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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. as there was only one class that got nerfed this last patch figure it out


    Y'know, I'm trying to figure out what you're complaining about. Being cryptic and rude isn't helping your case. ...which, for that matter, I can't even figure out what your case is supposed to be. You said you're not complaining, then proceed to complain that BioWare didn't tell anyone about these mysterious nerfs, then refuse to tell anyone what said nerfs are. Oooookay. So your point is...??


    If you're talking about this thread, then...read the rest of the thread to have it explained why it's not a nerf. Otherwise, I sincerely have no idea what you're talking about.

  2. So I'm doing Chapter Thirteen: Profit and Plunder on my Sith Warrior today. I get to the part where you meet back up with Vette, and instead of acting reasonably cheery towards my (female) warrior, who was nothing but friendly, kind, and warm towards her - Vette looked dejected/disgusted. "Oh...fancy seeing you here..." She all but sounded like she was about to give a "uuuggghh, you again," at the end.


    ...huh? I'm fairly certain it's not supposed to be like that for female warriors who were friendly to Vette. My warrior took off Vette's collar at the first opportunity, was light-side in all her companion quests, declared Vette was like a sister to her, and Vette called her "O sweetest of Sith Lords" at the end of her companion conversations. Did something get bugged, and the game assumes my warrior was dark-side all the way through (her alignment is actually neutral)? Is Vette supposed to react like that?

  3. They should never combine real $ items in with the gameplay itself, its just bad tactics and still considered bait and switching which is very bad for business


    "Bait and switch"? The heck...?


    And...no, it's a valid tactic. People pay real money to be able to do Operations in the first place. Why shouldn't they be rewarded with very rare drops? Pay real money, go through some effort to attain the item - or pay a lot of real money and potentially get the item with a click of a button. In the end, it's your choice whether you want to flush a lot of money down the drain on hypercrates with a chance at getting that rare item, or go through some work to get it. Just two different ways to attain it. I don't see the problem, so long as both drops remain relatively rare.

  4. Aww he's so cute. When you choose the Empire, though, what he says there is really sad :(


    Aw. :( Good thing my inquisitor, who romanced him, will be choosing the Republic.

    ...at this rate, my warrior just might choose the Republic, because she despises Acina...if I can be absolutely sure that won't bug anything for future storylines (imagine if getting Quinn even when you side with the Republic is a bug that will be "fixed" later on! :eek:). I won't take anybody through Iokath - or later story - until I can be sure of the ramifications of supporting either faction further down the line. Why is there no option to go "Um, nope, we take a third option and keep the superweapon for ourselves/destroy it, nobody should have that power"? :/ Maybe there will be in the future.

  5. argflufflecakes!

    ...I was trying to think of a word to describe Chapter Twelve of KOTFE, and I think I found it now. :D Going through that chapter is one big "THE HECK!?" moment for me. Just...whaaaaaaaaaa???? Boy but my warrior is ticked off at Marr... thank goodness for headcanon, because I can have her reply in absolutely any snarky/deadpan/angry way I/she wants to. >_< And also thank goodness for the "angry" replies in dialogue options there. The male knight's voice actor is fantastic at conveying frustration and confusion. *shakes fist at Satele* If I didn't utterly despise you before, I sure do now! There's an option to accuse Marr of corrupting Satele. Pfft. I think it's the other way around...actually, I have another theory.


    it's Valkorion trolling the Outlander. Again. "Marr" is Valkorion, who's been visiting Satele these past five years while the Outlander was in carbonite (don't know how that works, but...it's Valkorion. Assume he can make the galaxy spin counter-clockwise if he so wants). And the "Marr" you meet in Chapter Twelve is just Valkorion, again, lying to the Outlander for fun and giggles and twisted amusement. It'd make a heck of a lot more sense than "Oh yeah, Marr's a Jedi brat now, who knew death could really change one's mindset?" ...derp.



    ...okay, back on topic. Quinn? Quinn. Yes, Quinn. :D

    Quinn: *reflexively salutes*

  6. First time poster but long term lurker here :) Just wanted to say thank you for this thread, it's been refreshing to find so many people who also love my favourite companion :D I think I have terrified a few people on the bus when reading this by bursting out laughing at some of the comments, especially purple Quinn (Always read this in his voice for some reason)


    Thanks so much to all those who have posted their videos, as I've not taken my main SW through yet - terrified of bugs and breaking my romance :(


    I did notice on my SI who sided with the Empire that Quinn's updated bio mentions that he betrayed the Wrath, but was then forgiven by her, which I thought was a nice touch.


    Anyways, sorry for the rambling message, and let's keep this on the front page :D


    Hey, hi! :D Welcome! (Yay, someone else likes purple Quinn! :D Things like that just make my whole day. XD) And speaking of Purple Quinn...

    Quinn: Darth Silvasa. *respectful bow* Shall I sign the obligatory poster for you, my lord?

    I'm not Silvasa, obviously, but... it's a new fangirl. New fangirls necessitate new poster-signings. So duhhhh you sign the poster, silly. :p

    Quinn: *signs poster with an air of long-suffering only attained by being the beloved chew toy of fangirls worldwide* Your poster, my lord...

    You were all happy a day ago.

    Quinn: That was before I was back to being used as a poster-signing automaton.

    Automaton? Oi. You know that bit about the Quinn-bot was a joke, yes?

    Quinn: ... *shifty eyes*


  7. It's a bit annoying that Kaliyo who is a lesser character and worse betrayer (in my opinion) got so much more story devoted to her than Quinn who is a huge character in the swtor universe.


    I agree about the worse betrayer - Quinn did it once, after being heavily pressured by a Sith Lord (one who can force-choke/kill people from across the galaxy over holocomm), while Kaliyo did it for years, betraying not only the agent but the ENTIRE EMPIRE...and she did it for funsies and money.

    But, in all fairness (*gag* I hate Kaliyo), they're roughly equal in terms of how "big" their character roles are - at least in the vanilla story. They're both companions, both love interests, etc. It's only in KOTFE and beyond that their roles start to outweigh one or the other. Kaliyo gets an entire chapter to her and a large role of the story dedicated to her (or Jorgan) infiltrating the relay station below the Spire. Quinn gets... "Hi, glad to see you again my lord, I love you too, bye [disappears]" :/ In that, Kaliyo's role outshines Quinn. But in the original class stories, both were about equal.

  8. If you're dropping down to preferred - meaning that you've subscribed once, but let your subscription lapse - I think the number of allotted characters is something like ten or twelve. I'm not certain.


    In any case, if you do go over the character limit, you'll have to pick and choose which characters remain active, and which will not. You cannot access the characters that are inactive until/if you subscribe again - they're still *there*, you didn't permanently lose them, but you do lose access to them until/if you subscribe again. You also won't be able to create any more characters on that server. You can, however, create other characters on other servers.

  9. Fixed that for you. Now get out and stay out.


    The mods are strong with us today. Whatever happened there, his post got deleted. Yay. :D (Argh, the things that happen in a span of three hours... wake up early in the morning, can't sleep, decide to check the forums, nothing's going on, manage to fall back asleep and wake up three hours later...suddenly the Eternal Quinnmancers grew another page and a half and there was a troll. :( I wanted to see a troll. I wanted to know if they really did live under bridges and threaten Billy Goats Gruff.)

  10. After the class stories comes Ilum, which ends in two flashpoints. After Ilum comes cvhapter 4 "Rise of the Hutt Cartel", that is followed by the Forged Alliances (a prelude to Shadow of Revan), where you will be completing 4 flashpoints. After that comes the Shadow of Revan, that ends to Rise of the Emperor. After that begins the Eternal Empire story, that is explored in Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne expansions. The newest update, War for Iokath, is set after the events of the Eternal Throne.

    Aside from these expansions, there is the Dread Masters storyline (begins on Belsavis, ends on Oricon: the story consists of solo missions as well as operations). Then there are the Seeker Droid and Macrobinocular questlines, that end in heroic 4 missions. Then there's the CZ-198, that explores what happened to Czerka Corporation in amidst of all conflict. These missions can be done whenever you want, I've personally began to do them after I completed other expansions.


    As an addition - you can start Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne when you hit level 60 / 65, respectively, regardless of where else you are in story content. If this is your first time through the story, it's not advised to start those storylines until you've completed (most of) what comes before.

    If you do start those storylines, you will be locked out of any remaining quests in your class story, companion conversations, Forged Alliances, Shadow of Revan, and Rise of the Emperor (commonly just known as "Ziost," the planet it takes place on). Makeb, Ilum, Oricon, CZ-198, are not locked out, but as they take place chronologically before Fallen Empire / Eternal Throne, you'll probably want to complete those first to avoid a lot of confusion. As for Fallen Empire / Eternal Throne, just follow the story breadcrumbs starting in Forged Alliances, and you'll get to Fallen Empire / Eternal Throne / Iokath as the natural next place in the storyline.


    Also, the four flashpoints you have to complete in Forged Alliances have a solo mode. You can do them all by yourself, no need to group up with other people. There are two more flashpoints in Shadow of Revan proper, both of which also have solo modes. (The two flashpoints that end Ilum also have solo modes now.)

  11. So wrong but so perfect!!! :D


    Quinn: *unsure whether to blush or faint dead away from horror*

    It, uh, it, um, means...fem!Warrior sits on Quinn's lap as he sits on the Eternal Throne?

    My warrior: *glances at herself, then at Quinn* ...or the other way 'round.

    The Eternal Throne sits on YOU? How much does that thing weigh, half a ton? That has to be painful...

    Warrior: No, I meant--...you know what I meant...

    *she and Quinn simultaneously facepalm*

  12. Ooh that's a good one too!


    Quinnmancers United? This is fun lol.:p


    :D Quinnmancers United - nice! XD


    Knights of the Eternal Quinnmancer Order! ...though that's a mouthful. Hmm... Knights of the Eternal Quinnmancers? Quinnmancer Alliance? Throne of Eternal Quinnmancing...no, wait, that just sounds wrong. Very wrong. O_O The--

    Quinn: "The Fangirl Army."


    Quinn: Isn't that what you've already been calling yourselves? Despite the obvious fallacy, since you are not all female.

    Well, yeah, but we're trying to come up with the OFFICIAL name.

    Quinn: The OFFICIAL na--wait, why was that in capital letters?

    Because it's OFFICIAL. You just can't say it in lowercase. Here, I'll try: oFFICIAL. Nope, can't.

    Quinn: ......that is...truly bizarre. Sir.

    But it's fun. And that's what matters. :D

  13. Covert energy headpieces would work in theory... except there are certain cutscenes in game that remove any and all headgear, even if it's an eye patch or a headband. I assume it'd be the same for the covert energy piece, regardless of whether or not it's "in the way." (Those cutscenes are mostly romance scenes - or ones that have even the possibility of kissing/romance, even if you don't take those options.) So you'd be able to have your hood down and covert energy headpiece - until those cutscenes, in which case... insta-hood and your character suddenly goes bald again. :(
  14. Try turning down your graphics settings to low.


    Also, if you're brand-new to the game, I'd recommend you start all the way back at level 1, to experience the entire story up until Fallen Empire, and then jump into Fallen Empire / Eternal Throne. You'll get a lot more backstory and explanation for why things are the way they are in Fallen Empire/Eternal Throne that way. :)

  15. Yes, there is an option in the conversation after his betrayal to inform the rest of the crew of his actions "at the appropriate time". Along with the options to just keep it between you two (and whatever companion you brought along at that time, of course).


    Ohhh, okay, so there IS that option. Thanks for clarifying that. :)

  16. Well I avoided fangirl army because it removes the possibility non-girls were his fans and I didn't want to make that statement.


    And any character might know if they speak to the right Sith Warrior, or one of his followers....which you do have in your follower list by this point ( or did).


    My commando kills imps for very little reason, he just hates imps. Years of fighting them has worn his soul down and now he has little to no remorse over killing for any reason.


    There are a few guys in the army too - there's just a lot more gals than guys. Don't think it matters too much, honestly; I was making a joke. :p


    True, unless the Warrior told Quinn it's just between us...actually, do you ever get an option to tell the rest of the crew about it? Unless you bring another companion with you to the betrayal (something I didn't even know you could do until recently), it's between you and Quinn, with the rest of the crew oblivious. I think. 'Tis been a while...


    Ah. That makes sense. :) (My trooper was pretty much the same way - at first. As time went on he gradually left that mindset behind. Sure took a toll on him, though...)

  17. Careful now. I got a forum warning for calling you all fangirls. It's almost like the moderators don't read the forums or something. :rolleyes:


    ...seriously? That's...kinda ridiculous. It's not an insult in any stretch of the imagination, so why would you get a warning over it? Oi. Weird... :confused:

  18. I'm a republic commando married to Elara and Quinn insults her first time I meet him.....good enough reason to me.


    As for anyone else, well he's Quinn, a traitorous scum who needs to die, his league of squeee followers have alerted us all to his scum bag qualities, so we kill him. Seems fair to me.


    Squeee followers? We're the fangirl army, get your terminology correct! :p


    As for everyone who's not the warrior killing Quinn... yeah, the *players* might know that Quinn betrayed the warrior nine and a half years ago in-game, but the *characters* don't know that. I'm just confused why *every* class "should"

    get the option to kill Quinn. (Also, you'd kill someone just for insulting your wife? ...well, chivalry's one thing, but that might be going a bit far. XD)

  19. Yes, PLEASE. I despise the Dark vs. Light popups - especially when one side "wins" and there's a sudden, very loud (no matter how much I've turned down my sound) blare of music. I've turned down the music settings entirely - and that music still plays. Short of turning off all sound everywhere in-game, I can't do a thing about it.


    At least they don't pop up in cutscenes... I think. I haven't been able to verify that; I've never experienced them popping up in cutscenes, but I've heard a few other people say they do... can someone clarify this? Do they really pop up in cutscenes? Because that is absolutely intolerable. Reuniting with a loved companion (Torian, Vette, Quinn, etc.) shouldn't be interrupted by DUH DUH DUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, cue the dark vs. light popup slapped over the characters' foreheads in the middle of a kiss. >_<


    Even just running around in the open world, the popups are incredibly jarring - and essentially useless unless you're a) at level 70, and b) are attempting to get a group together for a light/dark boss as soon as one side wins. If you're doing Galactic Command, all you have to do is click the GC interface to find out which side is "in control" or leaning that way. No need for the popups!


    Please, please give us an option to disable them altogether! Not just the incremental "the dark/light side grows stronger" notices, but the incredibly annoying fanfare, the announcement of which side "wins," the whole nine yards. Don't take it away permanently - just give us the option to turn it off! That way, people who want the notices to keep popping up will do so, and the people who can't stand the darn thing won't have to deal with it.

  20. Malavai Quinn Puppyface. I can't take it - it's too hilarious!


    Quinn: I--what--what is that sound!?

    The sound of dozens of fangirls simultaneously laughing/squee'ing/going "AWWWWWWWWWWW THE WOOBIE HUG THE WOOBIE AAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!"

    Quinn: ...furthermore, what is that face? That is...entirely undignified for--

    *fangirl stampede straight towards him*

    Quinn: Oh no--*is promptly buried beneath the fangirl army, all desperate for hugs* I CAN'T--BREATHE--

    A minor issue. :D


    That face is...yeah. Adorable and hilarious. I think that's the visual definition of Narm Charm.

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