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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. And by "starting," just to clarify - they mean the short, higher-quality cutscene you *first* see after that iconic scrolling text fades away, and likely nothing afterwards. For example, the smuggler's introduced zooming recklessly into a startlingly large space battle over Ord Mantell. The Sith Warrior is on a shuttle coming from a Star Destroyer as it moves toward Korriban. The bounty hunter and agent are on a transport as it rattles in toward Nal Hutta, etc. etc. Those cutscenes. Now I'm curious as to what those look like now, because *before*, they were pretty amazing... :eek:
  2. Excellent notion, it shall be done.


    *puts together a care package with lip balm, mineral water, protein bars, some various fruits, a bottle of champagne, a box of chocolates....and unable to resist teasing, a pair of fuzzy handcuffs and a bottle of massage oil. Then ties it all together with a beautiful blue silk bow. Proud of her work she sneaks into his resting chambers dropping off the gift on his nightstand while he sleeps. Stairing at his handsome face, she resists the overwhelming urdge to wake him, with a quiet sigh, she thinks to herself, we shall meet again later this evening, smiles and sneaks out of the camber.*


    And done ;)


    Now, time to get ready for work :(


    Quinn, still a bit sleepy from a rather tumultuous night (he kept having nightmares of glitches in cutscenes), shuffles to the nightstand... and blinks. Blinks again. Makes sure he's not still asleep. He is fairly certain that he didn't leave that box there. How odd, he thinks, lifting it up. It's heavier than it looks. Curiosity overcomes natural suspicion, and he unties the bow and removes the lid.


    What he sees is enough to simultaneously bring a smile to his face and weird him out a little. He sets the box down, and reaches in to get the lib balm and protein bars. What a thing to wake up to, he thinks as he inspects them. It must be that Fangirl Army again... After a moment's deliberation, he shrugs. I won't say no. Especially not to Sith Lords.


    He smiles at the fruits - his favorite, how did they know? - and then freezes at the sight of the handcuffs and massage oil.




    He hurriedly puts those somewhere out of sight. "The images that brings up..." he mutters, shaking his head and feeling his face grow hot in embarrassment. ...he glances at them again. Blushes. Quickly turns back to the package.


    He sits down to write a thank-you note. My lord-- I thank you for your consideration and care. I am indeed ready to face the day. My apologies for the short note, but I am pressed for time. The shuttle for Iokath leaves in but a moment. I shall see you shortly, my love, he finishes, a faint smile crossing his face at the thought. He just hopes the lip-balm won't get worn out.


    He rises, gets washed and dressed (and sticks the lip-balm in his pocket, along with a few protein bars), and heads out the door to the waiting shuttle for Iokath. "Ready to head out, Major Quinn?" the flight attendant asks.


    "Yes." Quinn thinks of the journey - the destination, rather - ahead. Iokath - who knew what awaited him there? Well...he didn't know what awaited him there, but he certainly knew who would be waiting. He smiles, before he's consciously aware of doing so. "Yes, I am ready."



    (Purple Quinn couldn't resist one last thing. Okay NOW I'm gone! :p Have fun, guys!!)

  3. Yop.


    *hugs* :D


    :D Thank you.


    A'righty - good night, fellow Quinnmancers! Purple Quinn will sadly be absent for the next...I've got no idea how long it takes me to finish KOTFE, KOTET, and finally Quinn.2 - I mean, 5.Quinn--errr, Ioquinn. ...Quinnkath. Whatever. :p I hope you all sleep well, ready for the return of our dear Captain, or Grand Moff, or whatever rank he actually is. Here's to a successful launch, no bugs, and a fantastic, heart-tugging, tear-jerking, beautiful reunion.

    Purple Quinn, by the way, has this to say: "Despite the...er...over-enthusiasm...I have at times suffered, I must say, my lords - I did thoroughly enjoy the experience. I shall see you on the morrow, where we may properly reunite. Until then...I bid you all a very fond farewell. *salutes*"


    Also, *dramatic turn* ...Gucci, by Gucci.


  4. Well time to go to bed. But first, must think about how we shall crush the Republic tomorrow :)


    Quinn: *salutes* My lord, I am ever at your service for that goal. Our Empire will triumph over the scattered remnants of the Republic, and of the Jedi Order. We shall face a new dawn, one in which the Empire reigns uncontested - likely, my lord, with you near or at its helm to guide it. I shall be, of course, your faithful servant. Together...if I may be so bold, my lord...together, we will be victorious.


    Quinn: o_O

    You forgot you had the whole fangirl army listening in.

    Quinn: *facepalm* The speech wasn't that brilliant... *proud smile*

  5. I feel like this paragraph directly contradicts your previous one, but w/e - I guess I'm cool with someone on the internet disagreeing with me today, though tomorrow will be a different story. Good thing it's patch day :cool:


    Sorry, I was rambling a lot and tend to get mixed up in what I want to say. :o I was attempting to be sarcastic - the second paragraph was meant to be BioWare's perspective on things.


    And - can I give you a virtual hug over the internet for NOT blowing up when someone disagrees with you...? I recently lost a friend of four years over a similar argument, and it still stings. It's incredibly refreshing to see someone just choosing to go "Eh...I think differently, but whatever; 'tis cool." Thank you. :)

  6. I miss the purple posts again...has he left us? :(


    Quinn: I was unaware there was anything that required my presence, my lord.

    We always need your presence, Quinn.

    Quinn: ...ah.

    So, anything witty to say this time?

    Quinn: On the current subject of perceived gender inequality? Not entirely. Not without a) going out of character, and b) sounding indistinguishable from Jagaimee's ranting/arguing.


    Quinn: On other subjects? Perhaps.

    Enlighten us.

    Quinn: *completely straight face* *opens mouth*

    Quinn's voice: GUCCI, BY GUCCI. ALSO, PILLOW PETS.

    Quinn: *closes mouth* *facepalm*


    As for the whole "perceived gender inequality" (that awkward moment when something a fictional character says is better than anything you can come up with purely in your own voice...) issue... well. I just think it's like I said earlier: it's BioWare, therefore they push "diversity" to the point of being intensely obnoxious. They think they need "strong" female characters (who all wind up being incredibly generic)? The entire galaxy ends up being run by women, with the guys taking a backseat role (see: Theron, Jorgan, Marr, etc.).

    Now imagine if it was Theron or Koth standing in your character's room when they woke up - and that was the default option, not if they were your love interest. Cue cries of creepy stalker men who see women as weak and must be protected, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!1! (How die-hard feminists didn't have a gigantic meltdown over Corso Riggs, I'll never know.) But Lana? Oh, well that's okay, because she's a woman and therefore somehow less creepy, and besides she's the "hawt" love interest that everybody's romancing, or SHOULD be romancing (you ARE romancing her, aren't you!?), so it's totally okay, guys, that she's randomly standing in your room at night, YOU SHOULD BE OKAY WITH IT... (Heck, honestly, even my character who romanced her would find Lana standing in his room in the middle of the night incredibly creepy. He's in love with her, that doesn't automatically mean he's sleeping with her...or that he even wants to, for that matter.)

    So...yeah. Diversity gone haywire to the irritation of everyone save BioWare, who...double down on it.

  7. I favor him for all those reasons too. And you know, you're right, SW has become a total vagfest. In the interest of trying to provide female protags and role models (which is good), they've gone a bit overboard. Some male leadership is nice to have too. There needs to be balance. As you say with all the female leadership/protagonists it's a bit too much. I think the devs prefer female characters because they think only men play. Wake up devs, you have A LOT of ladies playing and we want some eye candy too. :p


    Nah; it's 'cause it's BioWare, so "DIVERSITY!!!1!@!!1!" And they go WAY the heck overboard as always.

  8. :( I didn't even think of this. If he calls my warrior commander instead of lord I'll be so sad.


    Does Vette still call you lord?


    Pierce still has all his unique lines for a Sith Warrior, calling them "my lord." I haven't checked on non-Warrior characters, though, what his lines are there.


    Similarly, T7 has unique lines for the Jedi Knight, and generic lines for everyone else.


    So...there's hope? :o

  9. An oldie worth repeating since we're so close now, many thanks to Virama who shared it originally.


    This is why my sister and I have made a rule: no eating or drinking allowed at the computer.

    Otherwise, when we see something like the above, we're either going to choke to death from laughing so hard, or wind up wiping off the computer screen.

    *recovers from choking on water* I'm okay!



    Yeah, that's pretty much going to be my warrior's reaction. :D Minus, perhaps, the aftermath. She's a *tad* more restrained than that.

    ...emphasis on a "tad."

    Warrior: QUINN! *tackle-hug* OhI'vemissedyousomuchareyouokayIloveyou...

    Quinn: *standing there rigidly as a fully-armored, six-foot-three Sith Pureblood woman glomps him* ...we are still in public, my lov--er, lord. My lord.

    Theron, Lana, et al: *slowly back away*

    Theron: We'll, ah, give you space.

    Lana: *muttering something under her breath*

    Theron: Sorry, didn't catch that?

    Lana: I said, I was supposed to be the hawt!!11! love interest.

    Theron: O_o

    Lana: Don't give me that look.

    Theron: Thought I was supposed to be the, uh, "hawt" love interest, too.

    Lana: Well, yes, but I am a woman, therefore it's more diverse to have me as a love interest, so I win.

    Theron: *confused crickets chirping*

  10. Here's a page that sorts out most of (or all? I'm not sure) the blaster pistols by sound. http://torf.mmo-fashion.com/blaster-pistols-similar-sounding/

    Edit: Ahhh, ninja'd by Mubrak! :p Two seconds too slow. Ah well.


    I went through them and wrote down the "deepest-sounding" ones. They're under the following labels (though, of course, you should check them all out if you can - might find one you like that I didn't list here).

















    epic.02 (this one's possibly the deepest, although it has an odd reverberating "tinny" sound along with it...sounds rather like a popcorn popper going at full blast :p)



  11. Doc: Why did ya hit me? I swear you're not one of my exes...

    Quinn: Apologies, I'm not usually territorial. But I do believe this is MY thread

    Doc: Ah, fangirls. I completely understand; the public gets pretty demanding *Is kicked while he's down* This is so not groovy...

    Quinn: Again, sorry about that.

    Doc: Now that you got me thinking, when am I coming back? I know I have plenty of bleeding hearts waiting for my entrance!

    Bioware: SoonTM


    Now that was hilarious. :D My male knight, who has a bit of a grudge over the many MANY times Doc flirted with Kira (whom my knight married), would beg to differ, however. "You're coming back when Hoth is the same temperature as Tatooine."


    @Nightfrogger: Well done! :D I loved Quinn's perspective on things. XD His panicked, flustered reaction when Disantia kept flirting with him. "Calm...stay calm..." even as he's on the verge of either kissing her, or fleeing in terror. XD

  12. *DIES* I think that was the best thing that was ever posted :D I'm going to be glowing for the rest of the day :D


    It's like 5 minutes later, I'm still beaming

    *snorts and chokes on her iced tea* That was absolutely brilliant! Ahh I think my heart just started beating for Quinn a little faster.


    Now if only we can bribe somebody over in the Fan Art section to draw an unconscious Doc with little chibi birds and stars flying around his head, and Quinn standing nearby with a smug little smirk on his face... :D

  13. I forgot he was in Xena, heh, that's right. I should watch that again someday.


    Hey, Doc, is it too late to change my answer?! Wait Doc doesn't respond in his thread :o


    Anyway, back to the topic: Quinn. *clears throat* Quinnnnn <3 Ok I'm out of material. Til Tuesday, if I get to play.


    Doc: Well now, Doc certainly can respond if you'd want him to, doll. I can-- *FLYING FIST TO THE FACE*

    Quinn: *steps out of the shadows, dusting his hands off* Enough of that.

  14. This might be why I like Jorgan and forgive some of his foibles where someone else might not.


    Bruce Campbell, just google image "Evil Dead" :D


    Wait! Maybe I should warn you that googling Evil Dead or Bruce Campbell might bring up some gory/scary pictures, so avoid it if you're sensitive about those things :) He's an actor known for his role in campy horror movies.


    Now if only somebody in-game could call Jorgan "Lassie." :D


    Ohhh, okay. Thanks for explaining. XD (And for the warning.)

  15. *claps* That is the best episode yet. :D Your 'puppy' sounds adorable. <3


    We had a rottie and he thought like a lap dog...a hundred and thirty-pound lap dog. Yikes. Poor Quinn, maybe a Manka kitten would have been less painful. *imagines* Mmmm, maybe not, it would poke Quinn full of holes doing happy feet lol.


    One hundred and thirty pounds!? O_O My dog is a rottweiler-Shepherd mix...despite that, she's not a large dog. It just feels like it when she sits on my lap. :p But I can't imagine ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY POUNDS flattening someone's lap. Fifty pounds (going on sixty; she's a little pudgy) is bad enough! XD


    Quinn: A kitten? Er, well--

    Kitten: Purrrrrrrr.

    Quinn: *achoo*

    Kitten: Prrrrr?

    Quinn: I'm - *achoo* - allergic to cats - *cough* - if you'll recall, my lord - *achoo*

    Kitten: Prrrrrr! *curls up in his lap*

    Quinn: ... *achoo* ...what am I supposed to do with...?

    Kitten: Purrrrrr....

    Quinn: *achoo* ................ *slowly starts petting it* :)

    Kitten: *gets so happy that it starts unsheathing its claws and promptly climbs up Quinn's chest*

    Quinn: Ow - ow - *achoo* - ow - *achoo* - ow ow - *achoo*

    Kitten: *falls asleep on top of his head* Prrrrr...

    Quinn: ... *facepalm*

    Akk dog: *triumphantly holds up Quinn's slipper* WOOF! :D

    Quinn: Oh for the love of... *ACHOO!*


    Because I don't often put the headphones on when playing, I tend to imagine a voice for the characters in my head. Doc's been voiced by Bruce Campbell.


    Doc's voice actor was in a live-action TV show I love - it's called Leverage - and...eerily enough, he looks like Doc in real life. o_O He is also one HECK of a fantastic actor. Considering all his character went through (severe anxiety slowly devolving into panic attacks and eventually a nervous breakdown, where he wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't), he portrayed it masterfully.

    ...it made me like Doc just a little bit better. XD But who's Bruce Campbell?

  16. I hope Keith will be more co operative and talkative about the issue of lack of traditional Jedi robes in the game.


    Oh, for the love of... Dude, you've been harping on that for years now. You got the Exiled Master's robes. You got Relnex's robes. You got Kreia's robes, even - those are all pretty "traditional." And I'm sure I'm missing one or two... But no, there are just LEEEEEEEEEETLE flaws in them that you have to point out and whine about it not being "perfect." At one time, I would have supported you - now I just think your "fight" is rather pathetic.


    Gonna say this again; Anyone playing and treating this game as just another MMO, should try to play just another MMO instead! It was never the intention of this game to be as another MMO. IF you started this game way back when and RUSHED to top level then you missed the whole point of this game. There that's said.


    I wasn't here at launch, but I heard that's what happened. :eek: And it still happens today. Level cap is raised to 70, five new Uprisings are launched to be played at level 70...within two days people are whining about the "lack of content." Oi vey. Five MORE Uprisings were produced. Two days later - "Welp I'm bored now, guess I'll unsub, byeee! ...oh yeah I spacebarred through that thing you call 'story,' anyone want to get me up to date on that?" *facepalm*


    On another note, I agree that they need to focus on more than one aspect of the game. I'm primarily a story player, and I loved the last two expansions - but that doesn't mean I could care less about the rest of the game. There are a lot of people here who love flashpoints (we're getting a new one in 5.3! UMBARA!! AAAAHHHH!! :D), who love Operations, who love warzones - so yes, please do refocus on adding more of that content!!

    I started playing right before Shadow of Revan came out, so I wasn't here for the "glory days"...but judging from what some of you have said about them, I'd love it if SWTOR went that direction again. A small bit of story (hopefully differentiated between classes, or at least factions), Operation(s), warzone(s), flashpoint(s), all in one expansion? That would be wonderful. I hope it can happen. :D

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