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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by mmmbuddah

  1. Since Lightning Sorcerers are currently a weak PvP class (probably the weakest), what exactly are you doing about this? Or do you plan on having us either exclude ourselves from PvP areas and therefore what looks to be a big part of 5.2 or be everyone's easy target? My main is lightning I will not change spec just because you and your colleagues don't know what to do about the imbalance.


    Correction. Plasmatech VG / Pyro PT are the weakest classes in the game.

  2. If I will be forced to do PvP ... I would honestly think about to quite the game! Never thought that day would come but as a pve player who only wants to enjoy the story and finally get her hubby back, this will be a NO GO for me!

    Please Eric make it totally clear what kind of impact your PvP Visions for Ioktah have to all the PvE Players! For me, I can say, I would not survive a single minute on Iokath! Please Eric, don't break my heart!

    If I'm not able to get my hubby back bc of those PvP actions I would hate you so much ...and I don't want to hate you at all. But this would be a Gamebreaker for me and, like I did in WoW, I would draw consequences!


    Welcome to our world. We are forced to do ops if we dont want to spend half our lifetime gearing up now.

  3. [citation needed]


    I see lots of references to choosing between Republic and Empire, but nothing on the SWTOR site that mentions choosing the Alliance.


    Hmmm, the link I saved for that on twitter seems to be gone. Well ****.


    I was hoping to choose the alliance with 1, the republic with 1 and the empire with one.....:(

  4. merc and sniper


    Correction. Arsenal Merc and Engi Sniper. The other specs are fine as is. In fact I would even say that Dirty Fighting / Virulence could use a buff for GS / Sniper, and IO / Assault specialist could use some help with its heat management.

  5. That is as it should be! Your a high dpsing class you put out your dps and then you die! You shouldn't get 97 lives or 27 slows merc and sniper BOTH need a nerf. Either reduce dmg output since your no longer pure dps specs your a hybrid ( tankyness+dps=hybrid) or reduce heals/defense to to brind in line with trinity i.e DPS class=glass cannon


    Snipers do not have near the tankiness that Mercs have. Our self heals were already nerfed straight off the bat after 5.0 was released. The ballistic shield used to heal 5% of our health per second while active with the utility, now it does only 3. It is easy to burst through with more than 1 person, but not with 1, and that is how it should be because it is our "oh ****" button. Every other classes , except for vanguard now, has one. Why should we lose ours just because we are not dead in the water now?

  6. In the last conquest event last week, if you finish [Mass Exodus], it was worth 4500 points. I finished it with 2 guild-mates on Jung-Ma and we were not credited with any points. We spent about 2 hours one evening doing the 6 tasks required for the weekly [Mass Exodus].


    I filed a ticket on the matter of not getting the conquest points and was told that it was removed in 4.0.0 a few years ago. If it was removed, why was it still in the conquest task list for points? and why could you pick it up at the plantation on Makeb by the taxi platform in a terminal?


    On Jung-ma, there is no star-fighter, or war-zones any more. So conquest tasks involving crafting, heroics, 250 kills on a planet, and a few flashpoints are the only tasks one can do and hope to get up to the personal goal of 20k.


    I just checked and our guild ended up losing first place for makeb by less then 2k points.


    BW QA at its finest. :rolleyes:

  7. So is this a test to see if they will get the go ahead for the game or a new story to continue or die?

    I mean voice over happens months in advance (or years in standalone titles) so if they haven't already got a new storyline and are recording it now, I don't feel like we would see anything this year, which seems like a long time to go on only PVP and Ops to keep the game alive enough to warrant a substantial update. But when does the next Star Wars movie come out? Hmm, timing.


    If the game survives the summer I could see some smaller single story driven arcs in the months preceding the movie (Iokath?). The larger campaign, which will most likely deal the fall of the alliance and the rise of a new enemy of all (Malgus?), released around the same time as the new movie to take advantage of the hype.


    If the (former) eternal empire goes away it could go back to a two power system, then the future could be set up with separate Republic and Empire stories.

    I really miss "Class" focused stories but due to the increased cost in writing, octonion increase of voice roles to pay for, plus other added development costs, I doubt that will ever return.


    It is much easier (read cheaper) to just keep both Empire and Republic fighting one enemy so that a singular story can be written.


    But how much time has passed in game? Wouldn't some of our characters be getting old?


    BW already stated that you will be having a choice of the empire, republic, OR alliance in the Iokath expansion. They will not be writing off the alliance if that is an option at this point. It just will not happen. And OPs, WZs, GSF and end game are what keep MMOs alive, not story. Notice how within a few months of the story being released recently that the numbers just bombed through the floor? Story players are a fickle group, they play it, and drop it. End game players are the ones that stick around. I am not saying they should abandon story all together, but a balance is needed, and 5 new ops bosses, some pvp oriented stuff, and dailies are a HUGE breath of fresh air considering the draught we have had over the last 2 years.

  8. Survivability is actually very good. I rarely die. Dps is down and could use a buff, but not that much. Lightning Sorc is actually in a much worse position and I would not suggest using either in ranked unless you are elite on the class.

    But they are still very viable in objective pvp because you can play a utility role. My main class is Sorc and I still do very well in objective pvp, just don't try having a 1v1 and expect to kill them. That doesn't mean you won't "win" the outcome. It all depends on your definition of winning it. If you can get them to waste a heap if time trying to kill you or making them give up, then I consider that a win. Hence why I say they are a utility or support spec.


    Honestly, that is how it should be though. If a class has extremely high survivability it should not have extremely high dps. Which is why mercs are so ridiculous right now.

  9. Why not grow a pair and run on pub side, i know free wins are ok for chumps, but why not try a challenge?


    The problem is, all half way decent pvpers left for imps for the easy wins. So all that's left on pub are the noobs and the premades. The interesting thing though, is when a quality pub premade runs they kill the imps in embarrassing fasion. This is because the imps have never had to play a real competitive war before, they basically suck (but specialize on beating up on noobs).


    So since there are so many imp queues, and pubs mostly have just given up and stopped queueing, the imps are WAY ahead on gear, meaning unless something drastic changes, max level pvp is dead until 6.0.


    What could be done? 1.) All war types mixed like odessen. or 2.) get rid of imp vs imp queues until pubs catch up on gear. Really they should get rid of same faction "simulations" anyhow. So now, anyone that reads #1 and thinks he will post that it doesn't make sense to have mixed faction queues ask your self why you are fighting against imps all day long with NO imp vs pub....is that more appropriate? Pubs do not exist in the story line you think is appropriate?


    I doubt they will fix it, pvp is imp only until 6.0 is released.


    Im still here! Along with a few people! We exist! I have a headache at the end of the day from the lack of knowledge our republic brothers and sisters have about their classes, but it is what it is. I spent far too much time on my tank, healer and dps to just jump ship to the Sheep Empire. I mean, I got higher dps with my actual tank than any dps on my team just a few minutes ago. I was baffled.....to say the least.

  10. People complaining about an ability that has been in the game forever, but decide to complain about it now? This entire post is lol worthy.


    The ability didnt have a 8 meter radius and 70% slow since forever. That is new.

  11. I remember when I first started playing a Knight that it had an ability that NPC melee users still use where they swung and did 180 degree turn, did a backstab then did another 180 degree turn and finished with a baseball like swing.


    Stopped playing for quite some time before coming back only to find that the ability was gone, can't remember what it was called.


    I know that all melee based NPCs still use abilities that were removed from player characters. Why did they do that?


    They just replaced them.


    What bothers me most is why the hell smugglers got their slice droid cc taken away! We have absolutely no 60 second CCs now for flashpoints or ops......same with sents if I recall correctly

  12. But other classes don't have to constantly be in cover and sit there while being attacked. If they have more roots or longer ones, then it's to make up for being less mobile. Also what about Mercs, most of their hard hitting abilities are instant and they do have some small AOE instants, Madness Sorc AOE is instant (except FS). Plasma probe really isn't any different to other dot spec spreading by other classes.

    Instead of nerfing that, how about buffing some other classes. I can tell you these abilities should be no problem for a Mercs or Sorcs to deal with. The other classes (except Juggs) all have lots of ways to escape the slow affect. Operatives and Sins also have a crap load of slows or roots. How about how OPs can stop you turning to interrupt when they root you. That's about as unfair of an ability there is in the game because there is no defence if they do it right. They are also the most mobile class in the game. Without the snipers current abilities they'd never be able to engage an operative.

    I honestly don't think any class needs a nerf, but some others definitely need some buffs.

    We need to ask for buffs in this game not Nerfs, Bio always over nerf.


    The other two specs can deal with operatives just fine. Dirty fighting is much more difficult, but it is possible. There is no logical reasoning to giving a class with some pretty intense burst an 8 meter spammable aoe with a 70 % slow . None. You get two engi snipers together, and they can slow the ENTIRE objective in.....pretty much every map. The size either needs to be reduced to where it used to be, the slow needs to go, or if people are not willing to part with either, it needs a cooldown.

  13. Sincerely, I'm amazed half the pub players in queue actually figured out how to queue in the first place. Why would any pvp-orientated player queue for pubs on harb? Outside a few hours of the day you're waiting a longer time for pops, and when you get one you're team is filled with mongs. Yesterday was the final straw for me; in a NC, a mando and a scoundrel dps sitting in the shelter for the entire game face tanking, not using any dcd whatsoever...scoundrel wouldn't roll, mando wouldn't use shield...nothing...try healing that kind of genius. Come to end of the game, no surprise to find both well below 1k dps, at level 70. I want competitive games, I don't want to pay $15 a month to bang my head against a wall. At least on imps you'll get competitive games, as in my experience it's imp vs imp 90% of the time.


    You have this problem because of the sheep mentality. People get a bad match and run to imp side. It has been happening on TRE for a while now. Luckily we are getting refugees from the german and french servers on pub now and things are slowly looking up. Very slowly. Being part of the problem is never the solution.

  14. Its nothing major imo. The real issue is the multiple aoe snare the sniper can keep readjusting. With mine I single handily choked a team in voidstar when I kept readjusting my probe as I ran, doing KB in the bottlenecks, rooting, stunning, snaring at will.


    Simply slapping a 9 second cooldown on the probe will settle the issue. Its going to still provide a good bottleneck effect, but not as ridiculous as it can be right now. Alternatively, you'd need to lower to snare to the average 30% that all other "permanent snare" effect provide, and leave the thing as it is. Both can work, but I know I,d rather keep the 70% snare on mine.


    Also when you consider the rather fast reloading stun and 2 additionnal snare/root sniper has, + a possible very powerful single target 80% snare on SoS, you are not lacking in that department.


    I however kinda like where sniper is, and I believe its the level all class should be at. Lots of tools that fits its playstyle, good skill level required to truly shine with it, and if focused correctly can still go down somewhat fast, as the "immunity" time is less than 10 seconds, but its not lacking defensives to attempt to get out of it.


    Exactly. Every other class either A. Cannot move while channeling the aoe, or B. Has a cooldown. While Plasma probe is part of their rotation, it can still be part of their rotation with a cooldown. There was no reason to increase the radius , AND increase the slow.

  15. Yeah... with the end of the current evil.. it would make sense for Imp and Rep to squabble, skirmish, and maybe even war over the left overs.


    To the OP.. we do know one thing.. what comes next will be story focused.... and.. and.... some players will cry many tears over it too. :D


    Er, there is pvp to it, and ops, they already said the focus is on group content , pvp and daily areas now. Not story.

  16. I'm sure the next expansion or set of expansions will see the Republic and Sith Empire rebuilt and the Eternal Throne and the fleet written off somehow.


    It still ends with the Old Republic and the CIS and begins with The New Republic and Galactic Empire. Somewhere between the time frame of SWTOR and The Clone Wars, the Eternal Throne and the fleet were completely forgotten and erased from history.


    4000 years is a good amount of time for the Republic to still be the dominant superpower and eventually collapsing to make way for the Galactic Empire while erasing the Eternal Empire from history, not the Eternal Empire collapsing to the Galactic Empire and the Republic collapsing 4000 years earlier.


    They cant write off the alliance, because with Iokath you have a choice of the Alliance, Empire, or Republic.

  17. Time for SWTOR / ME crossover!



    @OP: I think the better question is, can they forge another story that lives up to what they just made? Finding something to tell a story about is not as hard as it sounds. It's more a question of, "Will anything they come up with seem underwhelming by comparison?"


    My thought would be, they go back to their roots... make full planet or two, complete with heroics, daily hubs, etc. Then dial back the auto-play, epic Outlander form of storytelling a bit and go back to some slower-paced, class-based stuff. There's still a lot of potential material in what the classes are.


    That or not go the class route, but still go back to their roots a bit with planets. And instead of classes, have a story about trying to keep the throne. Someone on the inside betrays you. Some people aren't happy with how you rule and want to get you out of the picture. The material is there for the making.


    (This is, of course, assuming they get the funding to continue.)


    I would much prefer a dune / sw cross over.

  18. It isnt your mouse, it happens to me when I roll with my gunslinger and try to turn afterwards, it just DOESNT work. You have to let go and then reclick and turn, which can feel very wonky if you are in a high stress situation.


    Unless your mouse is really broken, but yeah, I have had this issue for years.

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