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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. Not necessarily.. a lot of the recent tuning has made spike damage what you need to mitigate and the problem with mitigating that through mitigation, whether it's shield or defense, is the consistency... the best way to consistently mitigate 100k hits is to have 130k hp...


    Basically, imo, the gear drops are worthless (minus the set bonus and perhaps enhancements but I only use set bonus), and you need to get B mods crafted. You can also look into dps relics since most of the tank relics make very very little difference in overall mitigation but dps relics can add 5k+ hp all the time plus add damage and threat output.


    This exactly the problem. If your shield or defense does not happen to proc, you will die very quickly, taking 15 k hits as a tank with 106 k health in warzones is catastrophic.

  2. I understand that mitigation is really important as a tank. But you know what is also important? Not having lower health than DPS players. I got INCREDIBLY lucky today and got one 230 set piece PER crate for 7 crates in a row , and the 8th was a 230 relic, and I noticed that -every- single piece was low health gear? I mean, what were they thnking? What good is mitigation if you are dead?
  3. Another issue I've noticed is that no one and i mean NO ONE, marks healers. Yeah, yeah, some of you will say oh i mark, and yes, i do mark healers. However, i've gone into a few matches and not marked healers to see how long it would be before someone was smart enough to do it. NO ONE DID!!!! So, i marked them, then I had to tell them, focus the healers because their dps were not dying lol.


    Its like the states of the player base for pvp has gone to crap. I remember, i wouldn't have time to mark healers because they would already be marked and people actually paid attention in matches. Additionally, player don't call out inc or if a pylon is being taken until it is already lost...***....


    I dont know whats going on...i really wish they went back to pvp gear...i get me wrong, i don't mind the new gearing system...i just miss PvP gear.


    The quality of player was indeed higher when there was PvP gear. Now its just a ton of pve players that dont even use half of their abilities.

  4. No... Regstars like regs because the people that push ranked 4's are 100% of the time epeen measuring jerk-0ffs. And it's fun to beat them in regs because they can't think about objectives while they are so focused on running up big numbers.


    If you are in a group of 4 you wouldnt HAVE to deal with them. :confused: .

  5. you do realize a persons skill doesn't change based on what side you're fighting on, right? someone unskilled on pubs going to imps is still going to be unskilled. this mass exodus of unskilled players going over to imps for an easier time would have the opposite effect as it would actually strengthen the pub side and weaken the imp side as the imps would now have a bunch of unskilled members while the pub side no longer has all those unskilled people that left to carry. this also would not matter in cases where it is imp v imp as both teams have the same chance to get those unskilled players in them. not to mention all of this only works in the first place if you assume all the good players went imp and all the bad players went pub.


    The thing is they aren't all unskilled, I knew some very talented people back about a year ago who all left Rep side because they were frustrated that they were losing off and on. I mean genuinely ANGRY that they lost. That is what sheeping is. It isn't all bad players going over. It is some bad some good, and some really good. They see that it is easier, and they move over. It is a snowball effect and has been pretty well documented over the span of the game.

  6. We can all right off Pyro as being 100% obsolete.


    AP can still function with a full battalion of geared + skilled support. As long as you have high passive damage reduction and 1-2 spammable DCDs, a healer and a tank can keep you alive, even under focus fire. Problem is group ranked is all but dead. And needing massive support to function is super problematic otherwise.


    As for AP damage, during the burst window it is strong. Outside of it, it is weak + terrible energy management. Add the gutted range, PT now is a support burst with some hard CCs and a taunt. Again, only functions in super organized environment. Even then, you are better served in the burst department by a mara, sniper, merc or sin.


    The funny part about PT, is that they share most the of the base functionality and survivability tools as merc. And even though PT lacks the range, merc has significantly better survivability. This is not even remotely explainable.


    IMO AP range, sustained damage, energy management and suvivability require help. Pyro even requires more.


    Dot specs generally need more survivability. AP has more survivability, and has had it since 4,0. That makes -no - sense what so ever. Dot classes need to be able to survive so they can kill, burst classes should be squishier because they can kill faster.

  7. I know a guy that plays pyro in a derp comp and does very decent. Also have seen a few good APs but that's it.


    "Very decent" Lets be fair, you can do more than "very decent" with pretty much every class out there. PTs are the punching bags now. Which is why I gave up and went tank to annoy people now.

  8. No, not upset about it Snave. I get what your saying and have played with VOIP'd up teams many times, especially back when ranked season 1 and season 2 were 8v8. I just don't have it in me to group up and queue for regs...yea, sometimes it will be equal / fair but others it will be a quick 4 min 6-0 on huttball against the other random imp teams.


    I also don't have it in me to take the easy option so easily. A few of the other "pro" ToFN players are nowhere to be seen on their republic characters, some of which (a particularly vocal shadow) I only ever see on his assassin. That's not aimed at you btw either.


    By better players i was a bit vague...I mean't their human "character" is better. I know this is probably being a bit too deep when talking about a bit of PvP in a game but really i dislike "take the easy option" kind of people in real life anyway. It's the same kind of people who refuse to learn a rotation in terms of PvE because it's "their game i play how i want, my money my fun" etc.


    You are my spirit animal, lol. Exactly my thoughts. I just find it hilarious how SO many people sheeped over to imp to take the easy way out. Sad too..

  9. That bit was a just an extra joke to show how self entitled people can be. If you don't think like them? then your the absolute worst.


    I.E If you voice an opinion about not liking pre-mades your told to get your own. Imo (in any game) "regs" is supposed to be fun and often random. Ranked is to test your abilities against an equal (as can be) opponent. I have this opinion in all games from CSGO to SWTOR.


    i get the whole "fun playing with friends thing" as I've done this in many games. Though, when you see perfectly comped (tank, healer, dps), groups with raid style coordination trying their damn hardest to run over random groups it looks more like "fun playing with friends thing...easy time...look how good we are, this is soo ez".


    They are not being tested or enduring failure after failure. The republic players who haven't jumped ship or other players who don't form a premade have. Therefor, they are the better players. "get gud" only comes through failure, not having VOIP buddies carrying you.


    The funny thing is those regstar groups almost never set foot into ranked because they know there are other organized groups there. This is why we need cross faction ,because then these groups will be faced with other premades more often and get very frustrated.

  10. I'm a weird freak who loves Odessen Proving Grounds- so that map's beloved for me, and I can't understand why people hate it but I'd love some new maps as well and agree there are some glaring issues. It would mean a lot to me if they reverted back post haste because it'd kill two birds with one stone. The PvE crowd would kindly frell off trying to farm warzones and we could get back to our usual contest where gear is little but an excuse for doing badly as opposed to being a very real reason there are issues.


    I love it too. It actually requires you to think a little and CROSS FACTION!

  11. I blame the parenting. A lot of them are probably millennials who were always told they were going to be very special. When they didn't become the new CEO of Apple Inc. at 20 years old (but in fact still live at home) they took to the internet to show their dominance.


    Nothing screams success more than spending 24/7 on an MMO and stomping "bads", roll in a pre-made and tell anyone who isn't to "get gud". You won't find these "PvP players" dueling or theorycrafting...they are too busy creating over-produced youtube video's with emo music that really do nothing but to show the power of VOIP communication and how handy a pocket sorc healer is on hypergates.


    I wouldn't be surprised to see them standing around fleet chanting "#HesNotMyEmperor" and calling anyone who doesn't like watching a premade go 6-0 in huttball within 2mins a racist.


    So yeah, personally, i stick with Republic because of values. Giving up is not the answer, go against the grain, resiliency is key, you don't have to beat them...just fight them and never back down.


    Aside from that part, I agree. Because lets be fair, there are lazy *** hats on both sides of the fence.

  12. We are in a good position right now, but we require skill to use our class so do not worry about those who rolled em from a token! :) They won't be a threat to you, skilled players are however always a thread and I think on any class!


    I beg to differ. I have a gunslinger who i can just roll over people with no issue. My Vanguard on the other hand, is pretty much dead in the water 99% of the time no matter how much effort I put in.

  13. Yep, that's how it works. You turn in the old (say, Tier 1) set piece plus a bunch of unassembled gear components to get an unassembled gear piece of the next Tier, and then turn in the unassembled gear piece plus command tokens to get the new (say, Tier 2) set piece.


    If you never got the Tier 1 piece, you can buy Tier 1 unassembled pieces directly and turn them in to get the T1 gear, which you then turn in (again with unassembled components), to get the Tier 2 unassembled gear piece as usual. You buy the Tier 1 unassembled pieces with unassembled components as well.


    Its the most ridiculous system I have ever seen, lol.

  14. Ah, the usual downplaying of the faction inbalance caused by the players.


    Several people here exspülained how this faction inbalance came to be. It's easy to re-read, you could look into the PvP forum for this.


    Exactly, people sheeped over to IMP because of a few bad matches, then more sheeped, and more sheeped, and pretty soon you had sheep city. People are allergic to a chellenge now a days. Hence the massive amount of FOTM players in this game since day 1.

  15. I can agree probably trauma shield should be moved to PT instead, as merc already has multiple things that buff their own shield, there doesn't need to be more. Along with that Pyrotech isn't in the best spot, i'm not sure if searing wave is bugged or what, but when it hits lower than a auto attack when it's empowered somethings wrong. It's instantly 20 heat and required for procing immolate, flamethrower was fine, it was even fitting to Pyrotech. There wasn't anything wrong with it, "Oh lets make them more on the move." I can understand that, but the slow that came with Pyro flamethrower was fine, least you could do is make it a move on channel. :rak_02: Instead of completely replacing it with garbage.


    No, flame thrower was realyl bad, because people would just stun you or throw you, and your damage just went out the window.

  16. LOL, PT? Try Juggernant.

    You will know what is can not kill everyone, can not escape, low survivalibility.


    Oh please, Jugg is in a MUCH better spot that PT. You guys have reflect , H2F, and a crazy damage reduction ability. We have............yeah......

  17. Congratulations you killed a FOTM re-roller who was probably using a boost token to make a merc and so they had no idea what they were doing to the extent that you killed them with the abysmal class like plasma tech vg


    Pity the "you can kill bads who have no understanding of the op class with any class", is not a valid balance argument


    FOTM re rollers dont have higher than 114k health. You just have to use your brain. People are just pissed off that they cant use mercs / mandos as punching bags anymore. I have seen maras and juggs absolutely wreck mercs when they use their brain. Stop using the Leroy Jenkins mentality and youll be fine.


    And actually plasmatech VG is a lot better than it used to be. Still not great, but a lot better.

  18. Just done my daily grind on TRE as pub, 20 PvP's matches,against imps, 19 so thrashed average kill 160 Imps 10 reps, team had no chance at all, this has been over a six hour period, this is the same day after day,. I am loosing the will to play


    This isn't a recent problem. This is something that has gone on for a while, people slowly started to go imp because they had lost a few matches, and then it started to snowball. Now people sheep over to imp the second they have a few bad matches :/.

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