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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. *snerk* 5.Quinn patch .. poor Elara lol.


    Anyway, the Malavai thread was created after we found out he was coming back. The story at that point was kind of set in stone. If the devs see this about Vector now maybe they won't neglect him as much as Malavai and Elara were neglected in 5.2.


    I hope. :( But if they really did such a bad job with bringing back Quinn and Elara, then I don't have high expectations for the rest of the companions...


    I know, I know what am I smoking and why aren't I sharing.


    Vector: *sniffs the air* ...the scent is more acrid than membrosia. It tastes of bitterness and false hopes. Despair. ...it is also hallucinatory. We cannot recommend prolonged exposure. If we return and we see you draped over the furniture, babbling to the wall about bugs and broken romances, we will know to get help.

    Quinn: ...that is DEFINITELY your problem.

    Vector: It is also our thread. *smiles*

    Quinn: Oh yes, I'm going. *FLEES*


    As it turns out, EVERY companion's a little possessive about their fan-thread. I'd hate to see what Kaliyo or DS-Jaesa would be like... :eek: (also I swear I'm not usurping the color!Vector posts, if there are to be any like there was earlier in the thread; I just saw this and couldn't resist. :p)

  2. Speaking of voice actors... in the scene where Vector


    severs the hive bond for a few moments alone with the romanced female agent


    his voice is different. I mean, not different as in different voice actor, but a different cadence and tone. It's much less disjointed, a little deeper and rougher - basically like a normal human being's voice. Killik!Vector's voice is just on the side of "odd" to be noticeable. I loved the contrast between the two, it was adorable.

  3. I'M HERE. :D


    Interesting, how over on the Quinnmancers' thread, the "I don't like this companion" comments were, 99% of the time, "I can't wait until Quinn comes back!...SO I CAN BRUTALLY SLAUGHTER HIM!" Here, the "I don't like this companion" comments are "Meh, I just didn't see the appeal here, but whatever :) Glad you guys like him."

    Yeesh, what a difference. Well, at least there aren't people threatening to murder Vector here. *cue the trolls* :p

  4. Aaagghhh, why does everything happen when I'm asleep!? :p I wake up and see this thread has grown about four pages in the night. I thought I was handling the three-hour difference between me and my sister (she's on the East Coast, I'm on the West Coast, so I'm three hours behind her), but yOU GUYS... XD

    ...aaaaaaaand THERE IS A VECTOR THREAD!? *zooms over* So, if Vector's fangirls are the Love Bugs... Corso's are the Farm Girls? (Since he's a farmboy.) What's Doc's? Physician's Assistants? :p


    Quinn: Er...

    Oh nononono, don't worry! I'm not abandoning you!

    Quinn: ...thank the stars.

    Wait...you wouldn't want me to leave? I mean, us? Thought you disliked the fangirl army.

    Quinn: They've grown on me. *groups of fangirls are clinging to his arms and legs* Almost literally.


    On another note, purple is the color I associate with Vector. o_e I only chose purple for Quinn because that showed up against the black/dark gray background on the forums here. Light blue is an eyesore. Dark red - the color I associate with Quinn (red, black, and gray) - is difficult to make out. Etc. XD

  5. Oh I found this drawing of Vector :o SO CUTE. http://makeramidying.tumblr.com/post/153183280030/this-was-sort-of-like-the-artistic-equivalent-of


    Probably need to get the Vector thread ready for when they announce his return :D



    ...aaaaaaaaaaand now my agent desperately needs Vector to actually do that. Show up for work one morning in a comfy sweater and jeans, with a cup of coffee.

    "Beloved," he greets her, giving her the coffee. "It is...well, as you call it - liquid energy?"

    Cipher Nine can't help but giggle. "I love you," she says as she takes the cup - and then she sees what's written on it.

    #1 Bug

    Her lips twitch. "I'm resisting the urge to make a truly hideous pun."

    Vector sits down beside her, one eyebrow raised curiously. "You can tell us. We won't mind," he promises with a smile.

    Cipher Nine closes her eyes. "...you're my love bug."

    Vector is silent. Cipher Nine opens her eyes and looks at him to see him twitching wildly with barely-suppressed laughter. "We--we love you too, cipher," he finally manages.



    ...apparently, when it's late at niiiiight oh look it's past midnight, oops... ahem, when it's late at night, I get weird. Story ideas! "Time for bed." DARN IT.


    Oh yes, we need a Vector thread. And a Kira thread, and a Corso thread, and a Mako and Ashara (gack) and Nadia and Temple (eek!) and Iresso thread aaaaaaaand who am I missing? ...Risha and Akaavi. And...Jaesa! Think I got everybody...?

  6. Purple Quinn, I'm dying to know, what is your opinion about the Iokath mystery betrayer? How do you feel about someone thinking it's okay to betray your Empress!Wrath!Love? Are you going to go all "I WILL SHOOT YOU UP, JILLINS" on their traitorous butt? That is, provided Lana stays out of the scene long enough for you to momentarily steal the spotlight.


    Purple Quinn has no idea what to think, because Jagaimee has only the foggiest idea of what even happens on Iokath and is just now (within the past few days) starting to realize "Ooooh, there's a mysterious traitor!? AHAHAHAAAA THAT'S SO AWESOME, MUST GET WARRIOR TO IOKATH!!" (She's at the end of Chapter Thirteen of KOTFE. Kaliyo's about to bite the dust. And truthfully I'm hesitant to venture into KOTET/Iokath at all, given the number of bugs...) Nevertheless...


    Quinn: Betrayal is...a sore subject for me, as you can imagine. If someone is threatening my wife, I will protect her.

    Warrior: ...I can protect myself, you know.. I am a Sith...

    Quinn: You are also my wife. I mean no offense, my lov--*cough* my lord... *blushes* ...but I would be remiss if I did not atone for my earlier error.

    Warrior: You "atoned" for the whole incident years ago, Malavai. :)

    *mushy romance ensues*

  7. *high fives* :D


    *high five!* :D

    Quinn: *beams* I owe my life to you, my lords. Officers. *salute*

    On that note, the Imperial salute is weird.

    Quinn: ...no it isn't.

    You clap your hands to your sides and go rigid as a board. How's that a salute? Meanwhile, the Republic's salute is...a salute. Raise your right hand to your forehead, snap it back to your side.

    Quinn: *suspiciously* You think our salute is "weird."

    ...Grand Admiral, Quinn. You doubt my loyalty?

    Quinn: Truth be told, after Quinn-bots, Lana's conspiracy, lackluster writing, anti-fangirls, and the mystery ongoing on Iokath... I do not know who to believe.

    Good point. But you can trust us. *spreads arms* The Knights of Eternal Quinnmancing! *trumpet fanfare*

    Quinn: Now THAT is taking the "Knights of ---" moniker too far.

    No, it isn't... :(

    Quinn: *smirk* It's weird.

    It's--...oh you.

  8. Yes!! A purple Quinn kissing booth! Sterllar idea Darth Nightfrogger! :D This will be so much fun!


    Pucker up, Major! :p


    *puckers* :p;)



    @ODNZ Vector is amazing, I fail to understand how anyone can not love romantic, sensitive and poetic Vector, he's such a beautiful soul. He is tied right up there with Malavai really. I couldn't make an agent and not love him. Vector is a dear sweet thing.


    Quinn: *puckers* ...'ow 'at, 'y 'ord?

    Um, beg pardon?

    Quinn: *unpuckers* I cannot enunciate while my lips are scrunched together. "Now what, my lord?"

    Kiss. Duh.

    Quinn: *facepalm* *applies lipcalm...libap...lipar...I CANNOT SPELL LIP-BALM FOR SOME BLASTED REASON!* *puckers*


    It was very weird going through the storyline with a male agent. Why? Because Vector wasn't romanceable. I wouldn't *want* him to be romanceable by a male agent, but it just felt like something was missing. :( I love Vector... and Torian. And Corso (especially Corso; my first character was a female smuggler, so naturally she fell in love with Corso). And Iresso. My female consular didn't romance him (she was still broken-hearted over Tharan rather cruelly dumping her), but I really like the guy. It's hard not to like him when his response to calling off the romance is, paraphrased, "That's okay by me - I respect you and your decision. Let's put this behind us; we still make a great team. I've got your back. :)" Wow. I applaud you, sir.

  9. Literally anywhere. Any gear you can wear, they can wear, with a few exceptions*. The GTN (Galactic Trade Network), the Cartel Market, random world drops, hand-me-downs as your character gets better clothing (so you give your "old" clothing to your companion)... Whatever looks good, you can put on your companions.


    *There are a few clothing options (dancers' outfits) that are female-only, which can only go on female characters or female companions. There are also various companions who cannot be "dressed" conventionally, but rather have their appearance altered purely through customization - Khem Val, Broonmark, Blizz, M1-4X, T7-01, and SCORPIO.

  10. And, I forgot to add, because of this, you can no longer complete Alliance Alerts until you're either in a part of a chapter that lets you run around (without a companion) in the Alliance base, or done with KOTFE completely. Travelling to the contact (Hylo Visz, Sana-Rae, Dr. Oggurrobb, or Bey'wan Aygo) automatically starts the next chapter. Or, in my case, just crashes the game entirely.
  11. Love Vector, it's always a toss up between him and Quinn for my fav Imp romance. Can't wait for him to come back, my IA's been waiting to long for her husband.


    Vector :D


    Vector, Corso, Kira. Those are who I want to come back (well, romanced companions; I also miss Mako, Nadia, Tharan Cedrax, Iresso, and Andronikos). Corso was the first romance I ever completed in this game, with my first character, a female smuggler. My knight and Kira take great delight in subverting everything about Anakin and Padme's romance. XD And Vector... :) I miss Vector. And I haven't even taken my agent through KOTFE! Nor do I plan to, unless I know for sure Vector's coming back eventually.

  12. Shall we make a booth? :D


    *hops in line behind Darth Lunafox, has lipstick ready*

    Quinn: ...oh dear. Uh...well...I... *sigh* Very well. I cannot refuse a Sith...much less my own wife/lover. In that, I look forward to it. Thank you for the lip-balm you gave me, Darth Nightfrogger. It will, apparently, come in handy.

    As an aside, I nearly typed limb-balmp. Um...my fingers like typing "lm"? :p

  13. I just keep on waiting for the announcement for the next live stream, figure then we can be given more info on the story of iokath, which to me just seems like ziost 2.0.


    Also tossing around ideas for my return fic too, just no time to sit down and write until next week....this week has been an insane number of work hours, so doing my best to not pull my hair out. This thread has helped so keep it up :)


    Any encouragement from purple Quinn would be awesome lol


    Quinn: I...er... *quiet ahem* My lord Nightfrogger, I am honestly not sure where to start. I will apologize, however, for my lackluster return, my awkward dialogue, my disappearance from the story proper even when it would have made sense for me to be there. I don't know how I could have done any better, given the circumstances. It was like I was being controlled by some distant...writer...

    *innocent whistling*

    Quinn: ......did YOU have anything to do with it?

    Wha? No! I'm as disappointed as anybody. I posited a theory about a Quinn-bot, but--

    Quinn: My lord Beniko, would you care to comment?

    Lana: Er...I don't think I'd be safe stepping foot into a nest of fangirls. They're rather dangerous beings, you know. Capable of analyzing every milisecond of interaction between themselves and their virtual loved ones, tearing apart any weaknesses, and voraciously devouring every second of cutscenes.

    Quinn: Yes, I've found that out firsthand...

    Lana: Also, I'm supposed to be the love interest. Not you.

    Quinn: *sudden glare*

    Lana: *oblivious* I'm supposed to be the one that EVERYONE is paired with! I don't understand why they'd choose YOU when obviously they have me!

    Quinn: *deadpan* Perhaps because some of them are a) previously married to me, and/or b, are straight?

    Lana: Uuugh, then they have THERON. Even though he pales in comparison to me. (And of course there's Koth, but...wait, on second thought, who's Koth?) You know I'm the descendant of Leiliana and Liara, right?

    We were starting to suspect that.

    Lana: Therefore, I'm SPECIAL! I should get all the spotlight! It's only natural that I'm the one hovering over the Outlander(s) when they wake up, even though their love interest(s) have returned by then! It's only FAIR!

    Scanners are picking up some odd form of...the heck is this, Quinn?

    Quinn: *inspects scanner* I'm not sure. Radio waves? No, the frequency isn't right... brain waves.

    Lana; That is not how brain waves work--

    Quinn: --and they're originating from Lana and going to a distant source...THE WRITERS. :eek: Lana brainwashed the writers.

    ...that makes a scary amount of sense.

    Lana: It's only fair! I'm the love interest! I should be--*CLOBBER* *and Lana falls over backwards, having been slugged in the face, and is now unconscious*

    Quinn: *standing nearby, impassively watching her* My lord, I do hope you'll forgive me. Ordinarily, I would never even consider such a thing. But you, my lord Beniko, have kept me away from my wife. *kneels next to her* When I find out the extent of such a thing, there will not be a safe haven in the galaxy where you can hide from me. *straightens up* Now. I have a to-do list. First off, find my wife and explain all this, and have an ACTUAL reunion. Second off... *glances down at Lana* ...Vette's old shock collar shall go to a far more deserving owner.

  14. Also kinda worried that with the next one they will introduce Vector in a similar insignificant way because maybe you can squeeze in a diplomat in this scenario.


    Now I'm worried that future returning companions will be out of character or just shuffled off to the side. Vector...oh, he's a bug-guy, right? Hivemind. Okay, we'll take a cursory glance at his speech patterns to get those "right" and then have him be a hippie so lost in the killik hivemind that he's near-incomprehensible. We'll throw in an option to kill him, because there can't possibly be any female agents who actually fell in love with the guy, right? And also if we keep him in the story, that means we actually have to write him into further story incidents, and that's too much work. Pffft, forget THAT.

    Corso - well, we gotta appease the SJW's who will no doubt be crying bloody murder about his "sexism" in respecting women, so we'll just give people a way to kill off the obnoxious dumb backwoods hick (while introducing him as such, making him so annoying everyone will naturally want to kill him). Everybody's happy that way! :D ...wait, what do you mean, there are female smugglers who romanced and married him? WHAT!? That...has to be a lie! *gasp of politically correct horror*

    Kira - oh geez. Oh geez. Guys, GUYS, she's a female force-using love interest!! We can't have her conflict with Lana!! D: AAAAGH how do we deal with this!? Um...ummm...oh, okay, we just won't bring her back. We'll leave little cryptic hints about somebody wandering the galaxy, and never actually resolve those hints, because of COURSE every male knight ever went for Lana. Male!Knight/Lana OTP!!1!

    Mako - Ugh, another cute female love interest. Back to the Kira dustbin you go! Same goes for Risha, Akaavi, Jaesa (both sides), Nadia, Temple, and anybody else I'm missing.



    So, there's my worst-case scenario. :/

  15. I wasn't able to find your actual problem when skimming that wall of text, but you should still be able to finish the bonus series, even if out of context story-wise.


    The thing is that there's one quest-giver, part of the bonus series, who gives his quest even when players are not actually on the bonus series. Thus, when it comes time in the bonus quests to do that specific quest...there's no option to do so, because players have already done it. And there's no indication that that quest is part of the bonus series.


    OP, it's a known bug, sadly. It's been around since 4.0. No confirmation on a fix, or even acknowledgement that it is broken, to the best of my knowledge. :(

  16. I have dev induced Lanaphobia.


    For some reason, I'm reminded of a Mass Effect fan comic, called Mess Perfect. (Oh, found it! Warning: while this page is SFW save for one tiny blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, there are a few pages in the rest of the comic that border that line. Browse with caution.) Samara's recruitment mission... She is staring at a police officer who's very nervous.

    A few hours later. She's a few feet closer. The police officer is now EXTREMELY nervous.

    Hours later. She's in the police officer's face. "SOON."

    ...reason: if Shepard doesn't do their job in twenty-four hours, Samara has every right by her justicar code to kill whoever's in her way. That includes police.


    Now insert Lana for Samara. Steadily creeping closer to the player...closer...closer...closer...does she have nefarious intentions or not!? :eek: LANAPHOBIA. (...seriously, Lana, back off, you're getting a tad creepy now.)


    Sorry for going a bit off-topic. :D

  17. Warrior: ...frozen in carbonite for five years with nothing but my dreams for company.

    Vette: *mischievously* Were they good dreams? Maybe a certain someone waiting on your hand and foot, grovelling at your every word, maybe wearing a shock collar?

    Warrior: [looks puzzled]

    Vette: ...Quinn. I'm talking about Quinn.

    Warrior: [in an indignant tone] I forgave him long ago!

    Vette: Oh, I know, but that doesn't mean you can't take a little guilty pleasure in it.

    Warrior: -_-

    Me: [not sure whether to laugh, lightly whack Vette upside the head, or just go "...hold on, when did Vette know about the betrayal?"]


    Quinn: ...she doesn't really think that way, does she?

    Which "she"?

    Quinn: [Warrior]. If she forgave me...er...does she think that way?

    Show of hands, Eternal Quinnmancers! Anyone think that way? I'm going to guess it'll be a hearty "NOPE!" but you never know...

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