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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. I don't think of her that way. She basically thought it was honorable to kill his own father rather than let him to be humiliated and tortured. What she did was nasty, but I understood her logic. Aside from this, she didn't do anything bad, she doesn't like DS choices either.


    Well, that's just it; I understand her logic...except when there's a pretty obvious flaw in it. The agent made it perfectly clear to her that her father could come stay with them aboard the ship, where no one would find him. Her secret would be safe, and so would her father. Raina just says nope, it's better this way. And then she shows no remorse or sadness for what she did, no conflict at all. Her immediate solution is to kill her father, rather than trying to think of other options and only thinking of her father's death as a last resort.

    That's what I take issue with, I guess: her sheer willingness to do it, even when there are other, much easier, options.

    Edit: If there was absolutely no other way, then I'd totally understand her logic. But there *were* other options.


    I love Kira's romance, one of the best in the game but then I'm a guy and slightly biased ;)


    Haha, I also think Kira's romance is one of the best in the game - and I'm not a guy. XD


    LOL, that must have been funny. :D I often wanted to use him, but I always ended up with Bowdaar, having a Wookie friend is just too cool. :D


    Same here... I always wanted to use Guss, but both my smugglers wound up with Corso all the way. My female smuggler because, well, she married him. Male smuggler because he and Corso were basically brothers by the time everything was said and done. Two guys wisecracking their way through misguided heroics was just hilarious. XD

  2. Wow, you are hard to please, that's quite a big list. :)

    Don't ask why is this possible, but I really like Zenith and I usually use him. He is an anti-Imperial fanatic, but I still like him. :o My Trooper is DS and she is corrupt, so she and Tanno Vik get along very well, but I use Jorgan because of the romance.

    Guss is irritating, but has funny lines. My favorite scene was when he wanted to show me his lightsaber, so he activated it but nearly poked my eye out, and I said something like stop waving that thing in front of me. :D

    Gault - True, it was illogical and strange to recruit him after he nearly escaped from you the fourth time...But I'm really happy it turned out this way. :D Love him! Great sense of humor, amazing voice, cool looks, quick-thinking and good at problem solving, what's not to like? :D

    Scorpio - shifty droid with creepy eyes (really!) always threatening you and plotting against you. I would just give her to Intelligence, do what they what with her, I don't care, I just don't want her on my ship, she is creeping me out! Maybe she watches me at night while I sleep. :eek: LOL

    What's wrong with Raina? :)


    Haha, I guess I am. XD

    I personally like Zenith, Gault, and Guss - but my characters don't. My consular's completely light-side and he and Zenith...did not get along at all. My bounty hunter would rather have just completed the job. Her job was to kill Gault. He's a target. She kills targets. The end. And Guss...my smuggler just didn't trust him enough to go "sure, here's a bunk, have fun." I do like those three companions, though. Gault's hysterical and I love his voice. Guss is rather adorable. Zenith is just an interesting personality. My characters, though, if they had a choice, they wouldn't have accepted those companions.


    I am really glad I'm not the only one who's scared spitless by SCORPIO's eyes. o_o Glowing eyes in general tend to freak me out (yet, oddly, chiss eyes are okay...maybe it's the slightly cartoonish nature of the graphics in this game).


    Raina was okay...at first. I guess my chiss agent just had a massive problem with her because of her...secret.


    My agent's loyal to the Ascendancy and the Empire, not necessarily in that order. Any and all force-sensitives, according to her, should be given to the Empire. Then here comes Raina, a human in the Ascendancy - when chiss are notoriously xenophobic - and it's no secret to THEM that she's force-sensitive. The sheer clash in loyalties just about drove my agent up the wall.


    But she got over it, and she accepted Raina on her team... and then Raina's father was found out.


    So it's okay for an untold number of people in the Ascendancy to know of Raina's secret and shield her from the Empire, and it's also okay for Intelligence's top agent to know that same secret and shield her from the Empire, but it's not okay for her father to be running about and also know that secret and hide her from the Empire. Her solution when a Sith gets too close to finding him out, and thus knowing her secret? Murder her father.

    My agent repeatedly said "Raina, he can come be with us aboard the ship here - you know full well that no one finds us on this ship unless we want them to. He'd never be found. He'd be safe here." Raina flat-out refused and walked off to go kill her own father before the agent could say another word.

    Raina returned. She was a little sad that her father was dead. Other than that, she was perfectly fine with what had just happened. Glory to the Empire and all that. Everything's good now, shall we get back to work? :)

    ...my agent was completely horrified. So was I. And nothing was ever brought up about her father or her patricide again, making it seem even more like she's a complete sociopath.


    So...that's my problem with Raina. o_o Sweet, demure, eager-to-learn woman on the outside. Horrifyingly sociopathic murderer on the inside.

  3. Something else frustrating the hell out of me is the command point system. You have to time your command ranks for when your side controls the Galaxy, meaning you can't do jack shat if you close to gaining a rank. What kind of tom foolery came up with that system? Annoyed because I've lost over half my potential points because while working on "controlling" the galaxy, I ding and thus if we do, I don't get squat because I didn't level a CR after.


    Or just quickly switch to the other side when you're right about to gain a level, then switch right back. You gain back any points you may have lost very, VERY easily.

  4. It was supposed to be you were able to kill off any companion. Of the others I remembered hearing on, Ashara's was after the Inquisitor got her to summon up the ghost, Vette was something like keeping her shock collar on and being abusive towards her until she just sobbed and eventually spaced herself out the ship's airlock. I want to say Corso just jumps ship but I can't remember for certain. Ship droid was supposed to be customizable to cover for someone killing off a character who's role they needed but apparently no one wanted to use the ship droid.


    :eek: I forgot Ashara! Oh, she would definitely be dead. The prompt to let the ghost kill Ashara is still in the game...it just does nothing. Ashara wiggles her way out of it. Grr.

    ..poor Vette...D:

  5. I was also angry when Xalek was forced on me. I wanted the Twilek apprentice for starters (:p), and was really surprised when I didn't have a choice but accept Xalek’s revolting behavior. I completely agreed with Harkun when he said: "But if the rules of subterfuge and skill give away to blind murder, then the whole Empire is doomed." Very well said!!!


    Same here!! Heck...in my own version of events (some things, I like headcanon better than anything the game can come up with), Xalek died and Seferiss lived. But Seferiss had brain damage after Xalek punched him into unconsciousness, so...um...from there on out, it was the inquisitor and one really crazy twi'lek (yes, I know, I'm taking artistic license with "brain damage," because it's funnier). Who only spoke Ryl. Which my inquisitor did not.

    "Toovee. What did he say again?"

    "Er, pardon, mistress. He said...erm..."

    "Out with it."

    "...I will make your tomato shiny?"

    "You need new translation programming, don't you."

    "No, mistress. That's actually what he said."



    On another note, if we really could kill off almost every companion... oi. Kaliyo, Raina Temple, SCORPIO, Skadge, Gault (don't get me wrong, he's hilarious, but I don't like how he was forced to be your companion), Jaesa, Broonmark, Xalek, Khem Val (no, my inquisitor does NOT want a kill-happy monster - either of them - following her around!), and Tanno Vik would all be dead. Risha, Akaavi, Guss, Blizz, Rusk, Zenith, and Forex would simply not be recruited.

    ...and Anuli would join the bounty hunter's crew. :o That poor boy. It always just kills me every time I get to that part in the bounty hunter's story.


    "AAAAAHHH--MAKO!! MAKO!!! [agonized screaming]--" [dead comm]

    Mako: *half-hysterical and frantic, trembling and sobbing from sheer worry and dread*

    Me: *VERY FRANTIC* COME ON COME ON MOOOOOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE--what do you mean we are too late. WHAT. DO. YOU. MEAN!? NOOOOOO!!!


  6. Be prepared for the SJW character creation and awkward facial animation(s) that come with. ME:A fanbois/gals need not reply. :p


    And this is exactly why I hope BioWare working on a remake of KOTOR never, EVER happens. Well, not just because of character creation, per se, but because they can't seem to keep real-world issues out of a sci-fi/fantasy game. I don't want to hear about how Juhani's mother tried to turn her straight using dark-side sorcery. I want to play a game where it's good vs. evil and my character plays a pivotal part in a galaxy-wide conflict. THE END.

    (And yes I'm aware that didn't happen with Juhani [rather, Dorian from Dragon Age: Inquisition], I used it to make a point. Backstory conflict is all good and fine, but when it defines a character's...well, character, that's when it goes overboard. And knowing BioWare...it'd definitely go overboard.)


    Ah well. The rumor's been debunked, and the only "remake" of KOTOR is...uh...well, an unofficial one. That I'm not sure how much we can talk about it here or anywhere because no one wants Disney to find out and possibly shut them down for arbitrary reasons (even though their "remake" is a graphics mod, not a complete overhaul of everything ever, story/voice acting/gameplay included).

  7. Everyone who has posted in this thread is dying.


    The people that have not posted in this thread, are also dying.


    No escape.


    Everyone should unsub from their lives. I mean, look at the sorry state the world's in! Server population might be going up, but it sure has a lot of bugs and glitches and mistakes, and it even has permadeath even if it's not your fault. The chat's getting more and more toxic daily. PVE is mostly boring with only a few bright sparks in it. It's only a matter of time before they pull the plug on everything, regardless of how many years it's been going strong.



  8. Reminds me of the fade to black at the end of Yavin, I love the awkwardness of the idea of Satele being right around the corner whilst we totally make-out especially if you're an imp. ;)


    ...oh my word, I had not even thought of that... :eek: Oh...oh dear...oh that's so awkward...and Darth Marr's there, too...

    I bet Theron did it on purpose just to tick off/rebel against his mom, especially if you're an Imp. XD

  9. He betrayed you once. He will betray you again.


    There is also no such thing as "headcanon". There is canon, then there is fanfiction. All the feels for the traitorous Quinn fall under fanfiction. They're not canon.


    As for "understanding" and "forgiving"... When Quinn betrays you, you are on a mission. You have to stop Baras. But I guess it's more important to swoon over the enemy agent who is sent to not only kill you, but also to spy on you. And let's forgive him because he has a sexy voice, because that's all he has going for him.


    That is the very definition of shallow and vapid.


    As for my female SW?


    You see, she has a reputation as a fair, honest representative of the Empire who treats her soldiers well and supports them in the face of danger. Potentially, that reputation makes her soft. It seems she understands failure and forgives it. Some, like Baras or even my own Darth Nox, believe her to be a weak Lord of the Sith, not prepared to take the action her rank demands. Not prepared to enforce field discipline where she sees it failing. She is a Lord of the Sith. She will enflame the weak, support the wavering, guide the lost. But she will also punish without hesitation the incompetent, the cowardly, and the treasonous.


    She has a force choke with Quinn's name on it.


    You should've take a left turn at Albuquerque, 'cause this is the wrong thread. Hate thread is...somewhere down in the depths of the forum. :)

  10. Just found this thread <3 I don't know if you guys already talked about it because it's kinda impossible to read everything lol but my Warrior romanced Quinn during the main story, and Theron in SoR, i'm curious if Quinn will react to that now, even if I didn't romance Theron in KOTFE/KOTET. What do you guys think? :D


    Welcome, fellow Quinnmancer!

    Quinn: Oh no...

    Oh yes. The fangirl army grows daily! Soon we shall TAKE OVER SWTOR--*cough* I mean, erm...soon we shall, er...reunite with Quinn? :D

    Quinn: That is not what I heard originally.

    I'm either really tired or really disoriented from arguing with people, because a fictional character just snarked back at me... Oh well, they've done that before and worse. Pesky creatures. :) (What's this thing called "sanity?" That exists?)


    I wonder if Quinn will react at all. Has any other returning companion reacted to you cheating on them...? (None of my characters cheated on their significant others, so I've got no idea what happens. :o) If he does, though, he'd...probably blame himself, honestly, and just accept that it happened. He married a Sith, after all; he knew what the risks were.

  11. First off, GFY, second. I planned my vacation around this. I don't get many joys in life these days, and TOR is the only real Star Wars game in town. The release date on this was announced less than a month ago. They have been building this up for weeks. This is a PR disaster. They created this mess. You don't build a business model on delayed gratification, unless you want to go out of business. Not in a day and age where you have thousands of leisure and recreation choices available to the market. I spend hundreds when a new cartel pack is released and my sub has been continuous. I have ever reason to be damned angry.


    Do I even want to know what "GFY" means...? I'm just going to guess the f-bomb is in there, and...


    I think I got it. :/

    So your automatic response to any sort of opposite opinion is a crude obscenity. Out of curiosity, when did that become acceptable? Ah well. Now I know your character, kind sir, so thank you for informing me in such a direct manner. :) You will be going on ignore.


    Second, stop exaggerating everything.

    "PR disaster" and "build[ing their] business model around delayed gratification" - because no other game ever has EVER delayed an update by one week. Ever. Never happened before. Totally unprecedented. By the same logic, no other game ever has EVER released something full of bugs that they really should've spent more time working on. Never happened.

    "I have every right to be damned angry" - ...no, you don't. Mistakes happen. I sure wouldn't want to be around you at work or in friendships, because if this is how you treat a video game with one mistake...geez, people must be walking on eggshells around you all the time.

    ...also, planning your vacation around a video game update is probably not a good idea in general, because of things like this. Like I said, mistakes happen. (On the flip side, if they HAD released it tomorrow, it could've been so buggy as to be unplayable...and a patch scheduled for one week afterwards. :)) So don't get so dang worked up about something that you practically burst a blood vessel by throwing a temper tantrum. Grow up. Don't tell others to [...] off when you don't get your way. You aren't a child any longer, so quit acting like you are. You really think that makes people take you seriously? Sure, if you rant enough at the devs, they'll hurry right up and release everything on schedule, yessiree sir bob! Really?

  12. Guuuyyyyyssssss, stop with the spoiler'd stuff already...! :o We don't want a well-meaning-but-overzealous mod deleting the entire thread.

    Quinn: As this happens to be my only bastion against the, er, "haters," I would agr--wait. Of course I would agree. Jagaimee's writing my dialogue. I have no free will.

    ...darn, you figured out my game here.

    Quinn: Wait. I HAVE NO FREE WILL!?


    Quinn: *facepalm*

    That's a more subdued reaction than I was expecting.

    Quinn: *still facepalming* I have learned to roll with it, as you say.


    *not sure if I'm paranoid, or just being Jagaimee the Mini-Mod again* Heh, mini-mod...a name that got thrown at me maaaaaaany many times on another forum far far away. Not always in jest, either. :o

  13. :o:(:eek::DWellll... clearing browsing data worked.


    Lol. A bit of a pain in the butt though now I have to redo all my most used pages and logins but at least this stuff works again. Good to know for the future? :D


    Whoo! :D


    Yeah, not sure why that works or why it gets messed up in the first place... ah well. Glad it worked, though!

  14. Well well, this is very disappointing. I was actually looking forward to moving on from that whole "Knights" issue; maybe even SWTOR getting back to normal again.


    Yes, and they're very sorry but 5.2 won't EVER be released and the storyline won't EVER move on.


    It's one week, people. One. Week. Not a year, not ten years, ONE WEEK. You can't wait a single week? :confused:

  15. This happened to me just a few weeks ago. I also use Google Chrome; had to clear all my cookies and cache before they'd work again (although doing so a) logged me out of the forums and b) required one of those infamous one-time passwords to get back in, since it no longer "recognized" my computer).


    Although, even when doing that... :rolleyes: and :confused: don't work. I can't see them, for some reason. Everything else works just fine, and, obviously, I can still use them. Just can't actually see the smilies themselves.

  16. Bioware does owe us something. They owe us what we're paying for. We're not getting it.


    You are paying for a subscription. Did they take away your subscription access and all that entails? No. They "owe" you a subscriber's access to the game - all KOTFE/KOTET chapters, full customization options, species unlocks, less chat restrictions. etc. etc. And you're getting that.

    Unless they take away your subscriber's access to the game, your "they owe me" argument doesn't really have a leg to stand on.

    (Edit: ...aaaand Rankyn said it two minutes before I did. :p You are a true online ninja. *bows*)


    Would you rather they release the patch tomorrow as promised...even if it's filled with horrific bugs, new areas aren't accessible, the new raid boss instantly wipes everyone due to a glitch, etc.? Cue cries of "You should've waited a week to fix this!"

    So they hold it back to fix bugs, to spit-and-polish everything, I don't know, but for whatever reason, they announce it the day before the update is supposed to go live.

    Cue cries of "You should've released it 'on time'!"

    They just can't win, can they?

  17. BioWare: Oh geez, we have to delay a patch for one single week. Gah... sorry, guys! We should've caught this sooner/were hoping it'd be fixed sooner/were hoping it'd be presentable sooner/we were working super hard on it, but it's just not ready yet. One week to go, then. Cheers!


    Player base: *whine scream cry rage whine whine scream scream whine whine whine waaaah BioFail screwed SOMETHING ELSE up, oh waaaaah, WAAAAAH, LISTEN TO ME I'M A PaYiNg CuStOmEr I AM ENTITLED WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH*


    Someone in here said that y'all are acting like a bunch of spoiled children? Yup. They were spot on. It's not the end of the world, it's not the launch of the game itself, it's not something HUGE that NEEEEEEEEEEEEDS to be fixed RIGHT THIS [bleeping] INSTANT OR ELSE UNSUB !!1@@221!

    It's a patch.

    That was delayed one. Single. Week.

    Sheesh, you guys. Calm down. They delay one patch for one week, not a month, not a year, etc., and instantly everyone's up in arms screaming bloody murder about how they "screwed up again." Newsflash: nobody is perfect, and that goes for game companies. Stop assuming the worst about everyone. Maybe they honestly did make a mistake. And if they did... so what? You're really going to tear them to shreds over a mistake? Yeesh.

  18. On a slightly off topic, whats up with all the trash dodging? I mean 3/4 of most of the flashpoints i've done so far has just been following people skirting walls, jumping on rocks, zig zaging all over the place. And every so often someone screws up and pulls a group and then someone leaves the party. One time i was in a party and someone kept accidently pulling and we tried like 4 times to zig zag our way through. Then someone left so i said in chat lets just fight the ones that are harder to avoid, and it took all of like 15 seconds for the three of us to kill them off. If we had just done that in the first place it would have saved way more time. If its so "easy" to avoid, why is it there in the first place? Why did they design the levels in such a way that 3/4 of the map can just be avoided? This is the only MMO i've played thats had anywhere near this amount of avoidable trash. It's kinda crazy.


    Seems to be a popular way of thinking nowadays. "Everyone" has played the same flashpoints over and over, so "everyone" wants to skip what can be skipped and will often go to extremely convoluted methods to do so.

    Heck, I was once nearly kicked from a group because I accidentally pulled a very small trash mob that the others in the group had already skipped. :rolleyes: (Thankfully, two other people in the group stood up for me and asked the guy who wanted to kick me "What the heck are you doing? It's one small mob, get over yourself, boohoo.")


    As for designing the levels that way, I've got no clue. I don't think it was intentional, but when people find a shortcut, they'll use it and heap abuse on anyone who doesn't, either because they don't know the shortcut or they accidentally pull the trash mob. I mean, heaven forbid someone's actually NEW and doesn't KNOW the ALMIGHTY SHORTCUT!! Or worse, make a MISTAKE. *dramatic gasp*

    ...in other words, people are odd. :p

  19. Quinn: A delay in my return. I don't know whether to be relieved or worried.

    They probably saw the horde of pitchfork-wielding fangirls and decided to spit-and-polish our reunion with you.

    Quinn: ...so the delay is my fault.

    All because of you, yep.

    Quinn: Well then. I'm still not sure--

    *rabid haters come crashing against the doors, slavering and snarling like a pack of wolves*


    ...why Captain, you scream like...what the heck was that? A dying lawnmower? A disgruntled sarlacc? Maybe an off-tune Wookiee practicing for Life Day?

    Quinn: *pressed up against the back wall, well away from the doors* M-my apologies, sir. I was...startled. *pressing further against the wall* ...er...could you do something. This is disturbing.

    Good idea, good idea... *watches the haters scrabbling against the locked-tight doors* ...yeah, they can't get to you. The doors are locked with the power of fangirl-love.

    Quinn: *slowly starts to breathe again* Safe...

    *Fangirl Army comes rampaging in to violently cuddle Quinn, sobbing their hearts out*

    Quinn: GACK! *strangled* Not...safe...!

  20. Well, disappointed about the delay, but the patch notes look good! :) Thanks for warning us about the delay instead of tomorrow arriving, and...no patch, cue a bunch of angry crybabies who stomp their widdle feet in anger. :p Anyway, I'm really curious about the updated introductory cinematics for class stories. I'd been meaning to start a new Knight here...good excuse to do so. XD


    One thing I'll point out, though - please don't forget about the Female Cathar skin color bug and the Missing Skin Colors for Imperial Zabraks bug. :) If you could fix those in this patch, that would be wonderful.


    Thanks again for the heads-up! :) More time to get the rest of my characters through KOTFE/KOTET...

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