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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. <<clicky>>


    I don't get why people, Bioware Designers and players alike, want bolster at all for PvP.


    I mean we all know the most important part in M.M.O. is upgrading a character and feeling now that powerful.


    • So how can you feel rewarded with gear giving you only a slight increment for your character?
    • How can you feel rewarded if you can't slaughter totally ungeared characters?


    If someone puts a lot of effort into a character, he needs to feel rewarded and powerful.

    He deserves the right to gank others players.


    That's how you keep players hooked. The carrot being better gear and so being more powerful.



    So please allow me to ask this question:

    • Why most major successful PvP games are based on skill and not gear?


    If I may continue:

    • Why Blizzard is launching a World Wide professional eSport league for OverWatch based on skill, not gear?


    I must not get is so I guess we should just get rid of Bolster once for all and certainly not use bolster to set all players on the same level, so skill and players coordination is of the essence. Because I guess players do PvP to keep being abused until they can do the same to others.


    So the nolifers reign supreme. Got it. Heaven forbid I have a job, go to school, or do anything else.

  2. you can play this game at 400ms it's really not that bad and saying 220-400ms is unplayable for APAC players is false I have raided in EU and done most raids with a 400ish ping in all modes with no issues and vice versa for EU players playing on east coast and west coast doesn't stop them doing what they love because I know plenty of EU guys that raid on west and east coast servers.


    Being able to play against non sentient AI bots at that lag is one thing, being able to play against players in the US when you have half a second lag is not even remotely possible.

  3. edit:


    grabbing SS's


    A few points to keep in mind:

    1. This was done using the bolsterizer, I am not 100% sure if that matches the bolster of an actual match.

    2. For some reason I could not find my second 208 relic, so I used a 230 one instead.

    3. Last, but probably most important, when I started gearing I used my 208 combat medic set as a base, so all my 208 augments have been replaced. Meaning in this comparison it is using unagmented 208's vs 228 augmented 240/242's. That is going to make a bit of difference.


    Bolsterizer Screenshots


    Those are in warzone stats. So bolstered.

  4. The issue with that is lag for overseas players.

    If you locate it on the east coast I go from 220ms to 400ms+.. which is unplayable for people in the APAC region.

    If you put it on the west coast anyone from EU gets double the lag they have to the US east coast.

    By making it one server you would effectively lose a large part of the population. Which would make it even worse than now.

    Plus if that many people left, Bioware would make a lot less money, which means even less resources to keep the game going.


    Plus, if I remember correctly, the EU population in this game is higher than the US. So they would be shooting themselves in the foot if the moved the servers all to the US. I know I wouldn't play with the abysmal internet infrastructure the US has. Nothing against my US sisters and brothers, but it is what it is.

  5. For the love of all that is holy, from now on all new WZ maps better not have interrupts when trying to take goals. I like maps where you can continue combat, you do not need to stop, stare at a wall for an endless period of time to cap something and then be interrupted, only to do it again.


    Lets get back to fighting. Thats the best part about the last new war type, you take w/o stopping fighting.


    Agreed, and CROSS FACTION! =D

  6. Please don't tell me you and Ottoattack are simply comparing unbolstered stats to proof that the gear gap stand for a 50% output difference. I have a full 208 old not-augmented PvP Set and the Stats WITH bolster look like this:


    Melee Primary: 3144-3612

    Melee Bonus: 2209.1

    Force Bonus: 3112.8


    The gear gap never explains dps differences of 50% and more. Its a skill gap!


    That is still over 600 pri difference from 230/236. At 230/236 I have 4100- 4200 pri with my gunslinger and commando 4050- 4100 with my vanguard . That is a monstrous difference. And that doesn't take into account alacrity, crit, and defense boosts from the better gear. Now imagine from full 230 - full 242. It is an insane difference, and pvp has literally become "who has been the luckiest and has the most 242 pieces " I know when I face someone using 208s I face roll them, when I face someone with 242s I cant even make a dent in their health.

  7. So frustrating that I have to gear up for tank set bonus and then do it all over again for dps just to get the correct mods/enhancements. Is there no vendor to buy the mods/enhancements like in the past? Stupid def/shield/absorb is useless in pvp.


    If you get the B mods you can be pretty invincible in pvp, you wont do much damage, but the point of the tank is to debuff and protect, not damage really....

  8. Firstly, you cannot tell someone that you refuse to believe his/her experience or observations because that defeats the purpose of having any type of discussion. I have noticed a difference in my performance when i moved from 208 rating gear to 230 rating. My DPS and survivability increased. I didn't suddenly became a better PvPer neither did my opponents suddenly became less adept at playing. This is not even a matter of opinion, but a matter of fact; HP, damage and defense increases are the facts and the suggestion that they increase your overall performance is not unreasonable.


    Secondly, doing under 1k DPS isn't evidence of a bad player or that a player is unskilled. War Zones are to be played objectively. A lot of people chase DPS numbers instead of helping their team. If you are responding to inc's, taunting as a DPS, breaking off to interrupt a cap, spamming your AOE because people are trying to overwhelm the node by several of them capping at once from different angles, you will not be doing no 5k DPS at the end; worst if you are node guarding. So, the player might not have done 1kDPS but they had the most objective points.


    Finally, it is more that reasonable to suggest that players in higher rating gear will mostly likely do better than players in lesser rating gear , ceteris paribus. While skill is always a relevant factor to any encounter, it would be irresponsible to discount the pivotal role that gearing plays. What would you say to someone in ranked that has 210 greens? The first thing players check is your gear, and if you are missing a stim you get cussed out for it.


    Exactly, when I put a 236 hilt on my weapon from a 230, there was a considerable jump in my damage overall, I can only imagine what it would jump to at 242, and having ALL 242 gear would make my damage ridiculous. ATM though I have had a WHOLE 3 set pieces drop in 80 cxp levels. I do not have the TIME to grind day in and day out. There is not enough content in this game to warrant this grind, and even with the changes coming 5,2 , it is not enough, this is the least popular system EVER in this game, and it is honestly time for the devs to own up and say this system is bad and they are working on something new.

  9. I think it would be rather cool with a true temple ground capture the flag WZ. Would really like to see more enviromental dangers like cracks in the ground for knocks/push to a certain death and also barrels or whatever you may call them in flashpoints that you can interact with by right clicking them which detonates them to add more situational awareness to the fights.


    Maybe an Athiss kind of WZ so to speak where you'll have to capture and bring back a powerful relic from the enemy team's base to your own base. In order to score you'll need to bring the relic home and also still have ur own team's relic under control safe back home.


    As long as its cross faction, I dont care. Considering the new Iokath expansion will be Imp v Rep v Alliance it is 100 % doable, and should be done. We could have Mixed teams against pure teams, or mixed against mixed. All pvp maps need to be cross faction from this point on, it is the only way to ensure fairness when it comes to faction population. Hell, ALL maps need to be cross faction at this point, but BW is too stubborn to literally just flip the switch. They could literally call the old ones when cross faction " Historical alliance battle simulations " or something like that. But noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

  10. This gets more and more ridiculous as i see these posts. they cant even get balance fixed yet but you want more pvp maps .How about let them fix the crap bugs and issues in game first then add new crap to break new crap. instead of adding more to have even more broken crap.


    If we waited for them to fix everything we would all die of old age. xD

  11. OPG was just released last year and prior to that it was Queshball in 2014. What makes you think a new war zone will be coming out anytime soon? My guess is 2018 at the earliest. We may get a new 4v4 map... but that hardly counts.


    And 8v8 ranked is NEVER going to come back. It puts too much focus on class imbalances, with respect to group composition. I want it, don't get me wrong. But certain group comps are literally invincible when the other team doesn't have elite dps. Sure, you'd have a rare competitive huttball where each team knows exactly what they're doing and it's a great game. But then you'd have 99 others where it's a massacre against this optimal comp. Again, being a person who has the advantage of being in a well coordinated guild, I'm all for it. But the fact that certain group comps will make a mess of most teams, swtor doesn't want to create a reason for every [crappy] player to start railing on these forums over class imbalances with respect to huttball jump n pulls and mitigation/heals that make node capture impossible.


    The fact that it takes them that long to make maps is just sad. Again, they should just release maps in packs of 8 or so to buy, and you can bet your bottom dollar people would pay for that, I know I would.

  12. If you're an avid pvper, it doesn't take that long to gear up. From a fresh newly rolled level 1 to full 236 and my first 240 took me 2 weeks total.


    And this is as a Pub, so I get the least amount of UC more often than not, due to losing most of our matches. Saturday I played 24 matches, only won 5.


    Which server do you play on, I am looking to start groups because I am tired ot he same thing.

  13. The old way was harder as far as if you had crappy gear u could only do unrank pvp and you didnt get things to help you get the good gear so u can play rank pvp. You had to do Ops and Fp or as far as i understood it, if you wanted rank gear. And again you had to have really good gear in the first place to be able to help your team mates well enough to beat these bosses to get that good gear. ANd most of the time if u got crappy gear they kick ya out of the group so u never truly get a chance to get great gear. So this happened to me so i stopped playing them and PVP for 2 years. this new system might be a longer way but for those that stopped or never did pvp can get good gear now at the same rate as every one else, and not have to play OPS and FP and uprisings. Now they got good gear that can compete and, and yes with more time you can get great gear and get in raking pvp a lot faster which pushes you to the best gear even faster then ever.


    this system you start of with what 228 or 230 gear, ok now you are right in to unranked pvp after a while you have the next tier and your in solo rank and now your playing un and ranked pvp which makes that cxp crap go faster to top gear and i do not have to spend hours and hours trying to get in group finder or gather a group up on my own just to get into a group they inspect u and oops u got to go your gear sucks bye!


    After a few of them you decide to give it up and just solo the story lines and for get about any groups let alone pvp.

    So in my Opinion this is longer to get the best gear but it still fits with in my time limits that i have to play, and with less hassle cause i do not have to do everything like OPS FP Blah blah, and just do my daily and weekly PVP un and ranked pvp then i am done for the day and off with another alt or im done playing for the day and back spending time with the family.


    this debate can go on for ever, it is just whats best for an individual. At one time i had nothing to do with pvp. Now i feel like i am getting a little more for my sub and spite everything else, and having fun doing it.


    WHAT?! You didnt have to TOUCH pve in order to get the starter pvp gear for the old way. The old way you could amass warzone comms while leveling to 60, and then AT 60 you could buy yourself a full set of pvp gear. Done and done. Then it took a few weeks to get top end pvp gear, and then you started to min / max. Then BW decided to completely get rid of that because it was "too complicated and grindy" ONLY TO REPLACE IT WITH THIS NONSENSE! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

  14. yup, because those couple of newbs that don't get more than 1-1.5k dps each but don't mind because they enjoy playing together and are just looking to have some fun should definitely be put against that merc-sniper-sorc premade of yolo ranked players just because they are in a group.


    Those groups are the absolute minority. Most people in queue for grouped are trinity comps. If you queue as a group, you should expect to go against other groups.

  15. I also like to say, the main reason for the devs doing pvp this way now? IS to give those lesser PvPers a chance to hop in game and play too, where b4 on the old systems they wouldnt. And in all honesty, Every one that PAYS a Sub should be able to play any part of this game with out feeling like they are doing something wrong.


    People get so mad in Ratings PVP Like its their Career thats on the line if they dont win and then when they get a lose, they blame everyone but them selves. Perhaps communicate your ideas better and maybe the team would work better together. Remember, No one can win them all. IF you are some one thst has literally never lost a PVP game match in swtor you better have proof and then send it to Guinness book of world records and THEN Start, a gaming career. Until then, chillax and just play your game the best that you can and have fun. Because having so much animosity all the damn time towards others doesn't do no one any good.


    OK, i am done, just trying to get every one to get along is all. There is enough craziness in the world with out being crazy in a, What suppose to be a FUN Online game.


    Peace & Take Care & Be Well To All.........


    The old way you could get a full set of starter pvp gear in less than a few hours. Now you have to play for WEEKS to get a full set of BIS gear.....

  16. Most of this evening, I've been meeting the same group of 4 in various WZs; 1 Sniper, 2 Mercs and 1 Sorceror healer. Guess what their win ratio is?


    I don't know what it is with BW; they can't understand some basic things about building and running games. You have mismatches in class effectiveness and you mix in pre-mades groups with solo queuers and anyone can see the problems; anyone except BW.


    If someone is using Tatooine Heroic area to rack up CXP, they'll nerf it in a week. Huge imbalance in PvP they don't even acknowledge.


    It cracks me up, for ranked they split the solo and group queue into two different pools, but in unranked, where we hav MORE people queueing ....they dont? BW Logic.

  17. full 242's is a myth, a legend people tell their kids at bedtime, lol. seriously though, bolster is only slightly less than it usually is, and in 5.2 it will be back to 8 lvls like it has been.


    Nope, I inspect everyones gear on my team before I start a match, and I hve seen full 242s, and I have seen how they destroy anyone using lower tier gear.


    And it is not slightly less. IT bolstered to 250 before, now only 232. That is a monster difference.

  18. currently running around on my squishy-*** sorc in 208s. Gear doesn't matter in really anything except ranked.


    If you go against a group of similar skilled players who all have 242 and you have 220s, you will lose, end of story, their damage / healing / mitigation will be much MUCH higher than yours.


    To the OP, it is , in fact , P v G atm, it is pretty obvious sadly. This was the reason we had pvp gear before, and now we have this nonsense.

  19. Well, there are several answers to your basic point I think. One, if you queue solo, you just agreed to play with whatever random people you get thrown in with. And against whatever random people you get thrown against. In the queue there will be people who are incredible, people who suck, people who are good but don't care about the game and just want to duel others, people who think they are good but suck, people who make mistakes, people who are there just to get the "points" and won't even play, people who will actively sabotage their own teams, people who are there for some specific achievement - like getting X number of solo kills, people who are there to practice their "ranked 4s" play, and on and on. So, to be blunt, you should just know that and be prepared to deal with it.


    Another point, if you want decent team mates, find people to queue with. You can queue up to groups of 4. That's 1/2 your team. Usually, in regs, that's enough to at least make it a good game if you only ever group up with "good" people. :D


    As far as equal DPS and heals... well it depends on WHERE that dps and heals was put. I was on a team the other day, an AHG. I was our (operative) healer. The only healer. I'm not great, but was throwing out heals. We were losing the kill-race pretty solidly. A couple people on our side started going off in chat about how "oh, we have the DPS, we just don't have any heals". What was actually going on? Well, the other team was focusing 4 or 5 at a time on a single target (right, I'm supposed to heal through that!). Our guys were spreading their DPS all over the place on whoever each one felt like attacking. Gosh, such a surprising outcome that they were getting more kills than us. :rolleyes:


    As far as 6 of your team not being able to plant... who knows. It could very easily be that you had 6 other people who DIDN'T CARE about planting at all. I've seen that a lot lately. Voidstars where I'll see my team standing around waiting for the other team to spawn and not even trying to plant the door. Or huttball games where my entire time in spawn and running back to mid I can see the ball sitting, untouched, in it's center stand, while everyone fights their private little battles around it. Welcome to the world of "I pay my sub, so I can play any way I want".


    Or the other side had 2 very good operatives over there? It's amazing, to me, how hard it can be to kill off a good operative or two who's only goals are to survive and stop caps.


    Logically if you queue solo you would get pitted against others who also only queued solo, but BW is lame and lumps grouped and solo together in the same queue.

  20. The funny thing is. They are so easy to make. They could even make them buy 2 play like other pvp games and I would totally be happy if they released packs of 6 maps and 4 arenas. But even hat seems to be beyond their comprehension....:rak_02:
  21. You realise that the link is broken down in four categorise with different health settings for the dummy and only in one category Plasmatech / Pyrotech is trailing that much? If you look closer you see that for every bracket and every Discipline the indicate the number of parses that was made for this category and Discipline. If you look at the number at the 500.000 Health dummy you see that only one Plasmatech /Pyrotech parse was used to measure this number while other disciplines or other Health settings have tripple digit numbers of parses contibuting to the final numbers. Especially after the 1.500.000 Health dummy and the 2.500.000 Health dummy, where most parses where made, show different results it seems more that the single Plamatech that made the 500.000 Parse didn't know his rotation. Of course you could alwys argue that some screw the numbers but the influence of one bad parse is of course much greater if it is the only parse compared to be one parse out of a three digit number of parses.


    At both of the most used Health settings both Sorcerer / Sage DPS disciplines and Plasmatech / Pyrotech are the Flop 3. That definitly is something to consider. So while I would agree that Plasmatech / Pyrotech is also in bad shape that Powertech / Vanguard DPS disciplines overall need more attention than Sorcerer / Sage DPS I wouldn't agree after all Sorcerer / Sage DPS disciplines are in bad shape compared to only one Powertech / Vanguard DPS discipline.


    The thing is though, sorcerers have survivability. PTs have none atm. So while sorcs dps might be slightly lower than the rest, they can at least survive. VGs cannot. And plasmatech is especially bad off because we lost our 7 missiles, and for some reason at some point they went to Tactics. BW seems to not realize that dot specs need to survive longer than burst specs.....

  22. Eric,


    Are there any plans to allow solo PVE players a way to choose specific upgrades similar to what PVP players have now with unassembled components and to what Group PVE will have shortly with the Operation Loot changes coming in 5.2?


    Whether it's 5 unassembled components from a planetary weekly at level 70, or from the GC planetary mission...something like that would be greatly appreciated by the players who choose not to participate in many (or any) group activities.


    Im sorry, but you should not have access to top end gear doing heroics. They are ridiculously easy, and you dont NEED that gear for it. And this would cause people to just do senselessly easy content in order to get the best of the best gear, which should NEVER be possible.

  23. Not saying plasmatech isn't weak but this is a sorc thread make one for plasmatech.


    It was made several times, and people ignore it. So I will post where ever I please. If a dev sees this and they see that no one says anything about otherclasses and specs, then it would be beyond infuriating if sorcs got buffed and VGs didnt.

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