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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Voted also. Our Quinn will be safe and get a new smoking jacket, pipe and slippers. :D Oh and a new wingback chair in front of a cozy fire with a snifter of brandy.


    Quinn: Hm. A nice image, I have to admit. I-- *is abruptly transported to a wingback chair in front of a cozy fire, dressed in a jacket, comfortable pajamas, and slippers (that is, Quinn's dressed in those - not the chair or the fire! :p), with a pipe in his hand* ....errrr...


    Quinn: *slowly surveys his new position* ...this is...comfortable?


    Quinn: And...relaxing?


    Quinn: And--nibbling!?


    Quinn: *reaches for his blaster and finds it's not there* There is something nibbling on my slippers--..............the akk dog.

    Akk dog: *looks up at Quinn with a slipper in its mouth* Woof. :D

    Quinn: ...I'll have that back now, thank you. *reaches for slipper*

    Akk dog: *dodges away* Woof!

    Quinn: -_-

    Akk dog: Woof?

    Quinn: *grabs slipper when the dog isn't expecting it* Aha!

    Akk dog: WOOF. *jumps on Quinn to retrieve its prize*

    Quinn: *is promptly flattened beneath the akk dog's not-inconsiderable weight*

    Akk dog: *decides it's a lap dog and lays down on Quinn's lap* Woof! :D

    Quinn: *strangled voice* This is suddenly much less relaxing...


    (Based on my own fifty-pound "lap dog"... :rolleyes: She thinks she's the size of a Pomeranian. She also thinks she's ten months old instead of ten years old...and socks/slippers/small articles of clothing are her favorite toys. She'll grab them right off my feet and go running triumphantly around the house with them.)

  2. This isn't in relation to the current topic being discussed but the SWTOR official twitter is doing a poll for "SaveTheQuinn" or "EliminateTheQuinn" and saving him is winning by a landslide.


    It's times like these that make me want to get a twitter account. :p


    Quinn: *visibly relaxes* It's...nice...to know that my survival is important.

    You're one of our favorite companions, Quinn.

    Quinn: For once - when it truly comes down to it - it's good to hear that, sir. *bows respectfully* My lords. Allow me to express my eternal gratitude.

    One thing I can't understand, though, is why they refer to you as "the" Quinn.

    Quinn: ...

    ...moment ruined. :(

    Quinn: I have been reduced to an inanimate object at the same time as my life is saved. I do not know whether to be mildly insulted or simply grateful. Or both. ...probably both. Gratitude, however, wins out by a landslide. *bows again* My lords. Officers.

    Moment saved! :D

  3. You don't have to redo the entire SOR, just change a few masked character's voice over, and the NPC names. Make it not Revan.


    You don't build a sky scraper on mud, you have to clear the mud, and put in a good foundation. Now, admittedly, pigs like mud, but it takes more than just pigs to get a healthy community.


    Focus the new content on PVP maps until the crappy story line is sorted out.


    Sure. And re-do every single voiceover, on Rishi, in Forged Alliances, on Yavin IV, whenever somebody mentions Revan/the Revanites... that's at least sixteen people (all the PC voice actors), plus Darth Marr, Lana Beniko, Theron Shan, Satele Shan, Shae Vizla, Colonel Darok, Darth Arkous, every single NPC who ever mentions Revan or the Revanites, even the "non"-voice-acted NPC's like the Selkath (so re-write the text there). And change every mission log. And change every instance where someone mentions Revan's whole reason for doing this, which would involve re-doing the entire end-of-Rishi conference and the entirety of Yavin IV. Don't forget every single nameplate that has to do with the Revanites, including their armor sets which have now been released for purchase. Better change Revan Reborn's character model, too, since he certainly LOOKS like Revan returned from death.

    Also, go back and change the Foundry, since that started this whole thing in the first place. That's another ten voiceovers (male and female Imperial PC's, Revan [who has a different voice actor here than he does in Shadow of Revan], and HK-51), plus Darth Malgus and whoever else is involved at the end-of-mission briefing.


    But it's not re-doing the whole Shadow of Revan. :D


    ...also, calling the community/the portion of the community who actually liked Shadow of Revan "pigs" is not winning you any favors.


    Back on topic - congratulations, Mr. Keith! I hope your job is a joy for you. Look forwards to seeing where SWTOR goes from here! :D

  4. I don't think they would kill them. 99% of the species are force-sensitive, 1% is nothing. Besides, they are already complaning there are not enough Purebloods (true), and they are at the top of the hierarchy anyway.

    There is Athelis Kallis for example, from the Inquisitor storyline, on Voss. She is not force-sensitive, but they gave her quite an important job, considering the delicate negotiations with the Voss.


    Hmm... I could've sworn I read something *somewhere* about that. And now I can't find it. XD Oh well.

  5. Again welcome. Where is Purple Quinn, we need another virtual poster signed! :D


    Purple Quinn runs on Pacific time and thus was asleep with the arrival of the newest Quinnmancer (welcome!). XD


    Quinn: *wakes up in a recliner surrounded by droids who are fanning him* ....what.

    Droid: *wheels up* Awake? Aha. Major Quinn, newest Quinnmancer has arrived. Please sign this poster.

    Quinn: What.

    Droid: Darth Lunafox commands it. Not wise to disobey.

    Quinn: *frantically dashes off a signature* Why was I asleep?

    Droid: You fainted. Scans indicate overload of stress. No memory? Hm. Could indicate concussion. [inhale] Must run tests.

    Quinn: ...how did a DROID inhale?

    I'm not sure, but at one point in his (Imperial) conversations, HK-51 clears his throat, so...

    Quinn: Errr...

    Droid: Also. Message for you. From Codedrago.

    Wrex is ready with ice at the bar...

    Quinn: For...what? If I may ask, sir...my lords...

    For all the, ah, work you must perform upon your return.

    Quinn: I thought that had to do with--........... *goes very red*

    You figured it out, huh.

    Quinn: Idonotwishtodiscussthisfurther.

  6. You mean, not a legacy name but like if you named a character Jagaimee Quinn for example? Pretty sure you can, try it :) (I just realized I don't actually have a character named Grania, that's kind of weird, wonder if it's taken on my server)


    Or... I could just name this new character with her nickname/pseudonym. Real name: Akisi. Nickname: Nuris. (Akisi is High Sith for "beloved," and Nuris is High Sith for "love." It's a nickname that stuck during her childhood, apparently.) And I haven't figured out a last name for her if Quinn isn't allowed, since she doesn't use her mother's name (which my warrior kept even after marrying Quinn - Virne Azhak sounds normal. Virne Quinn sounds weird. XD).



    You're welcome. It was funny in a way, I felt like a total vagrant next to her. That was in the days before cosmetic armour and before colour matching and oranges weren't easy to come by. What made it extra special was when we met Doc. Kira this lovely princess in her embroidered gown sweeps in, and me the lowly grub schlub trailing along and he's hitting on ME?!? LOL.


    If you're playing a male knight, Doc instantly starts hitting on Kira instead. Prompting the (romanced) male Knight to give Doc the mother of all death glares and growl, "My 'gorgeous friend' is already spoken for, pal."

    Kira's got a giant smile on her face. "Aww...hedoesn'tneedtoknowthat."

    Doc: *instantly looks a little cowed* No worries! You two look like a happy couple.

    Male knight: ... *facepalms so hard he high-fives the wall behind him*



    Quinn? Message for you.

    Quinn: Oh?

    It's from Darth Lunafox ~

    Quinn: *reads it* ... :eek:

    *sharpens pitchfork until a star twinkles at the end of the each prong and you hear that musical ting sound*


    Before you ask, 'why a pitchfork?' I'll tell you why...because it hurts more.


    Delays will be frowned upon. I don't recommend making me frown.


    ~Darth Lunafox.

    Quinn: Y-y-yes, my lord, o-of course! *bows* Y-you won't have to wait another day. I swear it. *goes very pale* *mutters* Fangirls. Why did it have to be fangirls!? I don't understand...! *out loud* My lord, we shall double our efforts in, er, my return. As soon as possible.

    You're lucky, Quinn, that it wasn't the full might of the fangirl army. They are not as forgiving as Darth Lunafox.

    Quinn: *turns even paler*


    Quinn: *faints*



  7. I wonder just how many of us have given Quinn sons or daughters? :D In my universe, Quinn has a son with my warrior as well, he's human though with only his mother's red pureblood hair. He's an assassin.


    I was originally going to have my warrior have a daughter...who is not Force-sensitive. As she's a Sith Pureblood, non-Force-sensitivity is HIGHLY frowned upon. (It seems there's an unspoken practice of actually killing Pureblood newborns who are not Force-sensitive. :eek:) But...my warrior wouldn't have cared. That's her daughter, dang it, and if anybody's going to speak ill of her, they have the Wrath of the Empire to answer to.

    And then KOTFE came along, with a five-year timeskip and the realization that I highly doubt my warrior can actually have children. >_>

    Change of plans. Some Sith Pureblood noblewoman has a child, child's not Force-sensitive, she intends for the baby girl to be disposed of...and along comes the Wrath. "Nope. If you don't want her, I do. That's my daughter now. And Force help you if you intend to harm her." She takes the baby girl home. "Quinn, dear, meet your daughter." (Quinn spits out tea in surprise. "YOU WERE PREGNANT!?" "...no.")


    ...dang it. Now I want to make this character in-game. >_< I'm guessing the surname of "Quinn," however, isn't allowed?

  8. Now that you mention it, my female vigilance guardian screams a lot too, lol. I love the spec - vigilance/vengeance, so much screaming and jumping and smashing and throwing light sabers around.. (I know I've hit bad lag when I saber throw and it doesn't come back :D)


    I always feel like screenshots I take of my characters, while they're having a conversation, doesn't really do them justice. One second Quinn and the warrior are running around throwing people into walls, being set on fire, blasting people in the face, tripping over chairs, the next - they stand there perfectly still having a civilized chat. It's almost funny in a way, they never discuss the times she club dances on people's desks or they fall down elevator shafts.


    Or when it DOES come back... and for some reason, possibly lag, the character is stuck in that "throw saber" pose with the lit lightsaber twirling around and around underneath their outstretched hand. They can run around and everything, but if they face a different direction than they were originally facing, throwing their lightsaber, their bodies nearly contort in half as their upper half still faces that way and their legs...do not. It's hilarious. XD


    Everyday occurrences in Sith life?

    Quinn: I've gotten used to it.


    Quinn: ...which is a polite way of saying, "I don't understand half the things Sith do and I've learned not to ask."

  9. Well, when you put it that way, it does put a better spin on male consular lol. I managed to see your consular, she looks good. And you're right, she does look lovely in that consular robe, I always liked that one with the nice embroidery on it. I remember when I first started playing this and Kira got a dress similar to that, I was so mad, that my sidekick was better dressed than I was lol. I looked pretty ragtag back then, there wasn't all the nice armor there is now, but anyway, I digress. When I tried to go back to see what was so bad about your gloves and bracers, the link decided to act up and not show me. I was more focussed on her face and the dress to notice the other stuff lol.


    Heh, thank you! :D The embroidery's beautiful; main reason I picked that outfit, actually. Then I just dyed it white/dark orange. The gloves/bracers are just a dingy gray color - I later replaced them with ones that had the same embroidery on them, but at the time I couldn't afford it. XD

    I remember that outfit on Kira...it had green embroidery. Looked really, REALLY nice with Kira's red hair. I eventually replaced it with something worse gear-wise, because it was really distracting. For both my (male) knight, and for myself. :p I was just worried about wardrobe malfunctions - that thing was TIGHT! :eek:

  10. I've never heard my arsenal merc laugh, but my vengeance juggernauts laugh once in awhile. It's an audio cue for some proc but I honestly don't know for what. Either I ignore the proc, or I know about it some other way, probably a lit up ability. Either way, her laugh doesn't bother me. "Ehh heh heh heh." :) Then again if I had to hear it all the time it probably would.


    My vigilance guardian doesn't laugh when the Republic-side equivalent proc comes up (I forget what it's called, but I know what you're talking about). He SCREAMS HIS LUNGS OUT.

    First time I heard that, I was playing with my mom. We'd just finished a (male) operative and my mom said, "I never ever want to hear that disturbing laugh again." By the end of it, I could agree. So then we started a knight, and I picked the vigilance spec - I have a tank (and another tank coming up) - but I'd never done vigilance before.


    We both just about jolted out of our respective seats, staring at the screen while our knight leaped about with his lightsaber on fire.

    Me: ...I am so sorry, I didn't know he'd do that--

    Mom: I LOVE IT!!

    Me: You DO??

    Mom: It's a lot less annoying - and less creepy - than the agent's laugh.

    Me: True!

    Upwards of a year later (our knight's in Shadow of Revan now), we both still love his hilarious yell. It's even more hilarious because, normally, he's an extremely quiet, soft-spoken person. In combat, however...*SCREAM YELL SHRIEK BLAZING WHIRLWIND OF DEATH AAAAHHHHHH*


    But the trooper and bounty hunter laughs? Really? Cool. I have a pyrotech powertech and an arsenal merc (who was briefly...whatever their healing spec is called). Oh, and a tank vanguard. Never heard any of them laugh. :c My tank does like to scream a lot, though, whenever he charges into combat. And I recently heard the female trooper's take on that screaming. It...well. Sounds like Jennifer Hale standing in a soundbooth screaming her head inside out. :p



    Quinn: Should I try to get it delayed again...?

    Hey, purple Quinn's back. And no. Don't you dare. There would be a torches-and-pitchforks mob if you did.

    Quinn: *mutters something*

    What was that?

    Quinn: Nothing fit for polite company, sir. *bows to the various Sith Lords in this thread* My lords, please excuse my momentary frustration. *eye twitch*

  11. Will Harbinger be receiving the same treatment? That server runs awfully and I wouldn't mind 2 or 3 maintenance windows a week to fix the server lag that plagues the server.


    It will. I assume Harbinger's on the East Coast...?


    [...] but a similar maintenance will occur in the future for the remainder of the East Coast servers.

  12. The female VA for consular...urgh. And that 'snarky' line from her...what happened, did George Lucas break into the studio and write that? The male is marginally better, I do have one of each, but it's a little slice of torture working with them. Your JC sounds very pretty, I can imagine her in my mind's eye.


    I still have to do that romance bit with Jorgan, but again it's a challenge, because I hate F.Trooper story, hate the VA's voice and I'm not keen on Jorgan, he does nothing for me, even though I like his VA. People keep saying, 'roll a Cathar' but I'm not even that jazzed on them. There are people who like them and enjoy them, but for my own play I can't bring myself to do it.


    What would have been really cool, is if they recorded all the lines, with all the actors and you could choose who you wanted to voice your class. I suspect Trooper would be much better with Natasha Little (sw voice). :D


    Just pick the snarkiest lines possible for the male consular, and then imagine him as Nathan Drake. ...with the Force and a lightsaber. :D I think his voice improves over the various expansions. In KOTFE, my consular fell headfirst into a romance with Lana because of a single instance of voice acting that, for all other classes, was fairly bland ("I have a million questions right now"), and yet for him...somehow, he made it sound ridiculously seductive. That alone convinced me there was a perfectly insane amount of romantic tension between the two.

    ...tried to link to a picture of my female consular, and then my internet decided HAHA NOPE. That'd be the second time in a week it's gone kerpuffle because of a major storm passing through here... sigh.

    Edit: Aha! And here is the picture. Really hope this link works. Her gloves and bracers are embarrassing me...this is an older picture. She now has matching gloves/bracers for the rest of her outfit. XD


    Yeah...cathar are really, REALLY hard to design well. Most of the random combinations available look like a shoddily-stitched stuffed animal. XD But occasionally there are some gems.


    Ooooh, that would've been awesome! Can you imagine Nolan North as the male smuggler? Drake 2.0, basically. :p ...or Kath Soucie (female smuggler) as the female warrior. o_O I...I...just broke my brain... :eek: Then again, Ms. Soucie CAN do a perfectly respectable Imperial accent (she's Minister Tua [spelling?] in Star Wars: Rebels), so...perhaps her smuggler-voice needn't have been her warrior-voice. XD

  13. Oh you're not alone, I really really *hate* Ftrooper's voice. The voices are a big deal to me and can make or break a story. To me, the female trooper and consular stories are weak, and the voices are a further deterrent to avoid them.


    I played my female consular to be as dumb as a bag of rocks.

    ...it was disturbingly easy. o_O My male consular, on the other hand, even when [accidentally] saying the weirdest possible options, still managed to sound like a highly intelligent, charming, charismatic individual. Female consular, on the other hand...she does a very, VERY good job on "emotionless Jedi," which is great if you're playing the story as that sort of character, but for anything else, it just sounds out of place.

    Kind of sad, really - I absolutely love the way my female consular looks (she's a zabrak [with tiny golden rings on two of her horns] with jet-black hair, olive-dark skin, and bright green eyes; wearing white makes her look absolutely stunning...), and I can't stand her character or her voice. :/


    But I want to see Jorgan's romance with a female trooper (also to get a better feel for her character since I'm in the process of writing a story with a female trooper in it)...BUT THAT VOICE, DANG IT. >_< Ergh. Maybe I'll just grin and bear it. ...or just bear it without the grin, because the trooper's story is, for me, the most depressing story in the game. Coming in at a close second: the ending of Ziost. O_O

  14. Oh, yessss! :D:D:D He does a couple of other voices too. I'm sure he is voicing Astar Vox too, the mercenary leader on Alderaan, from the JC story.


    That's it! Sadly I can't find the guy anywhere on IMDB. :c I was sure he also voiced Xalek, but if he did, it's not credited. (Well, Xalek's voice actor IS credited, but it just says "additional voices" as well - can't find Yudrass or Astar Vox anywhere.)



    Since for the last 10+ pages the forum has come to a Quinn halt & might risk being moved! :eek: here's a reminder of the best voice in the game (not a spoiler, more comedy)

    Best. Voice. Ever.


    Me: *clicks on it, expecting to see Baras screaming his lungs out as a joke*

    "Gucci, by Gucci..."

    Me: *hysterical laughter once again* :p

  15. Male inquisitor, I dislike his voice. I feel bad when I hear people say how much they love it because I sit there wondering what I'm missing. I think the main problem was that my first male inquisitor was a body type 1 who I pictured being about 19 years old, and the voice just -Does. Not. Fit. He was also lightside, and in my opinion the male inquisitor's VA does not pull off LS well. To my ears he always sounded fake and at any moment I expected him to be like, "Just kidding! HAHAHAHAHA! <zaps everyone with lightning>


    Favorite voices of all time? Vector. Scourge. Male agent. Honorable mentions go to Darth Marr, Lord Malichose, and Captain Biron.


    My male inquisitor is body type one and sixteen years old. :p (He also doesn't follow the story of the inquisitor, since it's utterly ludicrous that he'd wind up where the Inquisitor does at the end of their story at his age.) And...yeah, the voice doesn't really fit him. Light side options, however, I think manage to sound rather sweet. There's an odd-but-adorable lisp that sometimes peeks through his words. Then again, I guess I also headcanon him to have a higher-pitched, younger-sounding voice, rather than the at-times stunningly deep voice that comes out of this very scrawny togruta kid's mouth. XD

    The female inquisitor's accent, on the other hand, sometimes sounds a bit fake to me. Or...not so much fake as just over the top. Which miiiiiiiiight be intentional? She's trying to fit in with the rest of the Empire, despite being a slave very recently, so she's just imitating their accent - which sounds more natural as time goes on.


    Don't forget Colonel Yudrass on Hoth! :eek: That guy's voice...oh my word...I sometimes start the Hoth world arc just to hear his voice.


    Plus, I'm guessing plenty of years passed. Baras is an Old Man in the warrior's story, while he looks pretty young in those pictures


    It's only been ten years, actually. The comics I was thinking of took place at/around the Sacking of Coruscant...I think. 90% sure. I haven't read them, to be honest, so I'm not too sure of the plot, but I'm fairly certain it's around the Sacking of Coruscant.

    Then again, ten years in the Sith's power structure...yeah, that'd cause more than a few gray hairs and wrinkles from all the stress. :p


    I thought she was wonderful. She sounded authoritative and strong, and that's what the character is. When you're a strong person, with a strong voice, I think it's a bit tough to sound kittenish. SW is one of my favorite female voices in the game. She's right up there with FSI, FIA and FJK. The rest of the female voices, don't really appeal to me, especially FJC who sounds like she's in a coma. And Ftrooper...yuck.


    Thought I was the only one who's irritated by the female trooper's voice. I'M NOT ALONE! XD

    But yeah... the female warrior sounds so utterly confident and sure of herself, and not in an arrogant way, either. She sounds like she commands respect because she's earned it. Her voice shaped my female warrior's character: tough, oddly stoic for a Sith (which isn't a bad thing, because when she gets mad...vacate the entire star system to avoid her wrath), noble, pragmatic, and just.

  16. Do we ever get told how he let himself go so much? Or are we just to assume that the Dark Side Cookies are too tempting?


    Or the artists of the comic books and the in-game artists had a serious disconnect. Or it was way before character designs were finalized (case in point: Satele Shan looks like a clone of Bastila Shan in comics; Orgus Din looks more like Jolee Bindo than anything; and Harron Tavus...looks deranged).

  17. Haha, what would you do if he called you on the phone? :D

    As for the female Agent, yeah, this pretty much sums it up. :D But she's a little boring to me compared to the male voice.


    Have a panic attack. Especially if he started laughing. Then I'd have a heart attack and die on the spot.

    Coroner's report: unable to tell if Jagaimee died of fright or an overload of fangirling. :p



    Thanks, that worked. Oh, I know this picture. He looks like he hasn't slept for at least a month. :D I don't like him here, I like the previous one (that I linked) better. He looks quite good there. :) But either way, he certainly looks way better than now. :p


    But now I can't reconcile this image of him with "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! I CANNOT BREAK HIM!!!!!" In THAT case, spherical!Baras fits the role better. XD


    When I see him in other roles I'm so sure he's going start stabbing people when they turn their backs :o


    "*stabbity stab* Oh. Pardon me. I get carried away sometimes."


    "*tactical advantage goes off* Ahehehahaha..."

  18. LOL, I really need to hear that laugh now! :D Gonna make Agent number 4. :D

    Out of my 3 Agents, 2 are male because of the voice. It's sexy! :D But I see what you mean, he is intimidating. As a spy, he has to hide his feelings, so he is polite and calm, unreadable but you can feel something bad is going to happen LOL. So in that way, he sounds like a psycho, yes. :D

    Maybe you should check out a few interviews with the voice actor, he seems to be a nice person, it might make you more comfortable with the Agent. :)


    I know the voice actor at least appears to be a decent person, so there's that. XD The agent's story just...had a very bad effect on my male agent. (Arguably slightly worse for my female agent. Vector's her last link to sanity. In KOTFE, however... :eek:) And the female agent's voice...somebody - I can't remember who D: - described her voice as "audible chocolate." I can't agree more. She can sound like your best friend - or the most sadistic psychopath ever to walk the galaxy outside of the Emperor himself. XD




    Hm...sort of. Same character, yeah? But it wasn't the picture I was linking to. Try going to swtor-rp.com and searching "Sith Profile: Darth Baras"? Maybe that'll work...?

  19. Class VA's, for some reason I mostly prefer the female VA's to the male though I do like the male JK, JC, SW and Trooper. Male agent I haven't really played so can't comment. Can't comment on the Male SI either Male smuggler I just can't get used to, maybe because I've played a fem smuggler so often and she seems to put more emotion into her voice that what the male VA seems to do. Orde Mantell is a real chore... as a male smuggler...


    The only female VA I don't like belongs to the female JC ugh...


    Is it me or do the female VA's seem to put more emotion into their performances than the male VA's?


    I prefer the female VA's on the Imperial side - mostly - but the male VA's on the Republic side, save for my female smuggler. Her voice is just... *squee* I have no other explanation. *squee* That's really it. XD Her voice is utterly beyond-the-pail adorable. ...actually, I grew up listening to that voice in various children's cartoons. XD

    And the male JK. Just...just...that voice. That and the male consular's voice. I want to listen to those two talk all day. :D


    The male agent's voice...scares me. Oddly, it's the one male voice in the game I can imitate (my attempt at the male inquisitor's voice comes off sounding more like a cross between Hiccup and Cole [How To Train Your Dragon and Dragon Age: Inquisition, respectively]). It just makes me think my poor agent is a sociopath serial killer or something...that, combined with the male operative's laugh - oh dear heavens that nightmarish laugh - and I do not play my male agent very often. (He still managed to find his way into fanfiction, where he's considerably less of a psychopath. XD)


    On another note, does anybody else wish Darth Baras had remained looking like this?? :eek: If he had, I would have been a lot more conflicted about opposing him. (Either that, or I have a VERY odd idea of what constitutes "handsome" [or good-looking, at least] in a guy. XD)


    This game can handle it. I mean, it didn't implode upon Valkorion and Marr talking in the same room, and their voices could flood planets. Hmm... Maybe that's why Marr had to die...


    My word. The first time I heard Valkorion's voice, I was just about knocked out of my chair. O_O I spent pretty much the first half of KOTFE going "I don't care that you're the evilest of evil evilness, PLEASE KEEP TALKING!!"

  20. Theron: "Hey mom, so uh...remember that guy who stole the Brental Star from you, stole Taris from the Republic, stole a padawan from the Jedi, and became a member of the sith's Dark Council? Well I may have had my way with him in the bushes over there..."


    Satele: "...I heard."


    Theron: ...oh geez.

    Inquisitor: *facepalm* Now blunt that hammer a little more, Theron...

    Theron: Hey, you come up with something better!

    Inquisitor: "Hey mom, so...remember that very nice person I met a while ago? We kind of, er, crossed professional lines, so sorry it was so undignified, but we're very happy together."

    Theron: ...that leaves out EVERYTHING.

    Inquisitor: Oh, right, because you WANT your mother, the GRANDMASTER OF THE JEDI ORDER, to know that you're in love with DARTH FLIPPIN' NOX.

    Satele: ...I'm still standing here.

    Theron and Inquisitor: *jump a foot in the air* :eek:

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