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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. They also put a 1000 component cap. So you can't stockpile them until you can finish your gear set with them. You got to spend them fairly often.


    People will buy a new piece and they will get that same piece in a crate. If that happen for a tier 3 gear piece, that's around 500 component wasted. Somewhere between 100 to 200 matches for nothing (depending on the Arena/WZ and Win/loses ratio).


    This system is the worst system they have ever implemented. They said they wanted to make it less complicated when they removed warzone comms, but they just made it 100000000000000000000 times worse now. :mad:

  2. I was hoping this was a bug. After resigning myself to the awful 5.0 gear grind, I have slowly accumulated a full set/near full set of purple 230s and have crafted augs/implants that min/max my main toons, based off the info that is out there (thanks Bant, Hottie, and company). With the 5.0 bolster, the gear set ups I have been using seemed to be good enough to last me the entirety of 5.0.... if Bioware didn't change things drastically.


    At face value, it appears that 5.1 is going to make my current 5.0 gear set ups sub optimal (I'm guessing my crit is going to be well below the soft cap on my dps toons). I'd personally rather pvp gear be easy to obtain, but I am alright with having to put in a little work (4.0 for example). But once I've done that work, I'd like it to last longer than just .1 of the 5.0 phase.


    That is the same thing I did, and all my stats dropped HEAVILY. Absolutel ridiculous. Whoever came up with this needs to be fired, and I usually dont say things li8ke this.

  3. what is your gear?


    230 - 234 all augmented fully optimized pre bolster nerf.


    People that had higher ( what was the max?) were just obliterating me and laughing at me.


    And stars help my teammates who had 208, or 216

  4. Five Tier 1 components? The components have tiers? I was assuming that components would not have tier restrictions....


    Here is the math for the gear. Forgot who did it, but here you go


    Some math (just for tier 1 as my brain doesn't even want to consider tier 2 or tier 3):

    1290 components are required for a full set of tier 1.

    Assuming a 50% regular unranked warzone win percentage ==> (5 + 2) / 2 = 3.5 components per warzone

    1290 / 3.5 = ~369 regular warzones to get tier 1......*passes out*

    Assuming a casual dude such as myself runs 5 warzones per day ==> 369 / 5 = 73.8 days to get tier 1


    So I followed up on this...didn't read past this to see if anyone else had...but once tier 1 is complete it will be another 486 matches and once tier 2 is complete another 730 matches!!!


    Freaking insane!!! In total that is 1585 total matches and assuming the 5 matches per day that puts you at 317 DAYS!!! That is roughly 10.5 MONTHS!!!

  5. I'm a casual PvPer but this change actually doesn't bother me. If I want the best gear I need to work for it. If that means I get slaughtered until I get, so be it. That's reality.


    Enjoy getting slaughtered for10,5 months.


    Here is the math


    Some math (just for tier 1 as my brain doesn't even want to consider tier 2 or tier 3):

    1290 components are required for a full set of tier 1.

    Assuming a 50% regular unranked warzone win percentage ==> (5 + 2) / 2 = 3.5 components per warzone

    1290 / 3.5 = ~369 regular warzones to get tier 1......*passes out*

    Assuming a casual dude such as myself runs 5 warzones per day ==> 369 / 5 = 73.8 days to get tier 1


    Thank you.

    So I followed up on this...didn't read past this to see if anyone else had...but once tier 1 is complete it will be another 486 matches and once tier 2 is complete another 730 matches!!!


    Freaking insane!!! In total that is 1585 total matches and assuming the 5 matches per day that puts you at 317 DAYS!!! That is roughly 10.5 MONTHS!!!

  6. I've got to disagree.


    I've been PVPing and optimized 228s have been serving me pretty well so far on my CRank 0 characters. However, somethings happened to the bolster this patch... so I'll have to get back to you on that.


    There is none. that is the problem. You go in, and people that have grinded to their hearts content just roflstomp EVERYONE. You have people that come in fresh from the 65 brackets going against people that are in 240s and you just get obliterated. They have 30-50 k more health and do way WAY more damage. And the gear you craft or get from gtn is FAR inferior to the new gear they added which the math was done for.

  7. ok so, someone needs to explain this. does the newer gear bolster down? or do people wearing below 232 gear get bolstered up to 232 and everyone else with the new gear (anywhere up to 242) use their current stats?


    No idea to be honest, all I know was that there was no bolster buff, and I was getting railed and was shooting peas after optimizing my gear for bolster.

  8. So someone did the math, and here it is.


    First off, thank you very much for the hard numbers. I appreciate that.


    Secondly, HOLY EPIC GRIND BATMAN!!!!


    Some math (just for tier 1 as my brain doesn't even want to consider tier 2 or tier 3):

    1290 components are required for a full set of tier 1.

    Assuming a 50% regular unranked warzone win percentage ==> (5 + 2) / 2 = 3.5 components per warzone

    1290 / 3.5 = ~369 regular warzones to get tier 1......*passes out*

    Assuming a casual dude such as myself runs 5 warzones per day ==> 369 / 5 = 73.8 days to get tier 1


    Like I said, I'm not mentally prepared to do the math for figuring out the other tiers. Please have mercy.


    So I followed up on this...didn't read past this to see if anyone else had...but once tier 1 is complete it will be another 486 matches and once tier 2 is complete another 730 matches!!!


    Freaking insane!!! In total that is 1585 total matches and assuming the 5 matches per day that puts you at 317 DAYS!!! That is roughly 10.5 MONTHS!!!


    I suggest that everyone simply store up your components because they are going to have to cut the numbers at some point!

  9. So instead they just make the gear completely worthless? you can CRAFT higher gear than bolster, ffs!


    The new bolster , if you could call it that is nonsense. There are people running around with 40 k more health than me and 1000 pri more damage laughing their way to town because tehy spent the last year only playing this game.

  10. On one hand I'm inclined to think this would either be a bug or they are trying to "fix" bolster before they re-release it. on the other hand if this is the case, at least the gear will mean something and when people get to around t2-t3 it will be pretty decent balance.


    Except people that are new players or are just getting out of the 65 brackets will be 100 % ALWAYS wrecked until they put in their 200 hours minimum PER set.

  11. Let's be real here. This new change, it only benefits people that have either:


    A. No Job

    B. No life


    C. Live in this game


    At this rate BW would honestly need to pay me, and probably quite a few to stick around. Who wants to spend thousands of hours to get all their gear ? Should we all drop our careers, families, lives just to have a little fun in the game? Warzones are a complete mess now. You have people running around with thousands of more damage pri than others and over 40 k more health than others. God forbid someone come out of the 65 brackets and want to pvp, REALLY just not happening anymore realistically.


    I am pretty sure I am not the only one considering leaving......again. Until this abysmal load of donkey manure is removed COMPLETELY.


    End rant. :rak_04::rak_04::rak_04::rak_04:

  12. Am I the only one that doesn't have problems with mercs? Seriously. Yeah, they can outplay you, but thats it, they OUTPLAYED you. So far I have been able to beat them with ruffian scoundrels, plasmatech vanguards, DF gunslingers, and balance sages.....


    Yes I like my dots. xD

  13. So I'm running a dirty fighting GS and I love it. PVP is so much better for me now that I learned how to use my DCDs better. I do have a question regarding gearing.


    So Sink over on Dulfy wrote a guide for virulence sniper. They recommend 45% crit, 105% accuracy, and 10% alacrity. They say to use enhancents to achieve this with most of your augments being the power type


    Meanwhile over on TORcommunity a guide has been posted using Bant's theory crafting formulas. The stat goals are pretty much the same it seems but they suggest using crit and alacrity augments to reach the goal.


    Which should I be following? There is no more pvp only stat (forgot the name of it) so would pve a guide be useful now?


    NEver use crit and alacrity augments. -ever- All those should be accomplished by enhancements. And make sure to go to the bolster thing on the vanguard ship to see where your stats are in warzones. Your accuracy is already bolstered to 104% in warzones, so adding to that is just pointless.

  14. Glad to hear there is a reason. Noticed it a lot, but normally blow it off and forget. Would say, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one, but I am not. Had Kolto overload not go off, died maybe 3 or 4 secs later, kolto overload goes into cd after I hit revive.


    Yeah. The second walker battle is like that for me. I use my ability, it goes into cooldown, I use it again, it goes into CD again, and I am dead, without anything firing off. :mad:

  15. People want group content but no one talks about how the same people ignore all the DvL bosses and added group content it provides. I imagine though that they'll just say 'it's not worth doing' or something.


    This is an mmo, and in an mmo if there is group content, we expect some sort of worth while reward, not pitiful gear or tokens that amount to nothing. Seriously, you get 210 green gear for vet kotfe and kotet. *** is that?

  16. Probably a combination of bad coding, too many particle effects, and 5 year old servers that sorely need overhaul. Everything the sniper does feels delayed due to needing to squat before using attacks ready to mothball that class and just stick with sorcs & mercs.


    I have the same problem with my ruffian scoundrel, its ridiculous. And dont even get me started on the final battle in KOTET. Or the walker fights . abilities literally did not fire off for 10 seconds, and sometimes they still went into cooldown but nothing happened, so i always got mutilated by the enemy...

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