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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. There wasn't anyone else in that back room.......:p


    There also wasn't a door. :eek:

    ...so unless the entire cantina averted their eyes, I think it's a safe bet to say Theron and the Outlander were just talking. XD They have five years to catch up on, after all.

  2. Well I got done writing what I was hoping to do. I made a bit on Quinn's thoughts and feelings of what happened during chapter 1 of KotFE. I know it is sad and depressing, but I figured if I am going to get excited about his return...and probably write something about the reunion and probably fade the black moment I hope is there. I need something to start with. How can I attempt to write a touching reunion if I don't have anything on the farewell?


    This is my headcannon idea of what he would do being thrust in this situation...

    There is no swearing or graphic language in this piece, just lots of Quinn feels



    Is a work in progress and will change should Tuesday reveal anything that goes against my narrative. I want their work to be cannon, I just do the filler around and in between.


    Hnnrrggghhh *heart quietly breaks*

    That was beautiful. Quinn's despair was almost palpable, the poor man...

    Also, interesting take on the betrayal!


    Mind-control/brainawshing by Baras? ...okay, now I am REALLY glad my warrior impaled him repeatedly when she'd defeated him. Jerk deserved it...



    Quinn: A...another poster? ... *sigh*

    Do it. *holds Red Pen of Editorial Doom threateningly*

    Quinn: I thought you were a fangirl, not a...anti-fangirl...hater...whatever you call them. Sir.

    Oh, I am a fangirl. My particular brand of fangirling just comes with "make the characters you love suffer...a lot."

    Quinn: That is not reassuring.

    Hey, I'm taking classes to be a freelance editor! What good is the Red Pen of Editorial Doom if I don't get to exercise it frequently? Defeats the whole purpose. Takes all the fun out of it! :( ...now sign that poster.

    Quinn: *autographs extra glossy poster* Darth Nightfrogger, my lord. *bows while presenting it*

    Good Quinn.

  3. So it's been 5 years


    I'm curious to know, how would you react if you found out Quinn "cheated" on you


    My warrior would...not be happy. After all they'd gone through to repair their relationship - he goes and cheats on her. AFTER sending her that letter saying he'd look for her "even if it kills [him]."

    It'd be the last straw for her, (speaking from headcanon, she's lost *literally everyone important to her* by the end of KOTET). Her husband cheating on her...gah. She'd be devastated.


    Quinn: I...I would never! My lords, please. You must understand how ridiculous the question is. When I sent that letter - knowing it would likely never reach its intended recipient - I meant it. There is very, very little I will not do to save my wife. When I said "even if it kills me," I was not exaggerating.

    We'll see in... *checks calendar* Ooh! A day and a half. Ish.

    Quinn: ...we shall see, indeed.

  4. . It is also an immersion killer during cutscenes.


    If nothing will be done about it for 5.2, then why is this taking so long to address?


    It pops up during cutscenes!? :eek: Well. That's just...wrong. :/


    Anyway, yes - devs, please do give us an option to turn it off (along with the annoying music!). If we want to know which side is "in control" of the galaxy for Galactic Command reasons, we can just click on the GC interface itself and there's the dark vs. light bar at the bottom. No need to have it keep popping up with periodic updates. >_<

  5. Okay...forgive me if it has been addressed in this thread already, but I just combed through as much as I want to...soooooo, my questions are:


    Do we know if LS or DS will have any influence with him when he returns?

    Do we know if he will be uber pissed at us if we were too friendly with the pubs? I watched the stream, it almost seem like it was suggested that our past choices in helping the Republic might bite us in the arse.


    No one save dataminers have any idea, unfortunately. :(

    ...at least we only have two days to wait! ...AAAAGH TWO DAYS!!

  6. Lurked this thread when they announced Quinn's return. Came back when I heard his voice once again!


    April 11th can't come any sooner!


    Who else fansquealed when they heard his voice on the newest trailer? Just me? Oh.


    Welcome! :D

    The squee'ing started when his return was announced, I think. XD And then it just got louder when a) we realized he kept his original voice, yay!, and b) we actually heard that voice. Like so:

    Spoiler'd for size alone.





    Quinn: *hands clapped to his ears* :eek:

    ...um...we love you.

    Quinn: *slowly peels his hands away from his ears* My hearing is just now returning...although I suppose I have no one but myself to blame for any sustained hearing loss, given how I did not run away when I heard the..."squee"...starting.

    Aha! You admit it! You LIKE the fangirling!

    Quinn: Actually, I was paralyzed with the sudden fear of being mobbed by fangirls if I ran.


  7. Sorry. I didn't think KOTET story was unknown to anyone at this point (even if not played by themselves), so didn't think about putting it into spoilers.


    All my other ramblings are a mix of this "I'll kill you" clip for haters with my really bad mood since yesterday.:o


    Oh - no, I meant spoilers about Quinn, not KOTET. :o I kind of sort of know what happens in KOTET already, so you didn't spoil anything there.

  8. I'd say Kaliyo and Quinn are in the same boat of ''Your character, despite forced, already forgave them. Years later is not the time"

    True. The difference is that she actually does something in KOTFE, so it's recent. If you choose to punish her whichever way you choose, there's an immediate reason for it. You don't say "oh, btw, years ago you did this and that". No, it's "you disobeyed my direct orders. People died now. I can risk it again."


    Here, with Quinn, it is "years ago you did this thing. I didn't do anything to you back then, and worked with you for years, but now after my 5 years in carbonite and months killing Valkorions, you'll pay for all that!"


    Yes; that's what I meant when I said that Kaliyo shows no signs of improvement in KOTFE or anywhere else. Kaliyo continues to be her treacherous, backstabby (...that is a word now, yes :p) self and shows no remorse for it whatsoever. She's a liability to the entire Alliance, beyond whatever personal grudge the agent might have against her.

  9. Or we're totally bonkers but at least not alone, and in good company :D


    Very true. :D


    Truthfully, I thought that was just terrible.


    Goes back to being to late imo for that scene to make any sense story wise. After the first betrayal, the SW forgives Quinn one way or the other, even if the player wishes they couldn't.


    So, after forgiving him and working with him for all that time, now it's brought back up? Makes no sense. Feels like a forced way to let some SW's kill him now :p


    If there was a mission in the upcoming storyline where Quinn failed in some way, that would be an excuse to kill him for some people. And that would make a lot more sense - THEN the warrior could even bring up "Oh, and this is also for that time you tried to kill me. Remember that? I haven't forgotten. I let you live then, and it was a mistake. [etc.]"

    That'd be more natural.

    But nope. "Quinn? Oh, it's you! RAWR DIE YOU TRAITOR DIE! ...for something that happened NINE YEARS AGO that I've actually forgiven you for one way or another, but who cares! Die!"

    My agent was like that towards Kaliyo...but Kaliyo had a) been actively betraying her FOR YEARS, b) also tried to kill her, c) never apologized, and d) never even attempted to make up for it in any way. Oh, and e) proceeded to become a mass murdering terrorist by trying to blow up a city. Seriously, her last conversation - immediately after her betrayal - with a non-romanced agent is taunting them to their face about how they're stuck with her now, hahaha. Grrrrr.

    That, and my agent's a paranoid lunatic by now. Kaliyo's a walking pile of betrayal, as evidenced by *every single former partner she's EVER had*, and she shows no signs of improvement in KOTFE. Quinn screwed up - badly - ONCE. And has done everything in his power to make up for it, as evidenced by the class storyline. :/


    Anyway; sorry, not trying to get into "why Quinn is better than Kaliyo" all over again - just pointing out the disparities in their storylines, and why killing one companion makes more sense than killing another.

  10. My wanted to defeat the enemy, and then go home (which is the Empire, not some Shmakuul or Odessen-smessen) to find her hubby. I was miserable after finishing KOTET, because it was so very much out of character for her. But since all my mains live in the same reality, and my Inquisitor was by her side, she gave it to him. He happily took it (he's greedy for power that way), and I somehow worked it out in fanfic.


    Thank goodness for headcanon, then. :D Hey, all my characters live in the same reality, too! Sure is fun to have all of them clash heads with each other and work out who does what.

  11. I had a meltdown yesterday about that. On Twitter. SWTOR official account replied to me tweet that it is an option, not a default choice.


    I'm still worried, though. In KOTET I kept choosing "don't want the throne" each time I could, until it was not an option any more, and my warrior started saying "when I take the throne". I worry they'll do the same.


    "I don't want to kill you... until the script makes me to against my will". :(


    That happens? :/ Drat.

    Spoiler'd for potential spoilers for KOTFE/KOTET, even though I'm pretty sure everybody else here's been through them already... it's just me that hasn't. XD Still, I know a fair number of plot points. :/ Just...not everything.


    Both my knight and my warrior (my two "main" characters for KOTFE/KOTET) absolutely do not want the throne. My knight just wants to leave and find Kira, and he doesn't care what happens to the rest of the galaxy as long as Kira's safe. (That and getting Valkorion out of his brain. He'd like that, too. XD) My warrior doesn't want the Eternal Throne...she wants the Sith Empire's throne. Sort of. She'd rather assume a position of leadership, sort out the Empire's maaaaaaany many many shortcomings, then step down and leave the ruling to a reformed Dark Council, perfectly content to simply be an enforcer once again.

    Must resort to headcanon, then. Again. (Heck, in headcanon, my smuggler and bounty hunter left alongside Koth in the aftermath of Chapter Ten. Hunter returned to the Alliance with the Mandos and Torian, but my smuggler's still out and about in the galaxy at large, helping the Alliance occasionally - but mostly, she's just looking for her husband.)


  12. I really like the trooper character, more so than the trooper story. I felt like she was sympathetic somehow, almost like a regular person.


    /sigh My trooper used to be named "Hail" before server merges. Used to get compliments on it.


    The trooper's story is...certainly different. One of my least favorite - I thought it was a tad boring - but it still is the only story to make me flat-out bawl my eyes out at several different points. :( Mostly because of the trooper character themselves. "No mercy for traitors." ...that LOOK, that horrified grieving look they have on their face afterwards...aaaauuugh, my heart just broke in half.

    ...speaking of which, I want to make a female trooper and romance Jorgan...but Jennifer Hale's voice irritates the stuffing out of me. Ehhh, I'll get past it.


    Just saw a new trailer featuring Quinn on swtheoldrepublic's Youtube channel, it actually says under the video, "Three days. Will retribution be yours?" They are totally pushing the "Kill Quinn" angle to get people in.


    *twitch* :/


    On another note, could you post a link here? :D ...unless it's a trailer of killing Quinn. Or has major spoilers in it.

  13. That's pretty much exactly what type of info I was looking for Jaigamee. Thank you oh and I probably misspelled your display name. Sorry about that


    Pff, don't worry a thing about that. :p Just glad to be of help. Welcome back; I hope you have a fun time here!

  14. Well alright then... Easy enough because the more I read the more I realize that there's not a lot of the game I remember.


    You'll find that you're leveling insanely fast, as the result of an experience boost going on right now - when you get to level sixty/sixty-five, you'll get a mission on your ship's terminal telling you to start Knights of the Fallen Empire / Knights of the Eternal Throne. If you haven't finished (in this order) your class story/companion conversations, Rise of the Hutt Cartel, and Shadow of Revan/Ziost, you will be locked out of doing those if you accept Fallen Empire/Eternal Throne. There's a post around here somewhere that shows the order for going through the various expansions...hmm, let me go dig it up...

    Edit: Found it! http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=8708027&postcount=3 Knights of the Fallen Empire is now complete, and Knights of the Eternal Throne comes immediately after it.


    If this is your first time going through those stories, I highly recommend you take your time and complete them before moving on to KOTFE/KOTET. They set up essential backstory and lore pertaining to those latter expansions. Jumping straight into them will be...confusing, to say the absolute least.


    Also, welcome back to the game!! :D

  15. I'm chuckling at how he'd react to the inevitable 'sign the ta-tas' request.


    Quinn: ............................no.

    Well then.

    Quinn: The very idea is simply demeaning, to both myself and the...er, recipient...of such a signature. I would...rather not discuss it further, m-my lords. *turning beet red* If you sh-shall excuse me... *turns, takes a few steps, and promptly passes out from sheer embarrassment*

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