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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. No he's not serious, its called sarcasm.


    This game is massively lacking regular multiplayer content updates...people are getting bored of it, people are leaving. One daily area and one boss in an operation isn't going to bring new people in or keep them playing.


    Exactly. If they expect people to pay a sub for end game, then they better DAMNED well get off their rear ends and start using FF14 as an example. Because I, and quite a few from my guild are going there if this doesnt improve here. At least THERE they use our sub money for actual content and not rng boxes.

  2. They made it very clear... the first boss of 5 will be on PTS in about two weeks, with a view to launch into live in about 8 weeks. After that, the second boss will be introduced along with the HM (now, it wasn't clear if it was HM for all from then on, or one at a time). The cadence of the further bosses is not known... some seem to think it will be spread over the rest of the year... myself, I reckon they will pop them out as they are ready, hopefully quicker than 1 every 3 months.


    That still doesnt explain whether or not we are getting 5 ziost style bosses, with no story whatsoever, or if we are getting something like SnV and then as the other parts are released we get to progress further into the op itself.

  3. Pretty sure it was mentioned there was a side story to the "operation" so solo players wouldn't be locked out.


    My point in relation to your question is if there is a side story then it's more likely each part will have a bit of story and trash etc. as we expect heading into each encounter.


    Being solo op bosses hopefully more akin to heading into SnV / TFB than DP where it was pretty much boss to boss ( which is great for a full op but not split out singley like this ). Also if you are reading designers don't be afraid to put a puzzle heading into the boss ( like DF before Draxus and people found easy ways around it ) - good way to lengthen out the single encounter.


    Solo players have been addressed - enough - in the last 2 years. This still does not clarify if this is going to be just 5 bosses ALA Ziost, or if we are going to get something like SnV. This also does not clarify if they will all be connected in the end, or if we will have to queue seperately for every single boss. I tried askng the question, but got ignored considering the massive amount of "OPPPPPPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" and "BEHEMOTHTTHHTHTHTHTHTHTHTHTH" spam going on.

  4. That's not entirely true. It's the first boss of a 5-boss ops. They had the choice of bringing out one boss at a time starting in April or waiting till later this year to bring them out in one go.


    I'm ok with this choice.


    They actually skirted around that subject. They never clarified if it will be a traditional OP, with story, and you will just stop at the first boss, and eventually have all five bosses in that single OP. Or if it will just be 5 world bosses that you have to queue seperately for.

  5. Oh look, a squirrel.


    Seriously. Pvp should be skill v skill and it should be lightly supplemented by gear. Not the otherway around. Players should not be punished for having a life outside of this game.

  6. I see threads like this before every stream in last 3-4 months...


    Eventually your beloved game will be shut down because tehy cannot support the servers anymore, and posts like this , you know, people being content with these types of insane decisions, will be responsible for it. BW will think it is totally ok to keep shafting is in the worst way possible.

  7. Serious suggestion here. Lately I have noticed a severe........lack of any understanding when it comes to people and their characters. I played several flashpoints today where the players didn't know a thing about their classes. I mean, gunslingers just using basic attacks and not getting into cover and things like that. Instead of changing / fixing things that are / were clearly not broken / didn't need an overhaul, how about we get some tutorials, in game, for each advanced class. Clearly it is needed now a days.
  8. That would definitely be a step in the right direction, although personally, they could fix ALL of the issues with 5.0-5.1 gearing if they changed galactic command in a few fairly simple ways.


    I think if they made command crates a 2-part thing, it'd be a lot better. The first part would just be the usual random trash you get, and then the second part would open up a second interface that would essentially be a character equipment sheet. You click on the piece of gear you want, and then it would roll the RNG to determine what rarity level of that gear you got, but you would ALWAYS get that specific piece of gear. They could keep their RNG nonsense, but at least you'd for sure be getting the exact piece of gear that you want every time.


    Also, if they made command rank legacy-wide.


    Command rank legacy wide is something I think everyone could get behind, especially with the nerf to command exp now....

  9. Per the patch notes.


    "Playing any Warzone will earn you Unassembled Components. Your gains are increased based on Match outcome."


    I just want exactly what was stated in the patch notes. At lvl 50 you can start doing ops and get unassembled pieces. Why is it that we cannot start storing up components before level 70 for PvP? You know, kinda like before 5.0?


    This is something that NEEDS to be done. Otherwise people will end up getting into the matches at 70 and just be obliterated for months on end. And at 50, you will level to 70 lightning fast, and you will not have nearly enough time to get components.

  10. Personally I hate having to keep two sets of gear, which is why I favor this system. But there needs to be some changes - it wouldn't be so bad if prices were brought down and gear exchanges were implemented for duplicates, and cxp was lowered a bit. And there are several ways to implement a gear exchange that would greatly benefit the system.


    That would be fine, and bolster NEEDS to be addressed as well. But I do not think BW would, will, or is going to do that.


    But you need to keep two sets of gear anyway, because the stat builds for pvp are completely different than the stat builds for pve.

  11. I think it's funny that pvpers are always complaining that they have no one to play with and then wonder why...


    I know why...it's the attitude. Why do you persist in calling people names? Even in your titles? Bads? Really?


    How are people supposed to get good, if you're like that. Who wants to try something different or try to get good, if they're mocked? Try and be kinder and more welcoming. I don't see why insults have to be a thing. :mad:


    You cant get good anymore. the second you get into top level pvp now you get absolutely minced by people that grinded ops for the last 2 months and you will have to deal with that for at least 2 months yourself . And that is if you play 16 hours a day and win every match.

  12. Expertise is/was a terrible thing. Hate games that have that crap.


    Then what would you propose? Pvp gear cannot be subpar to pve end game gear if there is no expertise. But on the other hand NO ONE wants the RNG box crap grind. And making the pvp vendor sell top tier gear with a valor lock would kinda make doing operations pointless.


    This is why expertise was there in the first place. To avoid all this convoluted nonsense.

  13. totes need a new thread for each person with a similar statement.


    Honestly, we do need a thread for every person taht is upset, maybe then they will take a hint.

  14. removing bolster was literally the ONLY thing they did right in 5.0-5.1 ''Oh waaah I can't do better than everyone else in gear from 2 years ago, waaah''

    yeah it totally makes sense that getting the best gear makes you worse...come on bro.


    We do apologize for having a life outside of this game. We should all be punished for being productive members of society. :rolleyes: 240 gear that was optimized was still MUCH better than 230 gear when bolstered. But now the disparity between gear levels is too much. It comes down to gear now, not skill. Before you could outplay a player using 240 gear if you were better, now it just comes down to how much time you waste playing ops.

  15. BIOWARE, You are always saying you listen and hear your subscribers. Then hear this? Please listen to US ALL, we do not have the kind of time that it would take to grind for that gear. Please, Hear us, when we say we need another system here that will cut the time in half or something, cause as is, this is bat crap CRAZY!




    Take Care & Be Well.........


    They wont get a cent of my money anymore till they change this.

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