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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Ok a little perspective is required here I think. There are currently 143 replies to the thread; however, over 50% are from the same posters who are only posting to bump the thread. So on the other side of those handful of people you have the near 1.5 million people who seem to be enjoying the game and are too busy playing to troll these forums. What does this mean? It means the screaming few in this thread are not even a very small drop of a HUGE ocean of SWTOR players. (50-60 people against the 1.5 million.)


Honestly, this post screams "LEARN-TO-PLAY-SWTOR". To the 50 or so posters on this thread, I would say this isnt WoW. This game will punish you for button smashing, yet reward you for being patient and watching your toon during the fight. Once your Toon begins swinging...he needs to finish his swing. Imagine that. Pure silliness indeed.


Oh, my favorite posts on this thread are those by the "Professional Gamer" and those who take him seriously. This alone is worth the price of admission. lol oh my.


The Panda waiting room is over there folks. Just get in line (behind the pro gamer please) >>>



You have no idea what you're talking about... because apparently I contribute to that 1.5 Million as I have an active subscription? Well, actually I am not enjoying it... at all...


Aside this little detail which brings your entire post crumbling down, the rest is just as flawed in logic.



The BDF surely requires its little Drone somewhere else -- Try DA2 or ME3 Forums...?

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Video or this isn't happening. Countless videos have been posted showing the horrible ability lag in the combat system. Where is your video of seamless, instantly-responsive combat?


Okay. I'm a level 45 Jedi Guardian. Tell me what abilities to use that you believe will conclusively show whether the issue is happening. I'll happily try it out.


But stow the mocking tone, will you? I can only relate my observations. That mine are different from yours is no reason for condescension.

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Video or this isn't happening. Countless videos have been posted showing the horrible ability lag in the combat system. Where is your video of seamless, instantly-responsive combat?


it will be a video of him at lvl 10, and pressing the buttons 1 by 1 whether they are instant, on the GCD or not, with no relics or defensive cooldowns.

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Okay. I'm a level 45 Jedi Guardian. Tell me what abilities to use that you believe will conclusively show whether the issue is happening. I'll happily try it out.


But stow the mocking tone, will you? I can only relate my observations. That mine are different from yours is no reason for condescension.


go in pvp cap a flag and as soon as your capping bar is over move forward....you'll see what people are talking about instantly.

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I have to say I'm in the same boat as you. I don't see this ability delay issue at all. The description of the issue states that if an animation hasn't finished it won't let you use another ability. That just isn't the case for me. If I use an ability before the last one's animation is complete the new ability starts right away and the animation is clipped.


I don't doubt that the OP and others have issues. I think it is just as important for BW to know that some of us do not. That, too, is information that can help them find the problem and fix it.

For most range it won't be. For melee it is. The issue occurs in two manners:


1. The ability you are trying to use like ravage won't go off. This can occur if you Force Charge then use ravage. What essentially happens is the player positioning of the client to server reads the target player in position X. So once the user of Force Charge has reached his target the client and server must verify that the target is still in position X. What this causes is a full game client lag spike and stutter effect. Now if the target moves in that time you not only have to make up that ground manually or hope that there is a target to shift to near by.


( It is absolutely garbage design that this is in a RELEASE product.)


2. In the case of Ravage the issue is two fold. As mentioned above if you force charge the ability is essentially put on a delay while the client and server verify. The second issue is once Ravage has been used the animation locks the player in a specific facing direction. While Ravage can still go off during it's duration you are facing one single direction while the target may still move around and even move out of the melee range of ravage. This makes it possible to circle strafe a melee as well as avoid the major portion of Ravages damage.


It is also possible for this to occur with abilities like Force Scream and Obliterate.


In PvP this is game breaking and completely unacceptable for a game to have after a 6 year development cycle.


Then again the PvP isn't that great to begin with and massively imba. And it has no effect in PvE unless you get some group member just spamming whatever and they use a knock back. IE: Assassins/Shadows (If thats the Jedi version of Assassin.)

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Okay. I'm a level 45 Jedi Guardian. Tell me what abilities to use that you believe will conclusively show whether the issue is happening. I'll happily try it out.


But stow the mocking tone, will you? I can only relate my observations. That mine are different from yours is no reason for condescension.


i have a jedi guardian too, and i cant cast a few abilities without pressing them 10 times. the animation starts then my toon stops.


in your video, go into PVP run around and i would like to see you use defensive cooldowns with 1 press, also force sweep, riposte, relics all with 1 press of the button and not like this video. actually use force leap, then straight away use force sweep.



riposte at 0.12

Edited by gangbot
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Oh I'm so glad the "Pro" quoted that guy's post, otherwise I wouldn't have got the good laugh it gave me. I had the same reaction when I read what people's complaints were. One particular guy mentioned something like 'in wow i can be casting a spell, jump up to interrupt it, and fire an arrow in the air and be looting when i hit the ground.'


Not only is that an unrealistic expectation for a game, it would make gameplay retarded. While this game's interface and skills and spec trees and such may be carbon copies of WoW (I won't deny it), that doesn't mean the gameplay should be!


Even the Emperor couldn't stop his own Force Lightning when he was thrown down a shaft. Why should your stupid little toon be any better? You make a mistake in combat, you pay. I echo the 'learn how to play' sentiment, and reiterate that we have to give it some time. If the bugs and other glitches are still there in a month or so and we've seen no attempt to fix them, then you can be pissy. But with the immenient doom of WoW due to complacency of Blizzard, I seriously doubt bioware will be okay with just saying 'eff it' and hope that we just get over it after the absurd amount of time and money invested in this project.


Oh I forgot, I once beat Super Mario Bros 2, so I think that makes my point valid?

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i have a jedi guardian too, and i cant cast a few abilities without pressing them 10 times. the animation starts then my toon stops.


in your video, go into PVP run around and i would like to see you use defensive cooldowns with 1 press, also force sweep, riposte, relics all with 1 press of the button and not like this video. actually use force leap, then straight away use force sweep.



riposte at 0.12


I watched this and the feedback shows that no one really wants to even bother to understand the problem.


Even if this wasn't happening to me with just about everything (even opening with chain lightning I will sometimes see it happen) I'd still want Bioware to fix it. Not sure why all the rabid vitriol about how its not a problem...

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Okay. I'm a level 45 Jedi Guardian. Tell me what abilities to use that you believe will conclusively show whether the issue is happening. I'll happily try it out.


But stow the mocking tone, will you? I can only relate my observations. That mine are different from yours is no reason for condescension.


Please excuse the few who can't communicate civilly.

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Welcome back bud I was hoping you were not gone forever :)


Not yet, spent my time with my Fiancee this weekend so haven't posted much. I've still to this date read every single post over the past 4 threads...


I'm not sure how long I'll go on, my faith in Bioware is close to ZERO -- I see nothing but incompetence and indifference.

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Not yet, spent my time with my Fiancee this weekend so haven't posted much. I've still to this date read every single post over the past 4 threads...


I'm not sure how long I'll go on, my faith in Bioware is close to ZERO -- I see nothing but incompetence and indifference.




Exit is that way >>> [panda petting zoo]

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Video or this isn't happening. Countless videos have been posted showing the horrible ability lag in the combat system. Where is your video of seamless, instantly-responsive combat?



I challenge the nay sayers to create a video of a jedi sage in a warzone under this scenario:


Get stunned by 1-2 melee, use tenacity to break stun ( off GCD CC breaker) then hit force wave ( instant aoe knockback on the GCD). Force wave has a second animation before it actually takes effect.



So do this, and show me the video of this working as intended, I want to see you go into a warzone, get stunned, press tenacity then force wave and have the aoe knockback go off a second later.


Do tenacity > force wave with no time between button presses, just rapid instant succession, tenacity > force wave,.You will never see this video from a warzone, cause it is not possible.


The naysaysers refuse to do anything to prove their claim, so prove us all wrong, go make this video.

Edited by Khoranth
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Yeah, sorry. I don't PvP. Not even going there.


But as for abilities like Force Leap and following with Force Sweep or Master Strike...I do it all the time. And I don't spam them.


Exactly the reason you do not notice this, in PVP you want to utilize abilities as soon as they are ready and want them to work. You are just doing solo PVE where it is basically half assed take your time and ability delay is less noticable.

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Exactly the reason you do not notice this, in PVP you want to utilize abilities as soon as they are ready and want them to work. You are just doing solo PVE where it is basically half assed take your time and ability delay is less noticable.


The OP doesn't state this is a PvP issue. The videos posted by the OP are not just PvP videos. They clearly show some people have an issue even in PvE that I clearly do not have.


Why is it so hard for you to accept that some people do not have the problem? I am not saying the problem doesn't exist. Only that it does not appear to affect me. Don't you think that is valuable information for BioWare as well? It doesn't diminish the severity of the problem, but it might help the devs identify it.

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The OP doesn't state this is a PvP issue. The videos posted by the OP are not just PvP videos. They clearly show some people have an issue even in PvE that I clearly do not have.


Why is it so hard for you to accept that some people do not have the problem? I am not saying the problem doesn't exist. Only that it does not appear to affect me. Don't you think that is valuable information for BioWare as well? It doesn't diminish the severity of the problem, but it might help the devs identify it.


I mean it is more noticable in PVP than it is in PVE, alot more.

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