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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Am sad to see Quinn no longer have a mouth that moves...but perhaps in my absence, he has finally mastered his side hobby of ventriloquism.....


    Quinn: Of--

    --course I haven't.

    Quinn: ...wait, what? How did--

    --that happen?

    Quinn: ...uh...Grand Admiral Jagaimee?


    Quinn: Are you finishing my sentences?

    No...? What makes you say that?

    Quinn: The fact that--

    --whatever I say is now appearing IN WHITE TEXT THERE IT GOES AGAIN!

    Quinn: :eek:

    ...is this that ventriloquism Darth Nightfrogger mentioned?

    Quinn: I...I never knew--

    --I could do that HEY STOP IT!

    I'm not doing anything, Malavai. That's all you. Putting words in my mouth, you ought to be ashamed. :p

    Quinn: *eye twitch* You are a very good liar, sir.

  2. It's a common bug, actually. What happened with the new galaxy map in 5.2 is that it allowed travel to both Belsavis proper and a place called Section X, another area on Belsavis. For some reason, Section X is selected by default - but it is very, very easy to mistake that for Belsavis proper.


    Try going back to a different planet (doesn't matter which one), then flying back to Belsavis. Make sure it's *Belsavis* that's selected, not the other place on the planet selection screen, Section X.


    Edit: You'll hit the same bug later on in the story, on Corellia. That has both Corellia and The Black Hole, with The Black Hole (an area of Corellia) being selected automatically. Make sure it's Corellia that's selected, not the other place on the planet.

  3. Lana is the perfect combination of mid-evil/not psycho/non-light/non-dark, most people asked for this type of character (follower) since long time, and we HAVE one, now people crying about other characters.


    Nothing is 10/10 you know, and they can't add every single thing to game only because you want.


    People just never get happy, simple as that.


    Me? I'm just grateful they gave us Lana aka Liara, so I'm okay with that. :)


    It's not that. I'm pretty sure people ARE indeed grateful for a rational, reasonable Sith... it's just getting to the point where we've reached a Lana saturation. :p Okay, we've had Lana front-and-center for--what, two years? Other companions are starting to trickle back into the story, so let them tell the story now, not Lana (and Theron, to a lesser degree) shoving it in peoples' faces and interrupting their reunions with their beloved companions because PLOT MUST GO ON.

  4. poor Quinn scene dialog makes purple Quinn sad....we cannot have that :(


    Quinn: I explained--

    No, you actually kept it pretty vague. Either you're a clone, a Quinn-bot, Lana and Theron were kidnapping you, or...????

    Quinn: --or I have the mysterious omnipotent "writers" to blame. If my wife weren't a Sith, I would say - forget the Force, these "writers" hold the power in the universe.

    Don't say that.

    Quinn: ...because there are Sith here. *sigh* Forgive me, my lords. ...again.

    No, because it's too true. :(

    Quinn: Oh. ...is it too late to petition the Force for deliverance from these mad writers?

    Nah. Marr says the Force has a plan. I say it just has a temper.

    Quinn: Which means I shall meet gruesome demise in three...two...one... *tries to bravely meet whatever end comes* ....... nothing happened?

    ...it's not that vindictive! Besides, d'you really think the Eternal Quinnmancers would let anything happen to you?

    Quinn: YOU hold the true power in the universe!?

    When it comes to you, yes. We the fangirl army are the masters of your universe.

    Quinn: I...am not sure whether to be relieved or absolutely terrified.

  5. I resubscribed for Quinn's return to support the direction in which the game was going and with the hopes it would be a positive experience that would leave me begging for more. Not just more of Quinn, but also more of the remaining Vanilla Companions who've yet to return - each with their own stories to tell as to where they've the past several years and each with their own reunion with the character Classes. With the constant nonsensical writing compiled with the rest of the game's ongoing and unaddressed issues... basically, how clunky and outright lazy the game feels, I've realized that I'm finally on the same page as the developers: I just don't care, anymore.




    I'm with you. If they keep bringing back companions in the same lazy way... I'm done. :( And I don't want to be. I love this game; been playing it for two and a half years now. I've grown so attached to these characters, both my own and the companions. I don't want to see them brought back in shoddy, nonsensical, "oh hey how ya doin', here's a mission, go fetch!" ways.

  6. In the Clone Wars era, yeah, Zygerria was an infamous slave trading empire. But we're three and a half thousand years before that time period. A LOT can happen in that time (like, for instance, we all know the Sith Empire in SWTOR's era will cease to exist somewhere down the line, long enough before the Clone Wars that people think the Sith are a myth, etc.).
  7. I tried to find some Ifan Meredith sound clips like we have for Richard Teverson and failed. I did, however find this chart for companion voice actors with is nicely done. http://rebrn.com/re/who-is-really-fighting-alongside-you-the-voices-of-your-compan-1457579/


    Cool! :D I noticed the picture they used of Talos is...very different than what we have in-game. o_O Perhaps that was Talos's original design? He certainly *looks* in his mid-twenties/early thirties there (what the "official" encyclopedia says), instead of the forties/fifties he looks/sounds like now. AHAAAA, maybe THAT'S why said encyclopedia says he's in his twenties...

    Edit: Torian, Zenith, Aric Jorgan, Tharan Cedrax, and Lokin all look subtly different, too. Interesting. ...and Corso. I don't think he has that...pink...skin-tone in-game. o_O That just looks odd. XD

  8. So if Vector comes back and if the reunion is a good one, we should expect to hear explosions and see anarchy riegn supreme until your agent finds Vector?


    Noted, I'll make sure to stockpile supplies in anticipation of the chaos.


    Yes, unfortunately. :p There goes the Spire (twice), there goes Kaliyo, there goes...anybody and everybody you can kill, because DANG IT ALL WHY ARE YOU KEEPING ME FROM VECTOR!? <-- agent's mindset.

    She's scaring me.

  9. I have not taken my agent through kotfe or kotet, depending on how Vector is returned I might never take her through. She can just be a member of the Alliance and run missions, she doesn't need to be the commander. Now, if the return is goo, I will probably run her through everything.


    Same here. I refuse to take my agent and smuggler through until I know if/when Vector and Corso are coming back. That, and I'm really not ready for the absolute chaos and destruction my psychopath of an agent will cause. Vector kept her on a (relatively) straight-and-narrow path. Without him...there's nothing reigning her in.

    Nope. Nope nope. Not ready for that, nope. o_o

  10. Is it wrong that I kinda hope Vector stays gone? After my Quinn experience, I'd rather just imagine Vector living a happy life, far away from the Outlander's galactic conflicts, than have to figure out how to make his return make any sense in my mind. :(


    Yeah... I totally understand. :( I'm worried for Vector's return - that it's going to be like Quinn, or that Vector's going to get the personality of "hivemind hippie" and nothing more - and Kira's return, and Corso and Mako and everyone else. Jorgan's return was fantastic. Didn't romance him, but he still greeted and spoke to my male trooper with all the warmth and camaraderie they'd had five years ago.

    Vette, on the other hand...ouch.

    "You should've seen the looks on your faces--[sees the warrior, who treated her as a beloved sister and close friend] Oh...!"

    "...Vette?" [spoken in such a hopeful tone]

    "Uh...but I...um...[nervous, slightly disgusted] Fancy seeing you here..."

    Later they got a chance to catch up, and Vette...well, she said she was glad the warrior was alive, and she acted like it, but her voice actress conveyed it like she was glad she hadn't broken a nail. :/ So lackluster.


    I don't want Vector's return to be like that.

    "Oh... agent. We are glad you survived."

    No. Just no. If it's going to be like that, then he should stay away and let us imagine our own reunions. Put some effort into returning companions...! :(

  11. I will watch this later when I have some time.

    However, I have taken a year off and have only been back in the game playing regularly (cept for the Mass Effect break) for 2 years or so and I lost nothing during that year so losing the name after a couple of months still makes no sense to me.


    Were other people in your guild online during that year off? Did the guild even exist back then?


    If no one was online in those couple of months you were gone (as you have indicated that you were the only one even still playing the game), the guild would be flagged as inactive. The name's ripe for the taking. Nothing underhanded or deceitful happened; it's just the way it works.

  12. So far the census seems to be no with some maybe. When I posted this, I was thinking along the lines final fantasy. What if bioware said a new engine. Would you go for it then, or would nothing short of a new mmo be the key?


    Neither. Unless - and only unless - they manage to transfer every single bit of data so no one loses anything (companions, characters, achievements, unlocks, etc.). Which...I don't see happening.

  13. I like Lana. One of my characters is even romancing her.

    I'm just getting sick of her CONSTANTLY being there. I want to see other companions - Theron, Koth, Senya, T7 - and not Lana Lana Lana Lana Lana Lana all the time. Give us more interaction with returning companions rather than LANA LANA LANA.


    And for heaven's sakes, if my knight has his reunion with his beloved wife Kira cut short because Lana pops into the scene with a mission update, and Kira nonchalantly walks off (or Corso, or Vector, or my hunter's best friend Mako) and I'm stuck with Lana for the rest of the mission... yeah, that's it, I'm done.

  14. No, no, no. I'm just now getting used to all aspects of this game, after being here for two and a half years. I do not want to start ALL OVER again. :mad: Besides that, I love this game the way it is. (Okay, yes, it could use more group content, yeah yeah, wasn't talking about that.) I mean the systems that comes with it - crafting, gear, skills, combat, etc.
  15. Ha haa, cute, I can see it :D Does that make our characters princesses? :p


    My bounty hunter is, almost literally, a princess. First she comes from a noteworthy clan on Cathar - the closest thing they have to royalty (shut up, Prince Shange) are heroes and leaders - and second, she was adopted into Mandalore the Vindicated's clan. Since he's more-or-less the "king" of Mandalorians.... it's a (large) stretch, but it works. Ish. :p

    Agent, on the other hand... I have no idea, which is a little scary. All I know about her past is that she was a member of the secret police on Csillia. She could literally be anyone. She's not telling me, and I almost prefer it that way. Keeps a bit of mystery about her.


    And then I met Vector. DUN DUN DUNNNNN. My agent was fully psychotic and I was having great fun picking all dark decisions. And then, I did something on Quesh that made Vector very sad and I FELT ASHAMED IRL. lol I never feel bad about video games, ***! I don't even remember what it was, but all I know is from that time on, my Agent did whatever Vector would approve of, back when those decisions mattered.


    I REMEMBER THAT DECISION ON QUESH :( Vector was sad and shocked that I/my agent would do such a thing (kill a somewhat-innocent person in a messy/brutal way for no reason whatsoever, other than the fact that a disembodied voice in your head advised you to do so). I went through the rest of the quest with a D: face because I felt so bad about upsetting Vector...

  16. Yes i have done that several times now.


    Make sure that you have actually selected Belsavis. Section X, another place on the planet, is selected by default, and it's super easy to not notice/get the two mixed up.

  17. I have recently made a character like that, maybe it was me you saw. Feel free to whisper me anytime. :) He is a Pureblood Marauder and he is dressed in an Imperial uniform, because he is the son of Malavai and the Wrath.


    Aw, drat - it wasn't you; this character was on the Republic side. But anytime I'm on my Imperial characters on Ebon Hawk, I'll look for that character! :D

    [edit: time to spend the next ten minutes worrying "uh, did that sound creepy? I hope that didn't sound creepy." XD *foot in mouth*]

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