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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. We are 2 manning this (both DPS) and our healer companion keeps dying. He's too much of an idiot to stay out of the water so I have to toggle passive on and off. Our tank companion when Tagriss is about 50% dies and then the healer pulls aggro and dies. Very frustrating because it is near impossible to find a third (heal or tank) person to join in to help.


    Should be doable. He does that attack at 75% and 50% so put your comps on passive and move to platform at 76 and 51 and push him then. After that run to seed and keep clicking until you get the cast off. Once he gets to 25% fight is over. I can't say anything else specifically without knowing you and your friends class.


    Dulfy has a guide as well

  2. Because I'm lazy I'll quote myself from another thread regarding Bulo HM ;)



    You can see how the bolded and underlined part works

    Yeah, it's SM, but in HM it works the same way ;)


    Remember, this is a surving fight, not a dps race. So use cooldowns if lifters are coming your way and step aside if they are going for someone near you.


    I wanted to wait until we tried it and the strat tonight and after 4 pulls and perfecting we were able to down him. That having the ranged DPS out near the spawn to immediately kill the adds with volley was very helpful.

    Hopefully after some more perfection we can get him on farm. Thanks! Now to try our luck against Torque :D

  3. I think a fight that needs a nerf as the risks vs reward is absurd is BH. Those first two fights ouch.


    For first boss with 4 people, Has 800k less health than Torque with a 3:20 hard enrage timer, deals more damage than, many Ops bosses, has a adds that have HP close to Lurkerlings, and a reward which Onwouldnt even give to my companion.

    And that's the easier of the 2....

  4. I don't want to have to rely on a security keychain or my cell phone being completely charged everytime I want to log into the site or the game.lol


    I mean, I could see once from a different computer, but i've logged on from work multiple times and multiple times ti's asked me for a one time password..


    The question I want to know is, why are you playing at work? Lol

    Plus it's in BW's interest to have as much security. By having a one time password or Secuirty Key it decreases the chances of accounts being hacked. The less hacks= more secure system and thus builds a sense of trust in the game which would be broken if security was loosened even if players accepted full responsibility. And I can bet those many of those same would somehow find BW at fault. :rolleyes:

  5. Yes that boss. The second boss in Ravagers. While many are 8/10 and above I am on this boss.

    , We had 2 successful weeks of killing him. Now no dice. I think those 2 times were mostly chalked up to luck.


    Our Strat so far: Bunch up at beginning like SM have tank go to left side to force pirates to spawn there. Grab barrel. Afterwords DPS spreads to avoid lifters and tanks position cleaves up ramps. DPS run the rest of the barrels. We consistently get him to 30-20% but things fall apart around there with damage from load lifters, barrel throws and occasionally pirates nuking down a person then the next. No raid cleaves and pirates are being picked up ASAP. Is their a flaw in our strategy, a better strat? The guide on Dulfy isn't helpful as the data seemed to be copy pasted from the Original Dulfy guide from December with Zorz adding only a few things (it still mentions the pirate spawning based on time not health % of Bulo)


    How do you all do it? Any help would be appreciated. Feel free to tell my scrub butt to L2P as well :)

  6. Shamelessly quoting myself from another thread


    I think the main culprit here is that content isn't coming as fast as people want it. Changing difficulty would give a slight reprieve and allow more people to experience it but it wouldn't make much of a difference until we get entirely new content.


    How about a Compromise: 4 modes:

    Story (What you suggested): Drops some basic comms and credits.

    Normal: Current story mode difficulty and buff the last 2 fights on ToS

    Hard: Same

    Nightmare: Same


    For those who are concerned about lowering the quality of players I do have one idea that I have suggested before:

    To enter the 3 other modes you have to pass a 2 challenges for each roll similar to the Raptus tests. Heals could have a healing challenge tailored to the avg outgoing dmg in that level and a another test to use cleanse and other abilities. DPS would have to pass a DPS check suitable for that difficulty and a skills challenge. For tanks a survival one and a oneo test ability to hold threat. Will it make sure everyone is awesome? Probable not but I think a system like this would be beneficial for all in seeing where you stand.


    Would this be acceptable to others?


    Story suggested I am referencing was to remove a few mechanics/make them more forgiving and nerf overall dmg and what not. This would silence those who just want to see the story and give everyone more options to fit their play style. I don't mind if they are bad as long as they have somethig to enjoy themselves and not join content they are not suited for. If they want a mode to see the story as they are a master RP'er but not a good raider then knock themselves out. Nerfing rarely solves a problem as you have supporters and dissenters, providing more options does and should satisfy all parties.

  7. Well, since the rakghoul plague is back, and maxkilljoy is nowhere to be found, we are gonna need a volunteer for someone to argue and scold people who like to infect others, and someone to volunteer to be the anti-max, and argue that there is a vaccine and that BW made the infecting daily, so it's not trolling, it's playing the game. :p (was that too much of a run on sentence?) Due to this fact, the 12x xp argument should be halted as the discussion is becoming much to civilized and rational, a week of rakghoul infection arguments should have us all back to where we should be. :rolleyes:



    I miss his posts. #bringbackmax

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