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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Thank you for the patch notes. :) I do wish the female cathar skin color bug and the zabrak skin tone bug had been fixed, though. I'll keep bringing those up for when you guys have time - essential bugs (Iokath missions, etc.) should always take priority over cosmetic ones.

    Heh, glad about the camera guy in the Imperial Agent opening; I saw that and wondered "Um...is this some sort of newfangled cinematography technique meant to show...err...what? Confusion? Sleight-of-hand? ... [closes eyes] Owwww, it did not work..."

  2. On the subject of Purebloods smacking their companions... :p (Unfortunately, Kaliyo's...gone...for my warrior going through KOTFE, so I can't smack her. :()


    Treek vs. Darth Marr? Normally I'd root for Marr. But after Chapter Twelve of KOTFE, I'd rather run through the entire Odessen wildlands than listen to another word he says. :( Therefore, Treek vs. ghost!Marr? I'm rooting for Treek. Even though I hate ewoks. XD

  3. I have to admit, I haven't used the racial skills since launch. I think I've been missing out!


    My pureblood just kept whacking Jaesa... it didn't work. Jaesa was dark-side. She didn't cry. She laughed. It disturbed me enough that I just shoved her into her corner of the ship and never looked at her again. o_o And then whacked Broonmark. His response: "Bloooorp orp orp orp orrrp..." I laughed so hard I teared up. (Pierce, on the other hand, sort-of cries. He tries to. His voice actor, however, is clearly laughing all the way through a hilariously fake cry. It's hysterical. XD)

  4. Hey folks!


    I was all ready on the notes and discovered some Iokath fixes that I was missing. I am getting everything added now and will have the notes up ASAP, but expect them later this afternoon.


    Also, because of the late additions today it is likely that French and German notes won't be live until tomorrow AM. Thanks everyone. I will post in the thread when they go live!




    Thanks for the heads-up! :D Looking forward to the patch notes.

  5. For the most part I try to think of my characters in their own separate timelines, what one character does has no relevance to the others in my worlds, trying to mingle multiple characters timelines to me just seems like too much work lol Mad props for being able to do so hun :)


    I don't even have *that* many characters, but my eight (well, now nine; the little brother of my warrior managed to wiggle his way into being a main character) main characters all share one universe. The "alternate" universe is my way of justifying how other characters can possibly exist, so it's mostly made up of "what-if" events. For instance, what if my warrior stayed fanatically loyal to Vitiate instead of, in the main!universe, turning against him on Rishi? Answer: she nearly starts the apocalypse early on Dromund Kaas, not Ziost. What if the adopted father of my smuggler wasn't there to help said smuggler's mother as she struggled through a difficult birth? Answer: smuggler dies :( ...and because she died as an infant, there was no one to save the trooper's life as a teenager, so HE died, so others have to come in and fill their places...

    ...all those are floating around in half-written stories that I really want to get done, and find myself short on inspiration to do so. XD EEEEEEEEEVENTUALLY, however, they'll be written. Somehow. In the next century. Maybe. The Rapture will probably happen first... :p


    Quinn: ... *poke* Er. That whole "starting the apocalypse early." Am I involved in that?

    You try to get her to calm down.

    Quinn: From your tone, I'm assuming it doesn't work.

    It doesn't. Don't worry, you don't die. I could never kill you off.

    Quinn: *whew*

    You just get force-blasted into the nearest wall. Repeatedly.

    Quinn: WHY DOES THAT ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME!? I'm going to need a replacement spine at this point!

    ...I'm tempted to make a betrayal joke here.

    Quinn: *facepalm* I walked right into that one.

    Yes, yes you did.

  6. Don't give up when they get mad just keep doing it, they make all kinds of weird noises like laughing and grumbling sounds lol. There's one where they get scared and sort of shriek - I scared a random Vector twice :o


    Except that it sounds like Havoc Squad devolved to cavemen. XD

    Male trooper: Hrrr?

    Jorgan: GRRRRRRRR.

    Male trooper: ...hrrr. :(

    Ship droid: HAHEYYYYYYYY!!!! :D

    Male trooper: *facepalm*


    ...now I really want to try that on Vector, though. :o But I don't dare make yet another character for any reason, because then my logic-obsessed brain will be going "But I can't fit her in ANYWHERE in the main!universe I have in headcanon, or the alternate!universe, and no Jagaimee you are NOT starting yet another alternate universe to accommodate three characters! STOP THAT." The trials of an altoholic.

  7. "Inspire loyalty" is pretty entertaining, I've used it on Baras and the guy Baras uses the ravager on and holo dancers and someone's Vector and someone's Blizz and Quinn and Quinn and Quinn and Quinn..


    ........excuse me, I feel the need to make a zabrak SW now. :eek: What happened with Baras?


    My zabrak trooper tried to inspire loyalty in Jorgan. He got a death glare, a growl, and an "uninspired" flag. The ship droid, however, was very enthusiastic. Trooper facepalmed so hard he high-fived the wall behind him.

    Maybe Jorgan was just having a bad day...? Hairball season, or something? :p

  8. Vector drinks, he's said so. Also, he LOVES adventure, and I'll bet he's been to a cantina or two before being joined to the Kiliks. I think that while Vector is very proper, he also has a mischievous and daring side.


    Jorgan: Ha! You can...can't hold your... *passes out*

    Lokin: *death glare* I cccccertainly can, you... grr.

    Vector: *mildly concerned expression* We feel something.

    Lokin: I win?

    Vector: A slight tingling in our fingertips. We think it's starting to affect us.

    Lokin: -_- You ssstole that quote... *falls over*

    Vector: Game over. :)

  9. Not sure about answering tickets, but there is a way around this bug. It was introduced with 5.2, just recently. Quoting myself from another thread about the same thing...


    It's a common bug, actually. What happened with the new galaxy map in 5.2 is that it allowed travel to both Belsavis proper and a place called Section X, another area on Belsavis. For some reason, Section X is selected by default - but it is very, very easy to mistake that for Belsavis proper.


    Try going back to a different planet (doesn't matter which one), then flying back to Belsavis. Make sure it's *Belsavis* that's selected, not the other place on the planet selection screen, Section X.


    Edit: You'll hit the same bug later on in the story, on Corellia. That has both Corellia and The Black Hole, with The Black Hole (an area of Corellia) being selected automatically. Make sure it's Corellia that's selected, not the other place on the planet.


    As for the rest of the game, it's not that buggy. The newest content, The War for Iokath, however, IS pretty buggy - but there are fixes scheduled for this next Tuesday, so they'll be implemented well before you get there. Hopefully.

  10. I'd love to see Vector Lokin and Jorgan chatting. Three totally different outlooks probably with mutual respect.. It'd be fun to write. I wonder who would drink who under the table.


    Can't imagine Vector drinking anything stronger than tea... he'd probably sit that contest out while Lokin and Jorgan go at it. And be very confused when Jorgan blacks out and Lokin turns into an inebriated rakghoul.


    On another note. :D Beautiful beautiful beautiful fan art (not mine, of course!!) of Cipher Nine and Vector. Cipher Nine

    I only recently figured out what the sign says. XD

  11. When the psych droid greets you on entering the psychiatric ward on Belsavis, Iresso says "Somehow I always knew this day would come."


    And then you do Iresso's conversations.


    What would happen to him if that holocron in his head ever started...leaking?

    He'd probably end up in the Belsavis psych ward.


    That's either horrific or amusing depending on your sense of humor. :eek:

  12. And hmm, that letter makes me wonder who Vector would hang out with on Odessen? I would have to suggest he stay away from Doctor Oggurobb...


    Lokin, of course! :D I want to see those guys reunited. It always made me smile whenever Lokin said "Master Vector." Respect, amazingly, coming from him. D'aww. Quite adorable how a were-rakghoul and a hive-mined bug/human could be such good friends. XD

  13. "...so unless you want to spend your final moments being shaken to death by the dulcet tones of the Kashyyyk Life Day choir, I'd reconsider."

    Outlander: [Wookie impression]


    Just ran through Vandin with my male consular. And was promptly startled out of my chair at that option. I thought, for a brief second, that they had actually pulled audio from the movies with that Wookie roar.

    No, that was actually Nolan North, doing one absolutely amazing roar. Seriously. Wow. O_O (And this is after hearing the male knight and female warrior hilariously fail with it...male knight sounds like a mildly ill kitten. Female warrior just yells into the recording microphone, sounding a little frustrated.) Even if it breaks the character's personality to threaten Dretcher, I do it every time, just to hear the utter hilarity that is all these distinguished voice actors trying and mostly failing to roar like a Wookie. :D

  14. I saw that, what is wrong with people. The other classes have no reason to kill him. Don't let the haters sway you. He's a victim of lazy writing again, because they've forced both returning comps to throw a flash bomb. No one gets killed, it's just a distraction, so I don't think he was trying to kill anyone, just disrupt things. He loves SW and I think he's quite sincere when he expresses his feelings for her. Remember...puppy dog face. :)


    Puppy dog face? *eyes transform into wingding hearts* :o (Amazing how the "embarrassed" smiley can also double as a "soft gooshy lovey face." XD)

    Ohhhh, it's a flash grenade? From the way other people are talking, it's an actual bomb meant to injure/kill the Outlander. *facepalm* Welp. That makes a heck of a lot more sense.

  15. So... there's that "All classes should've been able to kill Quinn" thread floating around. It got me thinking. Sad thoughts. :(


    If you side with the Republic on Iokath... Quinn betrays you again. I don't know all the circumstances or what exactly happens, but that's what it seems like.


    Are we interpreting his character completely wrong? Is he really just that spineless that he'd blindly choose the Empire/a more powerful Darth over his friend/ally/lover/his own wife? Or is it truly just bad writing that makes him appear that way?

  16. I think her voice actor changed between Shadow of Revan and Knights of the Eternal Throne, but now it's the same actor.


    No, it's the same voice actress from the vanilla game (listen closely and you can hear a few NPC's with Lana's voice) all the way to Eternal Throne.

    Edit: But, on that note, *everyone's* voices seemed to have changed going into KOTET. The male knight's voice went right back to squeaky (like it was in the vanilla game). Theron's voice just sounds...off. Same with the female bounty hunter. There's just something weird about it. Same voice actors/actresses, though.

  17. There are a few other places when LS is let someone live so you can kill them in battle rather than painlessly. :mad:


    Kaon Under Seige:


    For the Empire, mercy-killing the officer who gets infected with the rakghoul plague is light-side. Leaving him to to painfully mutate (and then kill him anyway) is dark-side.

    For the Republic... mercy-killing him is dark-side, and leaving him to mutate painfully and then kill him is light-side.


    *brain short-circuits* WHAT??

  18. Basically every line my smuggler has in his entire class story had me rolling xD Love his constant wise cracks


    My gosh, EVERY. OTHER. LINE was a smart-alecky remark. Confronting...ahem, that person who betrays you...on Corellia. "He's only in it for the hot...lady...rebels!" With the smuggler looking and acting like they can't believe what just came out of their own mouth. XD

    Oh! And! Feylara and her...poorly...thought-out plan to kill the smuggler. That whole sequence had me choking with laughter.

    "Ah, Feylara? What's that shield of yours running on?"

    "Portable battery pack. Why?"

    "You know those only last a few minutes, right?"

    [right on cue, the shield fades away]

    "............oh no."


    My mom and I play this game together occasionally. We're nearly done with a Jedi Knight's storyline - we're going to do a smuggler run-through next. I can't wait to see her crack up at everything; I hope she finds it as hilarious as I did. :D

  19. Sort of.


    My Inq was suddenly wearing Consular's robe he doesn't have, and my Agent was wearing a smuggler's jacket he doesn't have. Chapter 8 (after walker) and 9 (dreamscape) KOTET. Switching to CM outfits "fixed" it.


    Doesn't that come from a bug that suddenly switches your characters to the opposite-faction equivalent of their outfit?

    For instance, the start-at-65 armor. Your warrior will suddenly switch to the knight's equivalent of that armor in certain scenes. :/


    CM, TheRandomWolf, is Cartel Market. Faction neutral, in other words. As for the bug that you experienced... o.O I have no idea.

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