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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. so i want to start to play on the server the red eclipse and i'm not sure if i can join the pub side for pvp. will we get stomped like 75% of the games? or is it balanced on this server? i like to play pvp and mostly the empire dominates in pvp and i'm afraid to join the republic side cause of that fact.


    If people constantly go to Imp side because they are terrified of a challenge then of course we will have a lot less good players. I -only- play pub. Working on gearing my Assault ( or wahtever its called now ) and healer commando and tank / plasmatech VG. Not at 70 yet, but I still have my 208 set gear and am just replacing the mods and enhancements until i can afford the new pvp gear.

  2. Try out GSF. I absolutely hated it when I tried it. I was so terrible. You got to give it some time and skill up a bit and upgrade your ship. Talk to me in game for help, or type /cjoin GSF (any server) and the folks in there are super nice and helpful. They are not mean like I am in PVP to people who suck.


    Anyways, GSF has been easily double earn rate of both CXP and components vs. pvp.


    The only thing I do not like about GSF is that it is kinda p2w. The ships you can buy from the cartel market are fully upgraded and eons better than the ones you can unlock in game.

  3. because Mercs do not need 3 heals.


    Ok, give us the ability to remove all dots, or resist all tech / all ranged attacks for a time, or stealth, or teleport, or a bubble like sorc, and we can talk. Until then, stop trying to turn us back into the punching bag for another 4 years.


    VG need a better self heal than their shoulder cannon, and maybe give them the ability to heal to 70% just like mercs, but they both NEED to be something you have to spend a utlity point on. Just like we do.

  4. Pretty much the only reason I am sticking around now is because they announced they will be reducing cost of the new gear and making it easier to get unassembled pieces. That and I want to roflstomp the empire on iokath. But if they announce that the reduction in cost will be tiny, then I will still be outtie and move on to FF14
  5. The activated relics are not as good as I thought they were going to be. Their proc is nearly 50% smaller than the one you get from the classic serendipitous assault and focused retribution relics, on top of worse uptime (even if you activated them on cooldown). Also, the alacrity one is often going to be moderately or heavily DR'd alacrity.


    I think they're better in solo ranked games that don't have the trinity because that precious first kill or two is usually not going to come late enough in the round for the long cooldown on the activated relics to have really started to hurt much. I guess you could make an argument that they're better for hardswap in group ranked but I'm not buying that one honestly.


    For longer fights and scenarios where it is difficult to ensure the activated procs get you the kills you need I think the classic relics are probably better.


    Even with DR, using the alacrity one, with alacrits enhancements and alacrity buffs from active abilites you can get your alacrity to 20 %. Which is -insane- . The activation ones should -not- be usable in pvp.

  6. Em, stealth? Seriously, people need to not complain if they do not use their brain.


    If there were 2 healers, you shouldnt be able to dps a merc down. You should be focusing on the healers and stunning the dps :rolleyes:

  7. I have tried both Carnage and Fury. I do much better with Carnage. Ever since the Merc change, it is very hard to take one down. Only way to leap to a sniper is if they're moving. You have run to them while getting the **** shot out of you. You add 2 or 3 mercs and 2 healers, melee is toast. If I have a dedicated healer I can stay up. But you can get a merc down to practically dead he is back up to 75% and the healers get them back to 100. Same with Snipers. I am not the best Mara but I can hold my own and do well unless there a ton of mercs and healers in the WZ. Last night, we had two Maras, a Juggernaut and a deception sin. Other side. 2 healers and 2 mercs. We were done before it started. Even with 3 of us on the same target we couldn't take that merc down.


    Em, stealth? Seriously, people need to not complain if they do not use their brain.

  8. So what is it? Melee underpowered or ranged classes over powered? Mercs are op and snipers are up there, they not only have an advantage of range, but also are extremely mobile and have enormous damage and survivability. You can't have all. Are you even recognizing a problem here? Some classes are cannon fodder right now like Juggernauts, Sorcs and PTs and If you're a mara in anything except Fury spec (thx CC immunity) you are dead after your undying expires. Meanwhile Snipers are immune to CC, dish out crazy dmg, have rolls and are extremely mobile, can't be charged and have 3% passive heal. Mercs are well, you know how it is with them. OP's are not as big of a problem with fixed countermeasures. Sins are kinda alright now without stance bug. So what are you gonna do BioWare? Nerfing is not the answer, bring all the classes to Merc \ Sniper level and actually pay attention to BALANCE.


    Welcome to Gunslingers and Commandos world for the LAST FIVE YEARS! Anyhow, I have no problems face them with my scoundrel. I suggest you just learn your class better.

  9. I am really lost on why you all are insisting an 1 boss encounter is an operation?


    I am also confused why you all are so exciting and giving praise and thank you to a developer that took more than 2 years to make an 8/16 man encounter when they have all the tools, editing software, and assets already at their disposal?


    Fallout 4 has a better level editor free with the game than what the devs want us to think they have.


    Shoot back in 1996 I bought a DOOM level editor that was able to completely mod the game.


    1998 Starcraft came with a full level editor with scripts and triggers.


    And these fools with millions in budget can only do 1 boss at a time? And it will take 1 year to make 5 bosses?


    So it is just going to be a boss? No story to it? Nothing like EC or SnV, or any of the operations in the game except for the Ziost "operation" . If that is the case, I am done. An OP is an OP. Not a world boss labeled an op.

  10. How do you define "flashpoint"? What do you consider the new "Uprisings" to be? It's content for 4 people in extra instances. Aren't they "flashpoints" at the end? (Whether you like them or not is irrelevant for a definition.)


    Flashpoints Generally have story to them, uprisings are gutted flashpoints with a ridiculous amount of clustered mobs for people with short attention spans ( imo )

  11. Here, even though this article is now over a year old.... 800,000 - 1.2 million estimated regular subscribers and 5 million total subscribers to date. And they clarify that the figure is only PAYING accounts and does not include free trials.




    Since that time, they have passed they have added another 1 million since then.


    So yes, I mis-spoke earlier with the 800k-1.2m concurrents when it was subs. But it is a far cry from the fiction you have been posting.


    Secondly, as for overtaking WoW, ask yourself why after ten years of reporting subs did Activision decide to stop reporting once they got down to the 5.5 million mark.


    Finally, as to excluding Japan, you do remember when this game has Asia Pacific servers, no?


    I am doing the trial right now, and the starting towns are absolutely full. And not just with trial players, with veterans and mentors ( still learning )

  12. I already know quite a bit about FF14, one of my best friends plays it as his main MMO.


    Honestly I may make the switch too. Because at least they use the sub money for content. REGULAR released content. And not 3 hours of content over a year or more. I would go back to ESO, but they made the ridiculous decision to make gear stronger than your actual attacks. So you die from attacking people. lol.

  13. Lot of talk and not a lot of showing in that video. FF14's got pretty poor storytelling compared. Silent protagonists and text based story? I'd have fun with it while the novelty of it being new lasted. FF14 is more MMO than RPG (the reverse of swtor), and I don't think that'll keep me invested in my characters.


    There are plenty of gameplay videos, just take a look to the right at the other ones and look for yourself. :confused:

  14. Always love it when people get their facts wrong while trying to impress other players to follow them to some other MMO.


    The last published data said they had 6 million accounts created since launch.... not active subs. Sounds about right actually, and shows that they too have a retention problem when compared to their active sub numbers. But all MMOs have retention problems now days.. so no surprise.


    Their active sub base as last disclosed is ~ 300K in North America, 150K in Japan, and 50K elsewhere. A respectable level for any MMO.. but nowhere near the 6million fiction you just dropped here.


    If my facts are wrong, then post data to prove otherwise. Just saying its wrong doesnt make it wrong. Not saying I dont believe you. But I just started and the starting area is flooded with people still. And the fact that they can hold the game afloat with a sub only system speaks pretty much for itself.

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