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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. Another patch and no class changes. . . clearly BioWare is telling everyone that Merc's are working as intended.




    If you want a big laugh look at the highest heal from a Merc/Mando in a WZ. I've seen up to 85K.


    You know how long it took them to nerf sins and shadows? Years. So expect that same time frame.

  2. I wasnt playing during 4.0 myself but from what folks said my understanding was that it was super easy to get gear... People were gearing a ridiculous amount of alts in no time... Which from EA/BWs point of view I guess meant low retention for subs since there was no carrot for people to chase at some point...


    Except that was what was KEEPING people in. There have been a record number of sub drops now because there is not enough NEW content to warrant this massive grind increase. If they introduced a new FULL operation, new flashpoints, new pvp maps / modes , new starfighter maps / modes, new UC enemies, new story , etc, at LEAST 2 -3 times a year, people wouldn't be so annoyed, but as is, we have super old content we are forced to do for the 9999999999999999999999999999999999th time, the same old warzones, the same old starfighter maps, and the same old events. Lots of grind needs new content. IF there is nothing but old content, there should be less grind.

  3. Prog used to be like 95% wins in Imp favour. Maybe it changed or maybe op is unlucky. And the reason I left it pre 5.0 was that the queue died on Rep side, you either had Imp vs Imp or 30-40 minutes of waiting to get in a handicaped team. While I play both sides, I tend to stick to Reps more as underdogs and since my main is a Shadow.

    However early mornings or daytime you can hope only for Imp vs Imp with full teams even or TRE now. Reps will have like 5-6 people in queue. Prime time is good for both.


    I don’t know which time bracket you play, my last one on Friday prime time on scoundrel we were facerolling Imps, especially in Huttball. It swings when queue is good, but daytime I should admit there is no chance for Republic.


    That is maybe 5 % of the time on rep side. I cant seem to get a match with people that even know what augments or stims are....hell, I had some matches, I dont know if they were trolling or not, where my teammates didnt even know to use their class buffs! I have spent the last forever playing rep side, but this is getting downright ridiculous.

  4. Right now this game is a pvp game..at least if you are looking for bis gear.


    Pve players have only nim operations as a source for 242s.

    Pvp players can do "easy mode" unranked or "hardmode" ranked pvp to get components.


    So every casual pvp player is allowed to get components by doing unranked warzones.

    You don't have to be good at pvp...you don't even have to win a warzone...you get components anyway.


    While the pve players have to do the hardest pve content of all (nim operations) for 242s...pvp players can just rofl through easy peasy unranked warzones effortless. Pvp players also get rewarded if they fail (loose a warzone) while pve player get nothing if they fail (no boss kill = no loot).


    The whole system is garbage and I totally understand every player who complains that he feels forced to do pvp.


    There would be 2 different solutions to make this more fair:



    Grant components for flashpoints, operations and uprisings (the harder the difficulty level --> the more components).

    (+ leave pvp as it is)



    Completly remove components from unranked warzones and GSF and only grant them for winning a ranked match.

    Pve players can only get 242s by succesfully doing the hardest pve content, so pvp players should only be able to get 242s by successfully doing the hardest pvp content.

    (+ leave pve as it is)


    Anything else is simply just not fair and trying to force players into contents they actually don't want to play.


    LOLWUUUUUUUUUUUT?! Pve has gotten fresh content consistantly for 2 years straight now. What has pvp gotten exactly?


    Joke of the smurfing century.

  5. Great, PVP gets more component drops. WHAT ABOUT PVE?! Why does Bioware have to be sleezy used car sales people?!? I don't like PVP. I don't want PVP, I won't do anymore PVP. Stop trying to sell PVP to people who don't want it! I'm not saying ignore them but holy mother of jawa stop trying to blend PVE and PVP.


    Thanks to poor business decisions / not understanding your player base Shadowlands doesn't have the population it used to have. Pub side is usually a ghost town. Most PUGS couldn't finish a storymode upraising let alone a nim operation. There's few hard mode operation opportunities and far fewer nightmare ones. The most feasible ones have very very low odds of any gear dropping (1 gear piece in the last 5 nim nefra runs). So where does this leave PVEers? Maxed out at 240 with the only option to hit 242 dependent on a fail galactic command system hoping that one of the next desperate change made to salvage GC to stop losing more players actual help those like myself.


    Getting really difficult to keep a positive outlook on this.... STOP ignoring an entire segment of the game!


    Uh, because you already get a ridiculous amount of cxp doing operations and you get gear drops....

  6. Seriously, did you see any big developer admit they got it wrong? Activision? Blizzard? Obsidian? Anyone? :p


    Besides, what makes you think they did? It's a MMO, it's a dying breed that was overhyped for a few years and now people look up to other genres. Look around, all MMO's forums are full of "doomsday" threads, does it mean the devs did something wrong? Maybe, but 90% of the playerbase doesn't even go near forums and the complaining 5% just come here to vent while the other 5% just hangs out here, rolling their eyes on threads like these :rolleyes:


    Square Enix did. That is why they shut down FF14 for a year or so and remade it. Which is why it is one of the most popular and successful mmos atm.

  7. OP you are way too generalizing. Mara currently is running supreme. I feel for you as a jugg and truly GL if you are an ops, but saying mara or sins (Dec) need a buff is beyond crazy talk.


    It is undisputable though, there needs to be major roll backs on DCDs offered in 5.0. Merc is the poster child for this, but this also applies to sniper, mara and Dec sins (to an extent). We need to nerf survivability across the board.


    Mercs were the punching bags for 4 years. Their new dcds could be toned down, but rolling them back would be the death of the class.............again.

  8. I'm saying i don't really care either way. can't say it has had a huge impact on any game I've been in, I've never had a fight where it's been "damn it, I totally would have beat him if he didn't have that super special gear set".


    the reason I bring up set bonuses is because from what I've heard, it's a PvE set that does not have them. I remember a time people traded expertise for PvE gear that gave them extra health and it didn't end well. trading set bonus for a bit of extra health seems like it would have the same effect.


    Its not just extra health from what I have seen, it is extra everything.

  9. Glass cannons should not have best defensive utilities period either lose dps and be inline with tank /melee or your def utilities get nerfed. 1 or the other will happen nuff said.


    And unless no one has realizes this you cant just buff or nerf one spec of the class with out effecting the other 2 specs of that class which is why we have issues period.


    The damage from Virulence is low AF. Have you ever played one? It is like most dot specs in this game. They need good defensives to compete. I agree that a lot of burst specs are overtuned atm, but dont be dense and clump all specs together.

  10. Wich healing capabiility?


    Snipers have 3 heals atm. Heal on roll, god bubble heal, and small heal per 3 seconds in cover. Those three things together give them some very substantial self healing.

  11. you are kidding right or being sarcastic ? snipers have all three worlds for a glass canon and you say they are not op ? I am sry but snipers are a glass cannon you should not have best of all three worlds as far as dps def utilities and healing capability..If any one says different then maybe you should go back and read exactly what glass cannon means you are superior in dps burst with minimal def utility and low amount of heal.


    Or i tell you what you can keep all that give all melee a 50 % dr utility to range tech / blaster attacks then we call it even.


    Id like to correct you. Marksman is OP AF, the others, not so much. Virulance does not need ANY nerfs. DOT classes in this game NEED more defensive passives to stay alive longer, burst classes should have LESS defensives. Which is why the utility system is a bit stupid to begin with.

  12. That's not what im talking about. I'm talking about self titled "proposed" PvP experts who actively stream "pro" gameplay or beg to get on podcasts and bang their chest. Those people, to name a few...are not helping what is left of the PvP on the MOST populated servers.


    Premade 100% capping (note players):



    Re-rolling rep for easy time (note players):



    Type those player names into the forums and I am sure you will see how important they feel they are in the PvP community. I recognise both from ToFN. Stealth mains from day one. Besides maybe 1.X Deception DPS was a bit "up" but apart from that quite straight forward and easy classes to gank with etc.


    Stealth players seem to be the most salty. I dunno why. But they are. A lot of them are very full of themselves and think stealthing into a node with 2 other stealthers and ganking a single person guarding the node is "skill"

  13. As title says.


    I had a really weird incident over the last week. I usually play dps on my vanguard, but decided to give tanking a shot, and bought 210 mods, enhancements, etc and made myself some tanking gear. Then I got ALL 7 set pieces in a ROW for 230s , 7 crates, 7 pieces. So I decided, hey, its my lucky day, Ill switch back to dps and get something there maybe, since I havent gotten ***** for dps, and low and behold days pass and NOTHING. Then I switch back to tank, and get my tank relics in 2 boxes one after another. Not cool BW. Not cool.....

  14. What about about abilities that are tied to your HP like Arenaline Rush. Wouldn't that have a minimum HP threshold?


    VG tanks got the nerf bat when it came to adrenaline rush, i do not know why. Before we could activate it at 70% health. now we cant. So our health went down, AND our defensives got worse...

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