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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. The performance updates in 5.0 were a nice minor update, but it doesn't change the fact that we're running on a franken-engine that creates more problems than it solves and probably should never have been used in the first place. Regardless of what type of machines the players have, the engine is in fact the primary problem when it comes to performance in this game.


    I can run graphic-heavy games like the Witcher 3 and ESO flawlessly on my PC, and I have no trouble with PvP in other MMO games....yet when I PvP or run certain operations in this game my FPS drops to little more than a slideshow. Character lag in pvp (your screen showing an enemy being right next to you, when in fact they are somewhere else and you can't attack them) is a game-breaking problem that we've had since launch, and that's an engine-related issue.


    I have the exact opposite problem. Enemies are 30 meters away from me on my screen, and are still hitting me with attacks that are 4 m range..... :/

  2. You all do realize that there isnt a single piece of content in this game that requires the raid to have more than 30k total dps right? (yes even the hardest NiM bosses can be beaten before getting to enrage by less than 30k DPS, if youre getting to enrage in this patch, someone in your group is doing 2k DPS, seriously, that or your group is not correctly geared or experienced)


    Seriously, not a one. Know what that comes out to? 7.5k DPS per DD (assuming main/offtank and 2 healers in an 8 man for 4 DD's)


    You could quite literally run four lightning sorc DPS and complete any content even on the highest modes.


    Why people are so obsessed with 9k+ is legitimately beyond me, bragging rights? Shaving 30 seconds off a boss fight at most? I mean lets be real here, there are no DPS checks the a quartet of the lowest averages could not complete successfully.


    Not to say sorc doesnt need some fixing up, but labeling classes "garbage" is complete and utter stupidity.


    Plasmatech doesnt even have that. ..... so they need a significant buff.

  3. Not saying plasmatech isn't weak but this is a sorc thread make one for plasmatech.


    They are trying to say sorcs need to be buffed, and I am saying that plasmatech and pyro need to be addressed LONG before sorcs need to be addressed. Sorry if swimming against the current makes you mad?

  4. The Plasma/ Pyrotech parse cracks me up.




    I wish we had some real pyrotech parses. I tried it for a while in 4.x HM operations. For some reason I was able to parse almost 7k on Nefra. I wonder if Nefra has less resistance to elemental damage...? Pyro has great AoE and it should be at least as good as IO (used to be the shared spec), but it's not.


    Yeah, the fact that both of plasmatechs dots do not spread when spreading their dots is one thing, and the other fact is that their dots are INCREDIBLY weak. I tried for the longest time for that spec to work, but its just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad.

  5. It isn't about whether it is *possible*, but whether it can be done at a vaguely reasonable cost. (For the record, GW2 also introduced a 64-bit client after they released the game. I've never seen it get above about 1.6GB of memory allocated(1).)


    (1) I have two screens, and I'll often leave Task Manager running on the secondary so I can see what, aside from the Windows Telemetry thing and the Kaspersky Rootkit scan, is dragging on my PC. It's usually either or occasionally both of those, simultaneously. I have no idea why KAV seems compelled to look for rootkits every two hours while the machine is running.


    Ill hvae to check how much is being used on my pc , i believe it was 8 last time I checked though....

  6. Come to The Progenitor or Red Eclipse. You will want to change that statement faster than you can say "cat".


    I dunno what you are talking about, but the quality level of player in TRE on Rep side is through the floor and at china atm. Players using the wrong stims, or no stims, players running 110 % accuracy in pvp, players that have no clue what augments are, players that dont even bother using their class buffs, I mean it is downright abysmal.

  7. Guys, you're confusing the weird/****** game's Engine with lag.

    This is a 2008 engine trying to run with 2014(??) graphics, it lags as **** if you're near other players running around and using skills.


    Its not cheating its just a ****** engine. If this game had an engine update like WoW did it would be run at 60fps even on a potato


    If it were just me, or one of the people on my team, then I would agree, but it is usually my entire team, and then when we are able to move again, we are all dead, and the whole enemy team is jumping around emote laughing at us. It is pretty blatent.

  8. Remove Responsible Safeguards and give it to Powertech on a 2min cooldown, PT balanced again.

    Reduce the healing of Kolto Overload back to 30%.

    Change Trauma Regulators to a maximum of 6 stacks. It's a 40% heal.


    Merc balanced, then the stupid FOTM rollers will roll sniper.


    So you want mandos to be 100% useless again. Got it.

  9. Not sure what period and what specs you are talking about for sins. At no point dec was over performing. They surely were powerful in most 2.0 era and currently. In 1.0, 3.0 and 4.0 they were under performing.


    Hatred was very strong in the end of 2.0. Ridiculously OP in 3.0, but that was short lived. They were nerfed in 3-4 patches over six month to the point were the became meh, and have been ever since.


    Tank was never really OP except in 1.0 era.


    As for DCDs, I do not recall sin dps was considered highly survivable class. They were always okay in the survivability department, never too powerful.


    During those time periods VGs and Mandos had god awful DCDs, in fact most classes had a lack of good DCDs, so sins had some pretty godly dcds for that time period. Sins were the longest lived OP class in the game, they are better now, but before all the extra survivability was added to other classes, they were top dog. There was a reason you saw nothing but sins and shadows for a very long time.

  10. I've experienced it in the Arenas. My frame rates don't dip below 45 fps even when this is happening. Usually one or two team mates (possibly including myself) are dead before the game "unstucks." I've had occassions where skills don't get invoked for several GCDs and then they're grey because I'm dead or stunned.


    Of course, no way for me to tell definitively that there is no issue with the server or some such thing.


    Thats the thing, im only seeing it in arenas as well. If it were server related it would be in warzones as well. It is clear as day for me that this is player induced, and should be for anyone else that ever experienced this in other pvp games.

  11. Both sin specs were op at different times, but not to the extent that snipers, mercs and sorc heals are now. I've never seen balance this bad.


    Yes, they were, their DCDs were ridiculous over the top compared to everyone elses, especially mandos and snipers, for the longest time. Sin was absolute EZ mode for years. If you get rid of mandos new dcds then the new utilities for other specs need to be taken away too, otherwise we will just be the punching bags -again-.

  12. How are Shadow's and Sin's FOTM? In this time we are melee, and very vulnerable to ranged attacks, I don't even play my sin these days because of it!


    Were, were. They were op for a veeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry long time. And BW just ignored it. I fully expect the same treatment here. The thing I worry about is that Assault specialist / IO will suffer dramatically if they nerf our utilities too hard. And then we will be useless...again.

  13. It's not the patch, it was happening before it.

    Are there particular maps its worse for You or is it all maps.


    No. This is not your traditional lag. This is your team only freezes in place, and then you unfreeze and your whole team is dead, and onyl your team experienced the lag. I have experienced this before, like I said, this is not normal lag. It is more complicated to do with dedicated servers, but it is 100% possible, and considering how bad the disparity is for rewards between winning and losing, expect it to happen more often.



    And this is EXACTLY what I am seeing in this game atm.

  14. This is scary very very scary.

    for two reasons:


    -it makes the game unbalanced for far too long.


    -and even if they fix, there is no guarantee that the problem was really fixed or if they made the class useless, or whatever... we need pvp class balancing more often....


    Like I said. Shadows and Sins were FOTM for over 2 years, do not expect anything from BW anytime soon on this subject.

  15. The problem with voidstar is the people think of facing north for east west instructions. But on the main map it is in reverse. For five years people call it left/ right with the gate being point of reference. East is right and west is left. Why make things complicated? Keep it simple it's typed commands to people who may not have English as their first language. Left 2, grass 4 mid 3.


    On the door thing not a bad idea would it be an improvement to say HUGE coloured banners above the door would be visually better and hopefully big enough for people to see?


    Honestly east and west should be standard. If someone says east, look at mini map, go east. Simple.

  16. Does it have any negative consequences? It annoyes players and thats the point of it. And sometimes it looks good.


    E.g the new deception-Sin-abilty combined with jumping looks and feels awesome.

    When casting Boltstorm strafe right and left very quickly and the animation starts to look really interesting. If I do that it means that I am really bored though.


    I also know some Juggs who are always jumping just for fun. Sometimes it fits the animations of their ability. But mostly it just makes enemies go mad. Also some say that they just have the reflex to jump around all the time so that their position gets updated faster if they actually need to move out of stupid.


    Again the purpose is mostly to annoy others. This is not stupid because they do not lose dps or anything doing that.


    My strong advice is to ignore it so it doesn't work as intended.


    It doesnt annoy me, I just end up giggiling because it looks so silly. Jumping is one thing because as a ranged , or vanguard player, sometimes you can attack your target in places that when if you stood still, you wouldnt be able to hit them, ie over obstacles . That is one thing, but just doing it in place is just stupid, and makes me laugh at whoever is doing it xD

  17. This is an excellent point that I never even thought of. They implemented a massive grind without a massive release of new content. Thus, those that care about gear are forced to do old content they've done numerous times before. And I'm not just talking about old content like stuff released in KOTFE. I'm talking about vanilla content from six years ago when the game released.


    Exactly my point. Literally the only reason i still play this game is because it is


    A. Star Wars


    B...........Well, I was going to say I havent found a mmo that has fun pvp. But even pvp has become annoying AF with GSF being P2W and warzones being you win only if you dont have a life and grind gear 24/7

  18. It might be related to the current patchlevel.

    I'm on cable, 100/5 mbit/s. low latency, capable router.

    I never had this in this game before.


    Ever since today, now that I'm no longer bottom feeder all the time,

    I'm starting to get lag.

    I suspect cheating to be honest. Why cheating? Because it only happens in PvP.

    But it might be something that was introduced with this patch.


    The lag is like a disconnection but after about 5 seconds all the packets that were supposed to reach you all come at once and sync up with the rest of the game.

    I don't have wireshark or similar packet capture software related installed to have proof, but I might if this goes on.


    My question to fellow players is have you also noticed those weird lag spikes?


    Honestly, considering how ridiculous it is to gear now through pvp, i wouldnt doubt if people were starting to stand by or lag switch. And yes it is 100% possible on a dedicated server, people have been doing it on pvp games for over a decade now. I remember this kind of stuff in gears of war way back, and this is far too similar. Our whole team will lag and walk in spot for a good 30 seconds, and then after it stops, we will all be dead and the enemy team will be jumping around like idiots. Normal lag spikes and stand bying / lag switching are pretty easy to tell apart.

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