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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Hey folks,


    Following on some of the back-end updates we made this morning, we need to perform a brief server restart. This restart will be happening shortly and will last until 4PM EDT (approximately 30 minutes).


    I will post in this thread when the servers are live once again. This only affects east coast servers.


    Thanks everyone.




    Thanks for the heads-up! :D

  2. I hope we can, because she seems to be out of her mind. She became a hysterical b*tch who is being mean to everyone. Crazy writing, again.






    Elara Dorne. Prim, proper, rules-obsesed Elara Dorne. Hysterical. Being mean to everyone?

    ...h-how out of touch with the trooper class story do you have to BE to write a character like that??


    I...I think my brain broke...

    Quinn: ... *pats my head*

    Thank you.

    Quinn: You're welcome. May I stop now?


    Quinn: You didn't write "*stops*".


    Quinn: *stops*

    Quinn: Thank you.

    You're getting used to this.

    Quinn: It's either that, sir, or lose my mind and go stark raving mad.

    Either way would be cute, I'm sure.

    Quinn: Yes, well--*double-take* ......... *facepalm*

  3. So, out of curiosity... does the trooper get to kill Elara? Or is it just the warrior and Quinn? .-.


    Quinn: That makes even LESS sense! ...both of those, actually. Dorne is - while a sycophantic Republic bootlicker - loyal to the commander of Havoc. There is no reason to kill her. *cough* I would, given the chance, as she IS a defector from the Empire - but not her commanding officer. And if the OTHER option is true, that only I have the option to be...er, offed... *shakes head in dismay*

    A'right, where's that recliner, slippers, comfy robe, and a fireplace nearby?

    Quinn: Without the akk and the kitten!! Please!!

    Akk: Woof.

    Kitten: Meow.

    Quinn: Oh dear heavens, here we - *achoo* - go again...


    Yay purple Quinn! :)


    *runs up and tackles him in a hug and kisses him on the cheek* I am so sorry they did that to you....making you beg...that was horrible....did you want some cuddles? ice cream? anything at all to help the bad memories go away?


    We are here, we won't let them hurt your here.


    Quinn: *achoo* Well, my lord... *hesitates* ...truthfully, your presence alone is helping.


    Quinn: ... *rubs his ear* I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING.



    ...no, Malavai, I can hear you... *edges away*

    Quinn: *facepalm*

  4. Teverson is magical. I just want to hold Quinn and tell him he's not a scumbag. I'm torn if the begging+imprisoning is the worst or the Republic-sided romanced warrior killing him; the way she's like, "I could never lock you away in prison, my love." and then... :eek::eek::eek::eek: :(:(:( biiiiitch.


    ...ohhhhhh geeeeeeeez I am so never watching that one. :eek: She does that!? And SAYS that!? ...oh geez I can already imagine Quinn's expression and--oh nope nope nope nope NOPE :(


    Purple Quinn? Anything to--oh.

    Quinn: *hiding in a corner*

    ...um, Malavai, you're among friends. You know that, right?

    Quinn: I am aware of that, sir. *slowly emerges from protective corner* I'm merely...concerned.


    Quinn: The fanatical hatred directed at me. I could...understand it, were it directed at someone like Kaliyo, or Skadge. But...me? Do they not understand what pressure I was under at the time? And--even that's no excuse, I know; I am not trying to rationalize my decision. There was no rationale behind it, except blind, stupid, conflicting loyalties. Even then, it happened close to nine or ten years ago.

    What about Kaliyo?

    Quinn: Not only did she disobey direct orders and - indirectly or directly - got all save one/two of Havoc Squad killed; she, upon her escape from the Spire, blew up a hospital. I doubt it was empty. She consistently proved herself, even upon her return, to be entirely untrustworthy. But I...I tried my hardest to make up for my mistake. I have been nothing but loyal to the Wrath. Yet they still want to kill me? ...this, then, is life in the Empire: always living in fear of a vindictive Darth wanting your death for any arbitrary reason. I suppose Sith do not forget grudges even from nearly a decade ago.

    ...okay, that's depressing. I know what can cheer us up!

    Quinn: What? ...on second thought, I'd prefer if you didn't answer--


    Gucci, by Gucci.


    Quinn: ...I hate you. Sir.

    I'm okay with that! :D

  5. This is not the case here, there is no legitimate reason for this and I have been lied to about it, I have not done all I can, not by a long shot. I will be calling them again tomorrow.


    This is unfair, worse, its deceitful and underhanded and I will not just accept it and move on.


    Out of curiosity, were you still subscribed all the time you were away from the game?

  6. No

    Not going to happen.


    Why not?

    Look, stuff happens. It's frustrating, but you've done all you can. Name your guild something similar. When I moved one of my characters from Jung Ma to Begeren Colony, I logged in to find their name was already taken. I'd had that name for...ah, gosh - upwards of a year, I believe. I just shrugged and named them the exact same name, with the last letter - i - being replaced by an ì. Worked perfectly, and you can't tell the difference unless you're staring straight at the letter for a while. No fuss. You can do the same. One name isn't worth all this effort scrabbling over it.

  7. Uh...well, it's Nar Shaddaa. In the Red Light District. Think worst of the worst of the seediest of the dirtiest of the creepiest place on that entire moon. So...it's rather appropriate. A sign of worse things to come the farther you venture from the taxi landing...
  8. they couldn't implement a quick check to see if your character is a SW and then display any customization that was/is applied to Quinn.


    It worked with other companions! :( Vette came back with her darker blue skin and purple eyes and jagged black markings on her lekku and cheeks for my Sith warrior, and came back as the default (light blue skin, I forget what eye color, and pale markings) for my knight. So why couldn't they be bothered to do the same for Quinn (and presumably Elara)? Argh...

  9. Trooper (both romanced and not): Elara?

    Elara: I prefer Captain Dorne when I'm a captive!


    Romanced trooper: ...... *turns and shoots Lana* Not anymore, you're not.

    Theron: WHAT.

    Trooper: *turns on him* Are you going to stop me from getting back to my wife?

    Theron: ...nope! *grabs Quinn's wrist and hauls him out of the room, Quinn protesting all the while*

    *door slams shut behind them*

    Elara: *staring at Lana* I...cannot believe you did that, sir.

    Trooper: "Sir"?

    Elara: You shot a Sith.

    Trooper: *nods*

    Elara: For me.

    Trooper: *nods*

    Elara: ...sir?

    Trooper: "Sir" again? :(

    Elara: I am wondering if it is appropriate to engage in a reunion - preferably with physical contact - here and now. Per regulation 32a, subsection b-67, officers are allowed a chaste kiss. This may be the only time you'll hear this from me, sir: permission to break the rules?

    Trooper: ...I love you.

    Elara: *GRAB, KISS*

    *fade to black so abrupt, players are forgiven for thinking their computer randomly turned off*



    Back to irregularly scheduled Quinn stuff now.

  10. I have nothing against Lana or Theron, I am romancing both of them on two of my main characters, but it feels kinda sad that our old flames might be put on the back burner.


    This. This this this this this this this. I too am romancing Lana/Theron with two of my main characters, and I do enjoy their presence in the story... to a point. At some undefinable point, it feels less like "Here's your two good allies whom you can trust no matter what" and more like "Here's two people we really really REALLY REALLY want you to stick with because we can't be bothered to come up with scenes for anybody else, so you may take your complaints and shove off."


    I really want to be proven wrong, BioWare. :D

  11. They finally get around to a reunion with a companion who has fans that are as excited as fans can possibly even get, and..! Not repeatable. What gives. Heck, Elara is one of their own faves and she got the same treatment. I so wish I could understand the thought process at BW.


    So Elara's reunion with a romanced trooper was just as lackluster? On one hand, :(. On the other hand, :). Because it shows they're not just brushing Quinn aside and giving Elara a good reunion while Quinn gets next to nothing. But still - even though I personally don't like her very much, Elara deserves to have a beautiful romance scene, just as Quinn does.

  12. I was playing on Empire and I haven't yet tried Republic. Also... personally, I can't see the Wrath or any of the main Classes (Cipher Nine, Hero of Tython, etc.) for that matter having kids, but I just figure that stems from me personally not wanting any kids. :D


    ...well, okay, so I'm a tad late to the conversation about our characters having kids, so I'll put all the following in spoiler tags in case people don't want to read my ramblings. XD



    I hope I never ever ever ever ever ever ever have kids, no matter how hard my hypothetical future husband begs me, NOPE. :p

    ...but some of my characters want them, for reasons I cannot fathom. My knight and Kira actually *did* have a son between Makeb and Forged Alliances. Which led to the consular, smuggler, and trooper (all my characters share the same universe) wondering why the knight was so hyperactive and anxious during Forged Alliances, since he never told anyone (consular knows he and Kira are married, though - heck, the consular officiated the wedding ceremony himself!). Unfortunately, the child died soon after he was born, due to complications from being a hybrid between two species. BUT... sometime soon, after Kira EVENTUALLY comes back, they'll have another son. This one will definitely live well into old age.

    Warrior wanted kids, too. But the time was just...never right. She couldn't justify bringing a child into a galaxy where she is one of the prominent figures, with enemies that lurk in every shadow... and a mad god-wannabe out there trying to eat the universe. And now she's realizing that she can't have children, ever. Therefore, adoption, which I rambled about ad nauseum pages ago. And that adopted daughter will eventually fall in love with the knight's son. Cue Quinn completely freaking out. :p

    Smuggler also wanted kids. She's completely incapable of having them. Therefore...also adoption.


    I sincerely cannot see my consular and Lana having little half-chiss kids. Just...no. o_o The thought is far too weird. Inquisitor and Theron, however, will accidentally have a child. And he'll be a pain in the tushie and they'll love him anyways and raise him alongside his cousin, the knight's son (inquisitor and knight are...not related by blood, but when they were children they considered themselves surrogate siblings. Looooooong story!).

    ...same with my bounty hunter and Torian. They're indifferent to kids - if they don't have any of their own, they'll adopt, 'tis the Mando way - but... um, does anybody know if cathar and humans can produce offspring? :o


  13. Why didn't Corso, Iresso, Vector and maybe Doc hop the next flight to Odessen to run up and tackleglomp you?


    Why didn't Corso, Iresso, Doc, Vector, Temple, Andronikos, Risha, Akaavai, Nadia, Ashara, Kira, Jaesa (D/L), Tharan Cedrax, Scourge and possibly Zenith (since his alert seems to be borked) send you messages? Whether they be 'POOKIE!!!! You're alive, IloveyouI'monmyway!!' or 'Good to see you, I wanna help the fight."


    I hope Bioware finds a GOOD reason for them to hide/not show up.


    At first, when I got my ship back, I was so happy.

    And then, when my smuggler got her ship back (in headcanon, since I refuse to take her through KOTFE without confirmation that Corso will return), I suddenly panicked.

    Corso wouldn't abandon that ship. Ever. He knows what it means to his wife.


    Bowdaar and Guss show up. You can make a reference to Corso when talking to Bowdaar (not sure about Guss). Bowdaar says Corso cried on his (Bowdaar's) shoulder for months after the smuggler lady's "death." ....................OKAY SO WHERE IS HE!?


    And when HK-51 casually showed up on Odessen, my agent freaked out. Her last order to HK, rattled off right before Marr's flagship was destroyed, was to protect Vector and Lokin instead of her. (In HK's conversations, he says that his master can assign him to whoever else to protect - children, loved ones, allies, etc. - in the event of his master's death, and he'll protect them.) So why wasn't HK with Vector or Lokin!? A'right, that's more in headcanon than anything else, but...still. :c If you have HK, it still doesn't make sense that he wouldn't have any knowledge whatsoever of missing companions. Surely he would've enlisted their help in trying to find his master? Ehh...

    Lokin shows up on Alderaan. "Oh. Hey, glad you're alive!" WHERE. IS. VECTOR???? You're not twenty miles from the Oroboro nest cave, and no word on him!?


    Lana and Theron the superspies can't find ANYTHING on these people? It's not like they're complete unknowns in a galaxy of quadrillions. Go to the HoloNet, look up the Voidhound's accomplice, known associates of Cipher Nine, the Hero of Tython's padawan, the Barsen'thor's apprentice, etc. Ta-daaaaaaaaaaaa!

  14. Speaking of kids... At the end of Quinn's original Companion dialogue, they leave the whole kid thing pretty much up in the air, which I figured the players just make up their own minds for their characters on that topic. Then, during my playthrough of the Iokath story, my Wrath let this line fly when Theron and Jace were going back and forth, "It's father-son moments like this that make me glad I never had kids."


    All I could think was they might just irk some fanbois/gurlz with that. Then I have to imagine that all "Commanders" (every Class) probably has that same dialogue option due to their single-track story and I can only wonder why the devs decided to make an intentionally ambiguous choice for the players. Either that or apparently all the main characters (Classes) of Vanilla are sterile. :o


    Yeesh. :( That...is rather irksome. My warrior *does* want children, and it devastated her to realize she can't any longer. Is that a dialogue option, or does the character say that no matter what (automatic dialogue)?


    Oh, and I voted on the poll, too! ...wait. I voted on a different device, so... *happy gasp* *goes off to vote again* :D

    edit: it says i already voted


  15. Unless we get more as the stories progresses. I would love to see Quinn's :p I'm thinking he is a brandy guy before bed and a tea in the morning type person... What do you say Purple Quinn?


    Quinn: Tea.


    Quinn: I don't drink. *utterly deadpan* Besides, every Imperial citizen is required by law to enjoy tea. It's an Imperial thing. You 'Pubs would not understand it. *frosty glare*

    My mom likes tea, and she's a 'Pub for life.

    Quinn: *glare gets frostier*

    Do you need some cake to put that frosting on?

    Quinn: *facepalm*

  16. Damn, a thought just occurred to me. I hope like hell nothing happened in the almost 7 years since we last saw him for him NOT to be joined. Oooo, that would SUCK.


    What, and ask the writers to give him a complex story arc for his character? :eek: You cannot be SERIOUS, madam! EVERYONE knows these "old" companions are worthless and nobody actually wants them! I mean, gah, who could want a hivemined bugboy over LANA AND THERON *sparklies and confetti go everywhere*

    ... :(


    His letter at the beginning of KOTFE indicates that *something* would've happened to him, Joined or not Joined.


    [paraphrased, can't recall the exact wording] "We do not know who we would be without you. We do not want to find out."


    Well...he kind of had to find out over the past...how long has it been... hooooooooly crud SEVEN YEARS NOW!? :eek:

  17. You pick up the Iokath mission on your ship's mission terminal. You also need to be level 70 in order to start.


    It's also a good idea to finish any restarted chapters before starting Iokath, unless you don't mind the game making decisions for you by assuming you haven't completed it yet (for example, what you decided at the end of KOTET, who died/who lived, etc.).

  18. But why is it the players responsibility? It's not their fault that certain servers are depopulating now for whatever reason. And I wasnt aware that there was a clause attached to the CC that said those were meant for us to use for moving toons from dead servers bioware refuses to address.


    No, it's not their "responsibility" for dead servers. They can simply choose to be proactive about it and move to a more-populated server. That's all.

  19. I believe that there isn't a pure black crystal if that's what you're asking about. Sorry.


    There isn't. (Referral links are not allowed in your post; you can put them in your signature. :))


    There are, however, black-[other color] crystals: black-purple, black-orange, black-red, black-blue, etc. Those have the secondary color (purple, orange, etc.) around a black center. You can find those on the galactic trade network, on the fleet or on your faction's capital world (Coruscant or Dromund Kaas). They might be pricey, though, depending on the server you're on.

  20. I noticed that the Jedi Knight's class buff, Force Might, used to glow bright green. Now it's a rather lovely color of dark blue. I kind of preferred the old green color, though... That, too, wasn't mentioned in the patch notes. :/


    Are there any other changed animations for other classes?

  21. I love that quote too.


    My favorite scene with him is when he comes into your ship's quarters with is pheromones suppressed and his eyes are back to their human appearance and he says that what's about to happen doesn't need to be shared with the hive. I'm not a romantic type of woman but that just made me go all squishy. My husband was playing next to me and finally asked why I had been watching the same scene for 15 minutes. LOL


    Now when he comes to that scene on his characters, he makes sure I'm there to see it. :D


    I knew it was going to happen, but I was still stunned. And promptly melted onto the floor with a goofy smile on my face. XD He has gray eyes, right?

    ...wait. Does his eye color change if you have different customizations on him?

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