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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. I frapsed mine and have shamelessly rewatched it many many times. :D


    What's a good (free) recording program? I only have one very clunky screenshot program... I did manage to get a nice overview of the Gravestone, my character (a Jedi Knight), and his ship in the background, though. It looks like a postcard. "Aloha from Odessen. As it turns out, being gutted with a lightsaber is in fact survivable. Am recovering well. Mostly. Still have immortal ghost in brain. Wish you were here, Kira. Love, your incredibly worried husband (call me - please!)"


    I wonder, if we made a list of demands and held Lana for ransom, if the dev's would:


    2) Reinstate Malavai's proper name and rank as before. He is not just "Quinn" he should be 'Major Malavai Quinn' or 'Major Malavai Quinn, Consort to the Empress of Zakuul, or Consort to the Empress of the Eternal Alliance ...or Major Malavai Quinn, Eternal husband to the Eternal Empress. I'm open to suggestion. :D


    :D I like Eternal Husband.

    But...boy are those others a mouthful. That even beats "[twenty-letter name] [legacy name], Grand Champion of the Great Hunt"! XD But for Quinn, 'tis worth it.

    Quinn: Do you know how many people would call for my resignation/death if my nameplate whacked them in the head if they moved anywhere within a twenty-foot radius?

    The fangirl army would protect you.

    Quinn: And...how would that do that if *they* cannot get near me?

    They'd form a very wide circle around you, lightsabers drawn and lit.

    Quinn: ...facing outwards, yes?

    Yes, duh.


    4) We also would like our various companion customizations to actually work with our beloved Malavai and show up in cutscreens, so that everyone gets 'their' Malavai.


    5) We also demand the right to openly flog and disparage anyone who refers to him as MALAVEE. :mad:


    Yes for customizations!!

    ...we are never going to let - who was it that said that? - him forget that, are we? :p


    6) Hire proper romance writer so that future interactions with Quinn and other romanceable companions don't suck. No more 'Oh hey, you're alive. Long time. Ok, well I'll serve you later, if you want.' You know what? Get whoever put together the ME:A sex scene and get them to do work on SWTOR...but get another dialogue person for the love of Jawas...cause damn that dialogue is physically painful.


    Noooo no no no, fire the person who put together the ME:A sex scene! :eek: This is a T-rated game!

    Quinn: This is another "meta" thing, isn't it... "T-rated"?

    Let's put it this way: do you want thirteen-year-olds seeing you and your wife...um...*cough* Being...um...you know...

    Quinn: I'm not sure I--*GASP* :eek:

    Now he gets it.

    Quinn: *turns very dark red just thinking about it*


    7)I want all brown M&Ms removed from my candy bowl before I sit down to play.


    Quinn: *meticulously removes every brown M&M from the candy bowl*

    Service with a smile, Quinn. You forgot the smile.

    Quinn: *sigh* ...... :)


    8) Give us/sell us a companion romance package where we can buy extra love scenes and story with romanceable companions.

    9) Nine...there is no Nine, eight ate it.


    So that's why six is afraid of seven...


    On that note - *pumps lightsaber like a shotgun* We've got a Lana to hold hostage. :cool:

    ...hey, in LEGO Lord of the Rings, Gimli c.ocks his ax like a shotgun, so why not a lightsaber?

  2. I'm not sure if this happened since 5.0 or more recently... but upon completion of Chapter Nine (The Alliance) of KOTFE, Chapter Ten (Anarchy in Paradise) automatically starts immediately afterwards.


    It used to be that Chapter Ten wouldn't start unless you specifically clicked the "play chapter" button after completing Chapter Nine, which was rather nice... gave you time to complete Alliance Alerts and turn in crates between chapters.

  3. Try turning down your graphics settings for those cutscenes. That's seemed to have worked for others in the past - and, truth be told, KOTFE/KOTET look pretty spectacular even without graphics set on ultra or high, so you (probably?) won't notice that much of a dip in graphics quality. Hopefully that'll work? :)
  4. i just want to be sure you like him like this, so there is hope for many many men in this world.


    If Quinn were in the real world, I doubt I'd like him. I'm far too volatile a person to get along with his icy stoicism - I'd probably wind up yelling at him at some point. In a game, however, where you more-or-less control the flow of dialogue (and can always esc. out when things get weird or terrible), it's fine. My warrior's certainly attracted to him, because she admires his character and he admires hers.


    ...that, and if Quinn tried to kill me - me, as in the person behind the Jagaimee avatar - I would call the police, get a restraining order, attempt to put him in prison, and never speak to him for the rest of my life so I could recover from nightmares.


    All said? It's a game. What people like in a game is often very different from what they like in real life.

  5. are women love weak and traitor male character?


    if so there is hope for many men in the world...


    ps : i killed him like a dog, face to face.


    Weak and traitor male character? Huh...who are you talking about? Hm. Well, that--

    Quinn: Weak!?

    That's the one you take offense to?

    Quinn: Traitor I may have been nine and a half years ago, but I am certainly not weak.

    ...and there you have it. :D So, not sure who you're talking about there!


    Also, as Lammia pointed out, the hate thread's down in the depths of the forums if you'd want to revive it among like-minded people. To each their own, good sir, and to us, we like Quinn. You don't. No need to shove it in our faces, please and thank you. :)

  6. then he said to let him know if he can serve me again... and then just turned around LEFT without my character saying anything. :confused::confused::confused: Why did he leave? To ensure that we end the story with me looking out the window with the two biggest dingleberries in SWTOR that I can't seem to shake no matter how much I drag my *** on the ground. I wasn't even fully aware Quinn was my Companion again until I checked my Companions and Contacts.


    ........THAT'S what happens!? :eek:

    Wow. So very meaningful. Much excitement. So thrilling. Ooouuucchhhh...

    Oi vey... whatever enthusiasm I had for getting Quinn back, even after this deluge of bad news, just went riiiiight down the drain.


    ...and now I have a theory that Lana and Theron are conspiring to ruin the Outlander's life however they can. Seems to be Lana's idea, since I doubt Theron would do all that on his own...

    *On Iokath*

    Warrior: Wait, you mean Quinn will be there!?

    Lana: Er... yes. :D

    *Warrior walks off happily*

    Lana: *on comlink* Theron, is the Quinn-bot in place?

    Theron: Um, yeah, but we're having troubles with the real Quinn... he-- *gets drowned out by a truly jaw-dropping barrage of language that nobody would ever believe comes from the dignified Malavai Quinn* ......YEAH, THAT! *sounds of someone being tied up and gagged*

    Lana: Why is he doing that?

    Theron: We're...keeping him away from his wife, whom he hasn't seen in six years?

    Lana: Strange. I wouldn't have thought that was a problem.

    Theron: Well, in any case, the Quinn-bot is ready to go.


    Warrior: Quinn, I missed you so much...

    "Quinn": *kisses her* I missed you, too. Let me know if I can serve you again. *turns and walks away*

    Warrior: ...whut.

    Lana & Theron: *enter the room* SO, COMMANDER, how'd it--*see the murderously furious look on the warrior's face* ...go.

    *Warrior angrily turns to face the window, seething in confusion/rage and plotting revenge on whoever obviously brainwashed Quinn*

    Lana: *whispers to Theron* You were in charge of programming the Quinn-bot. What went wrong!?

    Theron: *whispers back* I didn't think they were actually in love! I mean, come on... she has US to love. What could she want with him?



    ...and thus the conspiracy deepens!

  7. I get a feeling this is exactly how things are behind the scenes...how dare some poeple not like the new cast, outrage!


    Perhaps it was silly of me to think that the most hated romancable companion and the other one everyone seemed to forget about will get some much needed spotlight, just for the sake of fanservice if nothing else.


    I'm just sad, so very, very sad :(


    At least there's always headcanon and fanfiction. Whatever you don't like, you can go "Nope, didn't happen - it happened like this." It's just...kind of frustrating we actually have to resort to that. :/


    I like Lana and Theron, I really, really do. Theron's one of my favorite characters, and Lana's slowly grown on me. But I truly do wish the Lana & Theron show could be pushed out of the way at times to make room for the beloved returning companions. If my knight meets up with Kira, and they're all set to have a beautiful happy embrace after not seeing each other for - at the rate this is going - six and a half years... and then Lana butts in and says "Commander, we have to go, time's short" and Kira nonchalantly walks off... I'm sorry, but I can't be held responsible for Lana's sudden and extreme death by lightsaber impalement. :p

    Theron: *to Lana's corpse* ...you really should've seen that one coming.

  8. I need to vent so bear with me please. Both me and my significant other are so...depressed right now :(


    Two of our favorite companions returned in a non-chapter kind fo way (so no replaying...), got next to nothing in terms of story and we wonder how exactly is this bringing them back in a meaningful way? :(


    I swear, Bronnmark had more going on in his rectruitment mission than Quinn and Dorne combined, I'm completely disheartened on both the content we got and the return of a character I waited for so freaking long for :mad:


    Doesn't bode well for companions like Kira, Corso, Vector... heck, even Scourge. What are they going to say about him? "He was a former Sith. Yes, he was high up in the ranks, very close to the Emperor himself. Okay, time to go do your quests now, he'll help for all of thirty seconds, see ya."


    Seeing all this talk about Quinn (and Dorne!) and his lackluster return is...yeah, disheartening, as you said perfectly, Asheris. :(


    It seems like the developers in charge of the story came up with this great plot...and belatedly realized "Wait a sec, we took all the companions away. Oh well, it's okay, nobody will miss them!"

    [cue prolonged outcry on the forums where the main concern is returning companions]

    "...well shoot, I guess people really WERE attached to those old companions... I wonder why? We have a bunch of new ones for people to get excited about! *sigh* Guess we have to start bringing them back while also letting the story go forwards. Now how do we do that...? Umm...well, the Republic and Empire are at it again, so let's bring back... eeny meeny miny moe...Quinn and Elara. Not Iresso, not Andronikos, not Temple, not any of the Jedi or Sith - we only have room for two. Okay, *technically*, we sure could do a lot more, but we're pressed for time, so...whatever, people won't notice in favor of STORYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"

    [cue another prolonged outcry on the forums about lackluster companion returns]

    "WHAT IS WITH THESE PEOPLE!? We're giving them story! Isn't that what they want!? What the--oh, they're mad about companions. ...again!? Why!?!? It doesn't make SENSE! What's so special about these OLD companions!? We have SHINY NEW ONES! ...guys!? GUUUYS!!??"


    It's most likely not what they're actually doing behind the scenes... sometimes, though, it feels like it. :/ Yes, we do want story - and meaningful companion returns. Meaningful, in this case, means "more than thirty seconds of 'Oh hey how ya doin'?' before it's off to the races--I mean, story quests--and companions never figure into the story again."

  9. Lets fix real bugs first before we do cosmetic bugs shall we? For a change?


    It's a thread about known issues in 5.2. I just thought I'd bring those up in case, somehow, they've been missed... I agree, though: most of these other bugs - ones that hinder gameplay, etc. - can and absolutely should take priority over cosmetic issues; it'd just be nice to have all of these bugs, actual and cosmetic, fixed in one go.

  10. I particularly like the new Consular one:


    The movements of the camera make the scenes seem more alive. At the point in Syo's office, when he recites the Jedi Code just before Yuon comes in, the camera switches to look past the character from behind Syo's shoulder, and you see Yuon as she hurries in from the outside.


    That one's pretty neat, too. I loved that they kept in the consular - instead of immediately heading to meet Syo Bakarn - wandering off to the side and looking out in awe at the absolutely gorgeous scenery of Tython. It certainly establishes their character right off the bat.


    The knight's introduction is pretty much the same as it was before, but when they get off the shuttle and see the Jedi Master beckoning to them, they respond with a bright little smile, their whole face lighting up, like they're just so happy to be on Tython at last. It's utterly adorable.

    ...oof, that was a long sentence. XD


    Edit: Finally found


    You can see the smuggler's ship wildly dodging anti-aircraft fire near the end, at about 2:43. :D Now THAT was cool!


  11. It's only the opening cutscene, not the entire mission (unfortunately). The inquisitor's, I've noticed, doesn't seem to be all that changed aside from a moving camera in a few places. Others, like the agent's and smuggler's, are markedly different. Nothing changes in terms of dialogue, only action - character movements, camera movements, the general pacing of the scene.

  12. I just went back and looked at one of my old video files and yes he did get kneed in the crotch lmao XD (I took a screenshot) http://i.imgur.com/BMk2dYE.png


    Your agent looks utterly disgusted. XD Or he's wincing in sympathy. That's a beautiful screenshot...in a cringe-y, painful, hilariously awful way... :p (Also, your agent looks amazing. Chiss + white uniform = !!!)


    I love the smuggler's new cutscene. It makes a lot more sense, actually.


    You know how Corso comes skidding into the hangar, all panicked about the approaching Separatists? But we first see him fixing a speeder, without a care in the world, and then when he's relaying the news about the Separatists, he doesn't seem all that concerned. In the new version, however, as the smuggler's ship comes in for a landing we see Corso on a hillside near the hangar...doubled over in exhaustion/pain from running for his life. He appears a few minutes later, sprinting into the hangar, yelling his dialogue about the Separatists taking over the relay station or whatever it was, while still running towards Skavak and the smuggler, who are already moving to meet him.

    The banter between Skavak and the smuggler, when they first meet, is a lot less static due to their varied postures and facial expressions. They also move around a lot more, which seems very natural. In the old version, Skavak apologizes for the rush, but there's...not really any discernible hurry in his movements. In the new version, several droids are busily scurrying about the place (one nearly bumps into the smuggler), and Skavak moves a lot faster, implying genuine haste.


    Do I read into things too much? Yes, yes I do. And it's fun. :D


  13. Quinn definitely seems a lot mushier than he used to be and I am not complaining. It's like he's finally saying all the things he couldn't spit out before. (Or perhaps whoever writing him is just a big old romantic, but either way!) I like gooey Quinn :)


    Any comments, Purple Quinn?

    Quinn: ...

    ...uhhh, seems we're having technical difficulties over on his end...

    Quinn: No difficulties. I'm only still "concerned" over various fanfictions. Such as yours...

    The one where your daughter falls in love with a Jedi?

    Quinn: Yes, that. When my daughter is actually born, remind me to ground her for the rest of eternity. And it made me realize...now that I'm back - how many more fanfictions do I have to deal with?

    Be prepared for an unholy amount of kids with your equally unholy amount of wives.

    Quinn: That sounds so wrong...

    And exploring this newfound gooey side of you... Gooey is good. We like mushy. :D

    Quinn: ...I was finally finding the courage to express my true feelings, and yet now...now I'm rather frightened to do so. Will the fangirl army relent if I do?

    NOPE. All this insanity before you returned? It was only the beginning, my dear.

    Quinn: *facepalm* Here we go again...

    Welcome back. :)

  14. Sure! So far, I've only found four of the eight stories. IT's been a while since I've done either Makeb or Oricon, so I am a bit hazy on how the camera work was. I do remember one or two scenes from Oricon that had the "moving camera"



    I think they all look good, but the Agent and Consular are my favorites so far.


    Whoa. Oh, those are fantastic!! Thanks so much for sharing those links. :D Yeah, agent and consular are the best so far (oh, and the one you marked "Inquisitor" is actually the Jedi Knight). I'm still confused what that spinny camera was for in the agent's introduction, though... XD But maybe that was the point.

  15. Although, I've only seen a few of the new intros on Youtube (Since I'm not at home)I've got to say, the changes are great (Especially in the Agent intro). And hopefully, BWA will make these tweaks to the rest of the 1-50 content. Unless Makeb, and Oricon had these static cameras, then, those too!


    Can't seem to find any on YouTube. :( Could you give a link to them?


    Makeb and Oricon had an odd mixture of static and non-static cameras. There were a very few instances on Makeb where the camera moved just like in KOTET - one was in an Imperial Heroic quest, it followed a shuttle as it swooped in around a large mesa, coming in to land on a larger ship - but most of the time it was just a very slow pan to the side, or very slow zoom-in. Not really like in KOTFE/KOTET.

  16. Well, guys - it wasn't the worst-case scenario. Worst-case scenario, it would have been KOTOR-style dialogue, Quinn with a different voice actor, and no recognition that he even knows the Warrior beyond "Good to see you again, my lord."


    The dialogue was fully voiced.

    Quinn's original actor returned (yay!).

    There IS a reunion between the female romanced Warrior and Quinn - albeit not quite what we had hoped.


    So...it wasn't the absolute worst it could be. Although I guess that says a lot, when the best thing you can say is, "Well, it could have been worse." We got Quinn back at all; guess we should be grateful. :p (Which, don't get me wrong, I am grateful Quinn's back in the first place. AND he has his original voice actor, hurray!)


    And, we have headcanon, to imagine absolutely whatever the heck we want. Start writing your fanfics... because whatever you can come up with will most likely be better than whatever happened in-game. :p


    (Edit: And so much for me staying far away from this thread, huh? XD Oh well.)

  17. If you're warrior, you get 2 scenes, each no more than 3 minutes. If you're not a warrior, you get one scene, the first one. The end. :(


    And customisations don't work. :(


    PS. They didn't return any comps in KOTET because they wanted to give them meaningful return. THIS is a meaningful return????? 5 minutes total of two cutscenes at best?


    ...shoot... :( That's...really, really disappointing. Thanks for telling me.

  18. A'right. I've been hearing horror stories. Things like the reunion's flat, and then

    Quinn just vanishes afterward and doesn't play an important part in the story.

    That...I hope that doesn't actually happen...please say that's exaggeration.

    Should I not get my hopes up? :( No spoilers, please, I just...want to know if I should be looking forward to this or not...

  19. I hate the look of the new map. Looks fuzzy and kind of attacks your eyes.


    It is a bit of an eyesore - literally, not aesthetically (in my opinion).


    Anyway, other than the brightness and the fuzziness (and that slightly irritating static fuzz when zooming in all the way to a planet), I don't mind it. I prefer the old one, but this new map isn't terrible. It's just... meh.

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