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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. Hmmm I don't think JC has one though someone may correct but I am unaware of one right now. Solution for GS: Make it only accessible at level 50 and have a Sub or Ops pass (As lower levels and those who can't play ops wouldn't need to see it)
  2. The problem with level-based MMOs is that the learning curve is dependant on the stats curve. Not matter how much you know the game, someone with better gear and a higher level is always better.


    It should be the other way around, so that it would be possible to outplay people with better gear/higher level.


    Most Ops are done at max level. They can potentially be better but a knowledgable person would be geared for the raid. Furthermore, Ops are not about outplaying another person it's about working together as a team to down content. If you think otherwise, then Raiding is not for you.

  3. No. We have enough developer time being wasted on Cartel gambling packs, nerfing, and ignoring PvP all while doing good knows what else. Their efforts are better spent on NEW content the majority of the players can experience.



    For one the system I proposed only involves changing variables and tweaking numbers. The story mode I proposed would increase involvement and a middle ground would give something to average players who may want a challenge but not as big a challenge as HM is. Win win Of course I'm aware of BW limited resources but they aren't going to make more content because no more working on NiM or whatever. They are going to use that time to do nothing and think up some more gambling packs. Your comment about NiM is mistaken. While most won't clear it while relevant many more will while level cap increases. Look how many EC tank runs there are on fleet :p


    Also how many still fail the other bosses? Or those who fail the bosses in KDY? I've seen pug runs fail on M/B and Sparky. Your proposal leaves them out in the cold. My proposal would address that.

  4. Considering the disparity between Lurker and the rest I think the difficulty of it should be consistent across the board or get progressively harder as Revan fight on SM is hilariously easy compared to the UL.

    Personally I would like to see a fourth tier added by making SM easier and add a Normal mode where the other fights slightly harder. More options are always better. But if BW decides to nerf it to bring in line that is fine.


    However until BW decides to do something there are a few things to do.

    1) PT/Van are your friends and this fight is heavily a M/R fight rather a F/T one. This all the abilities that negate Meele and range accuracy like Oil slick work like a charm.

    2) Tank should open with a grenade and all Raid buffs. Heals should be DPSing

    3) beginning of rage storm cast Oil slick under boss and stack under their for maximum burn.

    4) Durig cross phase don't stop DPSing and keep burning. Sonic rebound just in case.

    5) After 4th cross ignore adds and stack on boss and burn away. With Oil slick you should be able to burn right through,

  5. I do have a follow up question which I want has been a point of disagreement between me and a few other guildies:


    Can the top aggro person (tank) get volley if everyone else is within 10 meters and besides the main threat who is camping outside the range on the pirate spawn point? I believe it isn't possible and that it down times happens due to taunts after pirates but before volley comes out.

    Am I right or are they right?

  6. im a casual player and finde this game got so easy its borring there is no more chelange like it was when Ec came out or flashpoints they are just a joke Lost Island pre nerf was briliant sm for all the players that cant lern to move out of damn circle or area dmg hm for pepole who liked the game to be a bit chelanging but after lerning tac on them they become boring to its not abouth hou dificule is the game mechanics are v easy to lern game is TOO EASY if u ask mebtw new ops on sm can be face rolled by casual players easy back in a day pug grups was more hard core than some of progresion guilds we have in game this days



  7. A feature does not have to "hurt" anybody who plays a game to be a possible detriment to said game. Let's remember that this is not some throwaway console kiddie game that you play for a week before being distracted by the newest glittering shiny that hits the shelves (or the download page). In order for an MMO to maintain sustainability and be successful, it needs a long term commitment from its core players. Adding features to it that essentially make it a throwaway console title work against that need.




    I am all for giving players as many options as possible in playing a game and obtaining things within said game, but not if certain options and features work against the best long-term interests of the game.


    Like how you threw kiddie on there. Lol this hatred for children is so weird. As an adult I don't get this demeaning of children by some on this forum. Why not this isn't a old fart geezer grind?

  8. Wait, what? Progression raiders don't need to learn their toons?


    Is there something that stops you right now from leveling those alts? Is there something that makes 3.X raiders different than 1.X or 2.X raiders? We have seen heavy nerfs with every installment of this game. The nerfbat "coming to a toon near you" doesn't make you special. Just because Marauders recently got nerfed for the very first time or because Sins are about to catch their first nerf doesn't mean that they will be unplayable. Most of us have dealt with nerfs over the last three years.


    I am leveling those alts fyi if you bothered to read the rest of my post before you vomited your response. You try killing Revan HM with all Warriors or all Inquisitors. You just want to be the grouchy old man who wants to complain about entitlement. Why don't you get off your butt and do somethig productive.

  9. Don't forget about the +10 all stats on fleet. That puts you to at least 50, but for some reason I think it's more than that if you get all of them and total it up.


    Ah forgot that one. So 50 total.


    HP wise= 500 more health


    Main stat= 10 extra bonus dmg if my math is correct.


    Personally I only do it for the title and deco.

  10. I am in that boat. Yes I find it boring. But truth be told, you do not have to do them (true side missions).


    You can KDY and your daily standard FP once per day. That will be 2+ levels right there per day. Just by doing your GF dailies you can skip 75% of all side missions. If you just do your class + some of the planet main arcs + GF dailies you don't have to do any extraneous side missions.


    At early levels maybe. With a max boost on FP and a XP boost KDY it seems to be like half a level increase in the 30's but I digress.


    Things I would like to see:

    1) Something to help level toons faster for progression raiders who toons may not be viable next week due to Dev's hitting the crack pipe when it comes to balance and may not get the chance to raid then. They don't need to learn their toons so it's a non issue. I'm leveling a Sin tank and have Jugg tank in storage in case BW decides to go on another nerfing spree.

    2) Better Legacy system use: Not only XP but other perks as well. Further reduction of RB CD among other things.

    3) A better leveling system that challenges the player. The idea that leveling is some experience that teaches you is absurd in its present state. All fights in leveling have been nerfed to the ground. And KDY just adds to the bad pool. Make the fights in both KDY and leveling challenging!


    Side note: It sounds like the same railing against young people that old people of every generation does. I worked in the coal mines, you don't deserve a warm blanket. I sweated for my food in the slave pens of Ziost while the Emperor beat me, so you don't deserve to ask for dessert! Its like every article DAE think generation whatever are entitled? I have a feeling these people have the same views on life and are the same people who think that assistance to the poor by the government is entitlement (lol starve the poor) It drives me nuts both in game and real life. It's a game BW will do what it wants to make money. Go back to yelling at clouds ya geezers.

  11. I'm confused. Are we talking about Ops or Fps?

    In Ops leader sets the rules of loot regardless of how stupid or asinine they are, only recourse don't join them. If it's FP ask them why and if they don't respond kick them.

    In any case with the amount of comms you get from everything most people are only going for the look of the gear now.

  12. What makes you think that this simplified mode is endgame PVP? Nope, this is ideal for beginners, simple gameplay, no worry about objectives. Warzones are so "thanks" Premade glut virtually unplayable for Beginners.


    Because it can only be done at level cap and it's called Ranked? As in you get a rating for it?

    I don't know what to say as you like to distort and take what others said out of context because you are extremely upset about "premades". Most are just people queuing with friends and are average at best. I have been in pug groups that have throughly trashed teams consisting of at least half a PvP guild. SWTOR population isn't high enough to support separate queues as most people don't and have no desire to PvP in this game just like some don't play PvE regardless of scary "premades" (And no I always solo queue for regs)



  13. Speaking of the Devil come the elitists crawled out of their holes.:D

    Bads= not ready for endgame PvP, those who don't care at all about others and only care about the rewards.

    Hardly. You missed the context of my post. His/Her system proposed would have put a incentive on just queuing just for the comms regardless of whether the person was ready for ranked endgame PvP. I could queue all day lose and still get comms while screwing over others ELO just by because I have PvP gear on. Do you want an experience like that? I hope not.

  14. Yes, that's the idea.


    But, if you follow those 3 rules, they will not be in the queue, unless they are in a full set of PVP gear, ie, no bolster requires a PVP set, so they will be far more competitive for 2 reasons, they will actually have proper gear and they will have invested sufficient time into playing that class, to know how the hell it works...in theory.


    I would on principle but only if you gained comms by winning just like the weekly and daily only count wins. As someone who does both, You should get zero comms for losing a ranked match. Thats what it is for PvE, wipe on a boss no rewards for you. (And a repair bill on top of it).


    However, it wouldn't stop bads in full PvP gear from queuing or trolls. This also should be addressed.

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