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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. I'm seeing a few things as well: Change in factions option, amd new galaxy map. Now humor me for a second: Maybe they are changing the falaxy map to allow imp characters who change factions to go to pub planets, and vice verca! Who knows guys. Sorry for the double post


    I would much rather have cross faction, but whatever...

  2. I wanted to try some PVP, so I rolled a new trooper to level doing only PVP. Well, that hasn't worked. I have waited as high as 2 hours with no pops on Shadowlands. My times are varied from Primetime, US East Coast, to Early Daytime. After a few days, I started doing heroics to fill the down time. Doing that, I've quickly leveled to 25 with not a single PVP match. I want to start with lowbies to get familiar with the maps/objectives of each WZ, learn my PVP utilities, and get some basics down before joining at higher levels. But, It appears that lowbie pvp is dead. How can one be expected to do these things without jumping into LVL 70 PVP with no knowledge of how to play it, thus, annoying our teammates?


    From what I understand , on the East coast your best bet is EbonHawk. The rest of the servers seem to be flat lining since the introduction of GC.

  3. Pretty much the same here.


    Whenever I see connection issues, I run a traceroute session in the background and then check the readouts and sure enough.. in most cases it is congestion or timeouts somewhere on the internet backbone between my house and the servers, which is not something the studio or I can actually fix.


    I have had a few times over the years when there was unstable ping to the server(s) and traceroute showed it to be inside the server farm. But it has been rare here for me in NA. And when I have observed it, it appears to be after a server restart or maintenance, and will persist randomly until the next server restart and then clean from there on. So I do think that something inside the server farm can and will get glitched from time to time.


    By way of comparison....Heck, I had glitchy video on my ATT Uverse last night and on all three receivers in the home. Reseting the receivers did nothing to fix it but resetting my gateway certainly did... so something somewhere glitched my gateway just enough to cause random intermittent video and audio issues on my TV sets. Given the nature of broadband services like this... there is a reason that the troubleshooting tips start with double checking all connections followed by resetting your reveiver, followed by resetting your gateway. I'm sure it's the same inside the server farm sometimes ... but you need accurate traceroute info submitted to the EA support site if you want any chance of convincing them it is inside the farm and something needs to be reset.


    Editorial comment: as usual, when discussing performance issues with internet connections... people cross mix issues and get things wrapped around the axle. Ping and ability lag are generally two different issues completely, and only share a common server farm. Ability lag is generally something lagging inside the server and thus hanging your client in one form or another. Ping fluctuations on the other hand can be from a range of causes, most of which have nothing to do with the servers.


    Which is why I get annoyed. I do everything in my power to ahve a flawless connection. (15-30ms) and then I only get ability delay, which is just BW slacking with their datacenter / server maintenance.

  4. Try playing with 200-230ms as standard because I play from Australia. Then add 100-200ms onto that randomly all through a pvp match and that's just the lag. Then you also have activation lag as a seperate issue where it's like the buttons are "squishy", there is no lag around you and the counter is steady, but you have to spam a button for it to go off 2 secs later (if you are lucky)

    This is all random too, except the ability lag, that's becoming a constant since 5.0 launched. What really gets me is they had this exact same ability lag when 4.0 was released and had it fixed with in 6 weeks. It's now 3 months and it's still not fixed.


    I wouldnt. I remember when ESO only had US based servers in Texas and I was freaking out at 150 ms. I refuse to play any game over 50 ms ping. My hat is off to you if you can deal with lag like that and not lose your mind.

  5. I still can't belive the complete lack of GMs. Is it a thing of SWTOR or every MMO implemented the no GM policy in the last decade? (i have been away from this games a while).

    GMs should be the most realiable and cost effective way to control exploits.


    They have them in ESO again. But they are far and few between.

  6. Expertise vs no Expertise. Do you remember? No matter what non-pvp gear you had on you lost to player who had Expertise gear, every single time.





    Except pvp gear took a whole day to get a full set pre 5.0. So anyone could get full sets.

  7. Well PVP gear is now PVE gear so in order to get you can go do an ops or 2 with friends and be full 242 in one night. But if you PVP only..... you still have the advantage of having no repair costs, easy access (just que for PVP) and you can easily get CXP (gear) by afking or least amount of effort compared to raiding for gear.


    Which is exactly what is wrong atm. You should actually have to PVP to get good gear for PVP. Now its just a **** shoot.

  8. They do stuff for real, but people are just faster at cheating again and again. Its too easy to do it again on a new account etc.


    Which is why they should implement a system, like a lot of companies do, that detect anomalies and outside programs. Or, stars forbid, bring in GMs again.....

  9. Sins phantom stride works like operatives holotraverse. Also there is sometimes a visual bug that makes/keeps the bridges invisible. Also, i've seen jugg leap to other side, force push the enemy down and plant before he could respawn


    Yet we arent allowed to teleport or leap to people on the ledge in queshball..... Uhg....BW.....:rak_02:

  10. This is EXACTLY the problem. Top level pvp is not for casual players or players who are just returning anymore, its only for those 20hr per week people.


    Yep. And those are the people that come on here and swear up and down that everything is fine. :rolleyes:

  11. I have 1 characters at level CR300 and with about 100 crates banked. This 1 characters is currently in a mixture of 240 and 242, and it has taken so bloody long to reach this point. As such I have zero energy or time to level yet another character to 300, and I suspect this will become a problem post 5.2 when I grow tired of playing this character over and over. We desperately need UCs to be tired to legacy in order to gear ALTs post 5.2.


    Does anyone currently have more than 1 character at CR300? If so, how are you not utterly drained?


    I have one at 120, and one at 60. I play the game on weekends mostly, probably like a lot of people. Just to give everyone an idea of how ridiculous the system is right now. People actually are punished for not living and breathing the game.

  12. And so, yet another post about cheating in Reg pvp on Jedi Covenant. I cannot understand why, I cannot comprehend that although it is reported, OVER AND OVER AND OVER, BW and/or EA does jack s#$t about it.


    Below will be the posts about how "no one cheats in regs" and how "those that complain must suck at pvp", and yet it happens, every. single. day. Those that are quick to post that "it does not happen" are, amazingly, those that are participating.


    I know, it seems insane that anyone would cheat in regular pvp, because that's where folks whom are new to pvp, LEARN TO PVP. However, it seems that regs are the place where it is ALLOWED TO HAPPEN. Really? You ask? Yep. Just tonight, in a REG Arena, after 1 round, where we lost, because one of our players DC'd, and it was VERY CLOSE, suddenly, in round two, three of us were REMOVED FROM THE MATCH. WHY? Because Bioware/ EA has made it possible for players of the same faction (which is 98% of pvp anymore) to KICK PLAYERS ON THE OTHER TEAM. hahahahaha. Funny as hell. Not really, because Bioware swears to Christ that exploits or cheating is a permanently bannable offense. Is it ever? NOPE. You can cheat, exploit, steal, spam, credit sell, do anything you want, hell, you can actually threaten to murder other players and Bioware will do nothing, absolutely nothing. A 24 hour "you can't play the game" does nothing to stop these turds from cheating, and cheating, and exploiting, and ruining the game.


    Three days ago, had two players from Guild X on our team, facing (shocking) 4 players from the same Guild X on the other team, the players on our team? DID NOTHING. No dps, no heals, NOTHING. Report it. What happens? Nothing. For the health of the game, for the opportunity to continue to play this game, will Bioware PLEASE do something? DEVS: CAN YOU READ THIS? ARE YOU CAPABLE OF UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM? CAN YOU DO SOMETHING? If not, it sure friggin looks like this game will be gone by your next anniversary.


    That kind of nonsense would be fixed partially with cross faction. But nope. BW is stubbor and wont do a damned thing to make the game healthier.

  13. Its is a bad system, but the boost now is great and needs to be used, you get a lot of CXP for anything now, plus components if you do PVP stuff.


    Im playing GSF now and its 1 rank per game, also many many components. Its about reaching rank 300 on as many toons as possible. In 5.2 it will all be easy again with ops droping gear and HM EV and KP will drop 242 stuff, so its good old 4.0 days.


    I would not call it good ol 4.0 days. Then you could get a full set of pvp gear within seconds of reaching max level. Now, and even after the change, it will take a long long time.

  14. yeah i could certainly get behind something like that if we absolutely had to have it. I still prefer 1 set of gear cause i do all types of content (PvP, Ops and everything in between) which would allow me to get BiS faster overall. If i had 2 sets of gear id have to grind out both. Imho the more forms of content you engage in the faster it should go. It's a conscious choice to not engage in one form or another... the game should be designed as a whole not seperate for PvP or PvE etc. Besides that it makes no sense flavour wise and there is an RP component to MMORPG... My character should change armor cause blaster fire and lightsaber cuts are somehow different coming from players then NPC's?! For my character they are all "the enemy"...


    Ofc, either way i'd adapt and still play the game rather then start flooding the forums with rage-quit threads...


    I do all content too, but seriously, spending 10 seconds to change gear , how is that even a problem? And again, if you are using your pve stat gear for pvp, you are just hurting your team.

  15. i was used to it from when it was similar in WoW... but personally im not a fan of a PvP specific stat. Like i said, i despair to having to switch between PvP and PvE gear. Also, personally i do all forms of content as i personally think thats the way to go in an MMO... it also maximizes the chance of gear overall...


    You have to switch between gear ANYWAY now, if you use the same stat build for pvp as you do for pve you will be at a massive disadvantage and will be just gimping yourself.

  16. personally i want it very simple gear wise... traditional MMO style. PvP can keep it's component for gear system as far as i am concerned... im not a fan of the PvP specific stat as i enjoy both PvP and PvE and i hate carying around 2 sets of gear... either way these components should eventually enable you to reach BiS quality items. Ops schould also give BiS items. HM Flashpoints should give the tear below and SM the one below that. Simple. Most of the gear should for me be BoP... true to the RPG model as far as i am concerned...


    Honestly, we need pvp gear back. Period. I know it wont happen. But it was much better before they removed expertise. You had some people whine because they had to use their brain stems for a second, but once they realized how easy it was to get a full set of pvp gear, it was all good. Now though, if you are unlucky, you are SOL. Literally NOTHING you can do about it.

  17. Couldn't disagree more. Now is the only time you can walk in with any gear and have an impact on the combat. Prior to that it was about EXPERTISE and if you dared go in with PVE or RECRUIT gear you would be throttled and wouldn't even make a dent in your enemy. Now you can utilize galactic command and get the better gear thru a variety of tasks which is a huge first. Someone who only does heroics can accumulate the better gear to jump in and participate in PVP now. That is HUGE!


    But alas this thread is about faction imbalance and lets face it the Imperial side is stronger probably rooted in more interesting class stories which bond players to their toons.


    OP - Harbinger has some unbeatable Republic PVP'ers who run premades in unranked on a daily basis. Other servers once had these stronger pub players but they have vanished as their respective server populations dried up.


    The Skinny: Want to win as a Pub? Spend 90cc ( around 1 dollar) and move your character to Harbinger. There you will find the active pub fleet you once knew back in the day.


    You could amass an insane amount of warzone comms by the time you hit max level before , giving you access to a full set of pvp gear within seconds of hitting max level. How on earth is THIS better?!

  18. So there is no actual evidence then just a hypothesis. Fair enough. The forums are hardly representative of the whole player base though... What was it, roughly 5% of the players of a game ever contribute or even read the forums?!... I forget... It's one of those game developer things.


    Also... This grind is too much?... Gotta contest that. Any mmo veteran will tell you that this is hardly the grindyest mmo on the block. Character development is suppose to take a while in an mmo... And no, just because some people are altoholics (or don't want to put in the work) that doesn't mean that the game should cater to that specifically. That's their choice. And even if you do play multiple characters you still have the PvP and Ops routes of faster gearing. Clearly MMOs are not for everyone, but thats not news...


    If there was the content being churned out to WARRANT this grind it would be fine. But as is we havent had new ops in 2 years, we have had ONE single warzone map in 3 years, no flashpoints in 2 years, and no starfighter maps...........ever. If you are going to compare this game to other mmos , you have to take that into account as well. I didnt mind grinding my gear like crazy in ESO. Why? Because the devs released content to WARRANT that grind. Not in this game. And this game was built around alts, so dont even take that ridiculous stance. BW even said they wanted it to be more alt friendly, and then they came out with GC? Yeah. Just no. FF14, ESO, WoW, Wildstar (even tho it died a horrible death ) and many other mmos that had a heavy grind release MUCH MORE CONTENT than this game. It is warranted in those games. This game, just no.

  19. I don't think you need to defend their failure to design a decent gearing system.


    Clearly it's MUCH easier to get top gear from using components even when LOSING warzones than to actually beat PvE content that drops this level of gear. So welcome to PvP warzones being filled to a good part with people who don't care about PvP.


    All I'm saying is that by making 242 gear and soon 248 gear a matter of time played rather than beating a challenge all kinds of people who don't really care about PvP will go to warzones. This is what the complaint is about. There are a lot of people their now that just come from the components. Trust me, people want to gear up and will use the easiest path. That's PvP now at least for that max tier. This problem didn't exist in 4.0 because then PvP and PvE gear made a difference. So you wouldn't do warzones to get NiM gear. Now people do and the people who take PvP more seriously get the short end of the stick. That's the reality. I've never liked PvP gear to begin with but by making it all the same, they didn't improve matters...on the contrary.


    I mean how can you explain that losing in warzones is an easier way to get top gear than doing NiM operations? Considering that NiM bosses are a lot harder to kill and the hardcore players aside it takes a lot of wiping to kill those bosses, it takes a long time to get that gear that way, even if all bosses drop gear again (you have to share it with 8 people in the end). So how is that even remotely balanced? So of course people will PvP to improve their gear so they can take that gear to the NiM ops. But they will be idiots or afk or whatever in the warzones because they don't actually care about the matches themselves.


    That's how it works and it works that way because BWA designed it that way. There is no intelligence in that design.


    Sorry. That's how I feel about it.


    I am not defending it at all, I am just saying what it was meant to be originally. I HATE GC RNG nonsense. It is the worst gearing system I have ever experienced.... And I agree. Getting rid of PVP gear was the biggest blunder I have ever seen in a game. It served its purpose very well.

  20. Personally i'm happy to have a large kit of abilities. But that's just me, an ex-hardcore WoW nerd :D


    This was my first pc game and first mmo. When I first started I was literally running into walls like a drunk wench. But after a day or so, I got used to it, leveled up, realized it is a pain in the *** to use the keyboard, got myself an mmo mouse, and bam, was good to go. Within a week. And that is coming from playing console for over 15 years exclusively. People that complain about the abilities are simply lazy and do not want to learn their classes inside and out.

  21. Learning how to play your class is not the point he's raising here. Clearly it's about the people who don't understand the objectives for the warzones and ignore any type of team coordination.


    Interestingly, those happen to be the points that you don't even mention...


    Currently PvP is a mess. It's never been great in this game but it's a real mess since 5.0. The underlying problem is that BWA left PvP unattended for too long now and so fixing it in a significant way isn't really possible anymore.


    What you see now also is that a lot of people only PvP now to get their PvE gear together. It's the only reason I PvP at all, to get those components, but I honestly don't really like PvP in this game so I do it only on one character and to the bare minimum to get my weekly done.


    I see the same problem. Usually I see from the first exchange with the opposing team what will happen. If it's pointless I'll just hang in a quiet corner till it's over. No point in prolonging it and well, I only come there for the components, so why delay the inevitable? I mean I do try at first but the moment I see it's pointless I stop to speed up the loss.


    Give me components from doing Flash Points or Uprisings and you won't see me in PvP anymore. But until then, it's the best way to get top PvE gear. That's the problem. At least I get the maps and what to do there but I can imagine there are a lot of solo players and pve'ers now coming there just for the components and not for the PvP.


    The components were supposed to be pvp specific in the first place. It was a way for pvp players to get their gear without having to pve. You can pve without pvping and still get the unassembled pieces, but you need to do ops. I do think they should have unassembled pieces drop in HM flashpoints and in Master mode chapters. But not under any circumstances should the best gear in the gam drop in normal flashpoints or uprisings.

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