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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. If a Sniper gets up there and you can't leap to him, that gives him an advantage because there is no way you are getting up there without him filling up with wholes and even if you did, he'd just knock you off.


    A sniper shouldn't be able to have that kind of impinged field of fire. Especially if it's high enough that it's between 31-35' from the ground because than even other rDPS [save lightning] couldn't hit him up there but he could hit them.


    That's a huge advantage for a Sniper.


    Its a sniper, it should try to find places like that to sit. Just like a stealther can stealth unimpeded. All you do is avoid them, they cant hit you if you go to the far side of the pylon. So theyll have to jump down.

  2. I really enjoy this game, mostly. But the preferred restrictions are simply too much. I have been subbing for the majority of time for over 4 years now, and getting all my warzone priv. and endgame priv. stripped because I have to unsub for a month or two for financial reasons after subbing for 4 years is a bit insulting to be honest. I mean a grace period or something for long term subs after cancelling their subs would be very much appreciated.
  3. I log in today and saw we go an update. Cool, a new stronghold and unlocked more of the op. BUT...


    Nerfs across the board. Healers were doing just fine, and because pvpers whined loud enough, they get a nerf.

    You know, its hard enough to heal some of the noobs in flashpoints. People that disregard mechanics and roles..

    just because of the " I am not good enough to kill them in a warzone, so they need a nerf"

    Thanks for messing with pve, PvPers...thanks alot. :mad:


    Sorc healers were not fine, they were far too easy to use and far too powerful. Welcome to healing now. Not to ezmode.

  4. Can we just straight up take net out of the game?


    Originally net was designed as a defensive tool to help mercs deal with melee, it quickly became an offensive tool.


    Net is an ability (in it's current iteration) that simply should not exist because it acts as CC but does not provide any resolve.


    Getting netted and then double hard stunned is literally cancer and should not be possible.


    Just make net raise resolve. Simple, Makes more sense for pt because they need to close the gap.

  5. Hello. I'm considering whether to buy a gaming mouse to help increase my performance in pvp.


    Here are some qualities I would like it to have:


    1. Easy to set up and program. I've never owned a gaming mouse and I want something simple to understand for a newcomer to the gaming mouse.


    2. Ease of use. I don't want to have to contort my hand to push the buttons.


    3. Affordability. It does not have to be the cheapest mouse on the market, but it definitely should not be the most expensive.


    Any advice as to what mouse to buy?


    I recently switched from the logitech g600 to the Redragon Perdition Gaming mouse because my g600 died of old age.


    Both mice are very easy to set up, both have approx the same weight. The G600 is slightly larger, better for people with big hands, the Perdition mouse is a bit smaller and for people with smaller hands. The g600 goes for around 45 € and the Perdition for 27€.

  6. I think the devs need to stop bowing down to PVP needs, Sorc heals got hit massively, I used to heal 11K easily in ops, yet now I can barely scratch 9.5K and i'm running out of energy because I'm ignoring the consuming darkness to try and scratch out more heals, yet even with the consuming darkness, the energy return isn't very profitable. Frankly they need to revert sorcs to what they were for PVE, and then keep the nerfs in PVP, since PVPers are the ones getting all the bio-love, and the NiM raiders are getting the shaft. I already had to give up lightning sorc since it was nerfed into the ground when I got back into the game, now i just learned the sorc heals and this is being nerfed into the ground. Why even have a sorc class? And sorc heals aren't the best heals, Merc heals are if played correctly, seen in plenty of times in raids.


    Sorc healer was far far far far too easy before this patch. It is where it should be now. Play a scoundrel healer, and then get back to me.

  7. Of course you didnt die cuz you had 7 healers on your team.

    Spamming deadly onslaught dosnt help you survive.

    PT's needs "oh ***** button"


    Or take electronet away from mercs and give them to PT's, like they did with phase walk for sins.

    Mercs dont need electronet anymore


    Thats actually a brilliant idea. Enet should go to pts!

  8. The DPS bump was desperately needed. I could not justify playing a spec that had less survivability than AP while also doing less damage. Even after a DPS increase, the defences of the spec need help. Balance wise if a class is going to be this weak when it comes to survival, the damage needs to be even higher to compensate. I don't think you want to go there, but the glass cannon balance of the spec needs tweaking. Either with more cannon or less glass.


    Dot spread could use a quality of life change. It's pretty challenging to use the dot spread cooldown effectively to achieve maximum AOE effectiveness. Tab targeting scorch in AOE situations seems kind of wonky. Would be nice to see a spec mechanic that allows the spread of both dots.


    Everyone always calls marauders a glass cannon, but they have ok defensives. If plasmatech pts are going to be a glass cannon, they need marauders dps and their defensives.

  9. I normally agree with icy, but I play a lightning sorc right now, and I can say with certainty after playing plasmatech vg for a LONG time that VG/ PT need far more help than sorc, and have needed it far longer. Sorc players have been underpowered for a whole half a year, plasmatech has been underpowered since its conception. VG/PT take priority.
  10. There's a difference between EHPS and burst healing. Sure a sorc might have had slightly higher EHPS than intended, but their burst healing was weaker than the other 2 classes. With the new nerfs, stuff like the NiM Raptus healing challenge will encourage people to leave their sorcs and bring a merc instead.


    Thats a good thing, healin on sorc was beyond broken.

  11. Ok, we got all that before, I think. Thanks for explaining in detail.


    My complaint here is, What about the other classes that are not receiving a much deserved NERF in 5.3, like Mara (at least carnage), Operative (at least lethality) and Assassin Deception, for instance, all of them are way above their DPS Target (lethality reach 10% above dps target where it should be "only" 5%) and gonna stay that way in 5.3, doing much more dps than everyone else now. One would think they should also be priority since are doing, like all the others that will be nerfed, above their dps target.

    Does that seems fair to you? Why aren't they receiving a nerf in 5.3 too? And more importantly, WHEN will these classes/builds see this nerf?

    Coincidentally, they are all MDPS...:rak_02:


    Lethatlity should NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE or form be nerfed, it would be an absolute catastrophe for pvp.

  12. Well seriously I'am afraid that BW ,like many other companies who made games ,have theyr own vision of the game and they don't give a sh...t what the players wont or like.

    They add a lot of DLC latelly and a lot of events or stuff but they fail to understand that all of this is nothing if they screw up simple thinks.

    Powertech and Juggernout was my favorite classes and they strip them totally. Juggernout with new ravage looks like tiny little girl who swing saber with closed eyes and Powertech without flame thrower. I mean - REALLY??


    Actually....player base complained about lack of pvp and group content, and now that is being addressed. Player base complained about lack of balancing, they start to systematically start balancing classes, with normal steps instead of gigantic sweeping steps. I agree that pt is a bit silly now, but there are a lot of changes incoming that are good since keith got in power, so as a player who enjoys every aspect of the game, I am 100% happy with the approach they are using now. Also, games SHOULD be balanced around pvp, and then content should be created AROUND that content, its a simple concept really. If content is made around PVE balance, then pvp will always be unbalanced, but vice versa, it would work fine.

  13. I also think the new ravage sucks.

    The look of old animation was great for juggernout who suppose to deliver crushing and powerfull blows and not swinging and jumping like idiot.

    Old Ravage was the best move in this game and now BW blew it!


    Some say ,,it was instable move for PVP blah blah blah,,.

    Sorry this game is not only PVP. What is the fun of plaing if You only run and tapping all the time the same configuration of buttons without obserwing great animations?

    I seriously hope that somebody in BW will knock himself in the head and they will put back immersive ravage animation instead of this ,,very stable :confused:,, animation.


    While the game is not only pvp. Pvp is a big enough part of the game that Keith admitted that focusing only on solo play was a mistake. Meaning the numbers clearly show that pvp, ops and fps are also important. They could have just sped up the animation, but all you need to do is put your alacrity up and it looks a lot less bumbling.

  14. Unless Bioware are thinking about a PvE version of GSF they are ignoring the biggest stumbling block to why so few players access it.


    All The Best


    People are not avoiding it because lack of pve, lol. People are avoiding it because of a big learning curve, no support in over THREE YEARS, lack of content, horrible balancing, and having to deal with people that buy the p2w ships.

  15. I tried it and for me learning curve is too steep for me to feel like I'd ever get good at it, not to mention I don't feel any emotional connection to it as it seems to just be an Avenue for player-vs-player and there is no real story involved.


    I realize that this may not be directed towards my play style and I would certainly defer to those who more enjoy this sort of thing, but if you are looking to bring more players in, currently I find more enjoyment in regular player-versus-player then Galactic Starfighter - I think mostly because I am a fan of objective based PVP if I do that sort of thing, and not so much a fan of "attack/defend" some random points out in space.


    I think for me what would be neither and make me more inclined to participate is an increase in the scale of the combat.


    Like one side having to defend a capital ship that is also attacking in the other side trying to bring the capital ship down. Or one side having to provide safe escort for a row of ships and the other side trying to take those ships out.


    More variety would definitely get me more interested, especially with objective-based missions that can be won without having to be the best shot on the field.


    There is a story kind of. You need to accept the kuat story line on fleet though.

  16. I think you are confusing the current Hero engine with the early alpha that they released many years ago and was licensed in it's unfinished state by Bioware and then further developed from there. For all intents and purposes, it's a proprietary engine now, based on a framework of an early and not fully functional alpha release.


    The issue with moving to a 64bit DX12 engine is that it would obsolete a lot of perfectly good computers in the current player base. A true self-inflicted shot to the foot for the studio. Hence they would in fact have to provide two engines, one 64 and one 32 (or a very cleverly designed engine that can switch and serve based on the players OS), as well as full range of compatibility from DX9-DX12. That is a huge investment to make.... particularly when they are essentially using an internal engine which is loosely based on an early alpha of the Hero engine.


    Also... you made a case for this being a 4-6 million player game if they simply ported to additional platforms like the various consoles, Mac, etc. Sorry... but that is complete made up fantasy, with no basis in fact and no demonstrable precedent in the MMO market place.


    It's not the best engine in the MMO market, nor is it the worst. It's greatest sin is that it does not take full advantage of the latest generation hardware and OS. By the same token, it plays on a very wide range of player systems which is much more likely to create access ease for players then your suggestions/demands.


    Considering games like fantasy star universe still have players on console, I am sure that is not an exaggeration. Xb and ps have a LOT of players. The hurdle would be the controls.

  17. ESO and FF keep my CPU quiet while in SWTOR my PC frequently goes into fan overdrive. Since playing SWTOR I'm now on my 3rd gfx card. Never had any of the shadow/shading options turned on. Planets like Belsavis make the PC work especially hard.


    Updating the engine has given other games the ability for consoles to play which has made a huge impact on populations. While STO the additions had minimal impact FF often has wait times to get into your server. In this day and age having exclusively PC only MMO is probably not wise.


    I never understood that either. , I had went through 3 gtx690s in 4 years. If it is because of SWTOR, who knows, but they all broke, consistantly. Now I have a gtx1050ti and it runs at max 35 ° now =P. But you are right, belsavis and alderaan are both fan crack. And recently the performance on those planets has plummeted....No idea why.

  18. I've heard good things about ESO. Seriously considering making the jump. I also thought about going back to WOW. But I played that game from 2004 to 2011. I just, just can't go back to WOW. But there always Eve (I used to play Eve).


    So if by the next expac, **** hasn't gotten better I'm gone. I know no one gives a ****. But frankly, all my friends are asking me why I still play SWTOR. That's a damn good question.


    All my friends say the same thing. I am currently happy that they are going to focusing on everything in the future instead of just solo, and kinda happy with their balancing -attempts- so ill stick around for a while. But if we have another GC or solo only catastrophe again. I am doner than done.

  19. Musco is a very bad community manager. His job is to literally read the opinions of people and send them over to the devs. I can't comprehend how he calls what he just did 'class balance'.


    • Mercs will still be insanely broken in PvP while being ruined in PvE. Damage was not the problem, DCDs were.
    • Snipers are rekt.
    • Jugg dps is still garbage in PvP and the focus target in ranked.
    • Powertechs (yes all 3 specs) are the absolute worst class you can play in PvP. DAMAGE IS NOT THE PROBLEM, DCDs ARE. POWERTECHS GET GLOBALLED THROUGH KOLTO + SHIELD.
    • Sorc dps is still utter garbage AND has ****** defenses.
    • Ranked leaderboards (A SUB ONLY BENEFIT) are still broken.
    • Not to mention the fact that if I wanna play alts sporadically like I used to in 4.0 I need to either spend 15m credits (I have 40m across all my toons, to put that into perspective) to gear up left side (assuming I'm using 248 legacy gear from other toons and don't want to have set bonus) or spend the next 2 months trying to gear the alt up (2 months, because I'm not 15 years old with a 3 month summer holiday which I can spend inside the house grinding boring ops).


    Keith save us from this joke. You hopefully understand the game better. People say ESO game developers are bad when it comes to interacting with the community but holy hell BW Austin makes them look like little kids.


    ESO devs are bad at communicating, but they do at least listen. As shown by one tamriel way back, and the introduction of a class that is healer, dps and tank. If I had the money to buy the new expansion, I would be there atm. But RL takes priority.

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