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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. It is the opposite on my server. If you queue solo, you will lose most games on Impside against Pubs. This is, in my opinion, a natural human problem. From ranked matches I know that almost all good Pubs have Impchars.


    They reason why they do not queue for regs on Impside is because everyone who is into PvP knows, that there will be at least one PvP-Guild queueing with a premade on Pubside, while only people who don't know much about PvP queue on Impside.


    So it is mostly about "joining the winning team". I don't understand this as an insult, I think it is very human. By queueing on Pubside, PvPers reduce the risk to get mixed with really bad mates and get stomped by premades they probably even know personally.


    There is actually one solution to this:


    We used to have the same inbalance in solo ranked. But then the Imp-players, most of them - sorry - awful players, stopped queueing on Impside and instead the queued with their Pubchars. They suddenly "flooded" the Pubside, so that every match was Pub vs Pub and there were so many bads at any time of the day, that gaining rating became all about luck.


    Some PvPers then actually transfered to another server because they got so annoyed. And others said: hey lets queue on Impside now, since all bads are queueing on Pubside.


    Now the inbalance turned around completly: while regs stayed the same, in ranked as an Imp playing against Pubs you will win in 90% of the matches, because only awful players don't know that no good players queue on Pubside anymore.


    So the solution is to create a new mix of playerbase:


    Either the Imps on your server just have to create Pubchars and play only Pubs until the PvPers get so annoyed by them, that they go Imp




    All warzones have to be crossfaction like Odessen.


    It just needs to be cross faction . Most simple solution , it is clearly already in the game, all they need to do is literally hit a button. But they are being stubborn.

  2. I honestly agree with you, which is why I am only paying my sub until the big expansion for ESO comes out. Then I am done. These devs dont give a hoot about the playerbase. If they did they wouldnt have created Galactic crapquest. And they would release content that caters to all players , to lure in new players all around. But instead we get 1 expac ( if you can even call it that ) per YEAR, and alienate all but one player base.
  3. Exactly. All warzones being made cross faction would fix how 5.0 ruined faction balance. The only people who would dislike it are those who are wimps and switched to imp side to ride the gravy train for easier wins. But really, even those people shouldn't care because now that pubs have checked-out, most wars are just imp versus imp anyhow.



  4. The RP. It makes the whole thing awesome. And probably one of the few things that still keep me playing.


    Right. You are into RP. If you were into RP, you wouldnt be on TRE. Sorry, argument invalid. And even then they could fix that by calling it a combat simulation in so and so setting. Boom, there is your RP.

  5. Having multiple abilities that essentially perform the same function doesnt make it "more fun".

    Pressing 1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6 over and over again isnt really fun.


    Not sure why some people equate pressing more buttons = more fun.


    When abilities are condensed, u have more time to actually see the combat and move around, rather than stand there and press buttons.


    I can move around just fine and attack. Its called an mmo mouse, if you dont have one while playing an mmo, you should really consider it.

  6. But I DO NOT PvP, why should my mercenary pay for whats happening in PvP ??? :mad::mad::mad:


    Even in PVE they are overperforming . I can just EZ mode my waythrough veteran and master on my commando, but on anyother calss? Nope.

  7. This. We need to be carried because we can't win on our own.


    It isnt even that. The numbers are so low on Pub side on TRE atm that you almost ALWAYS get 4v4s because the imbalance is JUST that bad. When I occasionally play imp side, which I hate to do, I almost always get instant pops and almost always have 8v8s and it is almost always imp v imp. this is a glaring problem atm, and honestly the reason they say they dont do that is because of RP. Well, they could spend a few hundred dollars, revoice the intros in each warzone so it is made out to be a battle simulation. Period. It is PvP, not RP. Seriously, what do you have to lose from cross faction? Nothing.

  8. Typically you lose 9 out of 10 on pub (at level 70), but when you switch to imp you typically only get a little better than 50/50, perhaps 6 out of 10. That is because most pubs have already given up on 5.0 so you see a lot of imp versus imp battles. I strongly dislike imp v imp, when i'm on the imp side pvping i'm not there to kill only other imps. (But I do love the odessen war, all wars should be a mix).


    You are correct about the issue, a many year long gear grind like 5.0 is the death of top level pvp, because one side quickly gets fully geared and the other side pretty much will just wait until 6.0 to revisit pvp, there is no catching up. And to make things worse, imagine in about 8 months when you are done gearing up your main, and decide to switch to a nice fresh level 70 alt with full 208's in PvP against almost entirely tier 4 geared imps. Yup, no chance.


    I fully expect it to be dead until 6.0, however you made a good suggestion of removing the advantage of wins towards daily/weeklies (ONLY IF THEY REDUCE THE NUMBER REQUIRED IN HALF). This may help a tiny amount, but it may take very drastic things to save it. Maybe something like a 10% to all stats stackable buff everytime you lose a war only removes when you win a war. Or a pub only +25% to intelligence buff for players (yes to players, not their characters). ;-)


    This. We need all matches to be cross faction. Ignoring the faction imbalance by not doing that is just dumb on BW's part.

  9. Who said anything about a trinity premade? Just let people play what they feel like and wing it.


    Anyway.. here you go, complaining about people doing premades and stomping you (since if they werent stomping you, they wouldnt be emoting) Yet you say you CHOOSE not to premade yourself. Sounds like you're just trying to work yourself into the position you are. You just lost all right to complain.


    Lol. Wut? I was complaining about people being inconsiderate and insulting, not about premades themselves. There is a difference between being in a premade and winning with class, and being in a premade and being an ***. Which is very common now a days. Even if you don't think it is a problem.

  10. I'm not quite sure why this is such a problem to you, nor why you feel the urge to react so strongly.


    There are going to be ******s that like to be using emotes everytime they cap your node even if they do it 3v1.

    I still guarantee you these people like closer games better than pushovers.


    But honestly.. stop paying it so much attention lol. If I get ninjacapped by a bunch of tryhards that happened to run into a double premade you won't see me give much of a ****.

    I might mumble something about them coming to me alone out of frustration..

    but that doesn't mean I want to make a *********** forum post about how it's retarded that something like double premades can happen. Because it's not. That's the game. Deal with it.


    Do you really think you are the only one facing these problems? Get better and you could form a better deterrent.

    Lo and behold someone might even invite you to their premade spontaneously.


    Used to play in them with Eastiano and a few others a while back, did and done, was boring imo, and I never was a dick to the people that we won against. Emotes are one thing, going into say and insulting someone outright is another. Also been invited since, but again, unless it is ranked, I find going into regs in a trinity premade is just stupid.

  11. Because literally everyone (save a couple lost souls) has their main on the Imperial side now.

    And that was the case long before I made my Sin my main.

    I don't log Rep, not because I'm afraid of losing, but because I have nothing to seek there.


    That also makes the rest of your post irrelevant if not blatantly false.


    Maybe false for you, maybe not, but I have seen this kind of behavior he described on dozens of occasions when imp players come to rep. I had a certain someone insult me for not letting him 1 v 1 people at a node for his stream and then *****ed our team out for not helping him at that node and then he rage quit. So yeah. It happens.

  12. I think you will find that these are pretty much nonexistant. If you've ever been on the giving end of this spectrum I think you'd quickly realize that pushover wins are pretty damn boring. Everyone likes closer matches, but the games population doesn't really leave a whole lot of room for advanced matchmaking.


    LOL. Yes, sure, tell that to BiJ....or guilds like them. Who insulted everyone and their mother when they were pug stomping. They exist, saying they dont is just living in absolute denial.

  13. Depends on your perspective. For a new player, this game has a staggering amount of content. For an old player, not so much...then again, an old player of ESO or GW2, for instance, will feel the same way you do, about those games.


    Um. No. ESO offers a TON of content 3-4 times a year. And MASSIVE expansions every year and a half or so, that introduce entire land masses and 20 hours of content or more. And, they are even offering a new class come june. Which is pretty much when I will be leaving this game again because the amount of content they release just puts BW to shame. There is a reason they got best mmo twice in a row, and best business model. The ONLY reason I am not playing right now is because I dont like the classes they offer atm. And with the new nature magic class coming in June, I will be all over that game for an unknown amount of time.

  14. I'm relatively new so i still have a lot of content i haven't done. For those of you that have already donde most, if not all several times, having to grind just so you can do again the exact same thing must look like a really bad joke that never ends.


    Exactly. If there was a lot more content, like there is in Asian MMOs, then the grind would be warranted and even acceptable. But at the rate BW releases content. No. Just not acceptable.

  15. I'm not sure how much difference it makes as long as they have something in every slot on their character sheet... does Bolster care whether a piece of armour has anything it?

    No, seriously, do you need to have parts in your modifiable armour for it to be bolstered?


    I remember when KotFE first dropped and we had to do a bunch of PvP to get M1-4X. As a weird kind of protest*, I bought the slavegirl set from Nar Shaddaa for my Jedi Sentinel main to wear in warzones and never put any parts in it.


    * I utterly despise PvP as a melee damage dealer. I can rarely, if ever, keep up the way I need to. My logic was "I'm doing this against my will... what better way to symbolise that than wearing the slavegirl bikini, which is completely inappropriate combat attire anywhere outside of Malaterra"



    With the addition of Unassembled Components, I've found it necessary to attempt pvp again on my Sentinel. It's still a whole lot better as my Commando or my Operative (stealth mode ftw), but I usually take it seriously now as her... though I have done the 'slavegirl bikini protest' in a couple of Huttball matches, because I hate Huttball and just can't take that garbage seriously... but unless I have heals, I'm worse than useless in Huttball regardless of what my character is wearing so c'est la vie.


    Unassembled components were introduced specifically for pvp actually, which is why you only get them for pvp activities. You can get set pieces through ops and GC for pve very , VERY easily. There was actually going to be a valor requirement for the gear you buy with those at first, but BW conveniently forgot to implement that. Set gear is not nearly as important for PvE, except for maybe NM ops, as it is for pvp.

  16. Not that they're going to change/fix any cut scene animations, but even if they did, Assassins/Shadows aren't the ones who would need the first priority. The styles and stances they use are a little irregular, but they still fit the weapon, don't clip, etc. Meanwhile, Agent Trooper-type classes don't even use their weapon at all, and Sentinels/Marauders suddenly switch from dual-wielding to single sabers. They deserve a once-over their cutscene animations, if anyone does. And heck, after them, I'd still put Assasshadows lower than PTs, Sages, and Sorcs, who rely on their weapons in cutscenes despite the fact that they don't use their weapons in-game at all (although they are at least equipped with them, unlike the others).


    This. The commandos are the absolute most glaring. " Hey I have this GIANT ASSAULT CANNON , but let me just pull out this puny blaster pistol to fight the Empress of Zakuul......

  17. My dear Lad, or Lassie, what do I know, I gonna try this once more, the continuation is pretty much up to you . . .

    Now, the bulk of the pvp population is made up of average pvpers, contrary to popular belief that 90% of the pvp population consist of awesome, never losing, Solo killing Team carriers, 'cos as you so correctly remarked things would be very different then.


    The average pvp player, you know those who makes the regular pops possible in Regs, mind you I'm going out on a limb here, is dependant not only on decent gear, but among other things, healers and a good team composition. That's three(3) lets say, basic things, Gear, Healers, and a good team composition(as a couple of participants that actually know what they're doing), lacking one or two of these things and an average pvper instantly turns into a BaD one, OR in perfect environment actually looking like a decent pvper, and as such he/she might even get such confidence that he comes here on these forums and spread his uberness!


    Know imagine one faction being drained of 1 or 2 of the above 3 described things, due to a lack of wins OR just a belief that he/she belongs to the top 90 % and after 3 losses just changes faction. And Violá, ups there it is, the perceived winning faction!! This isn't mind boggling logic it's quite simple natural human behavior and no one is really at fault for it to be so, unless one, like say, a Dev, is unaware of this in puts in an order of things that actually accentuates and reinforce that behavior.


    Exactly. And that would be the unassembled components and a horrible method of gearing.

  18. But if all the people that cannot make a win just reroll, shouldn't they be dragging down the winning side?


    Edit: Damn, I missed it! It's the gear! Always the gear! So when 4-7 people get capped in Novare right in front of their pretty noses, it must be because they didn't stack enough Alacrity, have longer GCDs and cannot interrupt properly... right?


    No, it clearly went over your head. They go over because the imps , and this is pretty much widely accepted for tre, win most of the time, and they get more unassembled piees. So people roll imp. No point in even talking to you about this because it is pretty clear that you will just have trollish remarks in return anyhow no matter how thought out the discussion.

  19. Well, "attraction" has nothing' to do with it. Everyone wants to be a winner, so if you don't wanna fight an uphill battle you simply re-roll on the side that are the one who seems to be the winning side. How does make that faction imbalance increased? Well, you put in a reward system that makes the winning side able to obtain better gear quicker! It's all quite simple really. No Nobelprize nomination is required to figure that out . . .


    Oh and congratulation to your 13th birthday by the way . . .:rolleyes:


    Exactly. It is the sheep effect. :rak_04:

  20. Or, if the special snowflakes learnt to play, if they insist on playing Ill-murder-you-in-the-name-of-justice.


    That wouldn't do anything for the faction imbalance. If you re going to quote me, quote everything I said instead of cherry picking it so people can see it in context. :rolleyes: And the reason I do not play imp is simple, bigotry. The amount of people, not everyone obviously, but the amount of people on imp side that are intolerant l33t ******s is astonishing and depressing.


    That is completely off topic though, so let's not go there.

  21. I'm really not that angry. I just swear a lot.


    Anyway the point remains.


    But I really don't think a group queue would work at this point since the player base is just too small. You don't always have groups running. What they could do though, is smarten up the system to put groups against each other more.


    At this point ANYTHING would be welcomed. But if they did all three of the things I said, we would be golden. But you know, logic doesn't work when it comes to BW xD.

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