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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. What, really? This I got to see.



    Quinn: *spits out water*

    Theron: ...oh geez.

    Quinn: I HAVE BEEN SHIPPED WITH ANY AND ALL FEMALE WARRIORS - even some of the male warriors - and a few male agents - AND NOW A REPUBLIC SPY!? This...this is a gross insult, my lord(s)!

    Theron: Yeah, and I've been shipped with-- *deep breath*--Jedi knights, Jedi consulars, pirate kings/queens, the commander of Havoc Squad, the Wrath of the Empire, Darth Nox, the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, AND Cipher Nine, all regardless of gender, so that doubles all...possibilities. That's at least sixteen people. And now you.

    Quinn: *mute horror/amazement/confusion*

    Theron: *resigned shrug*


    (Someone yell at me if I'm being annoying. :o )

  2. Jorgan was broken, so we fixed him by smouldering the pieces back together, with a pistol.


    My trooper fixed him with a hug.

    ...that sadly happened offscreen and only in headcanon, because my trooper's male, and apparently hugging is only for romanced female troopers. :p


    Also - gah so many pages in one night?? We are SO going to break the Theron Shan fangirl page count... O_O - we have a new fangirl added to the borg--I mean, the army--the...thread. :D Welcome!!


    Welcome! *gives you full colour poster or 8x10 glossy (your choice lol) of Malavai Quinn, darkside cookies and a decoder ring.* Great to have you! <3


    And maybe just maybe, Jagaimee can get him to autograph your poster or 8x10 glossy for you.


    Quinn: Oh dear.

    Sign the nice person's poster, dear.

    Quinn: Do you take me for a trained monkey that you can order to do what you want?

    I'm writing your dialogue. I can make you sprout wings and fly, if I wanted to.

    Quinn: *hurriedly signs poster*

    The power of being a writer. *evil grin*

  3. Thank you :)


    Still bummed that I have to work that day, but I should be done earlier then I normally am so can still play the chapter, but was hoping to roll out of bed and do it as soon as the severs came back up again :(




    Maybe that's a good thing, though. That way you can have a little advanced warning in case of any major bugs that pop up, instead of finding them out for yourself first-hand and having something broken. (Or maybe that's just me being paranoid. :p)

  4. I just found out at work today I have mandatory training on Tuesday....I will not be able to see my Quinn once the servers come back up.....NOOO! I think I need to go cry myself in a corner now :(


    So much for day off :(


    I need more purple text to cheer me up :(

    Quinn: I can sympathize, my lord. In the military, we had no choice but to comply if there was a mandated staff meeting day.

    ...military...staff...as I know nothing about either of those, were you in an office or on the battlefield?

    Quinn: Well, both. On Balmorra it was more in the office, however. Every Tuesday afternoon at three, there was a meeting. How is the war progressing; what more can we do to make the Republic's lives miserable; what is the best way to disarm a bomb that's been smuggled to the Imperial headquarters; how best to recover pieces of officers blown up by said bomb for identification, etc.

    Er...typical office gossip, then...

    Quinn: Indeed. The meetings lasted for seven hours and anyone who tried to leave would be shot on sight.


    Quinn: *perfectly straight face*

    ...you ARE joking, right?

    Quinn: *even more perfectly-er straighter face*


    Quinn: *most perfectliest straightest face...est...of all. Est.*

    Quinn...that's not cheery. At all. Nightfrogger needs cheering up. Not depressing. That is very much depressing.

    Quinn: *no change of expression* We also had weekly bingo games and whoever won would take home a pink sparkly bormu pillow pet.


    *okay so they don't have Monday, Tuesday, etc. in Star Wars, but I can't remember which days of the week go where on *their* calendar...or even the names of those days outside of Taungsday and Centaxday, and I forget what those are. XD

  5. I don't know what Shadowlands is like, but I do know that Ebon Hawk has one of the best communities in-game. They're also pretty active. Not *quite* as populated as Harbinger, but they're certainly no ghost town, either.
  6. *tears in eyes* W-Whut? W-What d'you mean he's not real? But he speaks to me...the purple letters are REAL!


    *sniffles* Where's my safe place...oh wait. I'm in it. :o I need my Malavai. Tuesday needs to hurry up. Because he's real. Real, I tell you. :o


    Quinn: I do not speak to--...Jagaimee.


    Quinn: You're making me do it again.


    Quinn: Stop that. ...sir.


  7. I think I know my new favorite word. I'm going to go downstairs and try to use it in a sentence with someone.


    That's the word that always made me raise my eyebrows when it appeared as the name of some outfit or other... Potent Warrior, Potent...Champion...? Something. (Edit: potent champion's not it. Hmmm, where was it...?) POTENT COMBATANT, that's it!

    With a VERY LARGE...flap in the front...with BLAZING PINK-RED LIGHTS RUNNING UP AND DOWN IT.



    Quinn: As potent as ever, my lord.

    Every warrior ever: "POTENT"!?

    Female warriors: *swoon*

    Male warriors: *recoil* Uhhhhhh.

    Quinn: ... *blink blink* Wrong choice of words.

    Quinn: You aren't joking.

    Quinn: Wait--what!?

    Quinn: One of us is in-game, and the other is being written by a deranged fangirl.

    Haters: Aw for the love of Bastila, THERE ARE MORE OF YOU!?

    Fangirls: FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS AWESOME, THERE ARE MORE OF YOU!? *eyes transform into wingding hearts*

    Quinns: ...oh no.

  8. oh

    so that was the clip

    :D :D :D


    On one hand, YAY. Whew, Quinn's voice... o.O It got...deeper? On the other hand, *facepalm*

    Quinn: *backing away even faster now* ohdear

    I was initially worried. "Wait...that's the default option!? We don't get a choice?" But then I listened VEEEERY closely and heard the little 'clik' of selecting a dialogue option. They just didn't show the dialogue wheel. Whew...

  9. I'm happy the voice actor is the same.


    But that video...LOL.

    It wasn't a surprise they showed the before the kill scene. What surprised me more is how lame is that. Hello Quinn, now you die. Couldn't have they come up with a more original idea, really? :p I thought you can kill him when he messes something up/fails a mission/gives you a remark you don't like, etc.

    You didn't kill him back then, right after the incident, and not even later on. Now, after X years you meet for the first time and this...not too logical.









    Edit: My brain broke. THAT'S the best they could come up with? :/ Oi.

  10. I'd like for Quinn to live for a thousand years. At a certain location in the Dune Sea.


    Only if we get to dredge the depths of the sarlacc and rescue him after .2 milliseconds. :) Any and all unwanted Quinns may be shipped to the Quinn Fangirl Army. They will be well-loved.

    Quinn: *backing away faster now*

    ...I just said well-loved, not abused or anything.

    Quinn: Yes, and at this point, I don't know who to run toward or away from: the army who wants to mercilessly slaughter me for an event that happened NINE YEARS AGO at this point, or the army who wants to...cuddle me.

    I'd go with cuddling.

  11. Well, the livestream's in half an hour. Here's hoping they show Quinn talking!! :D

    ...also hoping for a particular bug to be fixed (tired of female cathar looking like burnt carrots, grrr)...wish I could attend the livestream and bring that up. Or bring up Quinn. "So, does he still have his original voice actor??" Sigh.

    I shall content myself with impatiently doing schoolwork until the livestream's over. :p


    Quinn: Of course I still have my "voice actor." Do I sound any different to you?

    So you admit you're a video game character! and you did sound very different on Rishi; you had a cold the size of Nal Hutta

    Quinn: ...I shall indulge your fantasies. *through gritted teeth* Grand Admiral.

    ...you're a video game character. With a voice actor. His name's Richard Teverson. I really hope he doesn't read these forums, because that might be a little creepy to realize all these fangirls are fangirling over a) the character he voiced and b) his voice itself. I don't know. Would that be creepy? e_e

    Quinn: *slowly backing away*

  12. I'm disappointed they didn't bring back Akaavi in the Mandalorian chapter.


    It's been a little while, but when doing Akaavi's conversations... doesn't she say at one point [paraphrasing] "I have no clan now; I'm not a Mandalorian, just a wandering mercenary"?

    Edit: I also forget if there's an option to correct her in some way. e_e Like I said, it's been a little while, and both of my smugglers were rather dismissive to Akaavi, basically saying "I really don't care what you do, who you are, or what you think 'honor' is, just hold down the ship-fort here while I'm gone."

  13. i had no idea that choice of server could make that much of a difference. Thank you guys, guess i'll give it another try... on another server, lol.


    Glad to hear you're sticking with the game for now. :) I hope your experiences, from here on out, are considerably better than they have been. Welcome back to SWTOR!

    Hey, also, in case you're interested, here's that thread I mentioned in my earlier post: The Weird People You Meet in Groupfinder. It's good for a laugh, a confused head-tilt, a jaw-scrape-floor moment, eye roll, possible nightmares...and knowing that you're definitely not alone in dealing with the trolls. :p

  14. I think i'm on Harbinger, its just the server they put me on i guess after they collapsed the server count. My favorite thing to do in MMOs is to get to the min level requirement for the first instance, then just queue over and over, meet new people, and keep going till level cap. Just doesn't seem something that's viable in this game, not to mention at the rate i was gaining levels i'd hit the cap in about 5 instances anyways lol.


    Being on Harbinger would explain it. :/ Harbinger's...known for being extremely toxic. Extremely toxic. There are other servers that are much more friendly, like Ebon Hawk (which is slightly less in population, but still bustling, and very welcoming. I've been there since last fall and quite enjoy it).


    Doing as you described - leveling by queuing in flashpoints/warzones - is definitely viable here. You just have to be prepared to face a lot of jerks and trolls. Might want to do yourself a favor and transfer to a server like Ebon Hawk or Begeren Colony (again, less populated than the former two servers, but still much more friendly than Harbinger). :)

  15. Am a bit colorblind, did I get the right purple at least?


    Yes, you did! Exactly the same color I used. :D "Dark orchid" - what a pretty name for that particular tint of purple.


    During the marriage proposal when he mentions calling him Malavai. If you take the option, 'only in private' he says:

    "Your Captain will return to his duties, Malavai will see you later." And a close second is when he says: "Now we've said it, later we'll show it."


    There is so much delicious innuendo in what he says. ;)


    Awww...I chose the teasing option. :p Yet Quinn still approved.

    "Maybe I'll call you 'husband.'"

    "[facepalm] Please, don't."

    "[wicked smile] Or 'hubby.'"

    "I...know better than to take you seriously. I'm going back to work. [a pause, then a boyish grin] Wife."

    *slowly melts onto the floor with a stupid grin on my face* thaaaaaaat was veeeeeeeery cuuuuuuuute ~

  16. Moff Broysc: He destroyed the Glory space station for crying out loud!.

    Quinn: ...I have no idea what that is....


    This :)


    Quinn Purple has caught on! :D


    Haha, I love that whole scene. XD And the stories that just beg to be told, because from Quinn's tone alone, it's implied he absolutely DOES know what that is. :p



    Quinn: [after the warrior agrees to his transferring to another position] I...eh--...[stammers]...I am an idiot. Permissiontokissyoumylord??

    Warrior: [smiling broadly] You need never to ask--

    [is abruptly grabbed and kissed with a passion that, admit it, raised delighted eyebrows from every fangirl watching]

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