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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. Perhaps they should... Especially if all the OP is specifically asking for in that regard is for them to translate the subtitles. There's no request to translate all of the forums on the Web site, the patch notes, or even change the language of the voice acting to a currently unavailable language. It seems to me that this request, at least, is very reasonable. Is there a time investment to be made there? Sure, but more subs could potentially make that investment negligible, and probably even pay for itself.


    That and a cheaper sub for S.A.from what I read.

  2. @ Gagelish


    You're good. I commend you for your attitude. I've kind of hit a wall in trying to help players. Lately though, I've just stopped being as accommodating. I feel bad about it, but at the same time I just don't have the patience for it. For instance I was doing a hardmode DP run with random people. Granted it's hard mode, so I might be expecting a little more from people. But, we had a dps in group who just wouldn't listen ever. He got in TS with us which was great, but every time I said focus on the monsters he'd just ignore me, and attack Bestia. So since we were already tight on dps, we'd end up having too many monsters up. Wipe. Wipe. Wipe. Finally I removed him from group which I never do to people generally...and wouldn't you know it..Got to council with virtually no issue. Almost one shotted Calphayus too which I would have freaked out about since that's a long kind of complicated fight especially with people who have never done it before Sometimes I just don't know how to help these kinds of players. You can see tons of em all over the place in raids just ignore the world. It's a huge problem, and i don't think that ultimately catering to them completely is the answer. I like opening up access to the ult comms and previous ops as the solution. The devs can only do so much I'd say. At some point it's on the player. I think, and I have no doubt you'll agree, is that with a little tweaking they'd all be fine. Really the main issue is that it's taking 4-6 months for pugs to clear content when really it should probably be about ~3. I'm not sure there is really a way to help some of those unskilled players, but for the ones who actually want to improve themselves I think we can give in and give them a small tweak to certain things.



    I hope DF and DP never die by the way. I know they will soon, but man DP especially. So awesome. I missed them when they first came out, but man I still find them challenging.


    DF and DP will never die...


    Well at least until I get my Wings and Rancour :p


  3. The floor spam and adds HP are the only reason the enrage might be an an issue, I feel addressing either one of these and this fight would change enough that the enrage would be fine as it is.


    With a PT you can usually grapple one of the adds and AOE them down.

    Fun fact: Only Ops boss that comes to that enrage timer that I have found is NiM Nefra at 3:10.


    Also, bumping as BW has remained silent about this and hasn't addressed it in the patch. Maybe it will be addressed in 3.2 but it's in a weird limbo where BoR is quite easy compared to BH.

  4. Those numbers are from actual boss fights. I don't trust Parses or "dummy dps".


    Ah, parses can show and average of what your best can do so I wouldn't total discounts them, but I agree with the sentiment. In boss fight its all about never wasting a GCD. Even if it's a filler attack better to use it.

  5. Exactly why I don't bother with ops. I have Marauder with 100,27% or something accuracy and really bad Surge and I do around 1600 dps (a lot of numbers around 900-2100), Sniper and Gunslinger with 99,57% accuracy and do around 2500 dps (I see a lot of numbers around 2000-3500). Funny thing is I usually end up tanking if there's no actual tank in the group.


    Which spec of Maruader? If Annihilation,

    I should teach you the power of the Alacrity infused (800 alacrity) Mara (Annihilation). :p


    Also surge at 300-400 is fine.


    But yeah accuracy up


    Also what are your practicing on? Which target dummy?

  6. Considering my ops group can roflstomp ToS in about 40 minutes, all of these comments are making me feel like I'm really good. Please, keep them coming. I'm not used to being called uber elite.


    Yeah, Now all we need is a I ROFLSTOMPED the Underlurker Teeshirt :)

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