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An example of how unpolished endgame is

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Is that the source of the bug? If you ever wipe on a boss, the boss's chest won't be available when you kill it?


I only have anecdotal evidence of it but this seems to be the case. Possibly even if one person dies and re-enters combat. Happened to me in Mandalorian Raiders and Boarding Party so far.

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lol Rifts launch was awesome, but endgame, half the bosses and instances was bugged to oblivion, i know, i tried GS and several T1 and T2s, soem days it was impossible to even think about doing a isntance since bosses whould bug out.



Rift had no lvling bugs expeect from the normal crap... the same we got here...


but the majore diffrence is the amount of ppl


here we got about 2 mill or more..


Rift had 900k give or take, the extra mill does alot to test the coding.



And as iv been told by coders and programers, it isnt a exact sience, stuff will break, as a programer cant forsee every eventual future.

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I don't think Bioware really expected people to be doing Hard Mode Ops already. TBH if you're already 50 it's likely that you space bar'd through every cut scene which is the real selling point of this game.


I agree that there are bugs and glitches galore that are very frustrating but I'd also say that's the case for almost every new MMO (WOW for example) until the first major patch. Maybe if players had actually enjoyed the best part of this game (the story and VO) they would have a better perspective on things.

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While it might have been bland and lifeless (which is subjective, because people could easily say TOR is lifeless), it was designed and marketed as the swiss army knife of MMOs.


And just like a swiss army knife, all of the 'stuff' Rift had worked! And that's the point of this thread. A lot of TOR's basic functions are broken, or not working as intended.


That's not to say they won't be fixed, but it is simply stupid to deny that many features are not working as intended.


And the 'it has just been released' defense is nothing more than an excuse.


oh there was a lot of bugs reporting at Rifts launch, but by far the best game, only reason i think RRifts launch was better than TOR is becouse i littereary had no bugs my self at ALL

until endgame, lvling was spottless, BUT SWTOR had a hell of alot more ppl ingame and what not when i got in the 25 dec, and kept pouring in...



and my server 1 hour after we got in, had to be reset by a dev becouse Rifts whent ramapant and invasions overun the zones so at lvl 11 you chould do nothing by die or run then die...



even so, better release, marignaly, still the amount of QQ about how buggy unplayable was the same on Trions forums at that time, relativitly to the player base % of ppl bothering to QQ.. ssame as here.



But importantly, it took Trion nearly 3 months to FIX dead broken Talenst and mechanics of the game, thats a fact (i playeed a mage at launch, and after 1.2 i played a warrior until 4.0)

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This game was not ready for release. The version we are on now is essentially the same verson as the last beta phase and a lot of the same bugs exist.


The biggest, game breaking issue, is the responsiveness of abilities upon use. To some of you it might not be a big deal, but to most folks it is huge.


Boss names don't bother me in the slightest, but bugged encounters and bugged zones do. They had to expect people would rush end-game encounters, it's what happens in any MMO. Given that, the zones shouldn't have been accessable or should have been more polished when the game launched, at least until they were ready to be played and not tested. I tested EV during beta, and it was extremely buggy. In fact, the same bugs that the OP mentioned about not being able to re-enter the instance, bosses mechanics not working properly if at all and bosses not spawning in their proper places.


I can understand having these kinda of issues in beta, but when a game is released to the general public with the kinds of bugs that are being found it is very discouraging. Don't read it the wrong way, I'm not going to cry about how I am quitting, I am patient and will give BioWare ample time to fix some of these issues. But I would encourage BioWare to fix a lot of these issues quickly. Failure to do so can and will result in a lot of players quitting. You can complain all day about how we don't need those impatient players anyways, but I would contend that we do. We need every player to pay every month to fix the issues that currently exist.


To be clear, I don't blame BioWare for the problems that exist. I blame EA for pushing the game out to soon to score some extra bucks during the holidays.

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I mostly agree, Snert. Still, blaming EA does not let Bioware off the hook as far as fixing these bugs goes. It needs to happen soon.


Anyway, I have pretty low standards for official MMO forums, but excusing bugs and oversights that literally break the game is surpassing even my low expectations. Some of you guys are unbelievable.

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It's not "polish." A lot of things are completely broken, as in they do not work at all.


I am patient enough to wade through these bugs. My point is that most people aren't, and when those top guilds complain loudly about the bugs it could spell trouble for the game's health.


It's inevitable, and I've seen it with every MMO launch to date. No idea why people think this one is any different or in some way worse. This is why you don't rush to level cap, because invariably there are problems with the end content, and anyone who has experience with the release of these games should know that by now.


In short, level 50 in two weeks? Then re-roll and alt and stop expecting the devs to cater to a minority of the community.

Edited by DarkZenith
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I have pretty low standards for official MMO forums, but excusing bugs and oversights that literally break the game is surpassing even my low expectations. Unbelievable, guys.


It's perspective. Every MMO has broken issues at launch. Some games are completely unfinished (AoC), some are loaded with glitches (WAR), some have multiple end game issues (WOW). I don't think any MMO has been released fully polished....it's impossible actually. Rift and TOR were the two most polished releases at launch and both have issues.


Give them some time. Even AoC (which was basically a starter zone only) has been vastly improved and is actually a great game right now.

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I mostly agree, Snert. Still, blaming EA does not let Bioware off the hook as far as fixing these bugs goes. It needs to happen soon.


Anyway, I have pretty low standards for official MMO forums, but excusing bugs and oversights that literally break the game is surpassing even my low expectations. Some of you guys are unbelievable.


I agree it doesn't let BioWare off the hook as far as fixing goes. They need to step up and address a lot of issues here. I have only seen one response by a dev on the character responsiveness thread saying that they are "investigating the issue." Cool....how about responses to the other issues going on?


No, instead we get threads from BioWare employees saying thanks for playing and reminding us about account security. This is the same kind of thing that happened on the beta forums when bugs were reported. Either threads got locked and moved, or they seemingly got completely ignored and never received responses.


My guess is that BioWare has yet to figure out how to address the community.

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I agree it doesn't let BioWare off the hook as far as fixing goes. They need to step up and address a lot of issues here. I have only seen one response by a dev on the character responsiveness thread saying that they are "investigating the issue." Cool....how about responses to the other issues going on?


No, instead we get threads from BioWare employees saying thanks for playing and reminding us about account security. This is the same kind of thing that happened on the beta forums when bugs were reported. Either threads got locked and moved, or they seemingly got completely ignored and never received responses.


My guess is that BioWare has yet to figure out how to address the community.


I find the lack of good Community relations to be troubling. We don't want fluff.


After two weeks of play Bioware sees the issues players are bringing up and they're either arrogant or ignorant. Either way they should make an Official statement on the most pressing issues IMO.

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Or the other option: keep the game in production until it's finished.
There is no actual 'finished' MMO upon release. They all have various different states, you may no agree with what was released but nothing is ever finished... this isn't some first person or console game like Mass Effect or KOTOR. You also do realize that games and projects have a budget. They have a certain amount of starting capital that doesn't get replenished from some magic money well. In order to make money, money has to be coming in. They receive nothing from pre-orders because no one actually buys a pre-order.


The best way to actually get things fleshed out, programmed and created is to release the game. While you may not be happy with End Game at this time, it will get fleshed out. In fact the best way to see changes in the game and see things take effect is now, because they are now actually making money which then gets put into development. It also lets them see what direction to go depending on who the majority of their clientbase is.


Also keep in mind that the target market isn't every MMO player or every player. The game may simply not be for everyone. Personally I never worry about End Game until 1-2 months after release. If you want to be the first people to race to max level and End Game, great, good job. I'm happy for you. However there is actually nothing is gained from it.

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I just have to LoL to the end gamers... 2 weeks after launch and were already suggesting endgame is here, bugged, bad news, end of the world...Doooommmmm..!!!


Man if this really is endgame.. then SWTOR really is gunna be the shortest running MMO in history. Its two weeks old... the first hard patch hasnt arrived yet, new content yet to be realeased and your whinning about endgame already....oh boy.


Sure there are issues,some more glitchy narky things, others potentially more serious.. a la "delays", but if Boss names and spawn points are whats killing your full throttle drive hard to the end of the rainbow, then... you need to go walk the dog more, check the newspapers, take your loved ones out for a few hours and take a giant chill pill to bring you back down to ground level with the rest of us butterfly counters.



Simple rule of thumb I use.. if I dont like summing, then I dont eat it, drink it, smoke it, wear it, play it..... simples!


So make your mind up.. either go back to the World of Wubbish and be content or give them a chance to bed the game in and get things moving forward... it will happen... they have put too much into this upfront to let it just fall flat on its backside... MMO's that have been around 3 - 6 yrs have bugs, thing is we adapt and move on.. the really nasty ones tend to get sorted pretty quickin most of the games out there in my experience... just gotta be a bit less rush and alot more "ooh a butterly man" :D

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I have to agree with the guy above. I don't know any MMO that had its endgame in a good state a measly 2 weeks after launch...and that's because the main demographic are not at endgame after 2 weeks (likely because they do other things than play a videogame 16 hours all day every day).
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You guys realize the company you're fanboying probably doesn't hold itself to the low standards you're setting for them, right? In fact, ironically, the fact Bioware holds itself to a high standard and reiterates so much is what makes them a company you guys love so much.


These aren't just little bugs or "narky" issues. These are bugs that break the game. The third boss of Eternity Vault literally does not work 80 percent of the time, and the only way to fix it is to reset the instance.

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You guys realize the company you're fanboying probably doesn't hold itself to the low standards you're setting for them, right? In fact, ironically, the fact Bioware holds itself to a high standard and reiterates so much is what makes them a company you guys love so much.


These aren't just little bugs or "narky" issues. These are bugs that break the game. The third boss of Eternity Vault literally does not work 80 percent of the time, and the only way to fix it is to reset the instance.



I don't care what company fails or succeeds since i don't work for any of them and I don't own shares in any holding companies. So no fanboy here.....just someone who's played MMO's for ages and realizes that as you get deeper into end game early in release you always come across "Game Breaking" bugs in the Raids etc.


That's why I'm taking it slow. Our Guild won't have 16 people at 50 for another two weeks probably and I'm hoping that we get a nice big patch before then. Taking it slow is great in this game since the story is so good. Maybe if some of the "rush to 50" types had stopped using their Space Bar during cut scenes they would have a different perspective.

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I certainly haven't ignored the game (probably played more than I should over the holidays, really) and I am only mid 30's so far. Haven't skipped any VO's or dialogue. Only completed the bonus series on a very laggy (fixed now) Taris and I only play one character at the moment. As a result, I am not really concerned about end game content at this point. I probably won't be level 50 for another couple of weeks, if then.


However, that said... there are some serious graphical bugs that I get a little irritated with from time to time.


1. random light bars that flash across my screen (mostly green in color and mostly around outdoor hubs)

2. Guild and Party chat don't work most of the time for me since arriving on Balmorra. (reported)

3. Kira was bugged out during a class quest on Tattoine. She was stuck to the ground horizontally. I had to log off and back on several times.

4. Eyes are missing on some cut scenes. I have all graphics on low or off.

5. Some characters are black during cut scenes. No color at all, mostly just an outline.

6. Visible nodes that are unclickable (they may have fixed this one)


There are more, but these have stuck out for me. I do believe they should be addressing these as it does give the impression of a buggy game that needs more fine tuning.


Despite these issues, I have thoroughly enjoyed leveling my JK and always look forward to logging on again when I am away from the game.

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Exactly. Mistakes like the one in my screenshot indicate that raids haven't been tested at all, even internally. That's worrying.


That's why I'm taking it slow. Our Guild won't have 16 people at 50 for another two weeks probably and I'm hoping that we get a nice big patch before then. Taking it slow is great in this game since the story is so good. Maybe if some of the "rush to 50" types had stopped using their Space Bar during cut scenes they would have a different perspective.


I never skipped a single scene.

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Top guilds of what? WoW? UO? There is no top to be on for a guild in swtor, clearing a bunch of placeholder instances/bosses 2 weeks after launch isn't really an achivement, I just think it's sad that you think it is.



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