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Posts posted by Jagaimee


    And it's annoying because it gives people an excuse to hate him even more, even though it's more the poor storyboard and lazy writing than the character.


    In other words, It's the Baras betrayal all over again. Just with different characters/not quite as explicitly spelled-out. "Sorry, love, but I'm choosing someone else over you."


    ....and that gave me a perfectly awful idea for my own headcanon, because at this point, I don't know if my warrior will choose the Empire or the Republic, but she's leaning Republic just simply so Acina won't get the weapon (she hates Acina). And then if Quinn does this...after my gal's already stated, multiple times, "My husband is above suspicion, Lana, quit stalking him to see if he's a traitor, I know him and I trust him absolutely"...

    Uuurrrggghhhh the feeeeeeeeels...

    Sure, she's already lost both parents, her beloved brother and sister-in-law (Vette)...yeah, let's just twist that knife in a little more. >_< AAAAAGH! Either that, or heavy headcanon'ing is about to ensue.

  2. I figured he was either a) trying to make some extra credits for a trip to Odessan, or b) Talos and my other techy/scientist companions were jointly working on a Quinn clone as a surprise present for my SW since she was so lonely. :p



    Quinn: I hate life.

    Talos: Oh! Hello, major! :D ...er, did you forget your clothes?

    Quinn: You don't sound half as concerned as you should be.

    Talos: *conspiratorial whisper* I travel with a Sith who makes reality look like the acid dream of a Hutt, sir.

    Quinn: ...thank the Force for small miracles. My wife is not half so insane. Most of the time.

    Talos: So, erm... clothes?

    Quinn: *face burning bright red* *gets up on table*

    Talos: :eek: Uh, Major?

    Quinn: *starts dancing* Credits, please.

    *everyone turns to stare*


    Talos: *eyes burning out of his head* We were...discussing reality warping nightmares earlier, weren't we...?

    Quinn: *still dancing* Lieutenant, I hate you.



    Talos: No, no, no! This is not right AT ALL!

    Quinn-bot: My life is to you serve. *glitch spark twitch eyeroll*

    Talos: Who programmed the speech synthesizer!?

    Lokin: Don't look at me.

    Tharan Cedrax: ...uhh...

    *everyone turns to glare at him*

    Tharan: It wasn't my fault! Holiday, anything you can--er. Holiday?

    Holiday: *staring dreamily at the Quinn-bot* So...handsome...

    Tharan: *angry glare*

    Holiday: *spinny eyes*

    Lokin: We appear to have lost our primary technician. Tharan, what can you work with in the meantime?

    Talos: Could, ah, could we please graduate to the part where the Quinn-bot has clothes? He's starting to make me very uncomfortable. What if someone comes in and wonders what we're doing?

    Lokin: That usually only happens in bad holovids and books. Nevertheless, now that I've said it, we can reasonably expect it to happen--

    Talos: *dives behind cover in nervous anticipation*

    *unfortunately, the cover he selected happens to be the part of the desk the Quinn-bot is standing on*

    *one very loud crash later...*

    Lokin: ...and there goes weeks of work.

    Talos: *slowly peeks over the desk* Are we dead ye--ohhh my goodness...WHAT HAPPENED!?

    *the Quinn-bot is now in pieces*

    Holiday: :(

    Tharan: :D

    Lokin: On the bright side, you no longer have to be uncomfortable. On the not-so-bright side, the deadline for Iokath is looming closer. We'll have to send out incomplete work. It can only handle maybe one minute of dialogue along very strict guidelines.

    *and so, one unsatisfactory Iokath reunion later, you may blame Lokin, Tharan, Holiday, and Talos. Just go easy on Talos, okay, he's adorable. And Lokin will go all rakghoully on you. And Tharan and Holiday will...be so sweet you'll get cavities from looking at them*

  3. Considering how much I hated the Dark Nest Trilogy it says a lot that I love Vector.

    I just hope he hasn't gone evil and crazy and become the Night Herald.


    ...but what if the loss of the agent drove him to become that?

    And his reunion is getting him out of that role.


    Okay, nope, never happening because of all the work that would need to go into it. :( Still...'tis ripe for fanfiction...

  4. I'm on Ebon Hawk but that's not me. There was at one point a guild called Your Companion so when you saw someone running around it would look like <Your Companion>. Someone made a Quinn-clone (did a really good job of it) and named it Malavai (with that accent over the i) Quinn. That person made me do a double take quite a few times lol. I think there were some other characters with close-to-companion names as well. It was hilarious.


    That was on Ebon Hawk? I've heard tell of that guild, but I never got to see them in action... XD Drat, that would've been awesome to see. Especially Malavai. I might've gotten over my shyness and /waved or /hugged or something. XD

  5. You ever notice Quinn never gets annoyed no matter how much you click him? Most companions get pretty testy about it, even Vector has an irritated comment.


    Great now I have a new project to waste my time with - find out if Quinn is the only one who likes being spam clicked :o


    Vector's "irritated" comment was my first foray into companion clicking. ...that sounds very wrong, nevermind. XD Anyway, I had no idea companions actually had lines if you clicked on them. Then I saw that they *do*... so I curiously clicked on Vector. And he said, in a very soft, borderline dangerous tone, like he's one heartbeat away from murdering you, "That's not necessary." Amazing how he can make one simple line sounds like a prelude to brutal slaughter. Even though I can't actually imagine Vector slaughtering anybody.

    I and my agent felt so bad (and a little scared) it was a long, LONG time before I clicked on any other companion ever again. XD

  6. Keith, if you're reading this: Quinns randomly standing around in their underwear is a great start, but maybe you could throw Nearly!Naked!Quinn in some cutscenes, too. ;)


    Quinn: ExCUSE me!? :eek:

    Ummmmm...how about an *option* for that? :D For those of us who don't want to see...anything?

    Quinn: I need a blanket.

    You're dressed.

    Quinn: ... *looks down*


    Quinn: I need a blanket.

    Here! Here! *throws heavy wool blanket at him*

    Quinn: *huddles in corner with blanket wrapped around him* Fangirls... *twitch* Why did it have to be fangirls...

  7. Ok, so which one of you lost their Malavai on Iokath, mmm?




    :D The poor thing was standing there alone, no player nearby, no player loading. I did some dailies around, so spent there quite a while, and he just stood there naked all that time...


    Quinn: ...I do not wish to discuss it.

    Why not?

    Quinn: I suffered...indignities.


    Quinn: ...YOU try standing in the middle of a mechanized death world in nothing but underwear! For one thing, it was VERY, VERY COLD! For another thing, I had droids passing by who took the time to point and laugh! Pointing with the laser sights on their sniper rifles! And then I had Sith warriors either slapping me across the face, or kissing those slapped places. Or taking pictures. And wanting to undress me further. It was...distressing.

    Thought you didn't want to discuss it?

    Quinn: I needed to rant, as it turns out.

  8. Just dropping by to say I love you guys and I've been waiting for this thread. ;)

    I've never seen Vector as a bug, tho. I think he's more human than anyone in SW universe could ever be.

    I adore Merediths voice acting. And it's not just Vector, he's really good at voicing random characters, too. I would pay him myself if I could, if that's the case. :) Boo, bad EA/BW! You should treat that guy better than you do!


    Wait, he voices other (minor) characters in SWTOR? o.O Who? Where are they? It's fun to point out voice actors' distinctive voices - I've caught Lana all over the Imperial worlds (she's Science Officer Sakoal's unfaithful wife on Balmorra; Maiya Vix on Oricon; the Imperial doctor involved in Felix Iresso's personal story). And...Steve Blum is EVERYWHERE. I swear, you can't walk past two random NPC's and not hear his voice. Which is weird/hilarious when he's on the Odessen base, as a Republic soldier complaining to his brother-in-arms, "Admrial Aygo's doing the best he can, but we still need more soldiers." ...since he also voices Aygo. o___o


    Anyway. That was a ramble. :D Sorry. Vector's voice actor is fantastic.

  9. EXACTLY!!!! THIS is why dead servers hurt this damn game.


    OP, you just picked a dead server. Do yourselves a favor and reroll on Harbinger. Night and day difference.


    I'm on Begeren Colony. It's not dead - there just aren't many people out questing on worlds. Most of the population's gathered at the fleets or in their guilds.


    OP, a warning. Harbinger's known for being ridiculously toxic and unwelcoming to new players. If you want a friendlier community, try Ebon Hawk. It's *slightly* less populated than Harbinger (not by much; the other night, I was on the Imperial fleet, there were nearly 200 people - this is an east coast server, it would've been about midnight on the east coast at the time). But Ebon Hawk is, by far, the more friendly and welcoming of the two servers.

  10. I found a workaround to this. Travel to a different planet (doesn't seem to matter which one). Then use your ship to travel back to Belsavis - and make sure that when you select the planet, it's Belsavis proper, not Section X. Section X seems to come up automatically selected, and it's really easy to make the mistake of travelling there, instead, which will get you stuck. Also make sure to use your ship, don't just quick-travel there from the galaxy map.


    Edit: Here's another post on it. http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=9290444&postcount=58

  11. I did enjoy his comebacks. I'm not sure, I never did the ops just the storyline, but I did watch the vids on youtube, and I noticed that they swap the voices around for the male dread masters, like the first one on Belsavis where you release the masters, Raptus is played by the same VA as Vowrawn...later on he's been swapped out with another actor.


    Here is the vid where Raptus is played by Vowrawn's VA he starts talking around 7:43...


    In this one, Raptus sounds like Revan's VA and Calphayus sounds like Servant One.


    In this one, Styrak sounds like Watcher 3's VA


    Bestia, one of the females shares a voice with Darth Lachris's VA


    Those are the ones I could pick out, I didn't hear anyone who sounded like Baras; it's a shame he would've been a good one to enlist.


    Huh... weird. Raptus is Vowrawn, at least temporarily? Cool! I mistook that one for Baras's voice... gah, it's been far too long since I played the warrior's story. :( I didn't have the heart to go through it again during the exp. bonus event. I just...can't do another Quinn romance, even if it's a perfect clone of my first warrior. It just feels wrong. *dramatic sigh*

    Quinn: *sigh of relief*


    Quinn: *cough* I, er, I mean... uh... that's...too bad, sir?

    *nod nod* :(

    Quinn: *facepalm*

  12. Also, I might be mistaken, but I could swear Baras' voice actor also voiced one of the Dread Masters. I can't think of which one off the top of my head and it's been forever since I've run the Ops.


    Raptus? Tyrans has a ridiculously deep voice (as shown best in the Imperial opening of Oricon - "YOU HAVE COME TOO FAR" booming out of thin air). And Calphayus...doesn't sound like Baras, I thiiiiink...I've never done the Ops, only watched youtube videos. And the other two are women...

  13. Uh, yeah. You left your warriors staring out a window with Lana and Theron and offered zero explanation and MAYBE YOU WENT OFF PLANET OR SOMETHING AND NO ONE KNOWS AND THIS IS A PROBLEM.


    "WHO would ASK such a stupid question!? CLEARLY, there is a problem here!!"

    Okay, so Baras is easy to hate...or he would be, if it wasn't for those fantastic lines his voice actor clearly had WAY too much fun recording. :D


    Quinn: *turns to third holocomm* ...? I, er, uh, what, um... *gulp* Er...my lord? I...I have no memory of that event. At all. Our reunion, I do remember, but I thought I had blacked out momentarily from the sheer joy at seeing you again. I don't recall just walking away. *pause* ...I JUST WALKED AWAY!? FROM MY WIFE!? :eek:

    It takes a lot to get Malavai Quinn freaked out. And when he does...oi vey.

  14. SW: :eek: *hangs up* I, I got nervous and hung up, Theron, sorry.. *nudges Theron with boot* Theron?


    Quinn: My l--...she hung up? :confused: *answers other holocomm*


    Theron: *groggily* ouch.


    Theron: Plot...armor...


    SW: Why didn't you call me first?! WHY DID I HAVE TO CALL YOU?!?!


    Quinn: ...but...I just...was talking...to you?...you hung up?...

    *nudges him* Different warriors.

    Quinn: *eye twitch* *cough* My apologies, my lov--lord. *still has a multitude of question marks floating around his head* Er...is there a problem that I'm unaware of...?

  15. I think I've identified the cause of the issue with several people having issues with thier class quests on Belsavis and Corellia being "broken" since the patch (see my post above this one - plus I've seen 1-2 others in the bug forum about this).


    Seems like with the ability to travel to both planets directly from clicking on the planet icon in our quest display, both planets have 2 questing locations (Belsavis prpper and Section X, Corellia proper and Black Hole). Apparently taking the "easy travel" option is messing up class quests since both planets have 2 differing questing zones.


    Worth the devs looking into.


    Yep, just ran into this bug, too. :/ The quest log will not update. I can *travel* to Corellia via the ship, but I cannot progress my quests. Can't reset the quest, either. I'm on my Jedi Consular.


    Edit: Oh! I just found a workaround!!


    Travel to another planet (any planet, doesn't seem to matter; I went to Coruscant), then travel back to Belsavis/Corellia. Make sure you're going to Belsavis / Corellia - NOT Section X or the Black Hole. There are two separate selections for those on the screen.


    This seems to have worked. I'm able to progress the class quest.

  16. Yes

    It was a random message saying the name had expired and I was forced to change it.

    Currently the name is Sacrarium Spiritus Lumine




    There is a lot of time and effort, along with sentimental reasons tied in this this guild and the name, not to mention 100's of millions of credits and game assets, why should I/we give that up?


    ...but...wait. Look, I'm sorry, but I still don't get it. You didn't lose the guild. All you lost was the name. You still have the entire guild and everything in it. What is the big deal?? :( I don't understand. You have the guild, you have everything in it, all that was changed is the name. It's still the same guild. You say the name means a lot to you - sure, I can understand that - so why not name it The Sanctuary or something similar/near-identical?

  17. Quinn is still alive and an active companion for about half the games population actually, only Warriors get the choice to kill/refuse him should they desire it. So I figure he has more story.


    What? And force the writers to develop two separate storylines (amounting to less than two minutes' worth of dialogue) for those who killed Quinn and those who kept him!? :eek: And, possibly, those who actually ROMANCED HIM!? :eek: :eek: THE AMOUNT OF WORK...! *gasp, faint, die*


    ...I am reeeeeeeeeeeeeally hoping that's just me being cynical.

  18. The only video I saw where she has her former, nice personality is with the LS romanced Trooper. Aside from that, she is terrible. The biggest tantrum was with the DS romanced (!) Trooper. Someone should really give her a Xanax.




    Elara: ...I taste purple. *falls over*

    Theron: What the heck!?

    Trooper: *lowers tranquilizer gun* She was seriously scaring me.

    Theron: ...you have tranquilizer darts that make the subject THAT loopy?

    Trooper: Didn't think that would work, honestly.


    Quinn: *lowers his own tranquilizer gun* I had to hope.


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