you get for buying the game most of these players will no longer be playing so things should settle down.


I for one will not be continuing my sub.

Edited by ShockDevil
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SWTOR has broken all MMO sales records for a launch and has won numerous Game of the Year Awards. All reviews, from reputable sources, have been stellar. The only numbers I have seen released is that Star Wars sales reached over 2 Million copies.


Can you point me in the direction where Bioware released actual subscription numbers? Most MMO developers wont release that data to non-investors so I am curious. Im not saying they haven't released them, I'm just curious where you saw the numbers.


He was just talking about what he dreamt last night. As you said, all the numbers available point up, not down.

Edited by Abriael
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- Story Driven MMO. People are simply tired of WoW and its many clones (Rift...etc).

Story driven single player game, all multiplayer choice change nothing in the gameplay outside of said conversation


- Character Development. You begin your development at level 1 not at the end cap level.

it starts at level1, but it ends at level 50.


- In SWTOR "The Real Game" starts at level 1. Most MMO's the real game doesnt start until end-cap.

Given the game is still new. i'd say atm the game is mostly over once you hit 50.


- Immersive game play and environments.

It's immersive if u can deal with the basic UI and not get frustrated on it, the environnment are too big for their own good imo. Lots of empty/generic stuff over and over.


- SWTOR killed "the Grind" that plagues so many MMO's.

It didn't kill the grind but it sure hides it well, this will be the best feature for casual. it will hit you hard in the face if u reroll an alt and play more then 2-3 hours a day.


- Fluid Combat with clashing Lightsabers!

Clunky responsiveness, lucky for you if you didn't notice it.


- In SWTOR the leveling process is FUN and not a chore.

It's fun the first time, less the second and then it gets worst but yes. it is fun mostly.


- Voice-Acted questing. Incredibly well done.

they over did it but it's refreshing for people who can't read.


- Smooth Launch! Fairly unusual in this business but BW pulled it off.

Because it is heavily sharded, i would of preffered a more harsh lunch and a more lively community due to sharding.


- If its this good at launch, imagine SWTOR in a year! AMAZING!

Yes maybe in a year will be decent, will it give a fair fight to what will be out in a year? maybe we'll have to wait and see, until then, im unsubbing because this is a good single player game and not worth the 15$ cost of a mmo.

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I will continue my sub for now, as I'm thoroughly enjoying the game so far... BUT:


- Combat needs to be smoother and responsive


- UI should be allowed to be edited.


- Certain game conveniences should be implemented for lasting appeal: LFG tool (whether it be same server or cross server, it needs SOMETHING... spamming /1 for 30-40 minutes is not immersive), name search function in the Galactic Trade (AH), chat bubbles, sound in background when in windowed mode, etc)


- PvP "balancing" ...though i'll admit this isn't a huge priority compared to the rest.


Bottom line is the game is fun right now, but it's not catered to the casual, not-all-day-to-play gamer that WoW has created and pleased. To have a lasting appeal, especially to the millions of us that have no desire to roll alts over and over again, these and certainly other features/fixes have to be in place, and they have to be in place soon!


Again, I love this game and have no intention to return to WoW anytime soon. But I say this with the hopeful assumption that Bioware will do what needs to be done.

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ROFL... Ok...


Yeah quite. The fact that the top sticky in the forums is the devs saying 'yeah look we know the combat isn't fluid and we are looking in to it as a top priority' kind f casts aspersions on the rest of the OP's 'observations'.


The game is fun but has some problems, some are pretty serious.

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yeah, no


Yeah, Yes. At least for those who care to play and enjoy the game properly !


I am finding I don't even watch my level bar at all - half the time when I gain a new level I go 'wow I didnt even know I was getting close to leveling again' because I am focused on the story, quests and environment I just don't see the xp bar too often in this game - that is a rarity. WoW tried to do that but it didn't work. For me TOR got that spot on.

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SWTOR has broken all MMO sales records for a launch and has won numerous Game of the Year Awards. All reviews, from reputable sources, have been stellar. The only numbers I have seen released is that Star Wars sales reached over 2 Million copies.


- It has won 2 and it is far from the only game that has done that.

- Warhammer had great "reputable" reviews too. Being that they were form the same sites, maybe those reviews are not so reputable.

- That 2 million is speculation. They only can confirm 1.7 million sales.

- The subscription numbers are in the news section. Last one was the 26th and nothing yet showing over 1.5 million subscriptions. Box sales =/= active subscriptions.


Can you point me in the direction where Bioware released actual subscription numbers? Most MMO developers wont release that data to non-investors so I am curious. Im not saying they haven't released them, I'm just curious where you saw the numbers.




Nothing since the 26th. As it stands they are somewhere over a million. Until the next report we will not know exactly how many subscribers the game has but if it had hit 1.5 million or 2 million you could bet they would post it.


Also it's pretty common now for gaming companies to release "subscription" numbers based on various metrics.


People were expecting 2 million at launch and even by box sales there were not even close.

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