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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. TrixxieTriss, do you ever log out from the Forums? Maybe you log out just in order to sleep. You are officially our Drama Queen for 2017. 500 New Drama Threads - 500 New Drama Posts. Spamming all over non stop 24/7 same sh*t. Even if you were right - you are losing it. Take a break please.


    Oh and btw PvPers are trashing you because you have no idea of PvP or because you joined this game before 2 months.


    No. The PvPers that are trashing us are the ones that spent 24/7 since 5,0 launch to farm gear through Ops boss glitches. That is who. And now new players will avoid pvp like the plauge because of this nonsense.

  2. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

    And people say it's not broken


    There is no increase. I checked. MY stats on all my characters are exactly the same in end game pvp. If you didnt farm the top tier gear by now, you are completely and utterly screwed. BW dropped the ball into a lava pit with this one.

  3. Go figure... they're currently hated or seriously disliked at the moment, with players calling the

    developers incompetent in thread after thread - with all rights. We're yet another update into the game,

    an update that only managed to make the game even worse, more of the same grind... grind in more places

    to get the same items.


    Yet Ben and Biowares Absence of the forums is clear, probably avoiding flak of they just don't know how

    to cook up a statement that doesn't make them look stupid, but they did that very well on their own.


    The playerbase is failing in the game, and you have the worst F2P-model out of all mmo's where F2P players

    doesn't even get gear rewarded for their missions... what kind of mmo has a F2P model where you need to

    pay to get gear-rewards for simple missions ?.


    It feels like speaking to a wall currently, but if Ben and Bioware continues to ignore the players

    and run their own course, the course will see this game dead within a year and the "new content" planned

    for dec 2017 will be canceled or heavily delayed.


    /gg SWTOR - Rip.


    It isnt even just in here. It is on fleet, and Odessa across all servers, it is on Reddit, on their Twitter page, on Facebook, and I guarantee you the gaming blogs are going to have a field day with this. SWTOR already got the worst business model of 2016. Who knows which negative reward they will get for this.

  4. Actually no... With alts and proper planning, a group of 8 could get their full set in a couple days... People have already planned it out and are doing it right now... HM OPS are not tuned too hard for these groups. And the drops have been pretty good... Just finished 2 OPS today (mind you they were GF), but Rav dropped 6 pieces, and SnV dropped 4 pieces... I've yet to hear anyone say their OP dropped only on the last boss... I'm sure it has probably happened, but it does not seem to be widespread yet.


    Except this change was supposed to ease the pain for PVP PLAYERS to get the new gear. That should not require Ops. That would be like forcing Ops players to play pvp to get access to new Ops.

  5. It's just me or i'll have to play with 1 toon only for at least 6 months to TRY gearing him up while my others 16+ toon will have to wait to 6.0 ?


    I'm mostly pvp player and there is no way i can gear up all my toons.




    I unsubbed last night because of this. Because this is just ridiculous. I suggest everyone that is an ops or pvp player to do the same.

  6. Yep BW pulled the surprise double shocker thought it was only 1 in the stink they slipped in 2 and a fist with the bolster changes.

    They should've left bolster alone, this system is bad enough as is, but making it worse for any non hard core player, new players: play the story then leave, returning players just bounce, casuals good luck. Thank you Eric for being a super community manager and relaying what the community really wanted, much appreciated.


    Yeah, I dont even want to know what it is going to be like going in as a new player after the 65 bracket. I mean the pops ALREADY have turned into nothing as far as I can tell for lowbies, midbies, and top level.

  7. So you're telling me that I need to grind 570 tokens just to get 1 weapon of tier 3 ?!?!?!

    That's 114 warzones JUST FOR A ********** WEAPON!!!?!? and that's only if I win them ALL.

    Are you crazy? Seriously answer me bw, are you guys crazy? Which one of you came up with this brilliant idea? Do you know that half my friends quit the game just now?

    You gave us all these command tokens and we can't use them BECAUSE WE HAVE TO PLAY A MILLION WARZONES!

    Is it your life's goal to ruin this game? Cause that's what you've been doing for years!

    Thanks a bunch!


    My sentiments exactly. Whoever thought of this, it was a god awful idea, and it needs to be reverted ASAP. :mad:

  8. Not happening as theres literally nobody left to leave in the first place, all you have now is bunch of star wars nerds who play the game "just because"


    I came back after 5,0 to and it was bad, but playable. Now though? They are LITERALLY punishing you for leading a productive life. GG BW. I am OUT. And so is half my guild, and from what I cansee half the forums, and half the red eclipse server.

  9. They just used the crystal amounts for tier 1 then decided to make it harder for the next two.


    Seriously though, why on earth should you have to use currency to buy currency to buy gear? That is just ..........ridiculously bad design.


    Some math (just for tier 1 as my brain doesn't even want to consider tier 2 or tier 3):

    1290 components are required for a full set of tier 1.

    Assuming a 50% regular unranked warzone win percentage ==> (5 + 2) / 2 = 3.5 components per warzone

    1290 / 3.5 = ~369 regular warzones to get tier 1......*passes out*

    Assuming a casual dude such as myself runs 5 warzones per day ==> 369 / 5 = 73.8 days to get tier 1


    So I followed up on this...didn't read past this to see if anyone else had...but once tier 1 is complete it will be another 486 matches and once tier 2 is complete another 730 matches!!!


    Freaking insane!!! In total that is 1585 total matches and assuming the 5 matches per day that puts you at 317 DAYS!!! That is roughly 10.5 MONTHS!!!


    So yeah.......... this is just a pisstake

  10. I know what it says... It's not there... Just used a character that had no valor and was able to interact with the vendor (at least pub side), none of the tokes have a restriction on valor.


    And at this point, even if it is bugged, by the time they fix it the damage will be done. People have been running ops groups ALL DAY already to do this. It's only gonna get worse when prime time hits.


    This is a mistake they can't fix now. Or if they do, they are gonna piss a lot of people off.


    I think we are passed that point.

  11. This is the main question here. If they just set everyone up and down to 232, fine. At 250 it was also fine. Made this impossible gear grind not so relevant if the playing field was level.


    Now if bolster goes UP and never down all the casual and new players are totally screwed.


    This is exactly how it works. I already unsubbed. I will not pay for a game that punishes me for not playing 24/7.

  12. EAWare is a bunch of liars and we need to stop falling for their lies. I gave them one more month, I hoped they were actually listening to us when they promised they would make changes to improve things... now that hope is gone. My spirit is just broken. I loved this game, I'm a Founder, I haven't let my sub lapse in 5 years... now I will.


    I came back and was kinda happy with 5,0. How it simplified things. But now I am so gone. I am not giving another cent to them with **** like this.

  13. That has GOT to be their goal. There's no other conceivable reason for them to continue down this path of destruction.


    That is all I can think of too. I had someone tell me to get gud today and grind harder and that this isnt that bad because in japanese mmos you ahve to grind for years to get the best stuff.


    Clearly the benchmark should be games where people die of malnutrition because they played for too long. :rak_03:

  14. Yea this new system is just going to encourage more scrubs to run premades in the pug queues.


    Already happening. Every match I have gotten into today was premades running tier 3 gear. And we get the floor wiped with our hides. I am pretty sure they said they wanted to make it so skill is the key factor to winning in 5,0. Now we are back to gear wins all, even WORSE than before.

  15. The entire system is totally screwed up from the get go. 5.1 isn't a real fix, so don't expect it to be. It's just smoke and mirrors to try to keep people from quitting a little longer.


    My second option in this post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=911737 would solve your problem and get rid of all of the RNG grind stupidity.


    Too late for that, half my guild just quit today. They have jobs, families, and lives, and this system punishes us for all 3.

  16. Well I'm near the cap of Command Tokens but am nowhere near getting enough Components to actually use them.


    On top of that, you only need tokens to buy the TIER 1 PIECE, tier 2 and 3 are bought with the shell + components.


    I really don't understand why BW decided to use two separate (actually 3) comms for gearing. It's an overly complex and convoluted gearing system. Just have the one currency (Tokens) and adjust the cost appropriately.


    That makes too much sense. AND SOMEHOW you still have people defending this system.

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