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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. Point is it required considerable skill, merc is foolproof as it forgives mistakes, Sniper does not! Ballistic shield won't heal anyone through arsenal burst, Merc can however heal through my ambush, probes or whatever im using


    Exactly, and like i already stated, ballistic shield was already nerfed HARD from the get go. It used to be 5 % health per second, and they nearly halfed it right off the bat. Yet merc defensives were left alone.

  2. In some matches in ranked there are only 4 / 8 players mercing. That always feels so lacking. Its usually 6/8!


    On a serious note: the merc is op. I main a merc. Its dmg is fine but the selfheals are too strong. Same with sniper and sorc heal actually. Those three classes rule PvP. And if a merc is defeated by an operative, PT, mara, Jugg, Sorc-DD, Sin, then it is because he is a bad fotm-reroller.


    And again: I main a Merc. I recently had to proof an operative who used to kill mercs in 1vs1 that its only because those mercs are bad.

    After a few duells he admitted, that my merc is invincible. And its not because he is bad and I am not. I just know how to use the deff-cds.


    If you feel vulnerable on your merc then beware of playing any other classes because mercs feel like tanks for those who can handle e.g. a Mara.


    Snipers self heals are no where near mercs. We dont have a single heal to full ability...... And they already nerfed our bubble pretty quickly after 5,0 was released.

  3. This so much this!!!! Yes yes yes.



    Also use cardinal directions north, south, east, west when calling for help. Or terrain like snow, grass.


    Not relative directions like left, right.


    That annoys me more than anything. Left and right. I mean, seriously that is subjective to which way the player is currently facing.....

  4. Like I said I agree that swtor needs plenty of group content thrown into the mix... Where did you get the 30% from BTW? Or is that just a guess? Anyway... Personally im enjoying the game (I don't even hate the GC since that's only a bonus to gear I get through group PvE and PvP content) and ofc its everyone's choice whether they fell the game is for them or not (anymore).


    The problem is, without the set gear in pvp you are at a massive disadvantage. You need it, and the grind is just too much atm, and a ton of people left because of it. As for the drop off. You just have to do the math. Peak periods had far more players before and during kotfe, then it dropped a little, and then after GC many servers are flat lining. Check the server forums. It is pretty well documented that GC has absolutely driven off subs in droves. Servers that were struggling before might as well be dead.

  5. If the game rebooted to 2.10x but kept the QoL improvements 3.x+ brought ... and then kept up a content release cadence comparable to other MMORPGs out there ... do you think that would be enough to bring this game back? I ask this because veteran awards won't help. It's fluff. We're sick of fluff. Besides, our luck we'd get more droid parts.


    Rather, veterans simply want their MMORPG back. We haven't had a real expansion in over 3 years. Reboot to at least pre-KotFE and give us a full expansion like this ... or this ... or this and I guarantee veterans would be returning in droves. I'd even trade back 2 of those huge & explorable Legion zones (each is the size of Belsavis) for main story that my wife and I could level through together. I would pay $60 for a SWTOR expansion of Legion's scope, scale and magnitude ... $100.00 if they brought back all 8 individual class stories for it.


    This is supposed to be a Imps vs. rebels epic-galactic-warfare save-the-galaxy-with-your-hero-friends (think Luke, Leia, Han & Chewy) Star Wars MMORPG (like what we had prior to Shadow of Revan) ... not a low-budget single-player monologue with some copy & paste co-op thrown in. This whole thing sucks.


    Divest KotFE's and KotET's stories into a single player KOTOR III using KotFE's Eternal Championship for end game ... and give us our damn MMO back!


    That is exactly what needs to happen. Taht is what i meant by bad design. It was getting better for a while, then it just took a swan dive into a lava lake.

  6. I have to wonder how folks think they can construct an argument on empirical evidence all the while dismissing any factual evidence as skewed... And no, not all people that did ops (my guild has a run almost daily) left... And not all people that PvP left since my waiting time was less then a minute for warzones last night. Some people left, true... For whatever reason... Now the question is do you cater to then and try to bring them back or cater to those that are still here?! I'm just making a point mind you, I think new ops and PvP warzones are vital to the survival of any mmo and in glad they are bringing them... But they should not forget that it is the RPG part (i.e. story) that makes swtor what it is...


    Your waiting time has decreased because people are moving servers. Case in point is TRE. French and german guilds have abandoned ship on the other servers and are coming to TRE en masse.


    Story is great and all. But factual evidence also shows you have had more than enough story content in the last 2 years. Factual evidence shows that we have had a complete lack of pvp, and large group content in the last 2 years. And Factual evidence shows that there has been an approx. drop of 30% in subs since GC was released. Every move BW does is a shot in the foot lately.


    A responsible MMO developer would introduce something for everyone every xpac released. But BW is seemingly incapable of doing that. So it is high time for ops and warzones to be addressed.


    I can tell you right now, my 2 guilds have dwindled to nothing since the beginning of the kotfe campaign, and the introduction of GC. These are guilds that had 500 active members. And now we are down to 20. Entire OPs based guilds have disappeared and many MANY pvp guilds have gone quiet. You cannot support an mmo on story content that has 0 replayability. If the story introduced had a unique playthrough for every class, that would be different. But not what we are getting now.

  7. Welcome to my world. I was actually yelled at yesterday for not checking the ops frame and map in a warzone when a node got captured while one of my teammates was defending. Because, that totally wouldnt be detrimental to team performance if everyone stopped combat and looked at the map and scrolled over the teammates indicator to check their health. Heaven forbid the guy / gal would have called out with a simple letter / number. Clearly 1g is more difficult than what i described. :confused:
  8. I was just wondering if there will ever be an acknowledgement of the really REALLY bad ability delay / lag in KOTFE and even worse in KOTET? This is beyond frustrating in veteran and master mode, and a simple " we are aware of the problem and are working on it " would be nice. Some of the areas in KOTET with this issue are downright not possible simply because of this issue. Case in Point, chapter two in KOTET after the crash landing. The beasts hit me 2 or 3 times before my attacks / abilities fire off, and it is luck if I am able to beat the enemies off before dying . Done all the normal tests to check for packet loss, etc. Nothing on my end.
  9. Hey folks,


    We are aware of the issue and it is currently slated to be fixed for 5.2. I will pass on additional updates as I have them.




    This kind of lazy bug fixing is what puts people off in this game. This kind of thing deserves a hotfix or the Uprising needs to be taken out of rotation until it is fixed because if we get into that uprising and then everyone quits, we get locked out of queue for a while. :rolleyes:

  10. Something happened to the audio for the Fragmentation Grenade on my agent. Explosion sound is gone. Happened recently, not sure which patch.


    This has been going on for ages. It happens on beast enemies most of the time from what I can tell. With droids and humanoids it works.

  11. Operations... oh... that's such a shame. These kind of things always keep me from fully enjoying a game's story. Same happened to Guild Wars 2. I'm more of a solo player because I can't find anyone play with. I once tried to do some Operations with a few guilds here and there; they were all failures. The ones I queued for didn't work out either... and these things last for hours and drain me out completely.


    I still haven't managed to finish the Dread Masters storyline at all. I have asked for some of guide on the Forums and did my search, but came out empty-handed. I was really hoping for a normal Chapter or a Flashpoint...


    We needed ops dreadfully bad. This game has gone from bad population to worse population through a combination of an absolute draught of ops and pvp content, lack of daily areas, and the abomination that is GC. We have had quite enough story content over the last 2 years. And please dont say " OH THE METRICS!" The metrics are highly skewed because people who played ops before a lot and played pvp a lot before have left even before KOTFE was released.

  12. In my experience fighting merc, dots still go through. I'll try running some test wit a friend later to be 100% sure, but I did test aoe on Energy Shield and Responsive Sageguard, and they go through.


    Assuming you play concentration, that means high powered sweep goes through, and cyclone slash. Twin Saber throw will also deal its damage normally.


    I adressed the post above in a general way, since it seemed to me thread had "again" evolved in a **** no class can fight merc thread, rather than just the sent that started the thread.


    I'm not 100% sure, but I do think Force Exhaustion is considered as a DoT, and potentially couldnt be reflected. If someone is absolutely sure from experience its not the case, feel free to correct me.


    If you play Combat, its the spec that has the possibly bigger potential to be had by a merc's cd from the sheer APM of its burst. You can also potentially do a surprise zen power cyclone slash spam on them tough they won't expect.


    As for Watchmen, well as I said I'm fairly sure dots aint reflected affected by merc's cooldown, but I'd need to check. As they are not "direct attacks" against you, they shouldnt be. If they are not, then you can apply overcharge saber with cyclone slash and force melt at the very least, and tbh it might be worth the 5% healing to use cauterize.


    Your biggest challenge will be preventing the kiting or minimizing it. The best sent/marauder I fight as ranged are not those who do the most damage per move, but those that are very hard to to kite.


    The rest, I normally kill even with lightning sorc without too much trouble.


    All AOE goes through, but single target abilities do not. I play dirty fighting gunslinger, and I can tell you 100%, dots get reflected, and it is annoying AF, because they get healed and you cant do anything about it, same with juggernauts, they reflect them back at you too. :mad:

  13. Without their defensives Mercs are still the squishy glass cannon they always have been so in a vacuum of one v one all dcd's up to beat a merc you need to


    1. Reflect - Hard stun them then LoS them til it wears off.

    2. Energy shield -Stealth out and don't reengage the merc until the 12 secs is up

    3. Kolto overload - Soft stun

    4. Electro net - Save cc break for this


    Killing a merc requires strategy and patience just trying to melt them down won't work. Remember 2 of their H2F are the result of bad dps (unless you are playing watchman) and hitting them while their defensives are up.


    Pretty much the case for all dot specs. Your dots get reflected and heal them as well. Its kind of dumb honestly. I just stopped playing my commando because it is too much of a face roll.

  14. Well I can say my operative stands a better chance than my sent but usually ends in a stalemate since her damage output is lower than merc heal threshold but using well timed stuns and the like my operative is definitely strong enough to be annoying to a Merc. So a class with survivability and higher dps may be able to take on a Merc easily.


    After reviewing some of my recorded PvP of last night i noticed the battles had about 2-3 sorcs with the Merc. I should have noped right out of that. :p


    That is pretty much my experience as well. Going against mercs with my scoundrel, it usually just ends up lasting forever.

  15. Most of the people saying there isn't a problem here probably use a macro mouse, keyboard, or program that lets them group up a few abilities on a single key.


    That being said, some of us like having ability bloat. Other than ESO, I can't get into a mmo unless there are 20+ abilities. I know it's old school, but it's nice not to have stuff dumbed down to the point anyone can do it just as well, or to the point where only one correct response is possible.


    I have never touched a macro in my life. Spend 20 € for a cheap mmo mouse, and bam, easy mode with all the abilities.

  16. Summer definetly but EA fiscal year ends in march, so we will know more soon enough what will happen with this game. Bioware wont tell us bad news if EA makes decision that this game is not worth running next year if it comes to that. Instead will make tons of direct CM sales before the end.

    A lot fans are underestimating EA greed and this company policy - MAKE good profit or abandon the game.


    So Bioware will just limp and squeeze as much they can with current content and doing as minimal as possible new content. From business point of view it makes sense. Why produce a lot new content if profit and subs going down. I'm not gonig into that why its happening - its already debated for years.


    It is happening because of lack of content and bad game design. Simple. It actually makes no sense from a business perspective because it puts even more of a bad taste in peoples mouth when it comes to BW and EA, so they will avoid their products like the plague in the future.

  17. The Harbinger is the only real choice for a true SWTOR player that loves to pvp/raid and other group activities it maybe toxic with the fleet dirt bags but when you look passed that it's a great server and the down times are nothing like it used to be very few times has it been down.


    But if you play on EU then TRE is the only choice it's the Harbinger of EU.


    I have noticed a LOT of french and German refugees coming into TRE now. Which is VERY welcome as a Pub player =D.

  18. You have a very valid point. However, I'm an addict like most of us here. The devs know this, and take full advantage of it. Which is why the game is the way it is. It's a horrible self fulfilling prophecy. IF some other decent sci-fi mmo comes along, I think it will be just enough for a lot of us addicts to leave swtor for good.


    I know, unless some things change A LOT around here, I will be leaving as soon as the Morrowind XPACK for ESO comes out.

  19. Are there any MK3s dropping at all, apart from the same ears and implants over and over again?! I now reached tier 2 and all I have is doubles of the same ears and implants that I cannot even pass to my alts. This gearing method is demoralising and will make me unsub.


    You either get ridiculously lucky like I did last night and got a pair of mk 15 boots and mk 15 legs on my gunslinger, or you get unlucky like my scoundrel where I have only gotten a belt till lvl 90 so far. Which is why this system is beyond dumb and has caused already struggling servers to flat line now.

  20. I don't believe you that you EZed on any class but I agree that its easiest on Merc. Can confirm that Mara and Sniper is possible to. With my Jugger and PT... no I don't even try :D


    Merc you can literally just use one defensive CD per mob and when you get to your last, repeat, and jst win super easy. Or if you want to cheese it, set companion to tank for mobs and spec for healer. xD

  21. ???


    § (or tilde or whatever is on left side of "1" button), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    Q, E, R, T, F, G, X, V

    Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3, Alt+4

    Alt+Q, Alt+W, Alt+E, Alt+A, Alt+S, Alt+D

    Shift+Q, Shift+W, Shift+E, Shift+A, Shift+S, Shift+D


    That's 30. You only need one hand (two if you map some of them to mouse buttons if you have MMO/MOBA mouse). That's not even all you can do. You can go even further from WASD keys: H, B, Y, 6, or start using CTRL as modifier, etc. Those are just the ones that are comfortable for me.




    You don't even need MMO mouse for that. All you need is mouse with two side buttons for strafe left/right. By default, you run forward if you press left and right mouse button down.


    That would drive me crazy. I just use the directional buttons, and literally just use my thumb for combat. Have 12 buttons on my mouse, and use the buttons by themself, buttons + shift, buttons + ctrl, buttons + alt. Works beautifully.


    As for the guy saying the abilities are situational. Clearly you never played pvp or ops or flashpoints.....

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