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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. So I'm not allowed to premade regs because I know how to play the game?

    That is the most backwards logic I've ever seen.

    You may learn. But you should realize that the envirionment will never be in your favour.

    Honestly.. the best way to learn is around good players anyway. But you do need to pay close attention to what you do AND to what they tell you. Because when I explicitly tell you not to do something, you probably shouldn't do it.


    The amount of times people ignore my repeated warnings not to go to an offnode..

    honestly, that is my biggest pet peeve of them all. Just don't *********** do it if I tell you not to do it.


    You aren't only not helping, but more often than not it has adverse effect.

    Most people just don't realize this, and that is why it's such a big problem. And that's why I rather play in premades. Less people to **** over my ****, means exponentially higher chance to win.


    You seem very angry.


    Premades also wouldn't be a huge issue if BW would just implement cross faction for every map, which is why I love odessa because more often than not there is an imp premade on my team, and an imp premade on the other team, and the matches are often quite balanced. The faction imbalance is glaring atm on TRE, I mean 11 am CET, 70 players on rep fleet, 1,5 full instances on imp fleet. Any reputable mmo dev would have seen the problem by now and introduced either a true group queue, or introduced cross faction / server. Or at this point merged all EU english servers into one, french into one and german into one. But BW ..... is like the slow kid that isn't handicapped, but just doesn't ever seem to get it. Any of those solutions would be a help, but all of them together would be the best thing to do.

  2. Darn no, its my favorite map :D. The nodes allow for in fight capping, but are pretty much immune to a single sap cap, and the concept of one turret to down the shield and one to damage means the game isnt over till one team truly has 0%. Saw a comeback from 100-2% once (altough granted, most of the time it won't happen, did see it once)


    I like alderaan as well, but there is always a point where you say, "k guys, we win with one" and everyone just go sit on their turret for the last 2-3 minutes of the game. grass and snow are also damn annoying when some class know how to play the ledges.


    While some team get so mismatched sometimes that people are being nuked a few meters from spawn on BOTH side can happen, they are also fairly rare, and it probably would have been just as not fun on another map.


    Also, good ol' pvp where you fight players is always great. I don't mind odessen every now and then, as its fun and original, or the classic huttball sometimes, but Voidstar, Alderaan and Novare Coast remains the classic we're always happy to see.


    Queshball can fall in fire into a bottomless abyss.


    Queshball wouldnt be so bad if they would fix the damned rubber banding from scoundrels and gunslingers. Roll, and then you cant target them because they are glitching all over the place and POOF they are at the goal line.

  3. I wasn't arguing, just corrected a factual mistake. Electro net is a good tactical ability, but I would make it so that people can't get netted twice in a row. Plasma Probe's spammable AoE slow is just ridiculous.


    Yeah, I faced a team with two engi snipers the other day on Novare coast, and in mid, they just spammed their 2 plasma probes and our whole team was slowed THE ENTIRE MATCH. If that is not broken, I do not know what is.

  4. West Coast:

    The Harbinger - main server

    Begeren Colony - RP server


    East Coast:

    The Shadowlands OR Jedi Covenant - main server (whichever is more populated will be the main server)

    The Ebon Hawk - RP server

    I agree for server american.


    The Red Eclipse - main server

    The Progenitor - RP server

    No for them.



    The Red Eclipse- English server

    T3-M4-German server

    Mantle of the Force- French server

    Is better for European community.


    Sorry for my bad english


    That is pretty much exactly waht needs to happen for the EU servers. But BW doesnt use logic....

  5. that would require a lot of SS's and you'd still have no "guarantee" that they didn't take those SS's and then just switch back for the final one.


    also about the alacrity, that would be the augment issue I mentioned, the 208's were not augmented.


    Ok, cuz that was crazy!

  6. mercs have a 8sec blazing bolt with "outrageous" damage and 70% slow each tick + enet + 40% slow on tracer missile with an utility.


    --> this is an "insane" permasnare example.


    Mercs do it for one target, engi snipers can do it for an entire team. So there really is no comparison. Not to mention the AOE has no cool down. enet has a 3 minute cool down, and blazing bolts has one too after being reactivated. Again, no comparison.

  7. We've gone through this already:


    That increase in alacrity is just downright insane. And I do not want to be paranoid, but I would like to see the gear ratings piece for piece, otherwise honestly, people could just SAY it is 208s and 242s.

  8. There's bolster at rating 232 or 234 (I don't remember exactly, sorry), so having 208s in warzones is more like a 232 vs 242. And it's not that big of a difference.


    You people all act like warzones were regularly sooooo close that their outcomes only depend on a few percent extra stats. I really want to see those games, because in my experience, they are insanely one-sided and unless better gear gave like 60% extra stats (IQ included), the result would've been just the same.


    Um, just changing from a 230 barrel to a 236 barrel gives a mosntrous boost to damage, I cant even imagine what 242 is like, and then going from FULL 232 to full 242 is a RIDICULOUS difference, it is about a 10 k difference in just health health, not to mention damage reduction, alacrity increase, and crit increase. Anyone who thinks it isn't a big difference should post pictures of someone wearing 232 gear, and then wearing full 242 gear, what do you have to lose, aside the argument.

  9. Just do what we did on Progenitor, reps stopped quing and the Imp premades were against the imp premades, which lead to very stupid games and everyone lost interest in PVP :D


    Was a crazy time.


    That actually is already happening kind of, because I have been playing pvp today and got literally NOTHING but 4v4s on rep side because of lack of people queuing

  10. pvp in this game is not about 1 vs 1 tho


    You tend to get in 1 v 1s a lot of the time though, and even if it is 8 on 8. If your whole team has 208s and they all have 242s, unless you post a video otherwise proving this, you will get roflstomped.


    TaS has quite a lot (by current standards) of active members so it's not shocking that you'd see them quite a lot in PvP. Another factor is the "phantom premade" situation where people will see 1 or maybe 2 members and immediately come to the conclusion that they're facing a 8 man premade on voice comms using hacks.


    Contrary to popular belief I queue solo frequently. Every time I have queued solo in the last 2 months people have assumed I'm in a premade. We had an instance a few weeks back I think where a player in a different civil war to us was being accused of running 4 healer TaS premade. This player was a marauder (iirc) and was queueing solo. Their team had 1 healer. That type of thing isn't even uncommon and it's probably a factor in why people have this distorted view.


    When you're in a guild with active players who all want to take part in the same activity it makes little sense to decline the opportunity to group to queue solo. It's probably also worth pointing out here that we face many premades from various guilds throughout the course of an evening.


    Quote: Originally Posted by mmmbuddah View Post

    Gets mad that people insult him, even though they are just stating facts, and then insults them back.....hmmm.....

    I'm not mad that people insult me, or state facts about me. I have no real bad feelings towards ne'laa, I always thought he was a decent enough guy who was just frustrated about facing premades. When my former guild fell apart I used to play solo most of the time and I found pugs frustrating, playing vs premades frustrating, I understand what it's like.


    My route was to make videos / stream to try and meet new players so we could all share tips and improve, to try and directly speak with bioware so we could try and make some positive change, and to make guilds focused around trying to build an environment like that. We're one of the least bad mannered PvP guilds on the server although my experience with that is probably somewhat biased.


    Quote: Originally Posted by mmmbuddah View Post

    And premades do in some cases kill pvp, but it isnt just premades, it is that combined with the beyond terrible gearing system we have right now, and the trolling that goes on by said premades as someone already said. Before this system you could get a group of complete randoms together and compete against premades sometimes, now it is impossible if your group of randoms dont live and breathe the game and dont have top tier gear.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "trolling" but I'd like to know what negative experiences you have with TaS players other than just being in a premade.


    Top tier gear isn't very common at the moment, certainly not to the degree that people seem to make it out so with bolster you should be on a relatively level playing field. People have had enough time to get tier 1 gear and while there is certainly a gap between 234 (bolster) and 242 the scarcity of people in 242 makes that comparison somewhat invalid. I'd rather flat stats or a 242 bolster for PvP but unfortunately, that's not the route taken by BW.


    The gear system is terrible though I doubt any player would argue that point.


    Quote: Originally Posted by mmmbuddah View Post

    And I am just saying my experiences, I literally have not once seen a TaS or BiJ player ever play alone. Ragequit yes, but not TaS.

    I've never seen a shark in the sea, doesn't mean they don't exist. As I addressed above, with us being an active PvP guild you're far more likely to get a group but I know for a fact that people queue solo every day.


    It looks like you're on TRE and I'd like to extend an invite to do some games with us sometime. You'll probably realise we're not actually that bad a bunch of people.




    I have seen a shark in the sea though. :D


    As for the trolling, I used to go by another name, but due to my transition, I changed characters and names, but the amount of times I have gotten rude/nasty/inappropriate "says" toward me is .... well, I can't count it on two hands, let me just put it that way. Or the amount of times I have been mocked, specifically me, for having a team that doesn't know their *** from their forehead is also entirely too high. I am by no means innocent, because I will get downright nasty toward people that do that to me, but there it is. I can in the future however send you names and screenshots if you want to remedy this problem.


    The only problem there is with your invitation, I almost -only- play rep side. I have problems playing imp side, have had far too many people imp side be complete chauvinistic *** hats to me. Now if we had cross faction......my main characters are Scoundrel, Gunslinger and Vanguard. I used to play commando a lot, but one spec is just braindead easy atm, and the other is annoyingly tedious.

  12. I'm in take a seat and I always play alone, it takes people to ask me to join to play with em and even then I'm not easily persuaded.

    I used to q alone all the time in big in japan too, and in quite a few other guilds.


    Premades aren't killing pvp, I mean I like to premade and love it when we get a tas premade against us when im with my ragequit brethren. I'll tell you what is killing pvp... I logged in on my op healer on harbinger the other night, was recieving quite a bit of attention from dps but that's good, butfs my hps and epeen but random guy starts shouting in chat that I'm weak and should ask bioware for buff, anyway I replied I don't know you and don't care what you think and carried on healing. Match ends I get told I'm a noob and only 4m heals, and guy continues to rant on. I think to myself, "I bet I can think of at least 10 different better ways to spend my time right off the top of my head" and log off...


    I remember you playing rep side for the longest time, what bothers me is how everyone sheeped over to Imp side. And premades do in some cases kill pvp, but it isnt just premades, it is that combined with the beyond terrible gearing system we have right now, and the trolling that goes on by said premades as someone already said. Before this system you could get a group of complete randoms together and compete against premades sometimes, now it is impossible if your group of randoms dont live and breathe the game and dont have top tier gear. And I am just saying my experiences, I literally have not once seen a TaS or BiJ player ever play alone. Ragequit yes, but not TaS.

  13. At least I didn't try to dedicate a youtube channel to beating a certain guild and at least I don't ragequit games when I'm against certain guilds despite being in a premade myself.


    No one even knows why you're so salty towards TaS, you literally gquit because you said you weren't good enough to play with us. No member had ever said a bad word about you. I tried to help you defend better and you literally made a video about it called "snave is salty" because you didn't want to learn.


    But yeah, clearly we're the problem queueing in a premade because our premade is slightly better than your premade. How dare we. Your hypocrisy and idiocy is plain to see.


    Gets mad that people insult him, even though they are just stating facts, and then insults them back.....hmmm.....

  14. Snave keeps telling that he is saint, yet he is the ultimate troll.. who will then go talk to Musco and say that premades are bad for regs pvp ..he doesn't see half the stuff that guild does, Take a Seat can actually just farm pugs at the spawn line....and if they wanted a challenge they would have let em out...but they don't. Why? Cause its fun! :D


    I was begging a premade, of a different guild once, please allow opposing team to at least get down from the spawn, because its just boooring, and they wouldn't listen.


    All the bullcrap that there are never double premades of 8 people syncing, is a bunch of bull, neither of the 2 of you, are online 24h to say that it does not happen.


    And I don't tell them, that they shouldn't do it, or it is wrong, I am only asking to leave the new people who learn some dignity, because of this a lot of people wouldn't come back to pvp.


    How would you feel, if one of the Take a Seat ******s, would cap ur node and laugh their asses off while doing it? Would u return?


    All I want is for PvP community not to die out, and behaviour like that will do it!


    I play PvP pretty much every day, and I have almost -never- seen a TaS member play alone. It was the same thing with BiJ a year back.

  15. I'll admit to taking pleasure from these threads where you make up a bunch of stuff about the guild.






    He isnt making anything up. That guild is known as the troll squad for a reason.

  16. All i grind now is pvp, and i gotten better gear now in a lot less time, still a long time but shorter then the old way. i wouldn't do it back in the old days, cause of that reason the pve and pvp the time oh god the time waiting for group finder, or begging in gen chat to get groups for this and that. just to finally get into one and get kicked out just because the gear just isn't perfect or you get kicked for not doing something the way the leader would do it, Like your a freaking mind reader and they kick ya. Hell Because of that BS i stopped doing OPS FP any thing you have to have a group and deal with Butt Holes i stopped doing. There is OPS and FPS i still havent seen in over 5 years of playing cause of that BS.


    So yes the old way was harder, more time consuming, you had to do so many different things to get gear, and that if your lucky to get into a group and last to see the end and when the gear dropped, every one became sharks and grabbed the good stuff and i was left with scraps. All that time doing that to get nothing. Now I come in play 6 pvp matches maybe a couple of solo ranks after that. boom i got 1 to 3 good piece of gear and i am done for the day on one alt and moving on to one of my other 11 out of 12 alts, i usually do 2 to 4 alts a day and they all get 1 to 3 pieces of good gear, hell 2 of my toons my main and an alt already in 3rd tier. So yeah this new way is some what frustrating but its do-able not like before, at least not for me. Before i played all the pvp and just get a relic or a chest piece and because i stopped doing all the other BS every one else had top gear and i didn't have a chance to compete at all. Now i am mid to top player in unrank depending which class im playing, and i can play solo where before i wouldn't dare on any class, so. JMO!


    I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. It literally took not even a minute to have full beginner pvp gear pre removal of expertise. You had enough warzone comms from playing warzones during leveling for a full set of pvp gear and even some ranked pvp gear. Again, what on earth are you even talking about?! When kotfe was first released you could, again, get pvp gear within minutes after hitting max level, that is assuming you did any pvp before 65. And if you didnt do any pvp before 65 you could STILL get it within hours. Please stop spreading false information and white knight defending a system that is more hated than ANY other system ever introduced into this game.

  17. it's also worth mentioning that this is 208's unaugmented vs 242 augmented. meaning the furthest difference possible, unless you haven't been on in well, years, and are still wearing war hero or something. (I still have that :p)


    Dont have 242s yet, i have tops 2 236 pieces which are in my guns and the rest are still 230, JUST got my full set last night.

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