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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. I believe they are talking about PUG runs, not guild/prog runs.



    He's into that super secret progression pug runs :cool:

    I'm not even on this server but OP I'm having a good giggle over here this morning. Thanks OP!

  2. Been queuing for multiple flashpoints and planetary locations for several hours... just got told to solo a heroic


    Is the community dead now or what?


    If you're queueing as a DPS it will take a while. Tanks less time although the low level queues are not that populated.

    Also remember it's Friday morning if your on a US server so many people are at work right now.

  3. I am interested in running these for the fun of it and titles and what not as I have only done a few bosses in them before with guildies. Unfortunately none of the guildies are interested in running these old OP's and are focused on the solely on newest HM (We are working on Torque in RV before we go to ToS). I am not asking to be carried or pay for a run (I would rather never complete it than pay for it) but rather if anyone would be interested in running one or would need an extra DPS/Heals/Tank. I make sure I have watched the guides and memorize all the mechanics beforehand. I have experience with DF and DP NiM and the new OP's HM so difficulty through mechanics shouldn't be a challenge (it's more of finding who want to) . If you can help me I this endeavor Let me know in game (toons in sig) or via website.
  4. I'm hoping for both to drop in NiM when it drops. Especially the wrench as a legacy MH like the Corruptor blade from DF.


    I've personally never seen the Customization drop. Is it from only a certain mode?

  5. The Sentinel attacking the add should take the utility point that shortens the cooldown of Pacify ("=Besänftigen", as I assume you're German?). Like that it will almost always be ready for adds.


    Plus take Defensive Roll for reduced AoE damage.


    If Pacify/Besänftigen is not ready / has run out, use Rebuke (Zurechtweisen).


    If neither of the two is available, use Saber Ward (Schwertschutz).


    If you're still in trouble, use Guarded by the Force (Bewacht von der Macht).


    <- As a Sentinel you have a lot of options to survive adds, even if you don't get a lot of healing. You need to know you defensive Cooldowns and actually use them a lot.


    Very informative. While a no brained for many, I would add if you aren't already using it, that taking Cloak of Annihilation is very good and using Cloak of Pain (Don't know what it is in German sorry!) on the adds is awesome as reduces dmg and adds to your DPS. Also Force camo when gooing between adds is also a good idea as well as it reduces dmg as well and it's speed and duration can be increased by utility.

  6. let them place you in the back spot! tell about your issue to your group and i'm sure they'll move you and the healers will keep an eye on you:o



    This. The symbols are only guidelines as anyone can be in any spot as long as it's 1 back 1 front and 3 on each side in 8man.

    That said I don't see why not but then again BW did nothing really for the Color Blind on TFB OP 9 so I don't think they are going to change it any time soon.


    Adding forums addition:


    Drink if anyone shoots down a suggestion that it will make players lazy. Double fist if entitlement is mentioned.

    Drink if someone thinks bullying in game is bad and does it on the forums

    Drink if slap in the face is mentioned

    Drink if I can parse that that with no evidence


    Drinking PuG version:


    Drink if a pug runs in front of a tank in Bulo.

    Drink if the group kill Master first on M and B.

    Double shot if no one kills Lazer Droid on Sword Squadron

    Finish bottle if you see enrage on Underbugger

    Drink if a person dies from floor vents on Torque

    Drink if someone kills on a hostage on Ruuger. Double if it's under a second.

    Drink if a Rdps tries to kill Sano outside the reflective shield.

    Chugg and finish bottle if you fall of climbing stares on Revan. Pass out if they die on the Orb burn phase from fall dmg.

  8. Here's my compromise, based on what others in this thread are suggesting:


    Story: Bosses provide no challenge at all. There are no mechanics checks, very lax dps checks, and exists only so people can see the story. Since story is all you care about, this mode drops no comms, no gear, and 1/3 the credits it currently does.


    Normal: Current story mode.


    Hard: No change.


    Nightmare: No change.


    I still think the challenges thing would be a nice addition IMHO, but I agree with this.

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