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    Cooking and Pew Pew...or in game fishing while reading trade chat :P
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    Bounty Hunter...of packages that is!
  1. Despite the fact that this is essentially WoW wrapped up in the Star Wars license, Don't mention Warcraft, it makes people all angry and such.
  2. Shouldn't that say "See what over a million players are saying"
  3. If they merge servers now, the game hits life support status and becomes Warhammer quicker than it already will anyway. The writing is on the wall. They will wait and hold off until the launch in the other countries and pump numbers up again with a swift announcement to make it look good and hope to spark continuous interest, but there are just too many issues, the main one being that this isn't a MMO.
  4. Might as well reroll. Merges aren't going to happen this soon as game doom would soon follow
  5. This is Warcraft, with Cutscenes. As for the storyline in WoW, it was just as immersive. People are just too damn lazy to actually read something.
  6. No. I played because it was Star Wars and because BioWare was doing it since I just knew it would be a good game since they were the ones making it. Been dissapointed on both of those points. I hate to say that I no longer have the same confidence in BioWare as I did before this came out. The game is below average (By today's standards) with above average Cut Scenes, which is fine for a single player story driven game, but not for a subscription based MMO that actually isn't an MMO and is dressed in the cloak of the star wars property.
  7. Pretty Much. If it fails, BioWare's reputation is severely tarnished. Not saying they shouldn't, I'm saying they know what it means throughout the gaming community when they do. If they did it now, the first thing asked is 'Why are they merging servers if they have 1.7 Million active Subscriptions?' And the cascade goes on from there from people who report about these things.
  8. Again, Merged servers = Failure. That's the way it's always been especially with a premium title like this which has been built up beyond all known reality. The gaming print media will take over from there. The tag lines won't be about 'Balance' and 'Equalizing the population'. It will be doom speech of how the game isn't living up to expectations or implying how people aren't sticking around. It cascades from there. This isn't new. This applies to ANY MMO. Common Sense.
  9. In the world of MMO's, Merging servers is the red flag towards a decline or failure. Pretty Simple actually.
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