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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. Has no one talked about the constant horrific Underlurker glitches yet?


    We are running 5 DPS, all parsing at 2700 or better, on SM Underlurker. We have cleared SM on both new ops and are going into HM. All 8 of us are in full 192s or better, fully augmented.


    Guess what? None of that matters when you get hit for ~50K with Devastation when THE CROSS WAS GREEN. Somewhere between 1/2-1/3 of the time, Devastation one-shots at least one person FROM A GREEN CROSS.


    Or when Rage Storm kills 2-3 people, while it's still channeling. As in, 5 seconds left before Rage Storm hits, whoops, all the rocks were on the opposite side of the room and now you're 3 DPS down because they were still running for a rock, still had 5 seconds left to get behind a rock, but died to Rage Storm while Rage Storm was channeling.


    Or when Underlurker jumps to no one after Rage Storm, instead jumping to some random point at the opposite side of the room, and your Mara has no speed boost and can't make it there in time (or peoples' speed boost is down trying to make it behind a rock before randomly getting killed by Rage Storm as it's channeling).


    Or when you die because a rock you were standing nowhere near magically manages to hit you when it comes down--as in, you're well outside the red circle, and die anyway.


    I've submitted multiple tickets over the last couple of months, and exactly none of this has been fixed.


    On SM (Have no idea of this works on HM), if you have a PT tank you can negate a stupid amount of rage storms damage by dropping oil slick under the boss and have everyone stand underneath for AOE heals as well. When I mean stupid amount, my PT tank took less than 1000 dmg overall during the cast


    Also as pointed outs its a channelled ability where the damage comes during the channel not at the end.


    Also remember to jump to update your position. Yes it sucks by this problem happens in other instances as well so it's not like a major deal (Pylons in PvP come to mind). Bugs and lag happen but it can be worked around.

  2. Simply, at it's core, Underlurker is literally "can you distinguish right from left" while being preoccupied with another activity.


    Sadly, it becomes evident that the majority of the human race lacks this ability.


    That or don't stand in stupid. I'm surprised no one is complaining about Sword Squadron. Pugged for another guild who managed every time to stand in the red circles. I somehow managed to be the only one who avoided the circles despite being the only meele and a maruader who are known to be attracted to circles like flies on honey :p

  3. I'n honor of the shcneagians of bugs exploits and other trivial matters April 1st should go down like this I their webpage;


    April 1st Update:

    1) Offer 198 chest pieces to all and accepting will get you banned

    2) Removal of classes save Sins and you can only play Hatred.

    3) Pub Side not allowed to Queue for PvP for their own safety

    4) Another slot machine that turns into a Chicken 5 days from using it.

    5) Nightmare BT with super long dialogue to kill you with boredom (Pressing space bar in cutscenes causes an automatic wipe.

    6) New class missions that infinitely loop for infinite playability.

    7) Coritanni bugs out half the time and can be replaced with any boss but most likely Kephess.

    8) BW spams fleet chat with its own credit selling

  4. Leaving unguarded turrets, f2p players with no adv class selected, sentinels with one lightsaber. You name it, it's all here. A bloody circus I tell you. :o


    That is all. :D


    Sounds like a typical day in SWTOR PvP to me. That's why I follow my motto of queue dodge early and often. ;)

  5. It was my understanding it was nerfed due to it's being too nice of a heal for tanks in PvE and not nerfed due to it's burst dmg for AP in PvP.


    That is a ludicrous statement. If the heal was too OP then they would have nerfed the utility itself as you can still get the same amount of heals from it just over a longer period of time. That you could as an AP grapple immobilize then burst down an opponent even if you were stun locked by them was a far bigger issue I believe.

  6. The 1.5s limit on missiles is perfectly fine. You just can't instaglobal people by yourselves anymore with all 7 3k+ rockets going off within the span of 3.5 seconds. SC is meant to help add to burst, not BE your burst. That's exactly what it does now; you get to use one missile per global, i.e. with each attack you do you have a bit of extra damage going out with that missile in your opener. Seriously, this is exactly like the Lightning sorcs crying over the fact about how their damage is going to be "useless" once the PTS nerf hits live.... a nerf where they're losing FIVE PERCENT chance for a secondary attack proc to hit, and losing FIVE PERCENT damage from that proc. They went from 30% damage at a 30% chance to 25% damage at a 25% chance. But if you were to listen to them they'd have you believe Lightning is now useless because of this. SC is fine, it's not a "free" extra medpac anymore nor is it a "lolimmaglobalyoumyselfbecauselolburst" ability anymore.



    You know I specifically stated that I am talking about tanks for PvE progression right, not AP's in PvP? A 1 second cool down with reduced damage on the SC for Shield tech would be nice for bosses like Bulo who's cleave debuff stacks come fast and hard for which favors burst healing.

  7. you mean the Kephess one? there's a small chance for it to drop in SM/HM, but i believe it's guaranteed for NiM. it's dropped every time we cleared NiM anyways.


    I've run the NiM like a bazillion times and never seen it dropped. I only run NiM so was wondering if it was a lower level.

  8. Bioware needs to establish some thresholds to get any rewards at all (xp/creds/valor/comms) before taking away my right to ditch games where people are trolling, afk, or playing terribly.


    They can be low to start and tweaked later, but I'm thinking 200-360k dmg/heals and 5-6 medals @60 to get anything at all.


    THe problem with that it's going to encourage even more medal farming over actually trying to do the Objectives.

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