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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. 162 Black Market Gear is Obsolete and com gear is mostly crap. But I think I have another use that would be cool. Portable Crew Skill trainer: Being able to train crew skills while in the field gathering resources and crafting it would be cool in my opinion. Just allow people to still sell junk and repair themselves.
  2. I remember when I cancelled Xbox live and expired my Xbox advertised half off to get me to signed back


    Fun fact: I use Audible for Audio books and when I decided to cancel they offered me half off monthly fee. I can live with that. :rak_03:

  3. all i know is there where trees when i left for a few months because of a divorce and when i got back . my guild of 50 plus had all quit. now im a guild leader of none played since beta and am quiting as well makes me sad im sorry swtor it was a good run but im gona opt out as well i dont enjpy the new system ant all as a personal preference good luck all ill miss you and the game i remember bummer


    Yet you manage the time to necro the hell out of this post. Leave the dead in peace!

  4. I think it would be a good idea to at least include a 12x XP pack available from the cartel market for class missions. Lots of progression raiders are having to switch to different toons or lvl new ones because of upcoming nerfs, and if they're main was a Mara/Sent, most top guilds are not recruiting them for PVE. :confused:


    This +1


    Trying to get a Sin tank up right for some fights that favor it.

  5. As far as I know Jos and Valk have no enrage so it's all a matter of surviving the phase when they're both down (unless the group isn't capable of handling them 1 at a time... in which case they wouldn't even get to that phase).


    I agree and really wish BH would go into a separate GF queue with improved rewards like the old lost island. Also increase the difficulty of torch.



    This is true. The optimal thing to do would run 2 tanks and 2 heals . It would last long but your chance of success would increase.

  6. Limitless repeatable content which for top tier raiders is a total cakewalk can never drop stat gear which is relevant for endgame content.


    You will have to console yourself with farming achievements, decorations and rare walker mounts in the flashpoints instead.


    Or I will not run it after doing it once for the achievements, thus one less person in Queue. And I believe I'm not the only one.

    PS: I usually queue with tank so sorry to everyone else that your wait time is increasing.

  7. Don't be surprised if there isnt a NiM tier of Rav and ToS. Th e current HM is like previous NiM. Groups that took work but could clear previous HM can't get past 2nd boss this tier.


    So it's reasonable to assume that with a massively increased HM difficulty BW thought increasing SM difficulty slightly could balance things out. I'm not saying that was a good decision, but even as ToS difficulty currently stands the difficulty jump from SM to HM is bigger than in the past.


    This is a good point and must be taken into account as well on BW motives.

    What I believe is happening is that BW wanted to increase the lifetime of its content by making it for a limited time harder than usual before progressively nerfing it so that by the time NiM comes out it will be needed to the ground. (i.e. NiM buff everything) Look at the way they have nerfed the FPs. Now whether this is a good strategy I cannot say but I think this idea can't be discounted.

  8. Intro: Due to the fact that it is repeatable content and gear drops I believe that in the hierarchy of difficulty HM FP's are above Tacticals and Below SM Ops in difficulty. For BH BW has disagreed with me. Well technically.


    For the first boss with its hard enrage at ~3:20 DPS have to be on their game and even the tanks.

    Using a strategy of burning 3 waves of adds and then ignoring 4th and burning boss. Numbers below are what each DPS needs:


    DPS for each individual DPS (including 1000 DPS from Tank): 3,186 DPS

    DPS (1500 Tank): 2,986 DPS


    (Take in mind DPS from tank will vary as PT tanks will have more uptime due to hydraulic overdrives)


    Healers adding dmg may give a slight variation but you get the idea. That DPS requirement is bigger than Underlurkers while having a gear req. lower than it. My question to BW is why in the fact that the other HM's are no where near as difficult and are quite easy. This isn't a QQ thread as I'm curious as to why this particular FP and first 2 bosses differ in difficulty to the 3rd one and the other HM FP's. One concern is that the risk vs reward isn't matching for this Fp. I have completed it the first week it came out (Now give me back my achievements BW :p) but find no reason to jump back in the FP for the loot even vanity items is meh and very low drop rate. Those who may find the rewards to their gear level may not be able to complete it. Considering that you nerfed the heck out of the already easy Manaan FP, do you have any plans to do something about it.


    I propose 2 solutions:

    1) Make it the LI of SoR and have lockout but drop some Resurrected gear and buff last boss to the first 2 difficulty.

    2) Bring it in line with the Dps and Hps needed for the other ones.


    Either is fine. To me the most important issue its sitting in this limbo where all HM are this difficulty and BH first 2 bosses are different but both offer the same rewards and in the same GF section. This needs to be rectified.


    Edit: Fixed numbers

  9. And the user of said ability is invincible for 25 seconds, counter resets every time the user attacks. :rak_03:


    Not sure if title was edited after or before, if edited at all, your comment but it says Marauders/Sentinels. So, no to giving Juggs said ability.


    You misread that: The Op is asking for Maras/Sents to have a ability that essentially mirrors the Jugg/Guard Intercede ability.


    My opinion: No your Mara is not a tank the ability would be pointless.

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